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The History of Juvenile Justice
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Availability of Guns The high rise in technology and the increase in security deficits have led to possession of guns among many communities in the world.... This essay "The History of Juvenile Justice" looks at some of the causes of juvenile delinquency, prevention methods, and the history of juvenile justice, that is, the handling of juvenile offenses, the statistics of juvenile justice in different countries, and the importance of the study....
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Soft Drink Industry Analysis
14 pages (3868 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Product innovation using technology ... This essay "Soft Drink Industry Analysis " discusses industry as one of the most competitive industries present.... All soft drink companies have to think about the pressures; from rival sellers within the industry, new entrants to the industry, substitute products, suppliers, and buyers....
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Dubai: The Modern City in a Modern World
10 pages (2763 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For Dubai to continue to be successful in the early 21st century and beyond, it has allowed its varied industries to cluster in mutually reinforcing ways, both vertically (suppliers and final goods producers) and horizontally (common customers, shared technology, infrastructure)....
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Social Determinant of Health
9 pages (2740 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Underprivileged state of aboriginal individuals keeps them disconnected with the global community and they remain devoid of utilizing resources, technology and support systems to facilitate their progression and development reciprocally with the mainstream society.... The paper "Social Determinant of Health" is an outstanding example of an essay on nursing....
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The Future of Coffee as a Commodity Trade
9 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Advances in agricultural productivity through improved technology potentially benefit both producers and consumers.... The essay "The Future of Coffee as a Commodity Trade" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the future of coffee as a commodity trade.... The 'invisible hand' in Economics plays a very concrete role when it comes to finding a balance between supply and demand....
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Importance of Sports in American City
12 pages (3124 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Importance of Sports in American City" discusses that it is good for authorities in the American city to promote sports activities.... One of the major hindrances to the development of sports activities in cities is the lack of space to establish sports activities.... ... ... ... Generally, as human being gradually developed from hunters and gatherers, they adopted a more settled life with the majority of the people settling in the urban areas....
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Cultural Diversity in the Media
10 pages (2609 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cultural diversity, which in simple terms, means respecting existing cultural differences amongst various society members, can be expressed through different channels, the most potent route in this era of information and technology, being the public news media (like Internet, newspaper, radio, or TV)....
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Health Communication: A Need of Complete Treatment
12 pages (3138 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Apart from maintaining the health of the people who are unhealthy, they have the challenges of keeping them updated with new technology, maintaining the cost of the health care, maintaining their own psychological and physical health in spite of going through so much stress and to communicate successfully with the people who come to them to get healed....
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Change Management and Self Reflection
11 pages (3116 words) , Download 0 , Essay
eviewing the article it can be understood that a Sustainability leader is someone who supports and inspires actions in the direction of a better world, keeping integrated focus on society, economy, technology, public policies and environment (Ferdig, 2007).... The paper "Change Management and Self Reflection" is a perfect example of a management essay....
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Market Analysis for Private Investors
14 pages (3675 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Massive changes in technology and people's involvement in overseas markets guarantee the growth of this kind of investment in the future (Salih, 2010, 18).... The essay "Market Analysis for Private Investors" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major issues on the market analysis for private investors....
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How Society Has Evolved with the Myths in Their Culture
9 pages (2601 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Myths may be enacted through rituals and believed in absolutely, but they usually do not have physical effects in the real world, as in leading to new technology for building cars or providing medical treatment” (Aboriginal).... The paper "How Society Has Evolved with the Myths in Their Culture" states that many societies, in different parts of the world, developed mythology and maintained it for several generations in order to perpetuate their culture and teach their young people about their values, wisdom and morality....
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Description of Metaphor Components
13 pages (3352 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Description of Metaphor Components" paper describes the three components of metaphor such as topic, vehicle, and grounds explains the claim that metaphor is found in most writing very frequently, and illustrates with examples taken from the attached text about Jack Ashley.... .... ... ... A metaphor is a figure of speech that may be applied to an object to which there is no literal meaning....
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The European Union Law Issues
10 pages (2980 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is worth mentioning in this regard that the EU commission principles are entirely based on vertical provisions, ‘horizontal cooperation agreements' and ‘technology transfer agreements' which comprise substantial guidelines on the basis of the Article 101(3) of TFEU9.... The essay "The European Union Law Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the European Union law....
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War on Terror
12 pages (3274 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Science and technology advances more and more and the terrorists finding new ways to attack their targets.... The paper 'War on Terror' presents a culture of fear in America.... The Bush administration's elevation of these three words into a national mantra since the horrific events of 9/11 has had a pernicious impact on American democracy, America's psyche, and the U....
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Effective Team Performance
9 pages (2710 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Being the team leader, I ensured that all team members were on same page and communicated task dependencies by coordinating all group activities through face-to-face conversation, email and text making use of modern technology.... The paper "Effective Team Performance" states that during the project, as the team progressed through its four development stages described by Tuckman's model (Beyerlein and Johnson 2000) many problems and conflicts surfaced, not beyond expectations....
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Business Communication, Cultural Implications
9 pages (2847 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Another is to take a look at how attitudes in the world are changing with regard to technology and economic growth (RAND, 2000). ... The paper "Business Communication, Cultural Implications" highlights that generally, both unskilled and skilled immigrants enter developed countries each and every year....
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Stock Index Futures Prices Changes
10 pages (2953 words) , Download 3 , Essay
African Review of Business and technology, November, 49.... The essay "Stock Index Futures Prices Changes" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the changes in stock index futures prices.... It is a standard operating procedure for Investors to invest in projects, business ventures, or assets that generate profits....
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The 9 11 Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Centre
8 pages (2608 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The local youth of these regions have been living below poverty line for ages, and this youth of totally strange towards the concept of science and technology.... The paper "The 9 11 Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Centre" discusses that the concept of old and new terrorism is an addition to English vocabulary, but its consequences on humanity are the same fear, frustration, intolerance and hatred in all forms of terrorism....
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How Government Seeks to Compensate for Market Failures
10 pages (2847 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Information in developing economies can never be perfect and the development process is always associated with acquiring new information (technology).... This essay "How Government Seeks to Compensate for Market Failures" discusses market failures that occur when markets fail to allocate resources systematically to their most valued use....
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Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity
10 pages (3119 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Men continue to control most technology and most weaponry; with only limited exceptions it is men who staff and control the agencies of force such as armies, police and judicial systems (Connell 2000). ... "Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity" paper focuses on the form of masculinity that is culturally dominant in a given setting is called 'hegemonic masculinity....
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Problem Question in Contract Law
9 pages (2850 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jordan Journal of International Commercial Law and technology, 2(1), pp.... "Problem Question in Contract Law" paper examines the case in which O'Brien, the owner of a book salon wanted to sell a signed copy of Orwell's 1984.... In this regard, he placed an advertisement in the shop window stating that it was a rare and special offer of Orwell's monumental book....
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Social Class Difference
10 pages (2611 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Unlike low classes, high classes do not seek the attention of people to show off that they can afford the latest technology and fashion.... This essay "Social Class Difference" discusses lower and middle-class people in the society attempt to appear like the upper class.... The way a parent teaches their children in certain situations differs with the type of class, and this ultimately affects a child's life physically, or mentally....
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Electronic Commerce
10 pages (2751 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Course technology.... This work called "Electronic Commerce" focuses on the concept of electronic commerce.... From this work, it is clear about various business activities conducted through the use of electronic commerce, products, and services advertised by the Amazon Site.... ....
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Impact of Free Trade on Developed and Developing Countries
10 pages (2768 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The advantage that developed countries have over developing countries is due to high level of technology used in production, low asking price for output and the presence of variety of outputs for trading which ranges from primary goods to those manufactured.... The essay "Impact of Free Trade on Developed and Developing Countries" focuses on the analysis of the effect free trade has on developed and developing countries....
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Industrial Relation in the USA
13 pages (3884 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Information and Communication technology (ICT) firms were spreading throughout the country.... The author of the "Industrial Relation in the USA" paper discusses the statement that argues that "The industrial relations system in the United States of America is characterized by high levels of juridification and low levels of collective bargaining"....
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Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior
10 pages (2838 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Emerging trends and challenges in information technology management.... The paper 'Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior ' is an affecting example of a marketing essay.... Consumers of a product are always influenced by positive things to make that critical step of purchasing a product/service....
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Case Study of The David Beckham Brand
12 pages (3128 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The high level of penetration of the internet facilitated connectivity accompanied by the fast development of various kinds of technology-based gadgets has helped in the process of spreading the trends of globalization to the consumers in various markets around the world.... The high level of penetration of the internet facilitated connectivity accompanied by the fast development of various kinds of technology based gadgets has helped in the process of spreading the trends of globalization to the consumers in various markets around the world (Gorman & McLean, 2009, p....
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Health Care of Vulnerable Persons
12 pages (3264 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Great advances in information, research, and technology have led to leaps in the field of health care.... ntroduction Great advances in information, research, and technology have led to leaps in the field of health care.... "Health Care of Vulnerable Persons" paper focuses on children who are victims of abuse as a vulnerable group....
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Law Enforcement Issues
11 pages (3131 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the elements of educationally higher standard people are attracted to terrorism in some parts of the world, they tend to utilize most advanced science and technology for the manufacture and operation of weapons and missiles of mass destruction, hence, the intelligence wing of law enforcement agencies must be upgraded to the highest level of purity in the coming years....
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Bad Lending Leading to East Asia Crisis in the 1990s
10 pages (2935 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The development in global financial system comprising of financial liberalization and deregulation, increasing interconnections of the market and the transaction speed using the computer technology, as well as development of huge financial players like investment banks contributed to crisis in East Asia....
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Scientific Support for Coaches
11 pages (3066 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This way, the athletes have been observed to have a more informed agenda preparation and selection of the suitable coaching technology.... This essay "Scientific Support for Coaches" looks into the significance, source, and impact of a coach's behavior towards the players, and the scientific approach taken and attained towards solving or improving the issue....
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Human Calicivirus Virus
10 pages (2879 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Finally RT-PCR is not a technology suitable and affordable for developing countries where these HuCV infections are most prevalent.... The paper "Human Calicivirus Virus " discusses that the use of RT-PCR for the identification and molecular characterization of HuCV in children with acute gastroenteritis and the nationwide implications of the available data remain the major goals and points of discussion....
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Mentorship in Practice - Nursing
13 pages (3400 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, learning environment should range of resources, including space and equipment, print and other materials and useful technology. ... The paper "Mentorship in Practice - Nursing" states that students should learn to carry out relevant actions (do, imitate, plan, experiment, test, create, rehearse, make, choose, try alternatives) and reflect upon and make sense of the results of those actions....
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Are Teams The Effective in Contemporary Organisations
10 pages (2749 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They communicate among themselves through highly developed information technology tools.... The author of "Are Teams The Effective in Contemporary Organisations" paper discusses how teams are seen as a necessary condition in contemporary organizations and how they are effective for organizational processes, and how effective can be further optimized....
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Description of Western Civilization
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It formed the base for the evolution of modern technology and also for the development of the modern society.... "Description of Western Civilization" paper describes Western Civilization which describes the culture and economic changes that took place in Europe.... This term is used to describe the various heritages in social norms, the rise of various religious beliefs, and the adoption of new technologies....
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Diplomatic Role of Residual US Forces in Iraq
11 pages (2829 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The United States being a superpower is also an added advantage in regard to the advancement in technology where it is able to offer support in times of war through use of sophisticated mechanism to cater for all forms of attacks for instance terrorism.... "Diplomatic Role of Residual US Forces in Iraq" paper argues that the presence of the United States in Iraq through the residual forces is a critical aspect and has brought about some substantial improvement in the country and their efforts cannot be underemphasized....
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Does the Balance of Power Provide International Order
11 pages (3099 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Established laws and standards are swift turning outmoded, by means of the ascend of current technology.... The paper "Does the Balance of Power Provide International Order" states that instead of an overwhelming alliance forming against an aspiring hegemon, there will be two sets of competing alliances that establish a balance of power....
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Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
11 pages (3657 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Public health indicators have been improving due to the advent of technology and rapid interventions.... "Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus" paper seeks to analyze the issue of HIV as a major public issue in the United Kingdom.... It will formulate a smart strategy that can be used to enhance the process of HIV detection, prevention, and management....
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Germanys Culpability in the Outbreak of the First World War
11 pages (3032 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, the rapid expansion of German economy and its resulting breadth and power were viewed as a threat by other European powers such as Russia and France, causing them to attempt to “catch up with their neighbour in industrial output and in military technology and development” (Henig, 2002, p....
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The Success Story of FedEx
11 pages (2879 words) , Download 2 , Essay
FedEx uses cutting edge technology and analytical systems to ensure that the company is on the right course.... This essay "The Success Story of FedEx" focuses on one of the world's leading companies in the field of transportation, delivery, information, and supply chain services....
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Development of International Organizations
10 pages (2698 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But the fight is becoming increasing tough as terrorist are using modern technology and mixing up with common citizens.... The paper "Development of International Organizations" describes that starting from setting policies for international trade, to the protection of the national environment to fighting against social evils, the contribution of international organizations cannot be denied....
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Recreation and Leisure Activity
10 pages (2845 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Through this, the popularity of animal park visits is invaded by technology, environmental change, and developments in devolutionary changes.... This paper 'Recreation and Leisure Activity' highlights the zoo's visit recreation and leisure activity that all members of the society can take part in experiencing with pleasure....
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A Global Defense Policy for the United States
13 pages (3382 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
The current challenges facing the stability of the Arab countries especially Syria has led to the diffusion of destructive technology, which could increase security threats to the country (Colucci 37).... "A Global Defense Policy for the United States" paper provides a review of the United States' security approach to the current challenges....
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Thanatourism in Tourism Enterprise Development
10 pages (2764 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The word of mouth will do the trick, and with the increased use of technology, people will easily share their experiences with each other, consequently creating more demand to such sites.... This paper ''Thanatourism in Tourism Enterprise Development'' tells that Deaths, atrocities, and disasters are becoming a pervasive feature in modern-day tourism....
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Child Physical Performance Participation in Physical Activity
10 pages (3060 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Modem technology continues to reduce energy expenditure in both industry and the home, thereby creating a need for more physical activities.... From the paper "Child Physical Performance Participation in Physical Activity" it is clear that positive experiences in physical activities will facilitate the cultivation of a state of learned effectiveness whereas negative experiences will inevitably lead to a state of learned helplessness....
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Leveraging Diversity in Todays Global Economy
10 pages (2759 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In companies where every competitor has access to the same technology, it is important to find an advantage and this is the way to do it.... The paper "Leveraging Diversity in Today's Global Economy" begins with Steve Forbes' statement that 'the real source of wealth and capital in this new era is not material things....
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Fire Safety Services Laws and Ethics
10 pages (3175 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The obligations of a fire practitioner have multiplied in this age of globalisation, where new policies are being introduced according to the latest changes being made in the fields of science, information technology, business activities and political scenario.... The paper "Fire Safety Services Laws and Ethics" describes that the rescue team took over twenty-five hours to overcome the situation....
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Major Marketing Principles and Practices
10 pages (2707 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The country increases demand through innovative, increasingly intense, and overzealous expansion of consumption to feed its production, development and technology advancement” (Li, translated by Lim).... The essay "Major Marketing Principles and Practices" focuses on the critical analysis of why marketers need to understand the consumer decision-making process including influences on consumer behavior and their marketing implications....
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The Macroeconomic Environment in Tesco
12 pages (3686 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The company has also made use of technology by being the first retailer to offer online shopping to its customers.... As the paper "The Macroeconomic Environment in Tesco" tells, the name of Tesco originates from the first own-brand product that Mr.... Cohen sold and was created from the initials of a partner in a firm of tea suppliers – TES and the first two letters of Jack's surname – CO in 1924....
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The Risks of Event Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The security has to be inclusive of technology, policies and procedures that can regulate the crowds that are within a region (Kennelly, Toohey, 2007).... This essay "The Risks of Event Management" focuses on event management that not only requires basic components to ensure that there is the ability to meet the needs of those that are a part of a specific event....
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