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Outline the 5 Key Benefits of Leisure - Essay Example

The paper "Outline the 5 Key Benefits of Leisure" tells us about what leisure is and its benefits. The conventional definition of the term leisure varies to a great extent from contemporary definition…
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Student’s name Institution Course Lecturer Task: Outline the 5 key benefits of leisure. Do you think they are feasible to achieve in modern society? If so, how? If not, why not? Date Many debates have emerged regarding what leisure is and its benefits. The conventional definition of the term leisure varies to a great extent from contemporary definition. Leisure has undergone transformation to a more sophisticated way of understanding how it is employed. Jenkins & Pigram (2013: vii) highlight the fact that endless debates have emerged on how leisure, recreation and tourism can be defined and their means of understanding have become more sophisticated than before. In the same way, debates on whether it is important or not have emerged. Some scholars have argued in support of it being crucial while others have argued against. Its emergence in the academic discipline was in the late 1960’s and since then, leisure studies have seen unprecedented growth in various perspectives. Despite emergence to the academic discipline in the late 1960,s, leisure had already been given focus by ancient philosophers such as Aristotle who perceived leisure as that state of being away from labor activities ( Jenkins & Pigram, 2013: vii). It is therefore crucial to note that leisure existed long before its emergence to academic discipline. Since then, it has become a subject of debate with contemporary scholars coming in to give their diverse views on it. In fact, it has extended beyond academics to receive more attention from the governments through policy formulation. Its importance can be reflected from developed world’s inclusion in policy formulation and implementation. Some of state governments have even gone to an extent of participating in encouraging leisure in form of vacations by contributing to the costs related to vocational trips to some of its citizens. This has been bolstered by the development in technology which increased efficiency and made more time available for leisure. Indeed, leisure has proven to be of great importance in our contemporary society where work ethics are changing every other day. Much has been done with regards to the benefits of leisure especially on the health dimension. This can be depicted from the ever growing body of research that stresses on the importance of leisure. At the time of emergence into the academic discipline, research on the benefits of leisure was very limited to physical and mental dimension. Jenkins & Pigram (2013) posit that few research studies were conducted before 1980’s and was twofold; physical and mental dimension. Leisure can benefit individuals in several broad dimensions; socially, physically, economically, psychologically, physiologically, environmentally and spiritually. Some of these benefits are interrelated in some way with one benefit resulting to the other. The physical and physiological benefits can be discussed with regards to the current increase in diet related medical conditions such as obesity. Leisure activities involving physical exercises help in reducing such diseases. It is critical to note that not all leisure activities involve physical activities. Currently, obesity is a big threat among the children especially for developed nations where work ethics and lifestyles have changed. According to Schwarzenegger, Chrisman & Coleman (2005), residents of California are facing the threat of health issues such as obesity, diabetes and depression due to lack of physical activity. California is one of the many states in developed countries facing direct effects of changing lifestyles. Other nations such as Australia and Canada are facing the same threat. In fact, the World Health Organization has declared Obesity as a global epidemic (Daníelsdóttir, 2006). Besides poor diet, physical inactivity has been identified as a contributing factor to this peril (Hardman & Stensel, 2003). This has been bolstered by the changing lifestyle where many people are moving towards sedentary kind of lifestyle. Western countries are facing this problem more than other countries of the world. Research studies have indicated a direct correlation between health and physical activity. Most leisure activities provide physical exercises to individuals. Gibson & Singleton (2011: 139) points out the fact that physical type of leisure has a positive impact on the quality of life. The idea of leisure and health having a direct correlation began long time ago during the time of ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It is because of this reason that it has currently been given more attention in all disciplines. Health experts are emphasizing on the need to engage in more physical activities deemed to guarantee good health. In fact some scholars have argued that having enough physical activities is the best form of insurance an individual can give to his or her body. Besides physical health, leisure helps in improving the mental health of individuals. Play as an example of physical leisure activity is important in the development of trust, and self-expressiveness, and the ability to have control over the surroundings which are the backbone of mental health among the children. This is owed to the fact that physical activity has been found to have an effect on endorphin production and blood circulation on the body. Despite the fact that endorphins have been found to have some correlation with addiction (Leuenberger, 2006), researchers have also discovered their benefits. Endorphin is a hormone responsible for boosting emotions and at the same time being a being reliever (Brown, Thomas & Kotecki, 2002: 303). Good blood circulation and endorphin production is crucial in both the physical and mental health of an individual. Perhaps, one can attest to this from how it feels after a physical activity; the main one being a feeling of relaxed mind. Physical activities help in boosting blood circulation, increasing metabolism, and strengthening organ functioning, maintaining physical health and improving body fitness (Chiu, 2008: 36). Similarly, Human Kinetics (Organization) (2010) underscores the fact that leisure activities are crucial for emotional stableness and cognitive health. They help in cutting down anxiety and stress in mind. The findings of a research study conducted by the National Population Health Survey of Canada in 1994 indicated that leisure activities involving physical exercises do help in coping with stress (Iwasaki et al., 2001: 217). It is for this reason that leisure involving physical activities are recommended for the treatment of mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Despite having these positive outcomes with regards to mental wellbeing, leisure activities may at times lead to feelings such as anxiety. Perhaps, people who have played video games can attest to this. When one engages in leisure activities involving high expectations at the end, they tend to bring tension to the mind. At the end of it all, one would become bored rather than relaxed. It is therefore important to note that the kind of mental wellbeing achieved at the end will be dependent on the type of leisure activity one chooses. Needless to say, choosing an activity that is enjoyable to you is crucial in the achievement of mental wellbeing. Besides having physiological and mental benefits, leisure activities do have economic benefits as well. Empirical documentations can attest to these economic benefits of leisure. Generally, leisure involves spending. According to Hayward (2000), leisure and tourism have positive impacts on the economy of the nation as a whole as well as locality. Residents of an area having facilities for leisure benefit from jobs and income that is crucial for economic development. Leisure and tourism go hand in hand and in many cases cannot be separated. It is a common thing to hear of countries which have greatly benefited from being major tourist hubs such as UAE. In fact according to ‘The Academy of Leisure Sciences’ white paper no. 7 ‘ leisure industry is among the top biggest industries in the world in terms of employment and income generation to a country (The Academy of Leisure Sciences, University of Alberta, 2000) thus; many countries are now focusing on improving it. It thus affects the economy of a country directly. On the other hand, leisure has been proved to be effective in reducing absenteeism from work (The Academy of Leisure Sciences, University of Alberta, 2000). This can be supported by the earlier discussed concept of leisure helping in reducing stress and improving mental health of an individual. According to Chiu (2008: 37) leisure activities are helpful in the improvement of work performance, discovery of self potential, increasing self esteem and confidence, and inspiring creativity in an individual. When a worker is allocated enough time for leisure, he or she is more likely to have a positive attitude towards job. It is thus helpful in increasing productivity in work. Leisure activities benefit individuals of a community irrespective of whether they are using leisure services or not. Jenkins & Pigram (2013: 32) underscore the fact that in spite of the fact that most leisure benefits are as a result of direct use of these leisure facilities, some of the many leisure benefits ensue from managerial activities such as the increased income generated by leisure agencies. It is therefore critical to note that leisure activities benefit both the users and non-users in that locality. Despite having some negative effects such as affecting the lives of the individuals living near that region (Hayward, 2000: 288); the positive economic effects outweigh the negative side. Through leisure, participants also benefit socially. Social benefits may come along with cultural benefits. Leisure benefits both the community and families which engage in them socially. When families engage in leisure, they tend to understand each other more and united by the activities involved therefore developing strong relationships among themselves (Human Kinetics (Organization), 2010: 48). According to Coleman & Iso-Ahola (1993), leisure activities are important in helping individuals acquire the attribute of cooperating with others, strengthens friendships, inculcate a sense of acknowledging each other and increases the strength of facing challenges. Therefore, it is helpful in various dimensions. Lifestyles are currently changing where most people are employed. Child-parent relationship has weakened as a result of this. Children are being taken to kindergartens at a tender age so that their parents can continue with their obligations. As a consequence, children grow up without bonding to their parents. The only remedy for this is through leisure activities. It is the best way of bettering parent-children relationship and also bonding families (Chiu, 2008: 38; The Academy of Leisure Sciences, University of Alberta, 2000). At the same time, leisure activities in certain areas help in promoting cultural awareness among the participants (The Academy of Leisure Sciences, University of Alberta, 2000). Sedentary kind of lifestyle has resulted to people failing to become knowledgeable about their own culture. Leisure activities done in areas where cultural values still exist such as historic sites may help in promoting cultural awareness. Generally, leisure help in promoting social development which might be crucial in the development of others dimensions of health such as mental and physiological health (Human Kinetics (Organization), 2010: 59). Studies have also shown that there exists a direct correlation between leisure and spiritual development (Human Kinetics (Organization), 2010). In fact, scholars have argued that leisure provides an avenue for spiritual development. Heintzman (1999) argues that leisure provides time and space necessary for spiritual development. However, he underscores the fact that not all leisure activities are conducive for spiritual well-being. In the same way, studies have also indicated a direct relationship between spiritual health and the quality of life. Individuals who are healthy spiritually are knowledgeable about why they live and the importance of living with others. They live in accordance to spiritual values such as love, commitment and happiness. These values provide sense of living to individuals. Other scholars have proposed a model that can be used to indicate the direct relationship between leisure and spirituality (Human Kinetics (Organization), 2010: 54). These models are crucial in the sacrilization and resacrilization. Sacrilization is termed as the act of making a person to be aware of his or her spirituality. Leisure provides activities for sacrilization and resacrilization (Human Kinetics (Organization), 2010: 54). It is quite undeniable that spiritual health is crucial for the development of other dimensions of human health such as mental health. On many instances, spiritually healthy individuals live happy lives. Generally leisure is crucial for human development in all dimensions. Despite being crucial, many people are not knowledgeable about these benefits. In fact according to The Academy of Leisure Sciences, White paper No. 7; many people have at no instant ever imagined of these benefits. Yet it may require little imagination, it is quite worrying that even the policy makers themselves do not reflect this kind of thinking. Some governments have contributed towards enhancing leisure activities through policy making and implementation. It is therefore crucial to note that government policies are the best way of attaining these leisure benefits. Governments need to develop programs and allocate enough resources towards leisure facilities. They are therefore achievable in modern society through proper policy making. Some individuals are aware of these benefits, but the changing lifestyle may present a hurdle towards their achievement. Public awareness is therefore another good way of achieving these benefits of leisure. People need to be educated on the importance of leisure besides availing leisure facilities. References Jenkins, J. & Pigram, J. 2013. Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. New York: Routledge. Schwarzenegger, A., Chrisman, M. & Coleman, R. 2005. The Health and Social Benefits of Recreation, An Element of the California Outdoor Recreation Planning Program. California: State of California Resources Agency. Daníelsdóttir, S. The Obesity War in Iceland in O’Hara L. 2006. Australian bodies to become biggest in the world within the next ten years, Health at Every Size, 19 (4): 235-247. Hardman, A. E. & Stensel, D. J. 2003. Physical Activity and Health: The Evidence Explained. New York: Routledge. Gibson, H. J. & Singleton, J. F. 2011. Leisure and Aging: Theory and Practice. Champaign: Human Kinetics 10%. Hutchinson, S. L. 2011. Physical Activity, Recreation, Leisure and Sport: Essential Pieces of the Mental Health and Well-being Puzzle. Nova Scotia. Leuenberger, A. 2006. Endorphins, Exercise and Addictions: A Review of Exercise Dependence. The premier Journal for undergraduate Publications in the Neurosciences.1-9. Brown, K. M, Thomas, D. Q., & Kotecki, J. E. 2002. Physical Activity and Health: An Interactive Approach. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Hayward, P. A. 2000. Leisure and Tourism: Heinemann GNVQ Intermediate. London: Heinemann. The Academy of Leisure Sciences, University of Alberta. 2000. White paper No. 7: The Benefits of Leisure. The Academy of Leisure Sciences. Chiu, W. A. 2008. Study of Motivation, Satisfaction, and Constraints of Collegiate Chinese Martial Arts Athletes Engaged in Leisure Activities in Taiwan. New York: ProQuest. Human Kinetics (Organization). 2010. Dimensions of Leisure for Life: Individuals and Society. Champaign: Human Kinetics 10%. Coleman, D. & Iso-Ahola S. E. 1993. Leisure and Health: The Role of Social Support and Slef- Determination. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2): 111-128. Iwasaki, Y., Zuzanek, J. & Mannell, R. C., 2001. The Effects of Physically Active Leisure on Stress-Health Relationships. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 92(3): 214-218. Heintzman, P. 1999. Leisure and Spiritual Well-Being Relationships: A Qualitative Study. Wolfville: Acadia University. Read More

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