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The Inclusion of 1 Peter 2:9-10 and the Understanding of the Elect
16 pages (4328 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As the paper "The Inclusion of 1 Peter 2:9-10 and the Understanding of the Elect" tells, from the dawn of recorded religious observance, the precepts of the existence of a remnant, a chosen people, and/or an elect have been projected by nearly each and every world religion.... .... ... ... The precepts that have been enumerated have led people to a belief in a particular type of exclusivity....
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Feminism and Feminist Research Methodology in Law
12 pages (4184 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Feminism and Feminist Research Methodology in Law" paper focuses on two specific elements of law i.... .... feminist legal theory and feminist legal research.... The paper examines the portions that constitute these two aspects and what makes them interconnected.... ... ... ... Feminism has been part of society for over a century....
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Impact of Regulation Regimes on Fund Performance
16 pages (4711 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Impact of Regulation Regimes on Fund Performance" focuses on the critical analysis of the usefulness of fixed income securities in the contemporary world.... There are many investment options in the global financial market, which can fetch good returns for investors.... ... ... ... Few are associated with high and low risk....
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TinTin in the Congo: An Analysis of Stereotype Racism in Childrens Books
16 pages (4374 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "TinTin in the Congo: An Analysis of Stereotype Racism in Childrens Books" states that TinTin in the Congo sought to reduce the stereotype behavior when Hergé redrew much of the characters and scenes so as to change the perception of the message being portrayed.... .... ... ... According to the Longman Dictionary (2001), racism is defined as unfair treatment of people, or violence against them because they belong to a different race you're your own....
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The Council of Europe and Abortion
17 pages (4114 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "The Council of Europe and Abortion" it is clear that Silva Monteiro Martins Ribeiro v.... Portugal shows that the Convention declared that abortion is not a right.... Rulings on Jean-Jacques Amy v.... Belgium indicate that neither does the Convention support this practice.... ... ...
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Importance of Autonomy and Conduct of a Lawyer
16 pages (4341 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Importance of Autonomy and Conduct of a Lawyer" it is clear that a duty to act allows lawyers to conform to demands for accountability for their clients: on the other hand lawyers who decide to refuse clients cannot avoid consequences for their choices.... ... ... ... According to the oxford dictionary, autonomy is the ability to know what is required of us morally (Carle 2006)....
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How Alzheimers Disease Affects Patients Minds
19 pages (5067 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "How Alzheimers Disease Affects Patients Minds" discusses that regrettably, John is a victim of the dangerous disease that has made him terminate his part time employment.... He has also created a ring around him opting to prevent his friends and family away.... ... ... ... The paper looks at the skills, interventions and approaches the nurse will use to provide person-centred evidence-based care for Myra who appears to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease....
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Public Policy in Philippine Tourism
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Public Policy in Philippine Tourism" focuses on the most recent public tourism policy that the Filipino people are crying and pushing for is to allow the eight-division world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao to be a part of the tourist attraction; in fact, it has already happened.... .... ...
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Section 3 of Rights Act 1998
17 pages (4748 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Section 3 of Rights Act 1998" states that under Section 3, sub-section 1 of the Human Rights Act 1998, it is enunciated that 'primary legislation and subordinate' legislation need to be learned, understood and contextualized in accordance with the European Convention laws.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that effectively, it is seen that apropos HRA 1998, British Courts are themselves required to act compatibly with the Convention, thus putting broader responsibility on them to incorporate and apply the Convention and its elucidation by the European Court of Human Rights....
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Comparative Employment Law and Equitable Employment Opportunities
17 pages (5069 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Comparative Employment Law and Equitable Employment Opportunities" it is clear that the only way to increase international competitiveness is to pay better wages as compared to other jurisdictions and this should be undertaken with the economic reality as the benchmark.... ... ... ...
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Is There a Need for an International Agreement on Site Contamination
18 pages (4952 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Is There a Need for an International Agreement on Site Contamination" states that negotiation rather than regulation has been the more common approach.... The development of brownfields in the United States of America and the United Kingdom has to be taken care of.... ... ... ... There has been a situation of risk that has been poised by the contamination of soils and groundwater....
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Transparency Mechanism for Trade Agreements
16 pages (4424 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Regional Trade Agreements have positive and negative effects discussed in the paper "Transparency Mechanism for Trade Agreements".... One of the positive impacts is that they enable negotiation between a group of small countries that have similar concerns and cultures on a market.... ... ... ...
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New Equality Act 2010
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Inequalities in societies have existed from the historic times.... There have always been male and female, Rich and poor, educated and non educated and superior and inferior.... These inequalities have found their way in the modern society.... .... ... ... Extended Essay on the New Equality Act 2010 Introduction Inequalities in societies have existed from the historic times....
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The fundamentality of Holdens alienation-- a form of self protection to resist the process of maturity
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When The Catcher in the Rye by J.... .... Salinger first appeared in 1951 (Little, Brown and Company), it was received by critics and book reviewers as a literary sensation.... The critics were almost uniform in their opinion.... Clifton Fadiman called it "a rare miracle of fiction" (Cliff's Notes, 6)....
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Comprehensive Education under re-evaluation
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The comprehensive education system in the UK has come under significant questioning in recent years.... Many of the educational theories which have been applied over the past few decades have not delivered as promised, and the comprehensive educational system in the UK is graduating students which are behind in ability when compared to students of other countries....
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Exercise Induced Asthma
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
manifestations (including atopic asthma) of 44 percent in children whose mothers had atopic asthma compared to only 25 percent of children whose fathers had atopic asthma (Sawicki and Dovey, 2005.... Approximately 50% of children with asthma have wheezing episodes during the first three years of their lives....
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Accounting and Society
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It often provides a perspective that accounting information should be treated like other goods, and demand and supply forces should be allowed to operate so as to generate an optimal supply of information about an entity.... .... ... ... The video includes a brief discussion of the importance of regulations in the field of accounting and the need to follow the same in order to ensure the accounting is being done with absolute transparency....
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The Fashion Industry Did Not Exploit Their Labour Base
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay explores If The Fashion Industry Did Not Exploit Their Labour Base To Less Developed Countries.... The story of an eleven year old refugee from Sri Lanka is just one among a million other stories, about the bitter reality of our society that child labour is.... .... ... ... This essay discovers Would There Be Fewer Case's Of Child Labour....
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Critically discuss the role of the nures in the promotion of continence in older people
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Faecal incontinence can be defined as the involuntary or inappropriate passage of faeces.... Incontinence can have a devastating effect on the person.... ... ... The nurse has a crucial role to play in assessing and managing incontinence, and consequently in the promotion of continence.... It is the purpose of this essay to ically evaluate this role played by the nurse while linking incontinence to the ageing process, examining attitudes to it, the impact it has on older persons and their family, and looking at the strategies used in health promotion and rehabilitation as well as the steps taken by the National Service Framework for Older People....
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The programme for the harmonisation of Company Law in the European Union
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The idea of the harmonisation of laws in the European Community is concerned not with the creation of a single European Law in contrast to the Member States, rather it has its focus primarily on the harmonisation of the national legal system only to an extent, which is required for the functioning of the common market....
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Comprehensive Education Under Re-evaluation
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This discussion talks about the comprehensive education system in the UK which has come under significant questioning in recent years.... Many of the educational theories which have been applied over the past few decades have not delivered as promised.... ... ... ... According to the report those students who are in most need, those who are from the lowest income levels, are progressing through grade level after grade level and still not progressing in their educational and academic progress....
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Governance for security
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
QUESTION #1: In the light of the privatisation and fragmentation of security, is there any value in insisting that internal security is a public good that should be provided by the state?... NAME CLASS: DATE: 11/05/2011 Max Weber's statement that the State has ‘a monopoly over the legitimate use of force' illustrates the degree that his philosophical frameworks were used in the Western academic environment as a counter-force to Marxist interpretation....
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Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Psychotherapy
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 9 , Essay
This essay provides an understanding of the historical principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and its application to a case study of someone who suffers from generalized anxiety disorder.... The historical development of cognitive behavioural therapies can be traced back to Stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy....
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Professional development & critical reflection
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper, by reference to a case study of Child A and the relevant literature provides a critical reflection of the social and individual factors that can influence a child or a young person's welfare and development both at school and outside of school.... ... ... Likewise, this paper will demonstrate an understanding of how these factors are identified by reference to specific child or student....
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Shakespeare's 'Master Mistress' and the Dilemma of His Sexuality
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The sonnets of William Shakespeare, coupled with a few social conventions and some of the developments in his plays have suggested to some modern scholars that the sexual preferences of the Bard were inclined towards men.... ... ... ... Some of the details of his life suggest that this might be the case as well....
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President Wilson's Dealing with the Lusitania Crisis
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'President Wilson's Dealing with the Lusitania Crisis' explores the sinking of the RMS Lusitania in 1915 which triggered a crisis that threatened the reputation of the American president who did not dare to tough countermeasures, listening to the aspirations of ordinary Americans.... ... ....
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Communication of A Patient In Distress
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The arrangement of this essay is intended to show the significance of association centered communication.... However, it will start with a brief definition of the necessary concepts inherent to the theme of therapeutic communication, separate therapeutic nurse-patient association.... .... ... ... Just as chemistry sciences were takes on as the 20th-century checkup replica, patient's viewpoint into a relationship-centered communication has been optional as suitable for the 21st century....
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Emily Dickinson's Mystery
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this essay, the author demonstrates why there is still debate on who the real Emily Dickinson was.... Also, the author describes her powerful, rich, and emotive writing, the absence of all facts.... And discusses why she was never to seek fame and never published.... ... ... ... Regarded as a resolutely reclusive and private person, Emily Dickinson fulfilled the human need to express herself through her poetry....
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Every Child Matters
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Every Child Matters programme is initiated as part of its central drive to eliminate child poverty and tackle social exclusion by providing the support to parents through help in nurturing and developing the health, well being and learning capability of children from the.... ... ... (Frome, 2007, 436) It is agreed that ‘Every Child Matters' would be a cross-Government strategy for children and their families in schools of disadvantaged areas....
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Exploring the continuity between heritage and nationalism
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Exploring the Continuity between Heritage and Nationalism Introduction Heritage is an essential component of nationalism.... Scholar Ernst Renan argues that there are two conditions for nationalism: “The one is the possession of a rich heritage of memories; and the other is actual agreement, the desire to live together, and the will to continue to make the most of the joint inheritance” (Christie, 1998, p....
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Technical Skills Essential to the Role of Secretarial Administration
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper "Technical Skills Essential to the Role of Secretarial Administration" has been written in an attempt to discuss the correct technical skills essential to the role of secretarial administration.... It will cover the following generalizations/principles/theories.... .... ... ... This paper sought to: describe the principles of organization including time-management, work-planning, and decision-making; explain the principles of effective interpersonal relationships; describe the principles of effective verbal and written communication; discuss contemporary State/Federal Legal Issues and Regulations....
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Medea and Love and Hate
15 pages (4149 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This work called "Medea and Love and Hate" describes the various murders that Medea commits or persuades others to commit, with a focus on whether or not each murder was committing out of love or hate.... the author outlines the killing of Pelias and Medea's brother, Creon, and the Princess.... ... ...
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Happy Endings in Childrens Literature - Hope, Dreams, Maturity, and Gender
15 pages (4214 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Happy Endings in Childrens Literature - Hope, Dreams, Maturity, and Gender" states that Happy endings are not the prerequisites of all children's literature, but they serve didactic and liberating purposes.... They instruct children on the relationship between social norms and happy life....
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Separation or Division of Powers between Institutions in the Criminal Justice System
16 pages (4211 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Separation or Division of Powers between Institutions in the Criminal Justice System" discusses that if the expert finds the place conducive for its business, the information will help the investor on the type of security system he or she may use to counter the insecurity of the area.... ...
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The Impact That Cross-Cultural Communication Has on Business
17 pages (4990 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "The Impact That Cross-Cultural Communication Has on Business" discusses that the use of the models will enable one to understand the differences that exist in the various cultures and so limit chances of stereotyping culture in the individuals (Qamar et al.... 2013, p,1231).... ... ... ...
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Causes of Scientific Disorders
13 pages (4235 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Causes of Scientific Disorders" tells that developmental disorders to involve any condition that occurs at some age in the development of a child and leads to delay in developing one or various psychological functions of a child such as a language and communication skills.... ... ... ... As a result, the whole spectrum is usually defined in terms of impairments that affect social imagination, social interaction, and social communication....
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Seeing Organizational Transformation in Practice
16 pages (4932 words) , Download 8 , Essay
This essay "Seeing Organizational Transformation in Practice" presents a reflection of the author's experiences in a group assignment undertook as part of a Cross-Cultural Issues module.... During the project, the group went through Tuckman's four stages of group development.... ... ... ... During the formation process, several issues arose which resulted in a lack of critical analysis on the research, and unsystematic decision making within the group....
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The Genre of Horror as Cult Cinema
15 pages (4269 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "The Genre of Horror as Cult Cinema" discusses (why) the reasons for the horror genre in reference to slasher films is at the intersection of what is considered a cult cinema.... At the core of it, an argument is the issue of hybridity to deliver films beyond expectations, digressing.... ...
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Primary and Secondary Education in Wales and England
12 pages (4542 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Primary and Secondary Education in Wales and England" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the historical peculiarities of primary and secondary education in Wales and England.... The United Kingdom had been the world leader in education.... ... ... ... Even today, many countries incorporate the improvements made by the education system of the UK, into their system of education....
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Family Images During the Post-War Period
18 pages (4591 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Family Images During the Post-War Period " will discuss images of the post-war family in relation to the issues of parenthood, suffering, and Verganagenheitsbewältigung in Uwe Timm's Am Beispiel meines Bruders and Hans Ulrich Treichel's Der Verlorene.... ... ... ... The autobiographical explorations into the legacy of chaos, entailed in the family life after the Nazi period, have been well documented in Der Verlorene and Am Beispiel meines Bruders....
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How Conde and Chamoiseau Use Language in Their Works
18 pages (4596 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this paper "How Conde and Chamoiseau Use Language in Their Works?... will make an earnest attempt to present a comparative analysis of the use of French and other (local) languages in Condé's Traversée de la Mangrove and Chamoiseau's Chronique des sept misères....
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Psychology to Understanding of the Judge and Jury Decisions
18 pages (5032 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Psychology to Understanding of the Judge and Jury Decisions" focuses on details of psychology in the courtroom and in other aspects of the criminal and civil justice system.... There are certain psychological factors that come into play when analyzing the criminal and civil justice system....
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The Tendency in Empiricism
18 pages (4745 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay ''The Tendency in Empiricism'' focuses on the empiricists that have tendencies that contrast with those of the rationalists.... Empiricists hold that all the material for knowledge, our ideas or concepts, and all knowledge of actual matters of fact, as opposed to logical or conceptual truths....
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Compassion in Relation to Communication in Nursing Practice
14 pages (4034 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Compassion in Relation to Communication in Nursing Practice" it is clear that generally, skills of communication and compassion develop with a variety of experiences while engaging with patients, relatives, and other healthcare professionals.... .... ... ... Communication of ideas is one of the first skills that humans learned (Scholarly Paper: Communication and Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship n....
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Employment Law Discrimination in the Equality Act 2010
18 pages (4555 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Employment Law Discrimination in the Equality Act 2010" discusses that employers and policymakers should accommodate the disabled for it is not someone's will to be disabled.... Therefore, the question of reasonable adjustments and the legitimate aim should not arise.... ... ... ... Equality Act 2010 is a law that sought to bring equality in the working environment by banning acts like unfair treatment of employees in the workplace and thus creating conducive conditions whereby equality in places of work is achieved and also extends to the general society at large....
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Human Rights in Latin America
17 pages (4216 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Human Rights in Latin America " highlights that large-scale tax exemptions, environmental hazards as well as inadequacy in the legislative restrictions adversely affect the lack of legislative restrictions with continuous neglect of the indigenous people of the area.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, a man as a social animal has deviated from his course of living from other animals and has built up certain norms and regulations which are dedicated to delivering an environment where a man can sustain it in a proper manner....
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Registered Nurses in Australia
14 pages (4206 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Registered Nurses in Australia" states that it is fortunate to understand that to a greater degree, the Australian aged care facilities have been on its heightened level, all in the name of assisting those individuals who are growing tired and should be encouraged to live happily.... ... ...
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Policy Network Model by Rod Rhodes
18 pages (5079 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Policy Network Model by Rod Rhodes " it is clear that the critique would say that the policy network model is a product of a game theory (0-sum game in particular) wherein, the bureaus or agencies are using other bureaus or agencies for their own profit.... ... ... ... This paper is trying to illustrate a network of problems as a determining factor resulting in what we call now the policy network model....
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Private International Law
17 pages (4659 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Private International Law" it is clear that the EU is capable of more aggressively embarking on attempts to create uniform rules that would eventually lead to a harmonized regime, which in a sense is essential in the single market, single economy set-up.... ... ... ... The UK's rules on the choice of law in the case of succession to the property remain in effect as the country has opted not to be included in the EU legislation on succession and wills....
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The Handmaid's tale is a story about power structures existing in life and relationships. Discuss
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is about the power structures that exist in life, relationships and in this particular theocracy which seeks to subjugate women and strip.... ... ... Told in narrative style, by a handmaid the novel brings to life a dystopian world – the Republic of Gilead where everyone is a pawn in the game of power....
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