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The data collection method may result in unreliable findings when done in a hasty manner as it is time-consuming and intensive. Finally, the data collection method is expensive compared to other techniques such as surveys and is prone to great sensitivity particularly when personal issues are at stake.
Renal failure (RF) is a condition in which “the kidneys fail to remove metabolic end-products from the bloodstream and regulate the fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance of the extracellular fluids”. The underlying cause of RF, according to these authors, is closely related to renal illness, systematic illness, or urologic faults that have no renal bearing.
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Personally, I feel interpersonal skills comparatively important than administrative and conceptual skills. Besides the fact that I incline to favor a type of leadership that determines efficiency from the ability to influence active participation, this skill is important as it helps leaders have a deep understanding of their leadership as well as others.
Peterson & Bredow (2009) admits that while nursing has both critical components of science and art in care, medical science is more of a researched-based approach that defines procedures in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. In advancing nursing as a professional practice, ethical practice is a pivotal part in enhances patient satisfaction.
Nurses may face some challenges when their sets of goals are conflicting. In such a case, nurses may use their knowledge and previous experiences to salvage the situation and also keep in mind that these goals should always be centered on the patients as the main goal is to improve overall patient care.
Health information technology systems have been put in place in order to enhance the effectiveness and quality of the healthcare systems. These EMR systems can also notify the nurses and other medical practitioners when these patients are about to undergo screening or other preventive procedures. In addition, the nurses use these EMR records to look into the previous histories of the patients.
Physical and chemical restraints were once a popular means of ensuring that patients remain manageable. However, over time, it has been established that both chemical and physical restraints are not the best methods of ensuring both patient and staff safety in psychiatric wards. The other most viable option is to make the psychiatric wards as safe and patient-friendly as possible.
Any profession is considered as being legitimate by its ability to generate and apply the theory. The history of nursing theories and models dates back to the 1950s where various individuals from the nursing field developed models with an objective to link the practice of nursing science with human needs.
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Research Paper
Accreditations of the service providers can help limit as well as improve the quality of service by the private providers. Setting a time frame for the processing of bills and the waiting time for specialist treatment can also help South Carolina to further improve the effectiveness of its unique and customized health care program.
The conclusion states that facility management is a wide profession, especially in facility management because, in order to achieve this, a wide variety of aspects and regulations need to be met. This will include an efficient facility manager, strategies employed by the facility manager, safety management in place in order to ensure all services are delivered in the required time and quality.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
In the past, elderly persons were prone to all kinds of diseases thus did not live for a long period of time. Today many of the elderly people have a longer life expectancy. Health promotion was derived from the slick salesmanship of health, that attempted to persuade, cajole and influence people to change their lifestyles.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
The health profession and particularly the nursing practice have evolved over time. It passed through the evolution phase, the preceding phase, and new paradigms phase. The arrival of the new millennium set-up has brought a lot of changes in the nursing profession. The profession has grown exponentially throughout the theory of development era.
19 pages (4750 words)
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, Research Paper
Administration of opiates – although meant for pain relief – has developed an unrealistic stargaze that death can be met within deep sleep. The overall social assumption that any cause of death could be either resisted or postponed in a hospital setting figuratively inhibits to accept the fact that hospitals cannot get away with death.
According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that a major cause of death, TB ranks as the eighth leading cause of death in low and middle-income countries. It is a third biggest cause of death, after HIV/AIDS and ischemic heart disease in the age group of 15-59 years. There are many undeniable reasons to urgently improve TB control.
One common definition states that pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing when he says it does. Pain is not only an unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation that occurs as a result of injury, strain or disease, it can also be an emotional experience unrelated to tissue damage.
To better understand the impact that the ecological systems play together with the relevance of breastfeeding, two cases of newborn infants will be the next focus of discussion. A case of a newborn infant in Ghana, Africa (another third world country) named Latonya, is another example of negligence for baby’s health and well-being.
Morbidity tends to increase, as life expectancy decreases. Still, it is possible for someone with the presenting problem, which is the black wound on the heel, with the proper treatment, to lead a relatively fulfilling and satisfying life as a contributory member of society, especially because this injury does not affect mental development.
It was a tough challenge for the nurses to maintain competence in carrying out nursing care for a 6-year-old dying child named Therese, in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit having been diagnosed to have an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). This recent PICU admission is a relapse of Therese’s ALL initially diagnosed eighteen months ago.
The surgery was withheld temporarily, the surgeon was observers during this hectic time and remained scrubbed distanced at the back of the operating room, I assumed waiting to recommence surgery. However, I felt a strong division, a scrub team, and an anesthetic team. This I presume was due to lack of orientation about what they needed to do.
This implementation helps patients while providing them with best possible nursing services. It helps educators in encouraging students to track the course objectives and also assuring the learning elements that they would require as medical professionals. The instructors are responsible to give on time feedback.
The case study involves a follow-up visit by a 76-year-old Africa-American following a mechanical fall. She had a large bruise on her left posterior thigh and no open areas on her sacral area, heels, and b-buttocks. She complained of pain during movements which prompted the medical doctor to order for a left-arm and shoulder x-ray.
Before discussing more about advance nursing practices in A & E department, it would be beneficial if A & E department staff clarify the basic concepts in Nursing. Understanding basic concepts in nursing practice, such as roles of nursing, theories of nursing, licensing, and legal issues, help enhance understanding.
The author states that the past century witnessed a rapid shift in academic knowledge toward the development of nursing as a discipline. Despite the value and relevance of the nursing profession, its movement into the academy was not without controversy. Nursing’s transition to an academic discipline exemplified a complex process.
14 pages (3500 words)
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, Research Paper
This reflection took birth because of the understanding that by using reflection, a nurse can look into his or her own experiences, and this knowledge acquired through an effective reflective process like Gibb’s Reflective Cycle will be beneficial in handling patients with more confidence and skill in similar situations.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Nightingale offered a convincing explanation of the practice of nursing and she described it as an art as well as science. “Nightingale described nursing as both an art and a science. The art is the practice, the interaction between the nurse and the client, whereas the science speaks to the empirical, or scientific, knowledge of nursing
The author explains that the clinical supervision is a professional preparation. The experience gathered in this exercise provides the student with an opportunity to carry out professional responsibilities. The clinical supervision allows the student to integrate the academic theories learned from school to actual practice.
Mаny рeорle fоllоwed uр their роsitive remаrks by recоmmending thаt mоre nurse рrаctitiоners shоuld be used tо exраnd the service. The high degree оf cоnsumer sаtisfаctiоn with the services рrоvided by nurse рrаctitiоners wаs indicаtive оf the оverаll оutcоmes оf the study. Anоther аmbiguоus issue аrоse in the reseаrch thаt is imроrtаnt.
22 pages (5500 words)
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, Research Paper
The issue of ethics is of central importance to nursing. Nurses operate in a very responsible capacity, and indeed, how nurses treat their patients can affect the patients’ very lives. So mutual trust, honesty, and integrity are essential characteristics of the nurse-patient relationship, and the consequences of failure could be devastating.
A stakeholder group was created across the trust, the local primary care trust, the university, and users. This group first 'process mapped' the issues surrounding NG tubes in infants. An evaluation of the literature confirmed that studies into NG tube placement were pioneered by the work of Norma Metheny in the late 80s.
It is evidently clear from the discussion that the procedures and guidelines of health and measures are reviewed regularly to ensure that they fit every employee accordingly. This policy does not cover employees only; instead, every other person conducting business with our Agency within and outside the premises.
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Personal Statement
As a learner, the evidence-based practice artifact helped in viewing myself an oncology nurse as one who constantly researches on evidence-based practices in developing in-depth knowledge and skills that I will require in practice. As a student, the evidence-based artifacts reminds me of the critical role that research plays in preparing one for practice in the field of nursing.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that nurses face various challenges in clinical practice and the environment. These challenges often add to the responsibilities they have to deal with on a daily basis in the hospital. One of the most stressful and demanding work units in the hospital is the emergency room. Emergency room nurses are one of the busiest nurses in the hospital.
In care, for each physiological response, there is a psychological response. The emotional response to suffering and illness is a fact in all care settings, and this arises from the well-established mind-body-spirit connection. All physiological responses in a disease state have a psychological component that must be considered during any care.
The researcher states that the health and social care workers employ ICT enabled applications in engaging dementia patients. Social and healthcare workers can use music and ICT in improving the independence of dementia patients. ICT has the potential of enabling selection of specified tracks of audio playing music that assists dementia patients in identifying their favorite online lyrics.
The concepts which were in the care home were based on 20 weeks of observations and interactions which were taken with the residents and what was occurring within the region. The first four weeks were noted as basic observations, including looking at routines, environment, and interactions between the individuals.
The author states that the reason why this family eats junk food that is because Jane abhors cooking and anything to do with the kitchen, instead she has replaced it with the fridge where she shelves her meals. Gillian has also found out that Jane and her 12 years old daughter Holly are overweight.
20 pages (6021 words)
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, Research Paper
Adequate airway management is the core of any emergency medical service, be it for trauma, or cardiac arrest, or stroke. While there are many methods to gain access to the airway, endotracheal intubation allows perfect control of the breathing and respiration of a casualty. For years, prehospital intubation has been practiced by many systems of emergency medical services all over the world.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
Today's emergency rooms are filled with the effects of violence. Domestic violence and abuse are among the fastest growing health problems in the world. This kind of violence occurs at all racial, ethnic, and economic levels. Those that live at the higher economic levels are more financially able to hide it.
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that the development and expansion of psychotherapy and counseling in the past twenty years and over have caused the emergence of debates on how people responsible for therapeutic duties can best be facilitated, supported, and monitored in the ever-growing trends of knowledge, awareness, and skills.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
The focus of care is on the family unit specializing in family nursing and in the context of the community. They provide primary health care services across the client’s life spanning from newborns, to infants, to children, to adolescents, to adults, to the elderly and including but not limited to pregnant and postpartum women.
From a broader perspective, dignity is “an umbrella concept...which makes it at once inclusive and comprehensive, and yet raises issues of scope and precision... [While creating an] awareness of the gulf separating humans from all other
This research will begin with the statement that diversity is a major issue in the United States today. This is because many feel that the opportunities for minorities or those who are underrepresented in the workforce are lacking, something that is particularly problematic in industries which could benefit from having a more diverse workforce, for example, healthcare.
I recommend the adoption of the Wilbur Schramm Theory that views human communication process as one where people should put meaning into a message and understand the relationships amongst themselves. According to Schramm, the emphasis on relationship is because it affects the two parties communicating, especially within a social context.
34-year-old Mary White is in your care. She has limited mobility which means that she is unable to walk without assistance. Her chronic and life-limiting conditions have recently led to a problem with eating and drinking and now Mary is unable to feed herself (although she can take food from a spoon and drink from a beaker) and requires assistance.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Literature review
Pressure sores, or as bed sores, pressure ulcers, and decubitus ulcers, are a common health care problem encountered especially in the geriatric population and patients. The term pressure ulcer has been defined by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel as ‘an area of , damage to the skin and underlying tissue’.
My dream was to be a nurse. I developed an interest and passion in nursing because I felt it was one of the most rewarding careers an individual can hold. This profession gives me a great opportunity to support other people from different social classes and those faced with diverse uncertain situations in life. The field of nursing exposes me to new challenges every day which I have to solve.
Assessment in geriatric care management is crucial in the determination of a patient’s needs and their fulfillment. One key component of such assessments is the subject’s quality of life. QOL, whose application in geriatric assessment differs across traditional and long-term care settings, is a critical component of overall health and well-being.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Literature review
Consequently, several care options for geriatric patients, both in for-profit and nonprofit settings are now available. Nursing homes are an example of care settings that can be both government-owned or run by private entities opening them up to the possibility of being either nonprofit and for-profit entities respectively.
The Bridge Rehabilitation Centre is a busy and large clinical and rehabilitation center with over 800 personnel. The institution is divided into many departments, offices, and divisions in the locality and the city. Moreover, the institution provides medical and counseling services through the city and adjacent town through their outreach mission.
The author states that it is common for infants and children to be victims of disasters and mass casualties since they are vulnerable and suffer more than just physical wounds, they also suffer from the trauma that can be caused by separation from their parents. About one-third of DMAT field patients are children.