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Professional Topics

Topics on the subject of Professional are known to be exciting and challenging. See, what we’ve collected for you from our best Professional papers samples! In our free database you will find only high quality, professional and interesting paper. Grab ideas, see examples and create own perfect Professional essay and research paper!
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Why would a young student need some professional essay examples? Isn’t it too early to think about a career? Since you enter high school, it is not too early to think about further development and growth. It is better to have an action plan ahead than having no idea what to do in your 16. It is important to weigh all pros and cons of each prospective job and apply for the college or university, which specializes in the particular field of study.

Luckily, students may find support in the face of our writing service. We can offer exceptional works on any professional essay topics. How is a professional essay different from a regular academic paper? Is it the one, which contains complex professional terminology or the one reflecting the applicant’s skills, knowledge, and experience? In both cases, you are right. A professional paper could be both an official document and candidate’s resume.

Professional Essay Examples of Different Types

Our online writing company deals with all sorts of writing:

  • Academic
  • Creative
  • Business
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  • Nursing

It means that our experts can prepare both professional essay samples for business or personal statements/resumes along with sound cover letters to persuade the admissions officers or recruiters of the candidate’s competence. In both cases, these documents matter for your career development.

What our team offers is everything a young adult needs to get the job of his or her dream. We are ready to work on the:

  • Personal statement
  • Cover letter
  • Scholarship essay
  • Sample professional goals essay
  • Resume/CV
  • Follow-up and thank you letters
  • Memo

If you see these titles for the first time in your life, you should know those are all professional papers. While personal statement helps to enter the college or university of student’s dream, others deal with building professional career more.

Let Us Make Your Dream Come True!

Our writers are equally good in preparing application papers for college and recruiters. They are all native speakers from different professional fields. While some of them can help with your business degree, others are experts in the field of law, etc. There is nothing we cannot do for you regarding professional or academic writing!

We have already helped hundreds of enthusiastic students to join colleges of their dreams no matter how low the acceptance rates are today. Right, it is pretty difficult to be selected a student of Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, UCL, or Oxford. Even the best students risk failing because of the high competition. Our goal is to minimize this competition and increase your chances to win thanks to the outstanding admissions essays and powerful cover letters. Our top priority is to prove that our customer is the best candidate ever. Join the most successful educational institutions or companies thanks to our winning professional papers!

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Examples List of Professional essay and research paper

Characteristics That Will Make a Candidate an Effective Salesman Professional Essay
2 pages (618 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Characteristics That Will Make a Candidate an Effective Salesman" is a perfect example of an essay on professional. Given a choice among the two candidates, one chooses the second candidate who has been an assistant in a different territory.  There are several reasons why one thinks that he will be a better candidate than the first. 
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Conducting of Research - Avoiding of Bias, the Role of Theory Formulation, and Literature Review Professional Research Paper
3 pages (961 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Theory must be formulated and in turn, offer the basis for conducting the research. This stems from the fact that research cannot begin or take place if there is no theory to guide the whole research process. For instance, one could formulate a theory that women are better managers in high-end executive jobs as compared to their male counterparts.
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Transportation Futures Exercise Professional Essay
3 pages (821 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A change driver is an internal or external pressure that shapes change in an organization. This includes changes to strategy, plans, designs, products, services, and operations. The following are common change drivers beginning with internal drivers and progressing to external pressures.
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Work-Based Practice: Placement Job Professional Essay
4 pages (1119 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Both the working experience and the study course have been of benefit, and it helped me to add value at home, I believe that this valuable experience will be of immense value to me in my preceding final year’s studies. The experience will also be of invaluable measure in my other future job position.
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Community Service Professional Report
4 pages (1215 words) , Download 0 , Report
The cleaning process included vacuuming the prayer areas of the mosque, cleaning windows and also cleaning the bathroom facilities within the mosque. Also whilst I was at the mosque I gave food and drink to the people who were less fortunate. In addition I presented a ‘Culture shock presentation’ to the younger generation at the mosque.
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Blood Spatter Pattern Analysis Professional Assignment
4 pages (1104 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Blood spatter/ pattern:12 shows an expired spatter. The blood spatter has very fine mist well spread over a large area or region. The blood spots are derived from small and tiny particles that were carried away by air. They are minute and nearly microscopic. The blood must have been carried by air following a mixture by pushing air from the lungs.
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Culinary Arts & Food Service Career Paths Professional Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Culinary arts refer to the art of making and cooking of a wide variety of foods. A person working in culinary arts is known as a culinary artist or culinarian. Culinary artists work in restaurants, hospitals, delis or any institution that has a kitchen in it and food is required by people working or residing in it.
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An Internship at the Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company Professional Admission/Application Essay
4 pages (1088 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
While the Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company might have received a good review from the audit, it goes without mention that they should pursue their goals further. It is important to note that the areas that need improvements should not be underscored. For that matter, the management and the departments that are affected should put in more effort in a bid to improve in these sectors.
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Culinary Arts & Food Service Career Paths: Cheesecake and Fruit Tarts Professional Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
A cheesecake is a sweet dish that is used by many people for dessert. The thick layer of a cheesecake is made up of a mixture of soft and fresh cheese, eggs, sugar. Its bottom layer is a crust that is made from sponge cake, crushed cookies, pastry or graham crackers. Cheesecake is sweetened by using sugar while the top is chocolate syrup.
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Engineers Create Artefacts and Processes through Design Professional Essay
4 pages (1216 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Engineering design is seen as a subject of this wider concept as performance, underlying science, and quality objectives play a significant role. Engineering design is defined as a loosely structured and open-ended activity that entails learning processes, decision making, problem identification as well as representation.  
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Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain Professional Essay
4 pages (1278 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the process of creating effective and reliable production and distribution systems, the idea of having reliable supply chains cannot be underestimated. This has seen sustainable supply chain network design develop to become a very rich area as far as academic research is concerned.
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Job Satisfaction Professional Research Paper
4 pages (4065 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Survey results show that the relationship with co-workers especially in the case of 36 >= 45 age group is very strong. The survey indicates that 36 >= 45 age group people are 80% satisfied with their relationship with other co-workers. Relationship with co-workers for the age group 25 >= 35 and 46 >= 70 is exactly the same and it is 72%.
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Jobs for Electricians Professional Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It is clear from the discussion that Installation of electrical systems is the business of electricians, who are required to be licensed before they undertake such activities. In the US however, the tradesmen and the business they perform are separated by the licensing requirement, where the electrician can only work in the public domain, while licensed under an electrical contractor business.
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Strategy Implementation in an Organization Professional Assignment
4 pages (1278 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
When the factors are considered in implementation the goals that mainly aim in consumer satisfaction will be achieved. In the implementation, there is monitoring and ensuring that the objectives that are set are met. The process entails evaluation of activities and employees to make sure that activities are done according to objectives. Problems that occur during implementations are also dealt with in the process.
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Why I Chose Nursing as a Career Professional Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Choosing a career path is one of the most difficult decisions a person can make. For me, it was particularly challenging because I wanted to find a profession that would challenge my mind and heart in equal measure. After much contemplation and exploration, I concluded that becoming a nurse was the best choice for me. In this essay, I will explore why I chose nursing as my profession.
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The Importance of English in Air Traffic Control Professional Essay
5 pages (1391 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Importance of English in Air Traffic Control" describes major accidents and ‘near misses’ in the history of civil aviation, the roots of which, lay in misunderstanding or miscommunication and studies the various issue related to using ‘poor English’ in air traffic control.
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What Khaled Does Every Day Professional Essay
5 pages (1310 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is America’s federal law enforcement agency. An employment in this agency is considered to be a prestigious one in America. The responsibilities of the FBI staffs have increased a lot for the last couple of decades because of the increased amount of terrorism globally.
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Finger Printing Analysis Professional Research Paper
5 pages (1352 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The area will be cordoned off so that there is no further contamination or interference with the evidence that is available. Before processing the scene photographs should be taken of the evidence and their location. Each piece of evidence must be a separate sample and should therefore be packaged separately.
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The Reality of the Working World Professional Essay
5 pages (1432 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It becomes evident that humans have always been engaged in various tasks and activities to earn their bread and for keeping the wolf from the door. Initially, hunting used to be the most popular mode of obtaining food, attire, and dwelling as well, where people killed the beasts, ate their meat, and used their skin to cover their bodies.
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Reason for Choosing the Actuarial Profession Professional Coursework
5 pages (1544 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper "Reason for Choosing the Actuarial Profession" is an outstanding example of professional coursework. Actuarial science is a field of study within the wider discipline of insurance that applies knowledge of mathematical, statistical and probability techniques to assess the level of risks in financial systems.
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Challenges of Performance Appraisal Professional Essay
5 pages (1668 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Employees in any organization play a bigger role in determining the level of achievement and success. If well and properly motivated, employees can be key assets in ensuring that all operations go as planned. Performance appraisal is thus used as a tool and key factor in ensuring that the organization’s visions are accomplished.
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Automation Engineering Professional Essay
5 pages (1552 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In some cases, a person can be faced with pressures from his controlling individuals such as parents and societies to pursue a career path that does not relate to his desires. For instance, there can be an individual who is always curious, loving to think deeply through matters being told by parents to pick a career on Landscape Architecture, instead of philosophy.
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Parental Guidance in Career Choosing Professional Personal Statement
5 pages (1428 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
In life, most of the youthful days are spent with the youth being given directives of what areas of speciality they ought to peruse. These pieces advice normally comes from the closest members of the society especially the parents who feel they owe a duty to giving a direction to their children on the nature of what to perform in the future life.
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Managing Homeland Security CJ 354 Professional Report
6 pages (1747 words) , Download 0 , Report
Since disasters and emergencies are part and parcel of our lives, it is important that the citizens are prepared in meeting these and mitigate the effects. The tasks of the EMC are five-fold namely: (1) organizing resources; (2) assessing risks; (3) developing an emergency management plan.
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Personal Experience Questionaire Professional Resume/CV
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 0 , Resume/CV
It is my belief that to forge a team where efficiency and dedication are highly valued, the need for the members to work towards a common goal must be realized. Part of my function as COO is to uphold the company's mission and vision to encourage our employees to deliver quality services.
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