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Five Key Benefits of Leisure - Essay Example

The paper "Five Key Benefits of Leisure" argues the psychophysiological benefits of physical activities are reduced tension, positive changes in mood, and esteem, physical and mental relaxation, reduced stress hormones throughout the blood and urine, and general positive interaction…
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Name Course Tutor Date 5 Key Benefits of Leisure Introduction Leisure is one of the most important things that human’s yearn for especially in the current world that is filled with high competition in life. During certain times in life, a person would feel to be out of work and join with family and friends to spend some free time in form of relaxation. It is our dream to be free to pursue what we want and to spend our time meaningfully in pleasurable ways. A lot of research conducted concerning leisure and recreation shows that there are paramount benefits in relation to leisure. Leisure provides 5 basic key benefits which include; economic, social, physiological, environmental, and psychological benefits. Most people relate leisure to physical and mental health, economic development, family bonding, and environmental awareness. It is also important to mention that leisure and recreation forms the largest industry in the world providing employment to many people in the world(Evans J et al). It is possible for an individual to pursue and get the 5 key concepts related to leisure in our daily lives. Economic benefits Hundreds of recent studies show that people are willing to pay more for leisure opportunities. This creates the economic benefits of leisure. There are millions of fitness and recreation centers in the world providing recreation and leisure services. People are becoming more sensitive about their health due to increased cases of obesity and diabetes in the western world. For this purpose, millions of people engage in recreation and leisure activities that aim in improving their health conditions hence proving economic benefits in terms of employment and money. For example, the 2005 research database on Diabetes indicated that 275 Australians contact diabetes every day. The report further suggests that by 2031, 3.3 million Australians will be suffering from diabetes. By the time the data was being released it was estimated that 1.7 million Australians were suffering from type 2 Diabetes (World Health Organization). Diabetes is also considered a costly disease in Australia as it is estimated to cost $ 10.3 billion every year. Club business magazine is one of the bestselling magazines in the field of fitness and health clubs. According to the statistics in this magazine, Australian health clubs are some of the best markets for the magazine (Club fitness International). The Fitness first group is the leading health company in terms of sales. Health fitness business is one of the most competitive businesses in Sydney Australia and Australia in general. Most of the health clubs provide gym, yoga, swimming, personal training, cycling, step, pump, attack, fat circuit burner classes, and fitness that is much more physical. As most Australian has become very sensitive about their health, there has been an influx in the fitness market with gyms having the most clients according to club business magazine. Hundreds of health fitness clubs surround Sydney’s central business district. Tourism is also another recreation and leisure opportunity that provides high returns in terms of foreign exchange for many countries. Tourism and hotel industry is considered one of the first five employers in the world. The industry supports some of the major industries like transport and communication in the world (Edwards). In Australia, 90% of tourism business is small to medium enterprises with less than 100 employees (Cromptom).Tourist arrivals in Malaysia have been rising by more than 160% since the year 2000 to date. The industry is the second best foreign exchange industry after the manufacturing industry. Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia are the highest contributors to the Malaysian industry. Tourism accounts for 7% of the total GDP in Malaysian country. The country remains the top three-tourist destination in the commonwealth countries in the world according to world tourism organization. It is therefore easy to achieve economic benefits of leisure especially through fitness centers, tourism, parks, hotels and many others. Physiological Benefits Aerobic activities provide cardiovascular benefits by reducing the level of cholesterol in the serum. Aerobics also increases the density of lipids in the blood and this helps in reducing cases of high blood pressure and hypertension. Through exercises, people are able to reduce problems related to the spinal cord. There is improved body flexibility, bone strength, and density in addition to stronger muscle contraction(Holder M Coleman). Neurophysiological functioning improves as one constantly engages in physical activities. Bone strength and muscle strength improves through physical activities and connective tissues become more strongly attached to the bones and muscles. Physical activities like swimming, running, and aerobic activities have the advantage of improving the lung capacity leading to efficient gaseous exchange in the body. All this physiological advantages are related to different personal goals and orientation of achieving a certain limit of fitness(Godbey G). Due to health related issues many people utilizes their leisure time engaging in physical activities to keep fit. Physical activities have shown high chances in reducing health related diseases. With the increase in obesity levels in UK, most of the children and adults who are mostly affected have sought for physical fitness as a therapy. Most of the health clubs provide gym, yoga, swimming, personal training, cycling, step, pump, attack, fat circuit burner classes, and fitness that is much more physical. The heart and circulatory system shows great improvement with increased physical activities. Such advantages include; heart muscle hypertrophy increases resistance against fatigue, improved blood vesselelasticity thereforereducing the risk of hypertension, better circulation of materials in the body, and burning of excess fats in the body thereby reducing the risk of obesity. Most of the above listed physiological benefitslead to significant reduction in stress leading to proper stress management. Certain biochemical changes take place during physical activities leading to chemical balances. For example, constant physical activities balance the levels of epinephrine and norephrine, which are associated with depression. Physical activities during leisure and recreation provide a tranquilizing effect through endorphins, which lower muscle tension leading to relation of muscles. While exercising, one is able to dissipate negative feelings and emotions like anger, fear, and frustration. Digestive and excretory advantages related to physical activities include; improved digestion of food, improved bowel movement hence less risk of colon cancer, and improved removal of wastes through sweating. The immune system also developed increased activity of defense cells if someone constantly engages in physical activities in form of leisure and recreation. In a summary, we can argue that the psychophysiological benefits of physical activities are reduced tension and anxiety, positive effects and changes in mood, improved self-image and esteem, physical and mental relaxation, reduced stress hormones throughout the blood and urine, and general positive interaction. The above-mentioned advantages are important for improved performance at work and home and social interaction leading to a state of wellbeing. In conclusion, achievement of physiological benefits of leisure is feasible in these modern tough economic times. Engaging in physical activities during leisure time will provide one with all the above-mentioned advantages. Environmental Benefits People will constantly need time and place to engage in recreation and leisure activities. The economic advantages related to leisure and recreation especially in tourism is leading to the demand for conservation of the environment. Human activities lead to degradation of the environment leaving no places for leisure and recreation. Due to this, environmentalists are urging people to engage in sustainable human development to ensure that there is no depletion of resources, which may leave the future generation suffering. Corporate social responsibility are the services provided by the tourism, hospitality, and hotel industries for the betterment of the society and the environment in general (Handerson, 2007). According to world tourism organization (World Tourism Organization) sustainable development for business leads to the management of resources such that economic, social, and aesthetics needs can be developed while maintaining cultural integrity, ecological processes, biological activities and life support systems. It is for this reason that the tourism and hospitality sectors have embraced the social corporate responsibility approach. Corporate social responsibility requires the stakeholders that are the community, the hotel industry, the government, and the donors to come together and lay down strategies that are affecting their plans. Some of the advantages of this approach can be seen in the sense that people are becoming increasingly aware of environmental degradation and the need to take care of the environment (Intercontinental Hotel Group). Corporate responsibility has helped in identifying problems at younger stages and this has helped in resolving and finding solutions to these problems. It has also helped minimize resource waste and use of environmentally friendly technology in the hotel and tourism sectors. Through corporate responsibility, it is possible to ensure compliance with operational development plans, standards, and targets for sustainable tourism through provision of incentives, monitoring and evaluation, and law enforcement activities where it is necessary (Vella, 2000). Corporate responsibility has helped in raising awareness through education of the community and the society in general on the importance of sustainable development of the tourism industry. Several networks and dialogue teams have also been established through the process of corporate social responsibility in the tourism industry. Despite the competition in the tourism sector, the corporate social responsibilities have ensured healthy competitive environment in the tourism industry (Porter, 2006). The problem of geographical and global inequality is identified through social corporate responsibility and several policies are provided in regard with the same. Through leisure activities, the society has been able to engage in environmental protection by engaging the community in services that protect the environment. For example, a community through youths may organize a recreation day for sweeping and cleaning the streets. Such actions help in improving environmental conditions. Achieving environmental benefits as leisure is not often easy mainly since it involves groups and other environmental bodies concerned with environmental protection. However, if care is taken smaller bits of environmental leisure benefits are possible. Psychological Benefits According to Motl et al, (2004) adolescents are suffering from the high levels of depression per age group. Through participation in extra curriculum and leisure activities, there is substantial evidence in psychological wellbeing, physical health, academic performance, social wellbeing, and cases of reduced risk taking. There are increased psychological benefits of engaging in leisure and recreation activities. Some of the advantages include; high ad increased sense of freedom, enhanced and improved self-competence, high self-esteem and self-confidence, better leadership skills, improved social status as one can relate to others in a positive way. There is also a better perception in terms of religion, value clarification, increased cognitive efficiency, ability to solve problems, high ability to adaptation and resilience, improved sense of humor, improved value of life, balanced and valued competitiveness, increased ability to learn about culture, history, and nature, and reduced personal sense of social orientation. According to Albert Bandura, leisure activities are essential throughout the lifespan of an individual in terms of growth and development. Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs was also keen to point out that leisure is necessary for an individual to attain self-actualization. John Finnis a theorist concluded that leisure is necessary for wellbeing. These theorists all believe that leisure is an important aspect that must be observed by humans in order to achieve a certain level of psychological satisfaction in life(Witt P). In summary, psychological benefits of leisure becomes part of our daily lives without us realizing. This means that psychological benefits of leisure are the easiest ones and the cheapest means of leisure benefits that we come across in our daily activities. Social Benefits Communities and societies enjoy different leisure activities. Leisure related amenities leads to community satisfaction. For example, different communities have football teams that they support and derive satisfaction form their performance. The communities also play a big role in supporting their teams. Social leisure cites have monuments of certain great personalities that belong to certain communities. Most people will visit such places to deriving satisfaction from a community perspective(Slutzky C B). Through leisure activities, societies have been able to instill positive values and behavior in the community. Leisure activities such as sweeping and cleaning the environment help in instilling positive behavior of environmental protection. The youth within the society may also engage in annual events that aim at improving the social relationships within the community(Mahoney J et al). For example is when the youth engages in visiting the sick in the hospital, visiting the orphan in their orphanages, visiting the prisoners in the prisons and many others. All these are social leisure activities that aim at improving the identity of the community and the society and meeting their unique needs. Leisure also provides time for families to meet and bond together. This helps in improving the social family lives. Families are able to come together and interact. This improves family ties, trust and improves the meaning of life in general. According to many researchers, there is increased evidence that social support and companionship contributes to longer, happy, quality, and disease free life. Most of the community centers in our societies provide leisure centers aiming at changing behavior. Psychologically, children need more leisure time at the early stages for proper growth and development. It is therefore very essential that positive and good leisure and recreation environment be provided to children as they grow. There have been concerns regarding the rising cases of crime, drugs and substance abuse, and other social illness within the society(Kirkcaldy B.D). It is believed that through provision of better social activities and services within the society, there is possibility of significant reduction in such negative social behaviors. Social activities are also related to proper educational benefits that people in the society enjoy(Robbins L). In summary, social advantages of leisure occur less often. This is because they engage groups for example family members, friends, workmates, and many others. Benefits of social leisure activities are achievable especially through proper management activities at work. Most organizations organize social activities like open days, sports day, and parties as a means of enhancing good work relations. Conclusion The five key elements of leisure are achievable and contribute to human development in different ways. Tourism is also another recreation and leisure opportunity that provides high returns in terms of foreign exchange for many countries. In a summary, we can argue that the psychophysiological benefits of physical activities are reduced tension and anxiety, positive effects and changes in mood, improved self-image and esteem, physical and mental relaxation, reduced stress hormones throughout the blood and urine, and general positive interaction.Through leisure activities, societies have been able to instill positive values and behavior in the community. In conclusion, participation in extra curriculum and leisure activities, there is substantial evidence in psychological wellbeing, physical health, academic performance, social wellbeing, and cases of reduced risk taking. Works Cited Club fitness International. Fitness clubs in the UK. Sydney: Club Fitness International, 2012. Cromptom, Jason. "A giude for undertaking economic impact studies." Journal of travel research (2001): Vol 40 Issue No 1 78-87. Edwards, Deborah. "Incorporating suatainability in events and event management education." Internatonal journal of event management (2005): Vol 1 Issue No 1 8-9. Evans J et al. "Tracking of physical activity behaviors during childhood, adolescence and youg adulthood." Eoidemiol Community Health (2009): 63 9. Godbey G. Leisure in our lif: An exploration 6th edition. PA: Venture: State College, 2003. Handerson, C. "Corporate social responsibility and tourism." Inetrnational journal of Hospitality Management (2007): Vol 26 228-239. Holder M Coleman, & Sehn Z. "The contribution of active and passive leisure to childrens well being." Journal of Health Psychology (2007): 14(3) 378-386. Intercontinental Hotel Group. Corporate Sustainability Report. London: Intercontinental Hotel Group, 2010. Kirkcaldy B.D, et al. "The relationship between physical activity and self-image an problem behavior mong adolescents." Social Psychiatry Epidemiology (2002): 37, 544-550. Mahoney J et al. Organized activities as Developmental context for children and Adolecents. Organized activities as contexts of developemnt:Extracurricular Activities, After-school and Community Programs. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbraum Associates Inc Publishers, 2005. Porter, M. The link between the competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. New York: Havard Business Review, 2006. Robbins L, Sirkorskii A, Hamel l, et al. "Gender comparison of percieved benefits of and barriesr to physical acttivity in middle school youth." Research in Nursing and Helath (2009): 32, 163-176. Slutzky C B, & Simpkins S.D. "The link between children' sport participation and self esteem: Exploring the mediatig role of sport self concept." Elsevier: Pyschology of Sport and Exercise (200810, 381-389). Vella, K. "Use of Consesus developemnet to establish national research policies in critical care." British Medical Journal (2000): Vol 320 Issue No.7240 976-980. Witt P, & Caldwell L. Recreation and Youth Development. New Jersey: PA: Venture Publishing, 2005. World Health Organization. "Diabetes in Autsralia." International Diabetes Federation (2007): 1 of 7. World Tourism Organization. What tourism managers needs to know. 28 January 1995. 2012 . Read More

Health fitness business is one of the most competitive businesses in Sydney Australia and Australia in general. Most of the health clubs provide gym, yoga, swimming, personal training, cycling, step, pump, attack, fat circuit burner classes, and fitness that is much more physical. As most Australian has become very sensitive about their health, there has been an influx in the fitness market with gyms having the most clients according to club business magazine. Hundreds of health fitness clubs surround Sydney’s central business district.

Tourism is also another recreation and leisure opportunity that provides high returns in terms of foreign exchange for many countries. Tourism and hotel industry is considered one of the first five employers in the world. The industry supports some of the major industries like transport and communication in the world (Edwards). In Australia, 90% of tourism business is small to medium enterprises with less than 100 employees (Cromptom).Tourist arrivals in Malaysia have been rising by more than 160% since the year 2000 to date.

The industry is the second best foreign exchange industry after the manufacturing industry. Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia are the highest contributors to the Malaysian industry. Tourism accounts for 7% of the total GDP in Malaysian country. The country remains the top three-tourist destination in the commonwealth countries in the world according to world tourism organization. It is therefore easy to achieve economic benefits of leisure especially through fitness centers, tourism, parks, hotels and many others.

Physiological Benefits Aerobic activities provide cardiovascular benefits by reducing the level of cholesterol in the serum. Aerobics also increases the density of lipids in the blood and this helps in reducing cases of high blood pressure and hypertension. Through exercises, people are able to reduce problems related to the spinal cord. There is improved body flexibility, bone strength, and density in addition to stronger muscle contraction(Holder M Coleman). Neurophysiological functioning improves as one constantly engages in physical activities.

Bone strength and muscle strength improves through physical activities and connective tissues become more strongly attached to the bones and muscles. Physical activities like swimming, running, and aerobic activities have the advantage of improving the lung capacity leading to efficient gaseous exchange in the body. All this physiological advantages are related to different personal goals and orientation of achieving a certain limit of fitness(Godbey G). Due to health related issues many people utilizes their leisure time engaging in physical activities to keep fit.

Physical activities have shown high chances in reducing health related diseases. With the increase in obesity levels in UK, most of the children and adults who are mostly affected have sought for physical fitness as a therapy. Most of the health clubs provide gym, yoga, swimming, personal training, cycling, step, pump, attack, fat circuit burner classes, and fitness that is much more physical. The heart and circulatory system shows great improvement with increased physical activities. Such advantages include; heart muscle hypertrophy increases resistance against fatigue, improved blood vesselelasticity thereforereducing the risk of hypertension, better circulation of materials in the body, and burning of excess fats in the body thereby reducing the risk of obesity.

Most of the above listed physiological benefitslead to significant reduction in stress leading to proper stress management. Certain biochemical changes take place during physical activities leading to chemical balances. For example, constant physical activities balance the levels of epinephrine and norephrine, which are associated with depression. Physical activities during leisure and recreation provide a tranquilizing effect through endorphins, which lower muscle tension leading to relation of muscles.

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