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Organizational Stress and Violence
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
The review 'Organizational Stress and Violence' draw conclusions about job stress and organizational consequence of stress: employee's turnover, healthcare costs, organizational violence, counterproductive work behavior.... The author popularizes Schultz stress management training program.... ... ...
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Lifeblood of International Commerce
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Dissertation
This paper 'Lifeblood of International Commerce ' will examine the indispensability of the instrument so as to be called the life-blood of international commerce.... The letter of credit transaction involves as many as seven stages each of which can pose significant problems.... ... ... ... The author states that court is not concerned with their difficulties however great they may be as they can always settle their disputes in a different forum without disturbing the operation of the letter of credit which is a banking system at a different level....
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Conflict between Nature and Nurture
15 pages (4130 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Conflict between Nature and Nurture " discusses that no theory is strong enough to explain the practical reality of life, the purpose of applying a theoretical framework on a case like this one can only be helpful in cases, where the data retrieved in unbiased.... ... ... ... There are limitations in every theory, some of them are based on its rigidness, and the others may be due to socio-cultural variance....
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Philosophy and Language of Money
20 pages (5088 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Philosophy and Language of Money" discusses a remarkable classic by the author Georg Simmel.... This work did not receive as much appreciation as the rest of his sociological work.... One of the main reasons behind this is the ambiguity in the interpretation of the title of the work....
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Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iran: Baha'is
17 pages (4420 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The coursework "Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iran: Baha'is" describes Islamic law and international law on human rights.... This paper outlines Iranian constitutional law, Baha'is, Culture, religious and rights of Baha'i, UN Human rights, and Iran.... ... ... ... People of minority religious groups like the Kurds have not been spared either....
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The Cultural Perspectives and Values of Russia and Germany
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
Expatriates working in Russia and Germany have different cultural experiences.... This report compares the cultural perspectives and values of Russia and Germany using some theories of cultural management such as Hofstede's model and Trompennar's model.... ... ... ... According to the research paper, Russia scored high power distance; hence showing that power is very distant in the society....
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Is Advertising a Barrier to Male Movement toward Gender Change
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In the paper 'Is Advertising a Barrier to Male Movement toward Gender Change' the author discusses gender as one of the major discriminations of the world, which helps in developing the different notions of the society.... The same notions could be developed from the book written by Sheryl Sandberg....
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Conflict between Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the Northern Ireland
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper gives background information on how the Northern Ireland fought for the nation's independence from the British colony.... The paper discusses the origin of the conflict between IRA and the Northern Ireland highlighting the primary motives of the conflicts.... ... ... ... This paper delves in highlighting the conflict that existed between the Northern Ireland and the rebel political movement IRA....
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Clean Water Scarcity and Its Conservation Measures
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Clean Water Scarcity and Its Conservation Measures' clearly illustrates the importance of conserving natural resources within nations.... A failure to do this could result in tremendous effects, both to the health of people and to the global economy.... ... ... ... The author states that the management of natural resource economics has come under a lot of global scrutiny with the need to secure the environment and people's lives....
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Factors Affecting Teaching Sciences in Secondary Schools
17 pages (4620 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Factors Affecting Teaching Sciences in Secondary Schools" paper looks at the various challenges that face teaching of sciences in secondary schools, how these challenges affect the teachers as well as the students, and the future of the subject in secondary schools.... ... ... ... The science subject is critical to secondary school students, as it helps them to understand more about the things they witness and use in their daily routines....
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The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
17 pages (4710 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ" shows that the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ is one of the many divine mysteries within the short life of the Messiah, yet in conventional circles, it is often rarely discussed and in the more popular tales of Christ often overlooked.... ...
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Confucianism and Feminism: Women on Screen from the Late 1990s in South Korea
15 pages (4294 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Confucianism and Feminism: Women on Screen from the Late 1990s in South Korea" analyses how Confucianism has influenced women's life in Korea.... Men and women were allocated to different social classes and responsibilities that particularly restricted women's life.... ... ... ... Until the 20th century, the value of Confucianism was not as influential as the previous era....
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Video Games and Violence
15 pages (4298 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "Video Games and Violence" shows that violence can be defined as something which usually affects an individual in such a way that he is hurt or harmed.... Violence can be of different types relating to students beating each other or grown-up people fighting with each other.... ...
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The Exploration of Dunnings OLI Framework
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper states that in delving into the extent that Dunning's OLI framework provides a realistic explanation of the decision-making process a multinational enterprise (MNE) goes through in considering where to place Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), some interesting factors were uncovered.... ... ...
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Accounting Policies International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption and Effects
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
In the paper "Accounting Policies International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption and Effects", a brief look at the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was undertaken to provide some background information that will be useful in this analysis of its adoption in the UK and China....
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Adult Education Scholarship
16 pages (4265 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Adult Education Scholarship" discusses the fact that it is important that adult learners should be well equipped with the knowledge and work skills that they intended to have in order for them to become productive and also to boost their morale of wanting to re-enroll.... ...
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Safety Management System of Blue Coral Copter Caper
17 pages (4459 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper "Safety Management System of Blue Coral Copter Caper" represents the major gaps present in the company's current safety management system that can be upgraded to an SMS (Safety Management System) using simple techniques as well as management commitment.... ... ... ... Blue Coral Copter Capers is a small aviation tour operator based in Hawaii and has managed to create a special name for itself in the local industry....
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The Status of Omani Woman in the Sultanate of Oman
18 pages (4928 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "The Status of Omani Woman in the Sultanate of Oman" will highlight the development of women in Oman.... It will discuss women's status in Oman, before the rule of Sultan Qabus.... It will discuss the modernization drive in Oman and how the government took an active part in rebuilding the nation....
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Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings
15 pages (4127 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This paper "Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings" gives a detailed case study on the lead that is increasing in that school and Non-residential building's water supply from the perspective of a professional Hydraulic Service Engineer.... ... ... ... It is crucial to taste the water being used in schools and not at the sources of such waters because the lead levels change at different stages of the water system....
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An Investigation Into the Help That Children With ASD Get From Special Schools
17 pages (5042 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This dissertation "An Investigation Into the Help That Children With ASD Get From Special Schools" illustrates what help and support children with ASD get from their teachers and the special schools that they are in.... it will look into the benefits with regard to children attending special schools....
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Analysis of Correlation between Race and Employment in the UK
15 pages (4559 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of Correlation between Race and Employment in the UK" tells that youth may be impacted with the risk of being treated less favourably, mainly due to his racial background.... A less favourable treatment means that it is not comparable to the treatment received by youth of another race....
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Social Identity Theory - an Overview
15 pages (4583 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
"Social Identity Theory - an Overview" paper argues that social identity, can be much more important than personal identity, and once we perceive that the dynamics are glaringly different, it becomes obvious that social identity has manifested itself as group behavior.... ... ... ... We arranged for me to meet the teen on a Saturday afternoon at a small eatery....
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Performance Indicators in Sustainable Supply Chain Management
15 pages (4644 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Performance Indicators in Sustainable Supply Chain Management" is an outstanding example of a Management report.... Supply chains have become fluid and in that regard have continuously been adjusting to changes in supply-demand for commodities they deal with.... .... ... ... The paper "Performance Indicators in Sustainable Supply Chain Management" is an outstanding example of a Management report....
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Analysis of Taxation Master Case
16 pages (4187 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Analysis of Taxation Master Case" paper states that if you are self-employed, you are responsible for paying your own tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs).... You will need to keep business records and details of your income so you can fill out an annual self-assessment tax return.... ....
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Analysis of Financial Statements of Marks & Spencer
16 pages (4504 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Analysis of Financial Statements of Marks & Spencer" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the financial statements of Marks & Spencer (thereinafter referred to as M&S) which is one of the UK's largest retail chains with 12.... % of the market share in clothing.... ... ...
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Corporate Governance and Ethics: GlaxoSmithKline
15 pages (4066 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Corporate Governance and Ethics: GlaxoSmithKline" paper analyses ethical issues that guide the pharmaceutical industry with emphasis placed on the practices of GSK and how lapses in the ethical practices have affected its ability to market high-quality products.... ... ... ... Once an MNC has been accused of engaging in practices that are considered illegal, the organization's management resorts to falsifying the information and initiating cover-up schemes to avoid being held liable....
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High Priority Risks Facing Russia
16 pages (4207 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "High Priority Risks Facing Russia" is a brilliant example of a term paper on social science.... Russia is the largest country by Landmass globally but just like several other countries, it faces strategic risks, both financial and non-financial.... The Risk facing Russia is classified under economic, environmental, geopolitical, social, and technological risks....
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Bridgewater v Leahy Case Comment
14 pages (4703 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Bridgewater v Leahy Case Comment" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues and comments on the Bridgewater v Leahy case.... It concerns a dispute over the proceeds of the will of the late William York, who bequeathed his property valued at over $650,000.... ... ... ... The issues raised in this case were equity, unconscionable conduct, and undue influence, and this analysis of the issues and judgment rendered in this case is presented predominantly from an economic and feminist standpoint....
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Islamic Financial System as an Effective Planning & Control Framework in Kuwait
18 pages (4887 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
The paper "Islamic Financial System as an Effective Planning & Control Framework in Kuwait" discusses that the planning and controlling framework in relation to the Islamic financial system is considered to be quite effective as it is known to share the risks with regard to financial products.... ...
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Film Review: Juno by Jason Reitman
17 pages (4367 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
"Film Review: Juno by Jason Reitman" paper focuses on an American feature film that was released in the year 2007, directed by Jason Reitman.... The film follows a young teenage girl on her journey to life as she encounters an obstacle in the form of an unplanned pregnancy.... .... ... ... Juno is about how she manages to handle her life despite deciding to have the baby, and the kind of impact the situation has on her psychological maturity and social lifestyle....
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Level of Satisfaction with the Services among the Visitors of Lincoln Christmas Market
12 pages (2381 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'Level of Satisfaction with the Services among the Visitors of Lincoln Christmas Market' is an informative example of a marketing research paper.... The research was carried out using primary data.... Primary data involve collecting data from live participants selected from the target population....
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Characteristic of a Witness In Criminal Proceedings
20 pages (5003 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The paper "Characteristic of a Witness In Criminal Proceedings" tells to establish the character integrity of a witness, the trustworthiness of evidence is an essential aspect in all successful rulings.... The trustworthiness of one's testimony will depend on his interest in proclaiming the truth....
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Mental Health Inequalities among the Mentally Ill Older Population in the UK
16 pages (4721 words) , Download 1 , Essay
From the paper "Mental Health Inequalities among the Mentally Ill Older Population in the UK" it is clear that the aim of raising standards in mental health relies more on new initiatives in information and data collection and is connected to the goal of reducing inequalities in mental health.... ...
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Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules
18 pages (4948 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules " it is clear that the responsibilities are bounded for the due courses of diligence to seaworthiness and care of cargo.... This is the reason that in return for that, he gets hold of negligence in navigation and management exception.... ... ... ...
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Sherman Antitrust Act
12 pages (4236 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
"Sherman Antitrust Act" paper focuses on the act which requires the United States government to intervene and investigate companies, trusts, and organizations which are suspected of engaging in unfair trade practices that are contrary to the provisions of the Act.... ... ... ... The case of Howard Tool Company can be comprehensively analyzed under Sherman Act....
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The UK Government Restrictions on the Sale of Alcohol
15 pages (4127 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "The UK Government Restrictions on the Sale of Alcohol" it is clear that heavy drinkers will have a huge quantum of low-cost alcohol, while moderate drinkers will not prefer cheap liquor and they will go for a luxurious product with a higher price label.... ... ... ... As per the UK government's Alcohol Strategy (2012), the UK witnessed about 1....
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Image of Madness in the Novel Jane Eyer
14 pages (4100 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Image of Madness in the Novel Jane Eyer" highlights that The Madwoman in the Attic and Jane Eyre consider Bertha to be mad because she did not comply and thus deviated from what they consider to be a norm---suffragists fighting openly for their rights.... .... ... ... When one has finished reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhy then another must-read text is The Madwoman in the Attic by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar....
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How an Infant and Child Develop a Sense of Agency
18 pages (5104 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper titled the "How an Infant and Child Develop a Sense of Agency" explores the steps of the development of agency in a child, its importance, and the factors that might hinder its development.... Human development is a complex process.... ... ... ... Agency means an authority or a state of being in action or exerting power....
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Women Rights in Saudi Arabia
15 pages (4266 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Women Rights in Saudi Arabia" highlights that it is prudent to understand that there is no religion that dictates suffrage and slavery to any human being.... In the event that it does so, it is not a representation of the teachings of any higher power in question.... ... ... ... I am going to have an in-depth look into women's rights in Saudi Arabia....
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International Commercial Arbitration - Honest Dealers
16 pages (4190 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "International Commercial Arbitration - Honest Dealers " discusses that arbitration is a form of settling disputes between two international parties with an aim of not involving the courts in its proceedings.... Arbitration can take place in different country rather that the claimants local residence country....
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Mentorship in Professional Practice: Nursing
15 pages (4622 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the "Mentorship in Professional Practice: Nursing" paper tells about his/her own experience as a pre-registration nursing student was a mixture of positive and negative encounters with mentors.... The most positive experience he/she had was based in a community mental health team.... ....
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International Regulations for Global Aviation
18 pages (4579 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "International Regulations for Global Aviation" focuses on the advancements made by Africa in the liberalization of its aviation sector and in working as per the guidelines outlined in the 'open skies' treaties with the US, taking into account the poor economic situation.... ... ... ... The African aviation sector is recently going through an exceptionally bad phase, owing to pressures from the recent economic recession, and primarily from a lack of a liberal and open market....
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The Structure of the Male Reproductive System
18 pages (4809 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"The Structure of the Male and Female Reproductive System" paper analyzes the reproduction case in which almost every hormone affects growth to some degree; however there are some that have specifically essential functions in the growth and development of a child.... .... ... ... Ligaments become less supple leading to reduced flexibility....
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Anti-Poverty Practice as an Essential Constituent of Any Scheme of Social Work
13 pages (3970 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "Anti-Poverty Practice as an Essential Constituent of Any Scheme of Social Work" states that by successive pieces of legislation, the UK has eroded the rights and cut the benefits of asylum seekers so that many of them live in destitution, detained indefinitely without explanation.... ... ...
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Is It Unconstitutional to Deny an Education of Children of Illegal Immigrants
16 pages (4237 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Is It Unconstitutional to Deny an Education of Children of Illegal Immigrants" states that as per the legislative norms of the US, education can be stated as a right for every individual wherein each and every resident of the nation has the right to access the same without any hindrance....
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Russia as a Virtual Mafia State
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Russia as a Virtual Mafia State" presents the Russian mafia, also widely referred to as the Bratva, which is the name used to refer to a collection of several organized crime groups/ elements originating from the former Soviet Union, currently Russia.... .... ... ... The Russian mafia is also active in the United States, particularly in Brighton Beach, and in other nations of the world including Canada, Spain, Portugal, France, Hungary, and many more....
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Decision Making in Acute Coronary Syndrome
17 pages (4915 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Decision Making in Acute Coronary Syndrome" states that pain in the arm usually on diagnosis may be established to represent myocardial ischemia.... The perception and communication of pain by a patient depending on their gender, age, medication and drugs.... ... ... ... This case study is a critical analysis of the differential diagnosis and initial treatment of 42-year-old Mr....
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Nursing Issues within an Ophthalmic Care Pathway
13 pages (4218 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Nursing Issues within an Ophthalmic Care Pathway" discusses that nurses will take more time to measure an IOP, but they have no chance to hurt the patient due to haste, since with error, doctors will not trust them, and with hurt, the patients will not trust them.... ... ... ... Studies reveal that many elderly patients do not get an appropriate glaucoma checkup....
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Preschool Inclusion Critical Analysis
15 pages (4411 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Preschool Inclusion Critical Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in preschool inclusion.... The inclusion of physically or mentally challenged children with their normally developing peers at the preschool level is different from school-age inclusion.... ... ...
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Change Management Using the Model by Lewin
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This essay "Change Management Using the Model by Lewin" focuses on change management which is important in transforming some aspects of organizational operations.... Lewin's model is the appropriate way of introducing change in the bedside handover system.... .... ... ... The leadership should be involved in the change and ensure teamwork among employees to ensure successful implementation....
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