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9 pages (2492 words)
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, Research Paper
Chicano music is created by second-generation Mexican immigrants who were born in the USA and spent their lives there. Border states headed by California become homes for many Chicano people. Their relatively young culture is complex in its history and identity. Chicano music reflects the struggle of Chicano people for recognition and respect by the community where they live.
10 pages (2494 words)
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, Research Paper
Chicano music has its roots in Texas. During this period of time, Mariachi, the popular music of old Mexico, was the form of sound listened and enjoyed among the Chicano group of the United States. Chicanos, known to have Mexican descent, live in the United States. As a people, they have a form of music which is distinct from their Mexican counterparts.
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Elvis Presley was a young American actor and singer. His unique style of music influenced the young generation. He was known as the king rock & roll. His music contributed to eliminating discrimination, which in American. He started recording at a young age. His first single That’s All Right, was done at the Sun records and later, he got a chance to work at the RCA.
Music as a selling tool has been in the advertising industry for quite some time. Brands have heavily relied on the popular appeal of music genres raging in the market. The main focus has been to make an appeal to the target audience through musical marketing. It has been long agreed that music’s presence in advertising has a favorable, psychological impact on the audience.
8 pages (2195 words)
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, Literature review
Ethnomusicology is one discipline that deserves its place in the power structure in academia and even outside of it. This is partly because multiculturalism is nowadays inevitable and it is even encouraged over racism. Worlds travel, immigration and trade have meant that people need to learn to co-exist.
35 pages (9111 words)
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, Business Plan
The proposed business has targeted to reach the maximum number of customers through effective marketing strategies along with the deliverance of quality products and services at a reasonable price. The plan has also provided a systematic operational and corporate governance plan so that the proposed business is able to meet its social and legal obligations.
To remain visible in the world-class music industry, the Royal Opera House will improve its world-class orchestra and chorus. The position of Orchestra of the Royal Opera would also be harmonized to conform to the heart of artistic life. We will, therefore, continue to be able to attract the world’s leading conductors and singers who delight in working with such talented and experienced musicians.
Voice categorization is one of the controversial issues in the history of music due to the fact that there has never existed a clear and common classification at least during a specific time span. Like any other classification, voice classification has undergone an evolution, which accompanied the evolution of choral, operatic and orchestral styles and the music itself.
There are certain basic techniques required for proper violin playing. The bow should be adequately tightened. The bow hair is tightened through turning in a clockwise direction the end screws. Rosin the bow is the second step. The rosin is rubbed vigorously against the bow hair length. The aim of this process is to transfer the sticky rosin dust.
From a critical perspective, the love affair with the piano dovetails with an increase in luxury designer products and an expansion of the upper-middle class. Young Chinese are now wearing Gucci and Louis Vuitton, working in high-risk financial segments, and speaking with foreign accents that betray their Chinese roots.
The breakthrough in recording did not come as a result of the development of an instrument particularly targeted at recording sounds, but rather through the development of scientific equipment that was used to study sound waves. Thus, the first popular breakthrough in the history of sound recording dates back to the invention made in 1857.
Women have engaged in jazz since its beginning, yet their accomplishments and contribution to jazz are not as widely recognized as those of the male jazz artists. With a small number of exceptions, prior to the latter half of the 1980s, women were usually inferior members of jazz. Traditionally, men in jazz seldom employed female musicians.
The paper points out Fela’s relationship with Tony Allen, and his role as an activist and as a political leader. Finally, the paper uses examples to reveal the messages that Fela delivered through his music and how he applied music as a tool for social change. Fela surpassed his contemporaries with his brave vocal human rights activist activities.
10 pages (2890 words)
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, Research Paper
The ability of music to influence moods is believed to be vital to explaining its relationship to personality. Although moods are usually short-term phenomena, they can be used to rationalize personality. For example, people who lash out at others and isolate themselves when they fail at anything are understood to have high self-esteem and highly competitive mentalities.
Mitigating the effects of rap music would be challenging considering that it has grown to one of the most popular genres of music in the world. Moreover, most teenagers and youth often want to identify with the music. Other art also propagates its spread. Rap calligraphy has become common in and vehicles.
Give Peace a Chance characterizes anti-war music that has a simple structure and soulful tune and lyrics, as it calls for peace and satirizes political, social, and governance systems that support the war. It argues that war is not a solution because it promotes violence and rejects differences. It advocates peace as the only solution for conflicts because embraces and respects differences.
The introduction and widespread acceptance of K pop was a significant mark in the history of both the musical genre and the Hallyu. Seo Taiji & Boys created a unique piece in which they borrowed foreign instruments thereby creating a unique type of music that would later evolve to become the modern-day popular k pop.
Underlying the differences in the Western Musicals and Beijing Opera, it can be observed that Western Musicals are renowned for their stage designs and the use of a plethora of musical instruments. On the other hand, Beijing Opera is concerned with freedom of expression installing concepts like face paintings.
But employees can live a free life in their non-working hours, can’t they? On their non-working time, workers are free to do whatever they want, including Goethe reading, or listening to Beethoven music, or discussing Theodor W. Adorno’s theories about jazz. But they usually don’t. When turning to culture workers prefer a mass culture: pop music, mass media and “light” literature.
Plagiarism is not another name of sampling neither sampling can constitute the term plagiarism since the conceptual difference lies between them is great and must be considered. Music is a powerful example of sampling where composers use different music or parts of a melody to create a new one for their own piece of music.
Defining the various aspects of Japanese music also shows how the evolution of music has occurred in this country as well as what the perceptions are with how this music is heard and performed. The discovery of Japanese music furthers the ideologies of theories within music as well as what is understood in terms of expression.
Gershwin's style was his own. When he came to Paris in 1928, he asks Ravel to teach him composition. Ravel refused. "Why study with me when you should keep your own style.". In 1928, he composed his 3 Preludes for Piano: a short set of three pieces of music for solo piano. These pieces are the only published work for solo piano during his lifetime.
Chopin’s baptismal certificate revealed that he was born 1810 February 22. Either date does not upset the gifted composer/pianist to conquer international prominence. In the years of “lively domestic music-making”3 Fryderyk was then five, his sister Izabela described her little brother, “‘soon began to display a sensitivity to musical impressions by crying’”.
Having been destroyed massively during the American Civil War, Tennesse has yet to recover from its ruins. This effectively has contributed to the decline of the country as most of Tennessee – a place where the country has been a long-standing darling - residents have to do without good infrastructure and a stable economy.
Debussy was also inspired by the beauty of nature, as were the pictorial Impressionist paintings that also revealed themes of nature’s serenity. Debussy said “Music has this over painting: it can bring together all manner of variations of color and light - a point not often observed though it is quite obvious”. His work evokes the essence of mystery, luminescent and in motion as it becomes an emotional fantasy.
Music and emotion connection can be also traced to hormonal levels in the body. For example, it is experimentally proven that music may lower levels of cortisol in the body (a chemical substance that signifies stress and depression) or music may increase levels of melatonin (responsible for a desire to sleep) (Scherer 2004, p.242).
The roles given to solo woodwinds in the symphony distinguish Beethoven as the composer who vastly expanded their role in symphonic music. (Stanley, page 171) And Beethoven’s use of the French horn in this piece opened the doors for its more prominent role in the music of Brahms, Wagner, and Mahler.
It wasn’t until the 1700s that composers involved in music began to change the arrangements and basic approaches to music. During this time, the composers became interested in Well-Tempered tuning. This used a chromatic spacing of intervals among all instruments and was often referred to as perfect tuning.
20 pages (4903 words)
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, Research Paper
With the cost of production computer soft wares and peripherals, the start-up capitalization for the installation of a self-contained audio suite is within an independent sound designer’s budget. Governments offer to fund media companies but even with only 20% of the participants applying for grants, all respondents claim that they make more than USD 4,500 monthly, a profitable amount for home-based entrepreneur.
Illegal file-sharing is wrong, no matter how you look at it. It is simply stealing from artists, and it leads to the inability of new musicians to find a distributor. This is where the copyright litigation should center, and the file-sharing sites should be shut down, once and for all. It is not a stretch to say that these sites encourage kids to steal, perhaps not just on-line, but elsewhere as well.
He tried literally everything - amphetamines, marijuana, LSD, cocaine, alcohol, and especially heroin. In 1966, the EattheDocument documentary was filmed.
They can still save themselves from the repressive culture of the western hemisphere that can homogenize their culture. As long as Gamelan exists, the hopes and aspirations of Indonesia to become globally competitive are not impossible to achieve. The appreciation of culture should come first to unite the people towards the same goal. The real recognition of the importance of tradition ferments social consciousness and advances social change.
Musical compositions are influenced by a wide array of exogenous and internal, authorial factors, from the characteristics of the time to the composer’s own reaction to them, including his/her perception of, and stand towards their musical heritage. Joan Towers is no different. Her music is made up of the materials of traditional music.
19 pages (5212 words)
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, Research Proposal
The major obstacles that I face are limitation of time and overlapping of assignments, lectures, and preparation for the recital. Another big obstacle in my path is the English language which is not too familiar to me since it is not my mother tongue. Since I chose to sing English songs, I have to put in a lot of extra effort.
Excellent perception and high motivation are what indicate the well being and confidence of a ballet dancer. These are some of the most necessary tools that help the dancer to reach greater heights. They not only contribute to good health and a better level of personal growth but also contribute to the optimal functioning of the performer.
The farm owners and their supervisors permitted and even encouraged the slaves to sing as singing contributed to better productivity, as solace to the drudgery of work. It contributed to their work ethics. This was the genesis of the plantation songs. Songs also served as the private media amongst the slaves for internal and personal communication.
6 pages (1757 words)
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, Research Proposal
Music is a strong tool for the work of emotions and it allows the audience to reflect back on their own emotions. In return, the musician finds joy when his performance implicates emotions. Numerous researches have been done to explain that emotional responses to music are a result of both social and cultural norms.
6 pages (1828 words)
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, Research Proposal
For an opera to be finally crucial, it takes plenty of people, time as well as effort. Some of the individuals who work closely to shape an opera include singers, conductors, producers, directors, composers, writers, musicians, among others. The opera had various styles of opera including aria, recitative, castrato, and bel canto (Estrella, 2014).
14 pages (4998 words)
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, Research Proposal
In current times, the comprehension of the public on the effort which individuals put into the skill of conducting, as they associate the act with mere limb movements. However, conducting demands technical skills that are vital in understanding how the instruments can be used to produce music through the process of conducting.
7 pages (1856 words)
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, Research Proposal
Reliability refers to the extent to which the tools and methods used in the research yield stable and consistent results.9 The reliability of this research will be guaranteed by integrating the methods of data collection and data analysis in a credible way. Further, to ensure reliability, I will use interviews and observation in the collection of data and qualitative methods in the data analysis.
The custom of Spring Essayists worked in the early extended lengths of the twentieth century except for Igor Stravinsky Creators in the twentieth century drew inspiration from society and famous music taking everything into account. Twentieth-century creators merged parts of society and standard music inside their singular styles.
Definitively, music is a form of fine art that plays a significant role in our daily lives. During the course of human history, especially during the old ages, individuals used built different forms of instrumental equipment to create music, as a means of entertainment. Music serves various purposes in society mostly through providing entertainment.
Numerous studies have pointed out that music therapy can facilitate rouse, stimulate the brain and lighten symptoms of anxiety, depression, and memory loss. Similarly, studies have revealed that music has a profound effect on individuals' psyche and body. In effect, there is an increasing field of health care acknowledged as music therapy that utilizes music to heal and relax patients.
6 pages (1926 words)
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, Literature review
The paper will investigate whether popular music genres have been misinterpreted in the mainstream popular media, and create a clear understanding of the effects of the misrepresentation on the genres and the fans. An evidence-based analysis will be conducted on popular music genres and the aspect of music stereotypes.
I never had thought it possible to dedicate time just before exercise to consider what it really was that music during exercise did to either boost my workout motivation or make me relax and feel like I would leave the gym. When I had to, it was amazing as I then realized that music was good at stimulating me for more physical activity.
Music forms an essential and powerful aspect of most religious faiths despite the fact that the part that music plays in thee religions vary. In Christianity for example the use of music in worship enables worshippers to express their beliefs and numerous thoughts by composing, listening, or taking part in the art of singing.
The external shortcomings that arise from the nature of this idea complicate the effective organization of this business. The value of an idea in whichever stage needs to be carefully examined before releasing it to the market, as some unforeseen shortcomings may lead to improper coordination of this effort.
MIDI has the ability to link electronically, different entities that are involved in the creation, storage, or performance of musical performance. As MIDI Manufacturers Association (2002) explains differently, MIDI is the centerpiece of the whole complex process or paradigm of ‘a note-oriented digital representation of the performance of music’ (p. 25).