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The Concept of Film Remaking
16 pages (4376 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Nevertheless, demarcation along the storyline of a narrative and discourse is also challenged by the existence of remakes, which repeat the narrative style of an original while seeking to recreate the expressive design of that original at the same time.... The paper "The Concept of Film Remaking" tells that as society becomes progressively more comfortable with the immediacy and ready availability of commoditized visual entertainment, contemporary filmmakers are becoming inclined towards recycling source material for their films to meet the demand....
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Hard Statistics Quiz
18 pages (4748 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Hard Statistics Quiz" highlights that the authors made every effort to use appropriate and detailed statistical tests and models.... They expressed their obtained results of data variables in tabular form.... However, the paper lacked much required graphical representation of condensed data....
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Can Communities Manage and Deliver Basic Services
16 pages (4236 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bradbury (2003) defines a community as a group of people who are socially related by virtue of identity with a particular location.... This paper "Can Communities Manage and Deliver Basic Services?... is aimed at determining whether communities are capable of managing and delivering basic services....
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The education of looked after children within the UK
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I chose the topic of education of looked after children, as I have become aware during the course of my studies the importance of education in improving these childrens lives.... I have also become aware that many of these children are excluded from education, and that this has.... ... ... To this end, I needed to find out more about the topic, and how to prevent exclusion and poor educational outcomes for these children....
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An Analysis of Space and Place in Cinema
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
used in a set design that is both literal and metaphorical.... This essay talks about a study on the theories based on the space in cinema which is determined by the director, who is the first viewer when the angles which are not relevant for creating the space are screened out by him and the contributions of it in this medium....
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Doctrine of election and its application to biblical studies
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Prior to creating them, he decided their destiny just as a builder plans and determines every part of the building before laying the building materials for performing his design.... The doctrine of election is a critical aspect in theology as it plays a vital role in the lives of many Christians....
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The effect of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing performance and stress levels
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
THE EFFECT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN NURSING PERFORMANCE AND STRESS LEVELS Introduction Socrates supposed that knowing our self is the greatest challenge in life.... From another point of view, Aristotle figured out that the challenge itself is to control our emotions intelligently.... ... ... ...
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Biotechnology (microbial fuel cells)
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Most of the procedures were performed as they were carried out in the first three experiments. ... ... 0 g of LB broth was added to one litre of distilled.... ... ... The components were dissolved by swirling and stirring with a magnetic stir bar, which hastened the process.... Thereafter, the container was autoclaved. ...
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International Current Issues
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper will consider how terrorist threats have impacted on the doctrine of self-defence since September 11 2001.... This paper will examine the doctrine of self-defence through an examination of the sources of law, customary international law and the United Nations Charter.... ... ... ... Since the creation of the UN in 1945, scholars have remained strongly divided over the meaning of Article 51 UN Charter, which guarantees the right of self-defence in the event that an armed attack manifests....
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The future challenges faced by tourism developers in China
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For the last twenty years, China's tourism development has seen a fine increase, with a yearly advance crossing the world standard.... While seeing to the prospect, China's international tourism growth will meet both prospect and challenges and the prospects that China's international tourism may meet are various, and comprise at least the next: (Cai, 2005) ...
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Social learning theories
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Among the different human endeavours that are the focus of interest, none has stimulated a more profound concern than the aggressiveness of human beings.... Even if aggression has constantly been a significant social problem, occurrences during the recent decades have absolutely.... ... ... With the increasing development of instruments of destruction, plain aggressive behaviours can generate rampant devastating repercussions....
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Motivate the Know-How: A Study of Motivation Strategy for Expert Employee and Senior Staff
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human Resources Management: The Complete Guidebook for design Firms.... The present research aims at analyzing and evaluating the measures that management may adopt in order to motivate the expert employee and senior staff, who have supposedly climbed up their career paths.... These employees, on account of their seniority and expertise, do not need their basic needs ....
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Critique in rehabilitation model of nursing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The environment is client specific, in that it defines environment as the client's surroundings that may affect or compromise.... ... ... Health is defined as “structural and functional soundness and wholeness of the individual” (Orem, D.... 1991).... Nursing is defined as the job of a specially trained and fit individual to help a person or a group of people to deal According to Orem's theory, in order to maintain optimal health and wellness, each person not only has need for self-care, but also has ability and responsibility to care for themselves and dependants....
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''Literature Review'' Topic-Causes of Falls In Elderly Patients
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fall is defined as a sudden, unintentional change in position causing an individual to land at a lower level, on an object, or the floor (Tinetti et al.... 1997).... Falls are the leading cause of death from injury in older people over the age of 75. ... ... he figures presented by the.... ... ... Injury caused by fall is one of the most common causes of mortality and morbidity among the elderly individuals....
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The Stem Cell Technique in Treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Additionally, improvements need to be made in the design and safety of gene-therapy vectors, to contribute to the advancement of gene therapy-based techniques.... This research paper examines the stem cell therapy as the best future treatment approach for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, as compared to other options such as cell therapy and deep brain stimulation....
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Corporate Financial Information Analysis
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Imaginative design and quality customer service have been the key pillars of its operation (Redrow, 2010).... This picture suddenly changed its color in the summer of 2007, after the advent of global credit crisis and financial downturn.... The credit crunch had adversely affected not only the housing....
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Strategic management
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Founded back in September 1946, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (Cathay Pacific) is Hong Kong based international airline company that offers scheduled passenger and cargo services to approximately 117 destinations throughout 36 different countries and territories around the.... ... ... After a series of business expansion through merger and acquisitions, Cathay Pacific managed to report a net profit of HK$6....
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Relationship Marketing
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With the present state of globalisation and the development of shared market across the world, it is very important for brands to have recognition and be accepted as a part of the local scenery as much as any small business would be (Harker and Esan, 2006).... While this situation.... ... ... s often the one marketing executives strive for, it is often found that customers have different relationships with different brands and it is the strongest relationship between company and client which survives even when the product quality has suffered or the competition has To keep the relationship alive, relationship marketing becomes essential....
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Social Welfare Practitioners
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ne of the core reasons for the institutional failure in addressing the problem of over-representation of indigenous young people lies in the maintenance of a holistic perspective and effectively coordinating design and delivery of programs responding to the wider social and economic issues....
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Issues Faced by Oreedoo Telecommunications
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
One of the key factors related with these issues can be considered as the strategic planning process of Oreedo which has not been able to design and develop any appropriate approach for handling these issues.... The case considered in this report is Oreedoo Telecommunication operating in Oman....
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Cerebral Palsy and Quality of Life: Patients and their Families
6 pages (4715 words) , Download 4 , Essay
There is simply not enough data to develop an appropriate theory, opening the doors for an innovative research design.... This paper 'Cerebral Palsy and Quality of Life: Patients and their Families' analyses a research study involved a sample of 27 patients struggling with Cerebral Palsy....
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Biographical Issues of Flores A. Forbes
18 pages (4642 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In unparalleled detail , we are given the inside story of a left-wing group of "revolutionaries" whose organization evolved into a lucrative criminal enterprise — the first step of a grand design in which the political structure of Oakland would be taken over.... The essay "Biographical Issues of Flores A....
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The Significance of Inclusive Classroom
14 pages (4051 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In order for collaboration to be affective, teachers must agree on the following issues: student assessment, classroom management, curriculum design and implementation, integration, social problem solving, behavior management, parent involvement, and collaboration with educational support staff....
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Judicial Role in Expert Witnesses
16 pages (4331 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the case, an expert architect gave testimony on whether the structural design of a house had been unfairly abused in stark violation of the copyright.... "Judicial Role in Expert Witnesses" paper critically examines how courts have influenced expert evidence at trial.... The inclusion of expert evidence in civil trials has increased remarkably to encompass modern and innovative scientific procedures and related assessment reports....
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Business Marketing of LumiCore
16 pages (4216 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Business Marketing of LumiCore " it is clear that generally speaking, competitors of LumiCore are all the existing chemical suppliers or the manufacturers in the UK and also from the foreign market which operates in the UK chemical market.... ... ... ... The report has been prepared with a view to submitting it to the Board of LumiCore analyzing the market to enter by the LumiCore which is a subsidiary of the giant Brazilian chemical company LumiChem and manufactures a broad range of paints, pigments and coatings....
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Analysis of Articles about Managing Business Organisations
17 pages (4362 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the same time however, CSR could also potentially “whether by mistake or design, damage the same communities, politically, socially and economically”.... "Analysis of Articles about Managing Business Organisations" paper reviews such articles as "The Manager's Job: Folklore and Fact" by Henry Mintzberg, "Organisational Change Management: A Critical Review" by Todnem, and "Managing Change Across Boundaries: Boundary-Shaking Practices" by Balogun....
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Data Structures and Algorithms
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The data structure should be in a position to support every one of the operations listed above.... The common schemes that ADT is expected to include are: the arrays, list of children, Child-Sibling representation. ... ... uffman Code is normally looked at as a prefix code.... ... ... ... while((read = from....
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Tourism in Bulgaria
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The questionnaire was not design exhaustively to warrant proper categorization of the collected data and subsequent analysis.... The study will attempt to address the primary question framed as follows: Do male international tourists in Bulgaria participate/engage in more different activities than their female counter parts?...
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Legal Issue That May Arise When Caring For Highly Dependent Child
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2005), The handbook of employee benefits: design, funding, and administration, New York: McGraw-Hill Professional 25) Schwab, N.... The current research focuses on the impacts of the nursing and care of the nurses for such children when such a legal issue arises within a health organization when the nurses ignore the cases of child abuse and do not report them accordingly....
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To what extend has govermental policy been a factor in explaining each country's development trajectory
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Government is an art as well as a science and while there may be several different forms of government which have been used in the past or those which are active today, the fundamental principles of governing have remained more or less the same regarding the need for.... ... ... Government policy is the method by which control is established over the various institutions of a society and individuals are given a share over the decisions that directly affect their futures. ...
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Management and Control of Corporation
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Management and Control of Corporation' focuses on the need for the creation of a series of legislative texts that could regulate the financial transactions, specifically the ones connected with the Securities industry in all their aspects.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that the right of shareholders' to appoint an agent to vote on their behalf at an annual meeting developed within the United States in the early 1800s; the right to proxy representation has since become an essential element in the progress of corporate democracy....
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Development of the Professional Role: Medical Professionals
15 pages (4273 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Continuous process of similar developments in the hospital curriculum design and planning programs implemented by the healthcare organizations can be affected by a series of positive outcomes.... This essay "Development of the Professional Role: Medical Professionals" is about the subject of organizational influences such as the management and organizational culture, structure, style on the outcomes related directly to professional development, which have received very little attention....
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Clinical Assessment in Minor Illness
16 pages (4504 words) , Download 6 , Essay
An integrated design tailored for each patient is the main objective and the satisfaction of current science requires such proceeding (Cross & Rimmer, 2002).... The paper "Clinical Assessment in Minor Illness" defines Minor illnesses as temporary and less intrusive conditions such as colds, sore throat, earache, coughs, diarrhea, vomiting, urinary tract infection, warts, head lice, low back pain, sprains, strains, and sunburn, depression, and anxiety....
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Political Ideologies and Social Work
15 pages (4346 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Political Ideologies and Social Work" it is clear that if the political debates of the recent past have been too crude to appreciate the finer points of privacy, wrangles over our technological future are likely to be even more opaque.... ... ... ... Conservatives mourn the loss of public morality and demand more invasive public scrutiny of private attitudes but ignore the fact that, when the private psyche becomes a political battleground, autonomy is undermined, social peace is endangered, and individuals act in response to the loss of self-possession from side to side elaborate forms of dishonesty and hypocrisy....
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International Policy Issue - AIDS and HIV in Africa
17 pages (4823 words) , Download 0 , Essay
(Lurie, & Wolf, 1997) Marcia Angell harshly compared the short-course trials to the infamous Tuskegee study because of the placebo-controlled design (Angell, 1997).... From the paper "International Policy Issue - AIDS and HIV in Africa", HIV is one source of crisis and suffering among many that desperately call for attention....
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How successful have Chinese social policy reforms been since 1978
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction The economy of China has grown tremendously over the last three and a half decade; this rapid growth of the economy has catapulted china's society, to change as rapid as the change in the magnitude of the economy, although the change in china's society has not captured the imagination of many in the world as the change in the economy....
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The Minimization of Tension at Workplace
22 pages (4653 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "The Minimization of Tension at Workplace" talks about how tension is minimized at the workplace, Honey Bun - a leading global investment banking, and management firm in Chicago.... The author interned as a financial analyst at the Private Wealth Management Division.... ... ... ... Minimizing tension will always be present in the workplace as illustrated by this paper....
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Leadership Management in Proctor and Gamble
17 pages (5141 words) , Download 4 , Essay
"Getting by with a little help from their friends: Innovation at Lunar design and Proctor & Gamble.... This essay "Leadership Management in Proctor and Gamble" discusses P&G as an international public company that was founded in 1837 by William Procter and James Gamble.... The company deals in the consumer goods industry, which includes cleaning agents....
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Direct, Interactive and Digital Marketing
19 pages (4801 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The producer should design the product in a way that it is pleasing to the eyes of the consumer.... This essay "Direct, Interactive, and Digital Marketing" presents one of the management processes responsible for identifying, and meeting customer demands effectively and efficiently....
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Increasing the Duration of Copyright in Literary Works in the United Kingdom
17 pages (4288 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nevertheless, the contention of this paper has little to do with the definition and more to do with the amount of time for which the protection is supplied, in the UK; copyrights are protected but the Copyright and design act of 1988 based on the 2003 amendments by the copyright and related regulations....
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The Ecological Footprint and Environmental Sustainability
18 pages (4800 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On this basis, Wackernagel has recommended that it is necessary to design infrastructure systems that would enable all individuals to have a high quality of life with an efficient consumption of resources, in order that the individual ecological footprint is reduced.... The author of this paper "The Ecological Footprint and Environmental Sustainability" is being carried out to evaluate and present whether the impossibility of measuring the size of ecological footprints accurately undermines the idea of ecological citizenship....
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Operational Management in Health & Social Care
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Virginia Mason aims to design its production system and its processes around the needs of the patient as opposed to the needs of staff and service providers (Kenney, 2011).... This report recommends the adoption of lean management by a Hong Kong hospital.... The healthcare in the West has particularly embraced lean management....
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The Biographical Outlines of Individuals from Portuguese and Spanish America
18 pages (4765 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Enrico's design for this project was chosen and he was appointed chief engineer.... The paper "The Biographical Outlines of Individuals from Portuguese and Spanish America" states that Hernando De Valencia was a Treasury Agent in Madrid with twenty years of experience serving as a royal accountant....
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The US Invasion of Iraq
14 pages (4245 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Notably, as the US power changed hands from Bush to Barack Obama, there was a great change in the design and implementation of the security strategy in America (Sahlane, 2012).... This paper ''The US Invasion of Iraq'' tells us that the US invasion of Iraq is one of the controversial topics that have generated heat in the international sphere....
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The Role of Personal & Professional Development Plan in the Future Growth
14 pages (4316 words) , Download 10 , Essay
The paper 'The Role of Personal & Professional Development Plan in the Future Growth' reflects upon the author's personal and professional development requirements and the skills needed to become successful.... The report discusses how the individual plans help to accomplish the tasks and goals of development for future growth perspective....
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16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ELITES AND DEVELOPMENT IN CIS COUNTRIES Summary To comprehend the nature of the socio-political and economic changes that appeared in the ‘Soviet Successor States,' also known as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), during the 1990's, it is necessary to examine the various political elites that came into prominence in these countries at this time....
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School's Pastoral Structure and Pupil Achievement
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Even though such developments may occur infrequently due to the fundamental shift in curriculum design, the cross-curricular mandates provide official acknowledgment of the limits of educating exclusively through academic subjects (Power 137). ... This essay presents pastoral care, as decisive to academic achievement as its successful implementation may be, which is patently an elusive subject to configure and bring together....
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Multicultural Management
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the concept of globalization already having taken root in the world, more and more people are seeking employment in various countries outside their home.... This has brought about a mixture of culture in the work place.... A multicultural work force is one in which a company employs members from various ethnic, racial, religious, and gender backgrounds....
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Literature Review Are Wound Vacuum Devices Healing Wounds
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Wounds are almost always associated with infection which would threaten the life of the patient.... Hence, it is important to find the best approach towards wound healing.... Eight studies were reviewed in this paper in order to assess the effectiveness of vacuum devices in wound healing.... ... ...
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Students Diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder: A Counselors Views
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
It is well known that teens do not generally love homework, so it is challenging to design homework assignments that they will think worth their while.... The following research provides descriptions of behaviors or warning signs and risk factors of anxiety disorder.... Furthermore, the paper reveals model approaches to prevention or treatment....
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