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Digital Journalism Nowadays
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is the rise of a new form of technology that allows people to not only read information online, but they can also contribute to the subject of discussion.... The paper "Digital Journalism Nowadays" discusses that the release of sousveillance unofficial mobile footage was facilitated by the convergence of culture as people from different cultural backgrounds had access to the footage through their mobile phones....
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The Effects of Advertisements on Women
9 pages (2712 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, due to the enhancement of technology, many had used every medium platform to advertise.... The paper "The Effects of Advertisements on Women" highlights that it is essential for advertisers, especially products and services that are directed to female consumers, to consider the effects of the advertisements on the consumers and the prospective buyers....
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Deforestation as an Environmental Tragedy
10 pages (2632 words) , Download 0 , Essay
n the Tragedy of The Commons, it thus stipulated that the increase in the populace should lead to a decreased share in every individual and that the use of technology cannot provide a solution to this problem.... The paper "Deforestation as an Environmental Tragedy" discusses that the tragedy may, without doubt, be in existence but the users of the resources may recognize the depleting resources and effects on the yield and thus choose to act on it and save the resources....
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Critical Perspectives on Management Deconstruction and Application in the Contemporary Organisation
12 pages (3149 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the advent of new forms of technology and electronic-based information and data, the nature of organizations in the business environment is also gradually changing.... Introduction With the advent of new forms of technology and electronic-based information and data, the nature of organisations in the business environment is also gradually changing....
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EU Economy: Issues and Policies
12 pages (3379 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "EU Economy: Issues and Policies" sheds some light on the emergence of global economies like China has led to the shift in the center of gravity of the economy of the world.... China has experienced rapid growth rates in its economic development.... ... ... ... China has also asserted itself as the leading exporter in the world leading to the accumulation of foreign currency reserves and the establishment of comparative advantage....
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Risks for European Transnational Corporations
11 pages (3219 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Risks for European Transnational Corporations'' tells us that any transnational corporation with an eye set on the international market has more often than not observed the frenzy surrounding emerging markets, following Indian's significant development in the technology sector and China's fiscal growth.... Risks for European transnational corporation while expanding into emerging markets Introduction Any transnational corporation with an eye set on the international market has more often than not observed the frenzy surrounding emerging markets, following Indian's significant development in the technology sector and China's fiscal growth....
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Changes in the Structure of Investment Banking in the UK: 1985 - 2005
12 pages (3882 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Changes in the Structure of Investment Banking in the UK: 1985 - 2005" analyzes the main drivers of transformations in the structure of investment banking in the UK between 1985 - 2005.... Investment Banking is the process of advising and transacting for corporate and non-corporate clients....
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Ethical Health Care
8 pages (2450 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper 'Ethical Health Care' states that Cultural competence can be of several levels, but let us consider three levels out of them: purpose, skills, attitude.... What do we think about the purpose of cultural competence, is to achieve improved health standards of minorities and ethnic groups?...
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Coronary Heart Diseases Rehabilitation
10 pages (2919 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, due to increased medical technology, fatalities after cardiac events have been on the downward slide.... The paper 'Coronary Heart Diseases Rehabilitation' takes a critical look at cardiac rehabilitation with a view to assessing the level of acceptance, availability of resources, and gender and age distribution of participants in the programs, which are issues that have taken dominance in recent study reports involving cardiac rehabilitation....
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mitochondrial Dysregulation, and Oxidative Stress
9 pages (2922 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Food Science and technology Bulletin: Functional Foods.... This essay "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mitochondrial Dysregulation, and Oxidative Stress" is about a disease or disorder characterized by frequent exhaustion that cannot be solved with resting.... It cannot be described by any underlying health condition....
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Human Health as a Vital Aspect of an Individuals Life
10 pages (2856 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The first improvement is in line with the technology.... The paper "Human Health as a Vital Aspect of an Individual's Life" tells that Health is a significant aspect of all human beings.... This research paper will focus on ways to prevent diseases.... The first task will focus on widening individual knowledge towards the understanding of the different approaches....
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Economic and Global Health Care
10 pages (2727 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is the role of the developed nations to apply their advanced technology to transform such raw materials into useful or valuable end products (Brock, 2009).... The paper "Economic and Global Health Care" discusses that generally speaking, reduced poverty levels would mean sufficient health care facilities like advanced medical machinery, modern effective drugs, and comfortable space in the health care facilities....
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History of the Gulf Restaurant Business and the Current Position
12 pages (3300 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, after we initiate technology in the business, services such as credit cards and others will be acceptable.... The author of the paper "History of the Gulf Restaurant Business and the Current Position" will begin with the statement that the city of Manchester provides a strategic position for establishing fast-food restaurants as is observable from the increasing new franchises opening the city center....
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Strategic Management: An Analysis of Apple
11 pages (3439 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Furthermore, the company seeks to recruit those with tacit knowledge and expertise in areas of product development, service competency, management, and even information technology in an effort to gain the most talented employees in the global labour pool.... The author of the paper "Strategic Management: An Analysis of Apple" will begin with the statement that the global smartphone market will be valued at $4....
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Health Care Involvement Real Time Emergency
9 pages (2671 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is because they are aware that in emergency departments there is a specialist ready to help in any time of emergency and the presence of an advanced diagnostic technology.... This paper ''Health Care Involvement Real Time Emergency'' tells us that emergency departments require advanced support to help in monitoring and controlling its various processes like the operational processes....
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The Role Competition Authorities Play in Correcting Market Failures and Facilitate Competition
10 pages (3055 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This has also been greatly helped by the leaps and bounds of technology which has facilitated vast improvements in transportation and communication.... The paper 'The Role Competition Authorities Play in Correcting Market Failures and Facilitate Competition' states that the business environment of today faces immense pressure from globalization and technological innovation....
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Commodity Risk Management Evaluation
10 pages (2921 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These factors include weather, Total income, random shocks, certain capital stocks, changes in technology and changes in consumer preferences.... The essay "Commodity Risk Management Evaluation" focuses on the critical analysis of the major methods and techniques adopted for the evaluation of commodity risk management....
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Australia Defence Policy
10 pages (2919 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The advancement in technology has made it easy for terrorists to launch attacks using sophisticated methods.... The paper "Australia Defence Policy" clears up that the policies require adjustments for responding to the security threats that could impact negatively on the country....
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Implementing a Sustainability at St Jude Medical
12 pages (3389 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jude Medical's mission is to “develop medical technology and services that put more control into the hands of those who treat cardiac, neurological and chronic pain patients, worldwide” (St.... The paper "Implementing a Sustainability at St Jude Medical" discusses that organizations can overcome the barriers when they develop a clear vision of where they are heading, develop a culture of sustainability, and create collaborative relationships....
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Reflexive Managers in Contemporary Organizations
12 pages (3198 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The leadership and production strategies applied in contemporary organizations are modernized and the technology used in such organizations is advanced and the latest in the market.... This paper ''Reflexive Managers in Contemporary Organizations'' tells us that contemporary organizations use the most recent strategies in production and leadership practice (Boje, 2001)....
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The Identification and Analysis of the Economic, Political and Social Issues Facing the US
11 pages (3330 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Sam Harris' The Moral Landscape, Journal of Evolution and technology, 21(2), pp.... The paper "The Identification and Analysis of the Economic, Political and Social Issues Facing the US" states that power sharing between government, business and the people of the United States must be a priority in order to regain economic stability in the nation....
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Entrepreneurial Processes and the Social Construction of Opportunity
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is done by combining all art forms together with technology to work with the community.... This is done by combining all art forms together with technology to work with the community.... According to the paper 'Entrepreneurial Processes and the Social Construction of Opportunity', the ability to create an enterprise is one that is dependent on the ownership and those who have begun the business....
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African Economies - the Performance of the English and French Speaking Countries
11 pages (2771 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is also the language of technology and education in many spheres.... The paper "African Economies - the Performance of the English and French Speaking Countries " is an outstanding example of a macro & microeconomics essay.... For a long time, Africa has been known as the 'dark continent' due to many factors, among them the low rates of development and the poor state of the economies of many of the countries on the continent....
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Use of Nature and Landscape as Symbolic of Irish Spirit
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Both the novels ‘That They May Face the Rising Sun' and ‘Amongst Women' deal with the dilemma of trying to hold on to a past that is losing its significance in the face of new age technology and also replaced by it really fast. ... This essay "Use of Nature and Landscape as Symbolic of Irish Spirit" focuses on Irish literature that has been the voice of the land since the days of its freedom movement....
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Challenges to Managing Diversity in Organisations
10 pages (3106 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For instance, a young person may suggest the introduction of technology in running the operations of the organization.... The question was answered by describing what diversity is and the significance of accepting and respecting people's wellbeing irrespective of race, age, profession, language, ideas and or place or origin....
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The Personnel Management Concept
9 pages (2629 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The following paper under the title 'The Personnel Management Concept' is a useful example of a human resources essay.... The paper represents a case study report, which regards the fact that with the transition to a market economy system, the personnel management concept has changed to a great extent....
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
13 pages (3354 words) , Download 2 , Essay
She had gained two PhDs; one from Imperial College in 2007 for Biomaterials and the other from the University of Science and technology of Beijing in 1992 for Metallurgical Physics. ... The paper "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace " states that it is quite essential to state that professor Simon, the Head of Department and also academic supervisor of Ms....
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The Global Oil Price Crisis
14 pages (3827 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Oil taxation has become an instrument for wealth re-distribution in the wealthy and industrialized economies who own the technology, expertise and capital to develop the industry.... The paper "The Global Oil Price Crisis" tells that the industrial economy worldwide has relied so much on oil as the lifeblood of every nation's major source of energy....
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Is Political Art Possible
13 pages (3503 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although it was believed that the dominant culture would have sufficient influence over the other to replace it and force the higher technology society back into prominence, the important take-away message is that the symbols and codes people use to judge their place in society and artists use to express their ideas are altered regardless of which culture they are in because each adapts to meet the other somewhere in the middle....
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Nutritional Information in the Fast Food Sector
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many health researchers such as Heini and Weinsier (1997) have opined that individuals at present burn fewer calories as compared to earlier times due to the rapid growth of technology.... This essay "Nutritional Information in the Fast Food Sector" aims to analyze the impact of displaying nutritional information on the fast-food items served by McDonald's and Subway have a potential impact on customer behavior....
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Religions in the World
12 pages (3487 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Somehow, one of them viewed European race as the superior one, as the Europeans have great contribution in the fields of science and technology, as well as have rendered outstanding services in various science disciplines including biology, medicine, physics, computer sciences and others....
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Road Freight Transportation
10 pages (2888 words) , Download 2 , Essay
supply chain is the system of organization, people technology, activities, information and resources that are involved in moving a product or service from the premises of supplier to that of the customers.... The essay "Road Freight Transportation" focuses on the major issues in road freight transportation....
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Neural Networks and Conventional Computers
10 pages (2637 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Since the 1940s, and especially since the early 1980s, the term has also been used for a technology of parallel computation in which the computing elements are 'artificial neurons' loosely modeled on simple properties of biological neurons, usually with some adaptive capability to change the strengths of connections between the neurons....
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Net Work Security: Kerberos and Key Management
18 pages (3638 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Security technology for the World Wide Web, Norwood: Artech House Publishers, 2003.... "Kerberos and Key Management" paper focuses on Kerberos which is among the first protocols that were widely used for authentication and also possessed the delegation property.... It supports the three pillars of security that is authentication, authorization, and auditing....
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Aspects of Pain Practice in Your Clinical Area
10 pages (3194 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research, 1(2), 97. ... The paper "Aspects of Pain Practice in Your Clinical Area" highlights that a patient-centered care approach encourages an early visit to a medical facility.... Note that whenever there is an aspect of pain in the body, it is a clear signal that there is a problem that needs urgent attention....
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The Roper Logan Tierney Model of Nursing
12 pages (3077 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is helpful in coordinating the healthcare efforts by effective utilization of the information technology within the healthcare platforms.... The paper "The Roper Logan Tierney Model of Nursing" highlights that with inherent arguments on the models that aid in the delivery of healthcare services, it is vital to develop a comprehensive care model that details the patient's social, biological, emotional, and behavioral aspects....
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Factors Affecting Access to Healthcare
13 pages (3899 words) , Download 0 , Essay
technology and other resultant elements such as growing independence and social structure factors of change continue to influence the perception of the family as seen from the children perspective (Grych & Fincham, 2013).... The paper "Factors Affecting Access to Healthcare" discusses that in the case of Kayia, a working partnership would incorporate a comprehensive incorporation of the significant principles of caregivers to facilitate addressing the needs of the child as she is growing....
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Critical Analysis of the Role of a Leader in Workplace Change Processes
12 pages (3401 words) , Download 0 , Essay
With the heightening technology and the engulfing business processes, change becomes inevitable for each and every organisation more so the healthcare organisations.... "Critical Analysis of the Role of a Leader in Workplace Change Processes" paper intends to analyze the role of the leader in change processes and discusses an organizational change theory, and establishes barriers or facilitators to the organizational change process....
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Strengths and Weaknesses of the Fair Work Act 2009
10 pages (2781 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Redundancy is the payment given to an employee after termination because the employer has gone bankrupt, the employees work is replaced by new technology with better efficiency, the business is relocated, merged, acquired, or restructured.... The paper "Strengths and Weaknesses of the Fair Work Act 2009" states that the Act has improved the conditions of disabled employees condition, and general discrimination, lessened the burden of conflict resolution and set minimum conditions for all employees....
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Property Tax, Inheritance Tax and Council Tax
15 pages (3909 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Salt decided to practise his expertise in computer technology and mathematics by forecasting share movements in the share prices.... The paper "Property Tax, Inheritance Tax and Council Tax" discusses that if an individual shows intention at the time of purchase, the idea directly supports trade since trading implies the concept of turning the idea over assets in exchange for profit....
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Analysis and General Perspectives of Thorntons Company
14 pages (3609 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The organization passionately believes that to make the finest products by using the finest of ingredients and use the best of modern technology blended with the artisanship of a skilled workforce.... "Analysis and General Perspectives of Thorntons Company" paper focuses on Thorntons plc which operates in four customer-market segments: gifts; personal treats; family-share; and, children, each with different customer needs....
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The Irish Tort Law
11 pages (2791 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The concept of nervous shock must give to the development of science and technology hence, hence the requirement for psychiatry in tort cases.... The paper "The Irish Tort Law" highlights that distinctions are made by the court because it has reasons in doing so.... The principle in tort is that there should be negligence and damage and that there must be a direct relation between the cause and effect of the act or omission and the damage....
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An Academic and Practitioner Implication of Change in Culture with the Change in the Location
12 pages (3127 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is the support of technology to the faculty member at his/her work place by the use of computer, phones and other technologies.... "An Academic and Practitioner Implication of Change in Culture with the Change in the Location" paper provided clear steps that can help the business school to make it a learning organization....
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Interpretation of Jane Eyre with Specific References to French Feminist Theory
14 pages (3737 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Twentieth century witnessed some of the very first female public representatives, there were women working in field of science and technology, however, this was the case in very few example.... "Interpretation of Jane Eyre with Specific References to French Feminist Theory" paper explains how the French feminists' ideas about the female body and its relationship to power structures get manifested in the written text such as "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte....
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Production and Operations Management Insights
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This department manages people, technology, information, equipment, and other company resources.... This department manages people, technology, information, equipment and other company resources.... The essay "Production and Operations Management Insights" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the insights into production and operations management....
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Developing Sociological Imagination
12 pages (3382 words) , Download 3 , Essay
men are naturally handy with math and technology while women are by nature suited to domestic duties).... The paper "Developing Sociological Imagination" discusses that generally, apart from education, jobs, and within the family, various socio-cultural groups also experience conflict over religious observance and legal definition of what is right and wrong....
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Operations Management in Ophthalmology
5 pages (2954 words) , Download 0 , Essay
rocesses leading to production of a good or service differ and need to be managed in different ways requiring diverse skills and technology.... The paper "Operations Management in Ophthalmology" tells that operations management is the management of the set of actions such as planning, organizing, leading resources that result in the production of goods and services by the transformation of inputs to outputs to create value....
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Financial Management for Small Business
12 pages (3442 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is where technology comes into play in the business.... "Financial Management for Small Business" paper examines a plan in the car hire service, and how it may impact the growth and development of the business, in the long run.... The chosen business needs explaining because not everyone might comprehend the concepts being introduced in the car hire service....
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International Financial Management
11 pages (3150 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A study indicates that FDI occurs highest in the manufacturing sector (almost 51% of the companies) and then comes the information technology sector (39% of the companies).... "International Financial Management" paper states that the USA government forms separate policies that are specific to the demands of the foreign companies that invest in the USA....
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Contemporary Issues in Development Finance
14 pages (3756 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the applications of development finance such as capital formation, FDI accumulation, investments on technology and infrastructure as well as creating provisions for financial inclusion, especially in rural sectors etc.... The paper "Contemporary Issues in Development Finance" states that in examining the constituents of development finance and its implication on economic inequality one thing is prominent it is difficult to establish a universally accepted liner relationship between the two variables....
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