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Literature review: biodiesel
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Biodiesel Introduction Though more and more new oil reserves are being exposed, the present demand for oil is about four times higher than the total volume of the oil discovered.... Above 96 percent of the global production of oil is consumed in transportation.... ... ... ... Natural gas that has been thought of as a proper substitute for oil is also running out if reserves being a fossil fuel and hence experiencing rise in price like that of oil....
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Small and Medium Enterprises
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Such firms will replace some the existing firms in the industry because they have access to modern technology.... The following essay "Small and Medium Enterprises" is focused on the development of the small and medium business.... As the text has it, before the recession that began in 2008, SMEs were performing well and could access credit from a financial institution to expand their operations....
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How can Human Rerources Make a Strategic Contribution to Organisations in a Time of Economic Recession
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
How can Human Resources make a strategic contribution to organisations in a time of economic recession?... Research-based advice for Human Resource professionals Contents Contents 2 Introduction 3 Human Resources and Resistance to Organisational Change 3 Impact of Training on the Organisation 5 Engagement and Commitment of Employees in the Organisation 6 Recommendations 8 Conclusion 8 References 10 Introduction The hospitality industry of United Kingdom was badly hit owing to the emergence of global recession....
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Gorbachev and the Age of Rebuilding
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
GORBACHEV AND THE AGE OF REBUILDING INTRODUCTION Mikhael Gorbachev is a Soviet statesman made famous globally by his aggressive and radical methods and means of reform in the Soviet Union.... Motivated by the country's decline in the technological advancement which was essential to international power and status (Graham 1988: p....
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Sustainability Operations in Restaurant
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
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Whether underdevelopment is a consequence of colonial legacy
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper examines the link between under-development and colonialism, looking at two countries in particular: Mauritania, which is a former French colony located in North West Africa, and India which is a former British colony located in Asia.... ... ... ... Many centuries of domination and exploitation followed, until the end of the nineteenth century when the former colonies started to gain their independence, partly through revolt and resistance, and partly because the European powers were exhausted and both militarily and economically, and severely weakened after two World Wars....
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The Ethical Implications from Marketing Cigarettes to Young People in African Countries
9 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In Africa, there is limited technology and understanding of the effects of cigarette smoking especially in most rural areas.... This paper will critically discuss the ethical implications of marketing cigarettes to young people in African countries.... It is evidently clear from the discussion that cigarette is one product where marketers have practiced target market selection frequently....
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Realism, Liberalism and Marxism
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Though strictly not a liberal revolution, Arab Spring is believed to have been brought to the attention of the world by the liberal Muslims of the Middle East who unlike their ancestors and leaders are very well aware of the use and advantages of modern technology and social media which is generally discouraged in their society....
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: A Close Reading
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
This message remains a pertinent one now, nearly two hundred years later, as technology improves and we risk creating a computer with some semblance of free will.... In 1818, a young woman wrote a disturbing scientific horror novel which has since become a seminal part of English-language literature....
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Prepare a SOSE unit of work with rationale
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Student number: Rationale: The Study of Society and the Environment (SOSE) is very important to students.... It includes the study of Economics, Geography and History.... The curriculum has involves the study of Environment, Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander traditions, civics and citizenship.... ...
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Cycles of Failure, Mediocrity and Success and the Role of Staff Empowerment on Breaking the Cycle
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The output is strictly controlled by technology and emphasis is on following the rules as opposed to focusing on the quality of customer service.... This paper explores the concept of cycle of failure, mediocrity and success in the light of existing literature from various journals and books....
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National Curriculum Science
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
n conclusion, I can recommend that curriculum should be reviewed occasional to suit the ever growing technology in the world so as to be relevant to the individuals for the sake of bringing development in the society.... This paper "National Curriculum Science" discusses the anticipated future of National Curriculum Science in the UK....
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U.S. Perspectives and Foreign Policy in Latin America
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There is also an on-going Sino-Brazil collaboration on spy satellite technology.... Given the rise of left-leaning leaders in countries like Venezuela, Argentina and Bolivia in recent times, there could be a no more relevant time than the present to critically analyze and explore US Security Policy in Latin America....
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Nursing-Health Education Project on Teenage Smoking prevention
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
And while prevention of their smoking habit is apparently something that would greatly benefit them, only a few succeed in taking over this trial.... Instead, the smoking populace continues to become younger as more teenagers engage in.... ... ... According to the CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if the youth's current trend in tobacco-consumption continues, 6....
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Rene Descartes: A French Philosopher, Mathematician, and Scientist
13 pages (3604 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, as the movie develops, it is explained that Neo's perceptions are being controlled by a machine through super advanced virtual reality technology, none of what he knows as real is actually real, all of his sensations have been fooled all of his life, Descartes' concept of a being ‘employing all his ingenuity in deceiving me....
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Cross-cultural and HR Practice (Module is Human Resource Management)
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The above two fields will be analyzed and evaluated in accordance with the views stated in the literature and the results of the relevant empirical research. ... ... he issues presented in.... ... ... HRM strategies that will be aligned with the organization's culture and its aims both in the short and the long term....
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11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International trade has been the motivating force behind it.... But with the more recent technological developments as well as reduced trade blockades, growth in trade is definitely on the rise.... Developing counties have also stepped on.... ... ... The integration of trade into the world economy has really proved helpful for the developing countries as they can promote economic Companies which are ready to use upgrade their human resources regimes are thus the ones who have found success in all relevant quarters of their business....
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The Birth of the Hollywood Film Industry
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For both sound recording and playback singing a lot of experimentation was done in the sound film technology “but the twin problems of accurate synchronization and sufficient amplification had been difficult to overcome” (Eyman, 1997).... This research will begin with the statement that Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, USA....
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As per Liker and Hoseus (2007) it was the most profitable auto manufacturer with about $ 11 billion in 2006.... It grew manifold however, the financial crisis hit the firm and it recorded a loss of $ 4.... billion in 2009.... ... ... Toyota has surged into new markets within the last 20 years from Japan to Europe, US and other Asian countries....
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UAL global business strategy
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
One of the most key challenges for firms operating in the modern market is to face the turbulences caused by the recession in all industrial sectors; even if the recession has started to decline it sill influences the performance of firms worldwide – in markets where no.... ... ... In this context, the expansion of firms in the international market can be considered a risky initiative; the criteria on which the expansion of firms worldwide need to be based main unclear; of course, there are certain principles, which, if they are applied, are likely to increase the chances for a firm's success in the global market....
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Good Leaders Are Cross-Cultural Leaders
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
21st century has however come up with much advancement in technology, politics, social and economic wellbeing.... The paper 'Good Leaders Are Сross-Cultural Leaders' refers to Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher's persons to demonstrate traits inherent to real charismatics- can delegate authority, share with the subordinate the vision of the organization's goals, which contributes to their unity and maximum productivity....
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Project -litterature review
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The parental involvement in the schools is an issue under intense scrutiny and debate for example what are the types of parental involvement, and what is successful.... ... ... Epstein (1983) describes six types of involvement which will be investigated further in this paper: basic obligations of families, basic obligation of schools, involvement at school, involvement in learning activities at home, Epstein focused much of her work on homework practices and home-school education, including how parents can monitor and assist at home (Epstein, 1983)....
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Critical Review of The Balanced Scorecard -Measures That Drive Perfornnance
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They have been able to shift their focus from product and technology to customer.... This paper talks about the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) which developed by Kaplan and Norton enables the organization to look at the business from four different perspectives.... It has a customer-focused approach, scrutinizes the internal processes, and determines innovation and growth....
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Audit of a Workplace as a Learning Environment
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the report the sample makers are experts in garment technology entrusted with the job of making samples for the buyer and upon approval, they are used to set standards for the rest of manufacturing process.... The sample makers are experts in garment technology entrusted with the job of making samples for the buyer and upon approval, they are used to set standards for the rest of manufacturing process....
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14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Organizations are engrossed in strategy formulation to gain the lion's share of the market.... Competitive advantage, the be all and end all of all endeavors, is based on core.... ... ... Unlike traditional business, dynamic companies are now implementing different business models for exploring the market....
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Evaluating the Business Environment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
echnologically the Ryanair has been advancing as time goes by as the environment dictates that for an airline to remain competitive, measures to adopt the latest technology have to be enforced.... This paper talks that low cost airlines in Europe are quite many but the market leader in this category has for a long time been Ryanair....
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History of Automobile Industry in Michigan
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
application of the nano-technology that would allow an automaker to fit stain proof fabric seats in the family cars.... This essay declares that the beginning of the industrial revolution gave the momentum to the automobile industry in America, especially, around regions of South East Michigan and surrounding areas of Detroit....
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Professional Development as a Strategic Manager
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The given paper is designed to discuss the strategic management theory and define the main qualities strategic manager should have and the main knowledge he should apply to build the successful strategy for British Airways organization in the modern business.... ... ... A great number of scientists created many theories about the strategic management leadership and decision making....
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Corporate Social Responsible
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But with advances in technology and communications, like minded civil society organizations find themselves better able to combine forces to counteract the actions and influences of multinational corporations.... The author of the following essay "Corporate Social Responsible" primarily claims that the rise of the multinational corporation over the past four decades is a cause of consternation for some global citizens and source of wealth and hope for others....
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Air Force Careers and Benefits in Military Aviation of Canada
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ith the sophistication of the technology in the mid 1960s the complexity of the operation of the North American Air Defense Command increased.... Canada's Air force actually supports a wide variety of operations both in the domestic and the international sector.... The air force is also competent enough to support the land and naval defense policies of the country....
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Marketing Plan for The Times Newspaper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is therefore prudent during the contemporary period of New Information and technology to adopt and online ordering system like the case with The Times in a bid to improve the performance of the organisation so as to increase profitability as well.... Information processing forms the basic function of e-business and the internet is a widely used tool during the contemporary period....
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Infra Red Spectroscopy in Chemistry
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Journal of Vacuum Science and technology B [Internet] ... In the following assignment, the writer intends to describe the use of infrared spectroscopy in the chemistry field.... Furthermore, the present essay conducts a research regarding the possibility of the Infrared spectroscopy use as both a qualitative and quantitative tool....
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Organisational Behaviour and Culture in Business
12 pages (3632 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "Organisational Behaviour and Culture in Business" emphasizes the need for more direct organizational management of the businesses.... .... ... ... The problems at the customer end can be easily done away with if there are adequate steps taken at the organization's level and when the organization understands its commitment which it has promised with the customers, the business that it is running, and to its own organizational self....
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How to build a learning organization with high innovation/how structure affects learning
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Travelhigh Systems is a Private owned company and has been producing Aircraft tools used in Aviation Industries since 1972, and has built up a well-respected business in the South East, with a turnover of $150 million annually.... Its plant employs 2000 staff made up of skilled.... ... ... Most staff are employed in production process work, but a significant number work in research and development and other highly skilled and knowledge-based areas. ...
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Sciology/ Anthropology
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, persons in modern, industrialized nations strongly believe that the choice of a mate should be left to the individual.... It comes as a shock to many.... ... ... eople in these Western nations, then, when they discover that this revered concept of romantic love is almost wholly unknown in most cultures and is considered laughable or self-indulgent in many other societies (Robertson 251)....
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The Impact of Wilkie Collins Had on Charles Dickens Life And Works
12 pages (3301 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Scientific method (like technology in the thriller) then becomes a form of social control over superindividuals, the criminals.... The author shows the literary impact Wilkie Collins had on Charles Dickens' life and works and how these two writers caused the Sensation Novel to be at the forefront of Victorian literary accomplishments....
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The Basic Tools in Developing Project
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A project manager's responsibility includes initiating and planning a project, managing people working on the project, managing the technology, and managing the clients.... This paper will discuss the basic tools like the AdPM, Gnatt charts, CPM, Pert, and SWOT and RISK analysis, which aid the project manager in organizing, sequencing and developing schedules....
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Management accounting and financial accounting
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In business there is a discipline that overtakes all other in importance since it enables everyone to gain access to key information that influences the flow of the world economy.... Another dimension of this field of study that overcedes accounting over other business function is.... ... ... hat it serves as a powerful tool for decision making of operational, strategic, performance, forecasting, measurement as well as other factors that together represent the composition of a business....
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Arts Council of Great Britain
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The arts council has tried to adopt a more modern definition of the arts, one that is open to current trends in emerging (and often challenging) arts practice, in arts and technology, and in breaking down the boundaries between art forms, and between the arts and other disciplines (A....
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Culture and Multiculturalism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These policies were made possible in part by the advancement of computer technology, and use of the internet to facilitate instantaneous supply chain management.... The author of this essay "Culture and Multiculturalism" provides the story to define the concept of multiculturalism....
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Sociology's Impact
9 pages (2692 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Positivist philosophies “expected the ideal forms of society would eventually appear as a result of the progress of reason, science, technology and industry” (Tekinor, 2002).... The essay "Sociology's Impact" has a goal to understand Durkheim's importance to the field, it is necessary to understand not only how he formulated his ideas....
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Corporate Social Responsibility Profile of Two Corporations
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In order to provide decent training and enable the employees to learn the company researches and develops new techniques (for example, information technology) and seeks to obtain external accreditation for training (this is done in order to guarantee that the training provided is of the highest quality and may be recognized by other employers)3....
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Policy Critique Of The Real ID act Of 2005: Combating Illegal Immigration
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Real ID Act of 2005 is part of the United States Public Law 109-13 (HR 1268) and the intent of the law is to deter terrorists activities on American soil.... However, the wording of the law and the effect that it has had on the public as well as the reactions of the critics.... ... ... The features of the Act include removal of laws which interfere with the presence of walls and fences at national borders, improving the laws which are required for asylum seekers to successfully enter the United States, improving However, the most significant impact of the act is the establishment of federal standards for the conditions which must be met before a state can issue drivers' licenses or State ID cards....
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Stock Prices Change And Earnings Changes
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
loan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of technology, Cambridge, ... The paper "Stock Prices Change And Earnings Changes" discusses the fact that stock prices fail to reflect fully the implications of unexpected earnings changes.... The stock prices fail to reflect the extent to which the time-series behavior of earnings deviates from a naive expectation....
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The Duty of Journalists to their Country
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With advanced developments in communications technology the dissemination of news is faster and is more vivid than ever before.... This essay discusses the duty of journalists to the country.... The United States of America has declared a war on terrorism and in Afghanistan and Iraq, a war against terrorism which is over....
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The Case of Georgian Town House Lease
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From this paper, it is clear that in order to understand the rights of both parties involved in a tenancy agreement we should primarily identify the nature of this agreement and its role within the legal framework of a particular region.... It should be noticed that the tenancy agreement is a contract....
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Historians' Interpretation of the German Role in Starting World War I
12 pages (3276 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Haldane, the War Minister, was not alone in recognising Germany as 'his spiritual home, for many shared his enthusiasm for German culture and philosophy; German secondary and tertiary education was correctly perceived to be decades ahead of Britain, especially in the realm of science and technology'....
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Can Cyber-Love Attain Genuinely and Divinity
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“We may better examine intransigent assumptions that underpin how distance-transcending technology is imagined and implemented- how network access for example, is still mediated by gender, nationality, or other forms of differential privilege.... This essay discusses cyber-love: genuinely and divinity....
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Proposal on a Leadership
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The proposed new 5-strand curriculum that includes Math, Literacy, Information technology, Critical Thinking and Social Skills was developed after long deliberation and study by the Planning committee led by Muscat, the Vice Principal and Mirna, a prominent curriculum expert commissioned by Ingram....
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Julia as the Only Point of Relief and Contrast against the Horror of the Orwells 1984
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He is ornamented with “terror and technology” and is completely devoid of any kind of humane virtues, namely, “liberty, spontaneity and equality.... The essay 'Julia as the Only Point of Relief and Contrast against the Horror of the 1984' cites that Julia is the embodiment of femininity and the sole character of the Orwell's narration who gives hope for deliverance from the Big Brother's omnipresent hand and the inconceivable tyranny....
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