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The Relationship of China and Iran Politics Term Paper
83 pages (10564 words) , Term Paper
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The Chinese Communist Party Chief Hua Kuo-feng was among the foreign dignitaries last seen with the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi before he was overthrown in 1979. Iran's 1979 revolution had a profound impact on China-Iranian economic relations.
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Conflict Negotiation: The Iran-US Hostage Crisis Politics
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 0
The paper "Conflict Negotiation: The Iran-US Hostage Crisis" is a perfect example of a report on politics. On 4th November 1979 a group of around 150 student revolutionaries who called themselves “Muslim Students following the Line of Imam” forcibly entered the US Embassy in Tehran and took sixty-six persons (members of staff and marines who guarded the US embassy) inside the premises as hostages.
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How Does Human and Environmental Security Challenge State Sovereignty Politics
9 pages (2483 words) , Download 0
The paper "How Does Human and Environmental Security Challenge State Sovereignty" is a wonderful example of a report on politics.In this debate, we are going to look at the extend in which these two types of security are challenging state sovereignty for them to be achieved. Human security is going to be debated first followed by environmental security.
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Terrorism Politics Term Paper
10 pages (2787 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Most of the nations have been touched by the current terrorism wave, which started during the late 1960s. In this regard, terrorism is defined as the illegitimate use or violent threat against an individual or property to further social or political objectives.
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The Sino Australian Relationship: Determining Interests Beyond Economic Affairs Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3422 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Over the years, diplomatic relations between China and Australia has grown culturally, economically and politically. This diplomatic relation has been established since December 1972.According to Zheng (2005), the relationship between Australia and the People’s Republic of China has grown tremendously in the past few decades.
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Sudan: Separation and Partitioning of the Land Politics Term Paper
13 pages (3381 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
There are several types of post-separation land disputes in Sudan that resulted in casualties over the last four years. One is the conflict between pastoralists and farmers that often result in a violent confrontation in Southern Kordofan. Two is the conflict between farmers and traders who the former believed are exploiting natural resources such as timber, gum Arabic, and palm trees.
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Privatization of Air Traffic Control Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3372 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This report on air traffic control is directed to the lawmakers of the United States of America and the stakeholders in airline systems. The arguments presented in this report will help the Senate and the House as well as the airline owners and pilot associations to make the necessary legislation that will allow good management and service delivery in air traffic control.
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Shift-Share Analysis Politics Report
8 pages (2335 words) , Download 0 , Report
This analysis is restricted to smaller geographical coverage generally to investigate and examine the economic performance of regions conventionally referred to as distinct geographical locations. To this end, the paper will focus on the Armidale Local Government Area in particular Armidale Dumaresq through the critical analysis of the Australian Bureau of Statistic data for the period between 2006 and 2011.
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Globalization Theory and Global Media Politics Report
9 pages (2353 words) , Download 0 , Report
Globalization has been made possible as a result of the constant developments in the transport industry and the telecommunications infrastructure especially the development of the internet. Scholars have made attempts to trace the beginning of modernization with some arguing that it can be traced way back in history.
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Asylum Seekers and the Refugees in Australia Politics Report
8 pages (2414 words) , Download 1 , Report
The organization started to operate in 1945 and has continuously been evolving through its objectives remain unchanged. Initially, the organization consisted of countries that were involved in World War II which were mainly the European nations, Americas, and the commonwealth countries. It was considered an organization of peace-loving nations that were fighting against any future conflict, aggression, and other humanitarian prevention functions.
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Libya Political Unrest Politics Report
6 pages (1628 words) , Download 0 , Report
The fight was between Qaddafi forces that were fighting for him to be freed. According to a report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya established on commissioned by the Human Rights Council on 12 February 2011, the unrest was between Qaddafi forces and Anti-Qaddafi forces (Thuwar).
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Effectiveness of G20 Politics Report
8 pages (2122 words) , Download 0 , Report
The questions that beg are who are the G20? Which countries fall under the G20? What role does the G20 play? And how effective is the G20 in solving global economic crisis? The G20 is a group of twenty nationalities comprising of finance ministers and governors of central banks. The G20 are considered the rising powers and their mandate is to foster international cooperation and manage financial crisis in a transparent and fair manner.
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The crisis in Ukraine Politics Report
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 1 , Report
The evolution of the crisis and the rising tension was a demonstration of the inability of the international community, especially the United Nations through its Security Council to act in a situation that threatened peace in both Russia and Ukraine. The failure by Ukrainian allies such as the US and European Union to intervene in what was perceived as a less critical crisis enabled Russia to demonstrate its power.
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The Government Strategy Politics Report
8 pages (2512 words) , Download 1 , Report
According to the UK National Security Risk Assessment, terrorism is ranked as a Tier One risk.  To combat terrorism, the UK administration set up a counter-terrorism strategy known as CONTEST. CONTEST aims to reduce any terrorism risks to the UK and its interests overseas so as people can go about their lives freely and confidently.
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Fundraising WHO Fundraising for Medicare CBO Health Project Politics Report
7 pages (1839 words) , Download 0 , Report
The costs of treating cancers, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases id quite high for the groups to cater to. This forms the basis of the Medicare Foundation; Medicare majorly focused on the poor, those groups in the society who are not able to pay for modern health care, especially the specialised lifestyle diseases (Halvorson, 2007).
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Strategic Threat In UAE Politics Report
8 pages (2232 words) , Download 0 , Report
Terrorism, according to the united nations security council presented a challenge to sustainability and diversity in the economy of a country (Stein and Levi, 2015). The numerous attacks by terrorist groups that target civilians violate the international charters by threatening the freedom of non-UAE nationals.
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Critical Discourse Analysis Politics Report
8 pages (2101 words) , Download 1 , Report
The conversation is chaired by David Dimbleby (DD), with the participants being Ken Clarke (KC); a Conservative MP, Angela Rayner (AR); Labour Shadow Education Secretary, Lisa Duffy (LD); UKIP, Conrad Black (CB) formerly of Daily Telegraph, Yanis Varoufakis (YV) an economist and former Greek Finance Minister and the audience.
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Use of Wilderness as a Conservation Policy Concept Politics Report
8 pages (2322 words) , Download 0 , Report
As mankind experiences wilderness, there is a sense of responsibility comes in. human has got the zeal of reconnecting the environment to the history of its seven million years of evolution. With time, the environment had nurtured all these kinds of environments for the part of developing the whole evolutionary journey.
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The Nature of the Government Politics Report
12 pages (3315 words) , Download 0 , Report
The issue of domestic violence, for example, has been able to move forward and remained on the agenda in part because it cuts a broad swath into society, meaning that it affects every stratum of society, and also because women were not only willing to make their voices heard again and again on the issue but also women had the support of key male figures as well as female politicians in positions of power.
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The EU Institutions Politics Report
9 pages (2472 words) , Download 0 , Report
Though Winston Churchill of the U.K. mooted the idea of the formation of the United States of Europe on the lines of the United States of America, he watered it down to the minimalist level of the union of nations for trading purposes following the ideology of Immanuel Kant according to whom trading nations do not go to war with one another.
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The Contemporary Australian Politics Politics Report
8 pages (2529 words) , Download 0 , Report
At the start of the 21st century, Australia needed five key economic reforms to guarantee success in a fast-globalizing world economy (Lorimer 2002, p.45). The reforms were financial deregulation, fundamental taxation reform, breaking down of high tariff protection, privatization of state-owned commercial bodies as well as a freer labor market.
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Water Privatization Politics Report
8 pages (2426 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is expected that these forces are likely to increase in the future, whereas water supply is likely to be inadequate because of the forecasted impacts of global warming and the limited likelihood for development of new water supply infrastructures due to the unsustainable economic and environmental, and political restraints. Water scarcity is therefore expected to increase especially in arid and semi-arid areas.
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National Security and Counter-Terrorism Issues Politics Report
10 pages (2475 words) , Download 0 , Report
The United States administration, both Obama and Bush administration has postulated an array of enemies, including rogues’ states such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, terrorist organizations of regional, national, and global scope, and terrorism itself. Of particular concern has been a conflation of al-Qaeda as an undifferentiated radical threat.
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The Issue of Industrial Espionage Politics Term Paper
8 pages (2272 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Most of these attacks have been internationally sponsored spying on USA high tech firms that operate in international markets. Evidence has emerged that this spying is being sponsored by foreign governments. The USA government has realized the international threat to its business sector that is being promoted by well-educated spy rings.
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Sustainable Canberra Politics Research Proposal
11 pages (3028 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
A need for change in Canberra has been identified by its people. Canberra needs to become more sustainable, accessible, and affordable. Change must be strategic, with various factors taken into account. This includes respecting the landscape, support of sustainable transport that is also convenient, promoting healthy living, and demographic, cultural, and environmental diversity in a way that will make Canberra a regional leader.
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Speech Analysis: State of the Union Address speech 2012 by President Barack Obama Politics Speech or Presentation
6 pages (1763 words) , Download 3 , Speech or Presentation
The key aim of this paper is to provide critical analysis of the State of the Union Address speech 2012 given by the United States President, Barack Obama. Foremost, this essay will examine the context, purpose, and themes of the speech. Secondly, it will examine how the speech was delivered by the speaker particularly with regards to the non-verbal cues used or the body language of the speaker.
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Speech Analysis of Aggression in the World Politics Speech or Presentation
6 pages (1865 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
 “As much as I am concerned, we ought to make up our minds that no matter the types of war that break up, our firm decisions still remain that we will not take part in it. In order to do this, all of us ought to get to a point where each of us must be ready to defend one another at all cost.”     
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Speech of United States President Barrack Obama Politics Speech or Presentation
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 3 , Speech or Presentation
The speech’s theme is to encourage the Israel people to continue with their fight against Iran and to highlight the relationship between the United States and Israel in the fight against Palestinians. The second and the third paragraphs of this essay will describe the nature of the speech and its purpose to the audience.
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The Australian Democratic Political System Politics Report
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 0 , Report
Separation of powers between the different arms of the government (parliament, judiciary, and executive) is a fundamental aspect of Australia’s political system. Under the constitution, parliament (the federal legislature) has the power to make laws and the executive has the power to implement laws enacted by parliament. The judiciary’s responsibility is to interpret laws.
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Ministers Speech at the Launch of World Environment Day Politics Speech or Presentation
8 pages (2464 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
The world commemorates World Environment Day (WED) every 5 June with the aim of raising global concerns and awareness pertaining to proactive and positive environmental ethics and conservation. It also seeks to sensitize individuals and communities on the need to engage in environmental conservation practices.
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What Drives the Spy or the Whistleblower May Be Different Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3891 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
On the other hand, Woods and King show that without counterintelligence, classified intelligence would be open to espionage by adversaries. Based on this analogy, it is easy to see why counterintelligence is commonly thought to be security. The primary objective of counterintelligence is the protection of secret or classified information.
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Governance for Environmental Sustainability Politics Report
6 pages (1847 words) , Download 1 , Report
The collective action tend to include an exclusive responsibility of the government leaving out the role of citizens and other bodies in ensuring that environment is safeguarded for the good of all. Therefore, it is paramount to note that businesses, NGOs and other concerned bodies should work hand in hand to realize the set goals and objectives (Baker & Eckerberg, 2007, p.330).
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Civil War in Former Yugoslavia Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3691 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Many countries face internal conflicts that tend to slow their development. These conflicts are often caused by ideological differences among the citizens of the countries. At times, the conflict can erupt into a full scale civil war claiming lots of lives as was the case in US and other countries. The conflict can also spill over to neighboring countries causing tension in neighboring countries as was the case in Congo Crisis.
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Analysis of Newspoll Investigation Politics Report
6 pages (1505 words) , Download 0 , Report
Conversely, the poll process and result makes it easy to comprehend the differences between the 1161 respondents interviewed and the objects of the natural sciences. It is for this reason that the poll, based on the ‘BETTER PRIME MINISTER” table has managed to compute insights, beliefs, and values to provide adequate justification for a phenomenon or the research question comparing Abbott and Shorten’s performances.
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The Poll to Ascertain the Popularity of Both Political Parties Politics Report
6 pages (1515 words) , Download 0 , Report
The data collection process was conducted in varied periods.  Both the primary vote and two-party preferred were conducted in the election period; 2013 and 2015 while Abbott’s performance, Shorten’s performance, and “better prime minister” were all conducted in the period between November 2014 and March 2015.
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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Politics Term Paper
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The achievement of the current WTO as well its predecessor General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade has been exemplary. For the last 50 years, GATT and WTO are credited with increased wealth accumulation of industrialized member states as well as fast-tracking development of poor member states to catch up with their industrialized counterparts.
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Study of Hazara Refugees in Australia Politics Report
12 pages (3630 words) , Download 0 , Report
Typically, Australia always welcomes refugees from different parts and tries to resettle them, as long as they are approved and that they have used the right channels to enter the country.  This paper focuses on analyzing the refugees in Australia and genuinely evaluating one group among many of the refugees that come into the country.
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The Relationship between the KSA and Iran Politics Term Paper
29 pages (21282 words) , Term Paper
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This chapter examines the literature on the relationship between Iran and the KSA, with six key objectives. Firstly, the chapter reviews the literature on the history of relations between the KSA and Iran, including literature on relations between the two states before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, immediately after the revolution, relations in the 1980s, and rapprochement between the two states.
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Terrorism as a Form of Propaganda Politics Report
6 pages (1898 words) , Download 0 , Report
Some of the modern forms of the campaign include political, social, and advertisement campaigns. Propaganda entailed the practice of marketing religious concepts initially. Today, propaganda transformed into the technique of selling political ideas in a given country by different politicians aiming to win over their opponents.  
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Brexit: the Economy of the United Kingdom Politics Report
6 pages (1810 words) , Download 0 , Report
Important to note also is that Britain lost its credit rating of AAA which was its highest. This is an indication that going further, government borrowing is likely to shoot up. The scenario appears brighter on share prices since that dramatic slump that prevailed before the referendum has changed and looks brighter as they are now trading higher.
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The Housing in Australia Politics Report
6 pages (2078 words) , Download 1 , Report
Broussard, Joseph, and Thompson (2012, p.170) established that the voices of and views about single mothers who have experienced domestic violence have been overlooked in the social work research, policy debates, and in the formulation of the interventions. As a result, single mothers, particularly ones who experience domestic violence have become a vulnerable population in public housing.
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Government Service Delivery to Citizens in the United Arab Emirates Politics Research Proposal
17 pages (5651 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Government Service Delivery to Citizens in the United Arab Emirates " is a good example of a politics research proposal. Many organizations around the world today, desire to consistently manage and exceed customer expectations. According to Arash et al. (2014), Service excellence is the number one priority for any government or private systems that in the end would want to deliver a product, service, or value.
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Strategy and Law Enforcement Agencies Security - Minister for Interior in the UAE Politics Research Proposal
12 pages (3509 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Strategy and Law Enforcement Agencies’ Security - Minister for Interior in the UAE" is an outstanding example of a politics research proposal. This research proposal offers a vital research strategy aimed at examining the subject of strategy and law enforcement agencies’ security. The proposal considers the practices in the spectra of law enforcement agencies.
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Political Institutions Matter in Inequalities in Healthcare Services Politics
16 pages (4793 words) , Download 0
The paper "Political Institutions Matter in Inequalities in Healthcare Services" is a great example of a report on politics. Political systems engagement in reforming healthcare services offered to the citizens proves to be an essential element of the country’s development. The most disadvantaged individuals in need of health care may be an ongoing challenge that various health systems face.
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Policy Diffusion as an Effective Approach Towards Conducting Comparative Public Policy Analysis Politics
11 pages (3928 words) , Download 0
The paper "Policy Diffusion as an Effective Approach Towards Conducting Comparative Public Policy Analysis" is a wonderful example of a report on politics. This research work analyses the effectiveness of policy diffusion in conducting comparative public policy analysis. This work argues that policy diffusion does not constitute an effective approach for conducting comparative public policy analysis.
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UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Politics
8 pages (2580 words) , Download 0
The paper "UN Framework Convention on Climate Change" is an impressive example of a political report. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) constitutes an international environment treaty that was formed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. This conference had been held from June 3 to 14, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro (Environment and Ecology, 2016).
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Barrack Obamas Farewell Speech Politics Speech or Presentation
8 pages (2009 words) , Download 1 , Speech or Presentation
Farewell speeches in America have become a benchmark for Americans to measure the love and respect a certain president receives from the public. Obama is a loved president, and his farewell speech was full of his emotions and anecdotes. He uses his ideas and notions to support facts and figures to deliver an impactful speech to the nation.
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The History of Geopolitics in Vietnam Politics Research Proposal
10 pages (2687 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The involved variables of the research are technology, politics, economy, culture and the environments. About geopolitics, technology, economy, and politics can be defined as a positive impact on most parts of Vietnam. This is because, since warfare, there have been strong relationships established among various nations.
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Dual-Professionalism from a Public Policy Specialization Politics Report
17 pages (2079 words) , Download 0 , Report
Team leaders monitor and evaluate the job done by lectures, they ensure that the curriculum is up to date, the notes being used are recent and various teaching aids are applied effectively. They ensure that lecture hours are attended fully before exams can be administered to students. They are normally data interpreters.
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Saudi Foreign Policy under King Salman Regime Politics Report
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 1 , Report
Saudi Arabia can be considered the largest oil producer and exporter across the world. It is important for Saudi Arabia is to develop effective foreign policy. Effective foreign policy development and implementation process will help Saudi Arabia to maintain a significant, peaceful, and healthy relationship with major oil-consuming as well as other oil-producing countries across the world.
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