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Understanding the Factors That Encourage Romance Among Heterosexual Friends - Essay Example

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The main focus of the paper "Understanding the Factors That Encourage Romance Among Heterosexual Friends" is the experience of the romantic relationship that developed between the participant and a friend. Analyses of the participant in the context of this relationship are the main subject matter…
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Understanding the Factors That Encourage Romance Among Heterosexual Friends
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?TMA03 Project Proposal Form Please return your completed assignment to reach This assignment should be submitted electronically using the eTMA system. Please note that you need to gain your tutor’s approval before you begin any data collection. Please submit your completed Ethical Approval Form with TMA 03 (to be approved and signed by your tutor). The form is available on the DD307 course website. Note that you will need to attach the final agreed and signed (by your tutor) form to TMA 04 when you submit it, as evidence of this process. Make sure you have you read the Project Booklet! SECTION 1. This section concerns the literature searching element of the project rationale and accounts for 50% of the marks for this assignment. i. What is the proposed title of your project? (2 marks) The proposed title is: “Understanding the factors that encourage romance among heterosexual friends: Evaluating the experiences of women. “ ii. What is the proposed research question for your project? (2 marks) The proposed research question is: “What are the factors that motivate women to explore romance with a friend? What facilitates and what poses challenges to such relationships? “ iii. Show how your research topic is related to the DD307 course materials. (Which chapter/s from the DD307 course books are related to your topic of interest?). 200 words. (6 marks) The topic of love and romance has been a study of social psychologists for many years. The topics of Close Relationships and of Families in the texts provide initial data about the nature of relationships shared by humans, and thus provide the inspiration for the topic. There has been a lot of research on family relationships, and on romance that has outlined the way people connect to each other. Research in the experience of love has suggested different styles of love and components of romantic relationships. The existing research has also suggested that relationships change with time, and has discussed the impact of different situations on the relationship. Gender differences in the way people perceive their relationships have also been discussed by theorists. But there is little if any direct research that directly studies what causes friends to explore a romantic relationship. More and more people seem to suggest that friendship is an important development after falling in love. This project is developed to understand what happens when the friendship precedes love; particularly for females. It is hoped that this paper will help describe the different benefits of becoming romantically involved with a friend as well as the challenges in doing so. iv. Outline THREE references that you consider relevant for your project that are not already included in the DD307 printed course materials. (You may include articles which are on the DD307 website.) (Write THREE paragraphs where you explain each piece of literature showing your tutor what the paper is about, what methodology was used, what perspective/theories were employed and what the main findings were). 150 words each (450 words in total). (10 marks per piece of literature – total 30 marks) A study by Grote and Frieze (1994) describes the development of a Friendship – Based Love Scale for mature and for young test takers. They have described the items used and how these items were chosen and refined. After this, they verified that the scale did indeed test for friendship based love by correlating it with other established scales. They found that the scale was correlated to relationship intimacy, relationship satisfaction and that participants felt that their relationships were stable because they were friends. The researchers recommend the use of this scale to identify friendship based love styles, and demonstrate that their scale did discriminate between friendship – based love and other styles of love. This demonstrates one way to measure the presence of friendship based love. Rose, Zand and Cini (1993) have discussed a number of research findings of how lesbian women view relationships and the process of entering into relationships in a theoretical chapter. The authors suggest that the role of friendship is viewed as very important by these women, as it allows that to become close to one another without having to directly initiate a sexual relationship. Lesbian women, like the women who were a part of the Grote and Frieze (1994) study also preferred to base their relationships on friendship, and preferred to view their partner as a good or close friend even when they were passionately involved. The researchers also found evidence for non-sexual romantic relationships among lesbians; and believe that friendship would play a particularly important role in such relationships. This suggests that women prefer friendship in romance regardless of sexual orientation. In a more recent review, Berscheid (2010) has conducted an analytical review of all the literature related to romance in the context of love styles. She finds that Friendship based romance which is also called Companionate love is seen by research participants and by researchers as a basis for stable long-term relationships, and that it predicts future stability and happiness better than relationships based purely on passion. She also comments that companionate love takes more time to develop, and it can be triggered by the presence of sexual desire. Thus, it may be that companionate love develops when two friends find some reason to view each other as possible sexual partners. Berscheid (2010) also suggests that the development of friendship is an important stage in a relationship for women as well as men, but women are more likely to consider this as an important factor. v. Drawing on the three references described in question iv above, show how YOUR research relates to the literature described. Here you should describe any limitations of the studies you have considered and explain how your research aims to transcend these. 200 words. (10 marks) The present study shall attempt to understand how women - who supposedly prefer to consider their partner their friend – feel about the changes in a relationship that moves from a friendship to a romance. The literature reviewed emphasizes the importance of friendship in love; but most of the research seems to demonstrate the development of friendship after falling in love rather than before. the only literature that explores the transition from friendship to love has been conducted with lesbian women, whose experiences could be different from straight women. Due to the social changes that have occurred in the last 25 – 30 years, men and women have started forming friendships more frequently, and thus, it is important to understand the experiences of women who start a relationship with a man as a friendship, but then pursue a romantic relationship with that friend. The literature reviewed also focuses prominently on data taken from quantitative studies, and the more qualitative experience of the individual is not as well explored. Since the present study is expected to use a phenomenological approach, it will help in understanding the emotional and cognitive experiences of the participants. SECTION 2. This section concerns the justification for the design of your project and accounts for 50% of the marks for this assignment. i. Identify the theoretical perspective (discursive psychological, phenomenological psychology or social psychoanalytic) you intend to use for your project and explain why you feel this is the most appropriate. 200 words. (15 marks) This study will use a phenomenological approach to data collection and analysis. A qualitative approach was proposed because the researcher wished to understand the nature of the individual participants’’ experiences. A phenomenological approach allows the researcher to explore the personal experiences of the participants, and to identify items of subjective importance. It is also possible to understand the development of the relationship being studied from the perspective of one of the persons in the relationship. Any relationship can best be understood and described by the person(s) involved. The use of standardized instruments can inform a researcher about the direction and the intensity of an emotional response, can help draw a list of important events, and can help classify the experience into one of many categories. But this information cannot capture the experience if the individual. Phenomenology allows the researcher to use both a descriptive as well as an interpretative lens to understand the experience of the participant. In the present instance, the researcher wishes to use interpretive phenomenology which shall allow the researcher to not only collect in-depth data on the experiences of the participants; but will also allow for the interpretation of the data with respect to existing theory, and to compare the finding s with those previously documented. ii. Identify the appropriate methodology (interviewing two separate participants or conducting a group discussion) you intend to use for your project and explain why you feel this is the most appropriate. 200 words. (15 marks) Data shall be collected from two participants using an interview method. This was considered as the appropriate method as the researcher is interested in understanding and interpreting the role of different events and experiences in the development of the relationships of the participants. Exploring the individual experiences and then drawing similarities and differences between the descriptions of different participants can help in establishing both common and unique events that can determine the direction and the quality of the relationship. Individual interviews would allow the researcher to pursue the details of significant events of each participant, and will enable the researcher to choose what to expand on in the interview. Thus, different elements could be given attention in different interviews as they may demand it. It would not be possible to do this in a group discussion, as the researcher would have to attend to all participants, and would have to allow topics to be discussed by the group, if they pertain to the experiences of even one participant. Also, as the subject of the interview is a personal and sensitive one, the participants may not be comfortable discussing their experiences honestly in a group setting. They would be more likely to speak honestly to the researcher who promises them confidentiality than in front of another participant who is not bound by any such promise. This is particularly so about events that the participants may be sensitive about, or may fear being judged about. iii. IF YOU ARE USING PHENOMENOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY ANALYSIS Briefly explain, in your own words, each of the following four key analytic concepts and provide a short example of each. 250 words TOTAL. Temporality Spatiality Embodiment Intersubjectivity (10 marks) Temporality refers to the participant’s experience of time and the amount of time spent in a particular event. The temporality of the experience would relate to the amount of time that the participant was friends with their partner, the amount of time that they required to make the choice of pursuing a romantic relationship after they realized that they were romantically attracted to each other, as well as the amount of time it took the participant to become comfortable with redefining the relationship. Spatiality refers to the experience of physical space of a particular place. Spatiality would be an important element to study of the participant(s) report that importance of a particular place, or event that they associate with a spatial context. It is likely that they would have a ‘special place’ or meeting point that is considered significant to the relationship. Embodiment refers to the experience of one’s body; an element that would be important if the way a participant (or their partner) perceives themselves played an important role in the conception and development their romance. The possibility of sexual experiences would also draw a focus on embodiment. Intersubjectivity refers to the experience of a relationship with another person. This is the main focus of this study - the experience of the romantic relationship that developed between the participant and a friend. The events and analyses of the participant in the context of this relationship shall be the main subject matter of the research. iv. It is assumed that you have read, understood and will abide by the Code of Ethics and Conduct outlined in Section 3 of the Project Booklet. Provide a brief discussion of any relevant ethical considerations and why they are relevant to your proposed research. (Your answer to this question may be duplicated on the Ethical Approval Form in the relevant section.) 200 words. (10 marks) The researcher shall pay special attention to avoid violating any of the ethical codes. the data collected from participants will be securely stored after removing all identification marks from it. Names and personal details will be stored separately for the duration of the analysis and then disposed. The researcher will strive to make the participant comfortable and provide them with full informed consent before commencing the study. The interviews will be recorded and stored separately on secure disks. Recording of interviews is considered important in order to ensure that all relevant information is captured. The recordings will be made into transcripts without any identifying information. The researcher will take care to ensure the comfort often participants and will respond to their questions with as much detail as necessary. In case the participants seem uncomfortable with their own experiences, they will be provided with information about counseling opportunities and will be encouraged to avail of the same. The researcher will try not to disturb the participant with any remarks, and will be non-judgmental and supportive during all interaction with the participant. It is expected that when talking about their relationship, participants may re-evaluate elements of their relationship, and the researcher shall try not to cause distress either through silence or through any remarks made. References Berscheid, E. (2010). Love in the Fourth Dimension. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 1–25 Grote, N. K. & Frieze, I. H. (1994). The measurement of Friendship-based Love in intimate relationships. Personal Relationships, 1, 275–300. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.1994.tb00066.x Rose, S., Zand, D., & Cini, M. (1993). Lesbian courtship scripts. In Rothblum, E. D.& Brehony, K.A. Boston Marriages: Romantic but Asexual Relationships Among Contemporary Lesbians, pp. 70-85. Amherst: Univ. Mass. Press DD307 Social psychology: critical perspectives on self and others Ethical Approval Form This form needs to be completed by you and signed by your tutor before you carry out your project. Read the Project Booklet before completing this form. Please ensure that you send this form when you submit TMA 03. Approval from your tutor must be obtained before you collect any data. Please feel free to expand the boxes below. Name: Student PI no: Title of project: Understanding the factors that encourage romance among heterosexual friends: Evaluating the experiences of women. Participant recruitment: Please indicate who will take part and how your participant(s) will be recruited. (See the Project Booklet sections 3 and 5 concerning participants.) The study shall include female participants who are presently in a romantic relationship with someone they were friends with. Two participants will be recruited; ad shall be interviewed using a pre-designed interview schedule. The participants will be students in the age group of 20 – 25 years, and will identify themselves as heterosexual. They will also be individuals who have been romantically involved in their present partners for at least 6 months as a shorter duration than that could be associated with growing pains in their relationships. Participants will be recruited by publishing an advertisement in the relevant locations, and potential candidates will be provided with full information about the study. They will also be asked to verify with their partners about participation, as the researcher wishes to avoid causing any discomfort within the relationship of participants. Only if they are comfortable with participation, they will be asked to present themselves for a personal interview. Outline summary (250 words max): State clearly and briefly what you propose to do and how you will do it. You should also include an anticipated timetable for the steps in your research project. (See the Project Booklet section 2.) This study is being carried out to try and make sense of how heterosexual women experience the changes in a relationship that morphs from a friendship to a romantic relationship. It shall explore the important events and experiences that played an important role in the process of redefining the relationship. At least for the woman involved. The researcher has already completed the first, second, third and fourth steps in the process of conducting this study. From here on, the focus shall be on collecting literature, designing an interview schedule and collecting data that will then be analysed using a phenomenological approach. It is suggested that the researcher shall spend at least a week identifying and understanding different researches that have already been conducted on similar topics, and will become familiarised with the findings and conclusion of these studies. The process of identifying participants will occur simultaneously and with as much confidentiality as possible. Once participants are identified, they will be provided full informed consent, and will be interviewed. The transcripts of the interviews will also be shown to the participants before analysis in order to avoid any mistakes. The data thus collected will be analysed for important experiences for each participant, and commonalities and differences in the two interviews shall also be discussed. Methods of data collection and analysis Tick one option from the choice of data collection methods and one option from the methods of data analysis. Data collection Data analysis Interview ? Discursive psychological Group discussion Phenomenological ? Social psychoanalytic Brief outline of ethical considerations Please read the abridged BPS ethical principles for conducting research with human participants in the Project Booklet – list of key issues provided below for information Participant safety Possible need for additional emotional support Confidentiality and anonymity Informed consent Debriefing participants Researcher safety Storage of participant information and data Right to withdraw from study Disposal of participant information and data Information about complaint procedures In no more than 200 words provide a discussion of ethical considerations that may impact on your study The researcher shall pay special attention to avoid violating any of the ethical codes. The data collected from participants will be securely stored after removing all identification marks from it. Names and personal details will be stored separately for the duration of the analysis and then disposed. The researcher will strive to make the participant comfortable and provide them with full informed consent before commencing the study. The interviews will be recorded and stored separately on secure disks. Recording of interviews is considered important in order to ensure that all relevant information is captured. The recordings will be made into transcripts without any identifying information. The researcher will take care to ensure the comfort often participants and will respond to their questions with as much detail as necessary. In case the participants seem uncomfortable with their own experiences, they will be provided with information about counseling opportunities and will be encouraged to avail of the same. The researcher will try not to disturb the participant with any remarks, and will be non-judgmental and supportive during all interaction with the participant. It is expected that when talking about their relationship, participants may re-evaluate elements of their relationship, and the researcher shall try not to cause distress either through silence or through any remarks made. I have read the abridged BPS ethical principles for conducting research with human participants and confirm that to the best of my knowledge my work adheres to these principles. Student signature…………………………………… Tutor use only: Proposal approved Resubmit Resubmit Low risk Medium risk Unacceptable Tutor’s comments/suggested changes Tutor signature …………………………………….. Read More
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