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Jazz and Social Developments Music Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
However, after the Second World War Jazz, the music gained prominence as it was recognized as being “much more self-conscious and art music designed for listening rather than for dancing” (Edmondson, 2013, 604). It became more complicated and innovative and has been integrated with other forms of music such as soul jazz, free jazz, and jazz-rock fusion.
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Harmonic Structure and Melodic Structure of the Song Music Essay
7 pages (1794 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One of the notable aspects that are depicted by the melody is that towards the end of the piece, there is much richer figuration that is made attractive by the agitato. The last piece also provides a dram that is lacking at it’s entirely on the first piece. In the last bars, as compared to the first ones, there is a change in the speed at which the keys are being played.
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Madonna Vogue in the Music Industry Music Essay
8 pages (2145 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Madonna is not merely a musician or artist, but she is a trendsetter. She was the first woman in the music industry to be recognized internationally due to her diverse knowledge and experimentation with different forms of music. The variety of music forms found today is a result of experiments done by legendary musicians like Madonna.
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Music and Emotion Film Music and Affect Music Essay
9 pages (2729 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The proposer of the theory, Deryck Cooke, says that it is often implied that composers derive these melodic features and subsequent patterns in order to capture nuances and dynamics that will create emotions to the audience. Therefore, the theory states a view that music is mainly a tool or an instrument that can be used as a language of emotion.
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The Impact of Music Business Successfully Weathering the Digital Storm Music Essay
9 pages (2793 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The technological invention in the music industry has enabled the rapid globalization of music and has enhanced the ability of the industry to meet with the needs of digitalization. The music industry has been experiencing several technological innovations during the previous centuries. These technical developments as well as innovation have to lead to innovation.
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The View That the Masses Display Music Essay
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Urbanization and industrialization also reduce the number of communities available for individuals to regain their culture; and hence, their identity (Baron, 2012, p. 75). As a result, society is filled with people that are easily manipulated by the ruling class through the media. Mass culture is a surrogate culture, which is availed to them by the mass media.
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American Composer Aaron Copland Music Essay
8 pages (2390 words) , Download 1 , Essay
He also worked as a performer lecture at Harvard University. Copland reviewed much music, trends, and other works. He wrote a number of books such as what to listen to in a Music and Our New Copland therefore, distinguished himself as a very versatile individual who was a real master worker. Copland involved himself in an extensive range of occupations.
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Online Music Company Music Coursework
12 pages (3314 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Moreover, another major contribution of Apple’s iTunes Store to the music industry is its launch of portable podcasts in the form of iPods that are capable of video podcasting, which provided an opportunity for global consumers to take their music wherever they want (Apple, 2015). Although portable music players were available before that in the form of mp3.
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Emile Jacque Dalcroze and Eurythmics Music Essay
8 pages (2368 words) , Download 1 , Essay
He was raised together with his sister Helena as they were born as only two siblings. Dalcroze came from a stable family whose wellbeing and parents flourishing careers facilitated a comfortable upbringing for the children. Dalcroze’s mother was a Pestalozzi - trained teacher well experienced in music teaching.
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Electronic Dance Music - Contextualization, Experience with Logic Pro X Software Music Essay
7 pages (1831 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Electronic Music Composition as art is attached to like learning a new language (Butler, 2011). One gets into composing music by listening to music, and they like it, they probably sing it back where sometimes it may not sound good when singing. The above initial process gets to help one understand the music theoretically, internally, and practically.
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Blues Continuum, Development of Blues Music Essay
11 pages (3127 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In his seminal work devoted to the development of music in America, Leroi Jones aka Amiri Baraka focused on a very peculiar issue and a unique property of American culture. Since the epoch of slavery, the culture of the U.S. has been developing under the strong influence of African American people, who have formed a great part of musical culture.
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French Revolution and Music Music Essay
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The final movement had more humor and jokes inside it. His symphonies were also different from the contemporary music of that time period. Equilibrium and balance were the chief characteristics of his symphonies. The inner conflict was a feature of Beethoven’s symphonies as it changed the temperament of the music. Beethoven’s sounds were rough, craggy, and jagged.
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The Role of Islam in Hip-Hops in the USA and Europe Music Essay
10 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The fall of the Berlin Wall meant not only the unification of the two parts of the country, but also made the Western Europeans reconsider their identity. The previous ‘division’ of the world could be described by the formulae East-West, Communism-Capitalism, Democracy-Totalitarianism, and the evolution of this phenomenon gave the formula Christendom-Islam. (Gross et al., 1992, 11).
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Positive and Negative Effects of Music upon Mental Health Music Essay
20 pages (5635 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mental illness comes with its challenges of infectious diseases. In fact, Butters, Webster, and Hill (2010) observe that a majority of mentally ill persons die earlier than an average person because of such infections. Some of these conditions include diabetes, respiratory diseases, and varied infectious diseases.
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The Prospects of Classical Music in Modern-Day World Music Essay
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Nevertheless, it would be untrue to say that classical music is being pushed towards extinction within the next few generations just because there is some running at a loss when it comes to conventional live performances of classical music pieces, a slump in classical music concert attendance, downfall of classic music album sales, or decline of the listenership of classical music radio stations.
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Relevance of Music Education in Modern Curriculum Music Research Proposal
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Through the aesthetic and musical content, music education within the schools has a direct influence not only on the learners but also on the entire society. It adds a lot of value to the traditional and cultural understanding of societal believes and principles. It becomes relevant given that a number of students usually have a close connection and relationship with their culture.
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A Particular Style of Arabic Music Music Essay
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The level of the performer’s artistry is crucial in determining whether they are able to bring out tarab from the audience. In the case of low artistry, if it is combined with a high intimacy level, it is likely for the participants to experience tarab. The performance of music does not guarantee the experience of tarab by the listeners.
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New Era of an Independent Musician Music Essay
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The new age independent musician is a musician who does not produce their music using a record label, but instead use the new digital technologies to sell and market their music. The advancement of technology has seen a rise in the number of independent musician as they now have an easier time selling their products.
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To What Extent Did The X Factor Alter The Distribution of Popular Music Music Essay
8 pages (2415 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The program becomes like a commercial for the sponsors with the show acting as an interlude. While there is a cost incurred in the preparation of entertaining content, the profit motive drives the advertising component too far to the point that it impedes entertainment. The demand for advertising space by sponsors is making the show less attractive to viewers.
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New Original Music Programme Music Essay
9 pages (2647 words) , Download 1 , Essay
According to Jevon Saba, 2011, the most popular programmes for 2010 were fiction series programmes. This was based on the international popularity assessment conducted in 2011. Around the globe, these programmes led in the number of views as well as popularity from persons questioned. Music programmes have not been popular owing to the fact that they target a specific group of viewers.
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Rock and Roll and Society Music Essay
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The writing of strong lyrics on the theme of drugs was first initiated by Bert Jansch (Needle of Death, 1965 and The Velvet Underground (Heroin, 1967) However, real public awareness on the issue of drug addiction, was ushered in during the 1970s and the chief reason behind this was that many popular rock artists’ such as Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones.
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Chinese and Western Music Culture Music Assignment
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This way, the natural is culturalist while the culture is neutralized. In modern society, dynamic symmetry is present in most western popular music where the artists try to balance two conflicting sides using the equivalence idea. This contrast creates unity, which is evident through music dynamic levels ranging from very quiet to very loud.
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Digital Djing - Background Section Music Essay
13 pages (3877 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Digital Djing has brought with it numerous advantages in the music and entertainment industry. First, through the rise of the Digital Djing, it has become more possible for the disc jockeys to manipulate the music mixing to the desired tastes of the audience, through using the processing power of the computer to manipulate the sound.
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Music of the World Music Essay
6 pages (1639 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the nineteenth century, an American poet (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) stated that music is a universal language for humankind, a notion that has been widely accepted by most people globally. Invalidating the claim of music to be a universal language, researches was conducted by the Canadian universities of McGill and the University of Montreal.
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Songwriter - Jimmy Webb Music Essay
8 pages (2100 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Jimmy Webb’s achievements as a writer, controller, as well as producer, reveal beyond doubt that he stays as significant and very important an artistic shape nowadays as he was over forty decades ago (Webb 4-70).  Liked by his colleagues, Webb has impacted as well as influenced a number of the best melodic talents of our era.
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Amon Tobins Goto 10 - Isam 2009 Music Essay
9 pages (2533 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There is a lazy feeling associated with the song and the introduction of electronic sampling to accompany the beats works well to act as a catalyst for rhythm. The electro-jazz feel of the song also brings a feeling of energy and hype to the song. The song is very interesting and begins in crescendo as the pace picks up, and as one gets hooked to the rhythm.
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Music Theater and Dramatic Underpinnings as per Peter Stones Literary Work Music Essay
10 pages (2602 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One of the scholarly works done by Stone is a book titled ‘1776’. It is a musical book based on the concept of witnessing the birth of a nation as a nation struggles to craft an important declaration for independence. The book also represents one of the most unconventional records of Broadway hits that blaze across American history.
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Carole King Overview Music Essay
10 pages (2906 words) , Download 1 , Essay
She has established industry standards and she is a rare example of the situation when a songwriter does not try to hide from publicity and actively writes songs for a personal career alongside commercially successful songs for other performers. Even now it is very popular for singers to write songs themselves because it gives a credit to the talent.
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Comparison between Michael Jackson and Prince Music Essay
7 pages (1963 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As far as Michael Jackson is concerned, it is worth noting that performance was a key aspect in all his musical pieces ranging from ‘Thriller’ to ‘You Rock Ma World.’ MJ indeed put more emphasis on performance that the lyrics and tune of his songs hence becoming the greatest pop dancer of all times (Anderson).
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The Music Entrepreneur Music Assignment
8 pages (2433 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A business has many types of costs that go into the production of a given output. These costs can be broadly be classified as fixed costs, variable costs, or semi-variable costs. Fixed costs are those costs that do not vary with fluctuations in output, activity, or sales (Sobel and Weissmann, 2008 pg. 13). Therefore, the costs remain constant but tend to change over time.
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Popular Culture and How It Influences People in Other Areas Music Annotated Bibliography
10 pages (2506 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
People do not just learn the one language that they learn in their single environment but now have the capabilities to pick up on multiple languages, and this is just one example. Culture is something that spreads so quickly, popular or not. Much of it is deeply ingrained into the heritage of one area while some pieces of culture are just trends. 
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How Is the Music Industry Being Affected by iTunes Music Coursework
7 pages (2112 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The music industry is changing. There is a vast difference in the type of music in Nietzsche’s time and our time. Due to the changes in the technology there has been a shift in how music was distributed from cassette tapes to CDs to online buying through online stores. No longer are people forced to buy the whole album just to listen to their favorite songs.
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The Music of Ornette Coleman Music Essay
6 pages (1534 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The musical career of Coleman is spread over several decades and each decade is marked with a different type of contributed that he made to several musical genres. He stands as a real-life example and a great source of admiration for the musicians and composers of the present time who could learn a lot form his career.
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The Journey Inside to Find Your Music Music Essay
6 pages (1971 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Human beings are distinctive creatures that are unique and totally different from animals worldwide. Among the factors that describe human beings as unique is the ability to come up with tunes that may be described, in simple terms as music. Analysts argue that this is not only music but also, sensible rhythms that make sense unlike what animals consider fine noise.
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Origin of Country Music Music Term Paper
9 pages (2591 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Country music has been played for generations and persists today. While the original singers and followers would be pretty much summed up by the above description, it has over the years transcended a myriad of cultural, social, and even geographical barriers making it able to hold its own among all the other genres of music of today such as hip-hop jazz and blues.
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Polyphony in the Middle Ages Music Coursework
9 pages (2277 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
By maintaining the primacy and integrity of the chant lines, medieval sacred music incorporated the following: responsorial, antiphonal, procession, octaves, and organum. Polyphony dates back to the 8th and 9th centuries in which it appeared as parallel organum-a chant which strictly involved parallel progression. This form of progression gave the music resonance that is so fascinating.
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Sound Design for Movies Music Literature review
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The key to sound design and the use of technology is that the sound designer's creativity has as much to do with the successful use of the technologies as much as the technologies themselves, and in the end, the creativity of the sound designer differentiates good work from mediocre work.
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Dominican and Puerto Rican Artists in NYC Music Coursework
7 pages (2159 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This coursework tries to connect contemporary artists to their predecessors in terms of their common artistic concerns and techniques. James de la Vega of Puerto Rican descent and Josefina Baez from the Dominican Republic will be the two artists whose work is studied in detail. References are being made to Víctor Vázquez, Freddy Rodriguez and Rachel Rivera. 
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Influence of Gregorian Chants on Sacred Polyphony Music Coursework
11 pages (2628 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Gregorian chants have erased the idea of sacred polyphony from the memories of the Catholic Church worshippers. For 4 decades, the Roman Catholic Church has undergone a turbulent transformation in almost every element of her liturgical and musical practices, owing to the Gregorian chants being dominant of all the three.
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The U2 360 Tour Music Term Paper
8 pages (2114 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
U2 360° Tour is known as the biggest concert tour throughout the history of rock performances. It was a worldwide concert tour which was held from summers of 2009 to autumn 2011. It was a rock concert tour by the rock band U2. It was not only a rock concert, but it was the biggest concert tour in the last 20 years by a rock band.
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Conlon Nancarrow's Career and His Relation to Player Piano Music Coursework
8 pages (2129 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The music of Nancarrow has been highly influenced by technology. In fact, the technological advances related to the player piano had allowed to Nancarrow to introduce quite unique techniques for producing music. This achievement has been considered as an important characteristic of Nancarrow as a composer.
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Hindrance of Music Creativity by Post Secondary Music Institutions Music Coursework
9 pages (2416 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The methods of teaching continue to be primarily teacher-oriented, and the assessment methods whether product or process-based, continue to be either descriptive, prescriptive or both. This fanned by the misconception that prevails in the society with regard to business and education that creative persons are the minority and majority are otherwise. 
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Rock and Roll Music History in Asia Music Coursework
8 pages (2132 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The origin of Chinese rock music was supposed to be in Beijing. Being the nation’s capital, the genre of the music was tremendous criticized and generated a series of foreign impacts. It was unimportant for the majority of the 1980s, comprising of live shows in minor bars and hotels. The music style was nearly exclusively for the purpose of high-grade students.
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Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington Music Coursework
6 pages (1591 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Ellington and Armstrong were two musicians who were accepted and loved by the audience. Their performances had whites and blacks both who came together to enjoy music. If their music did not finish the discrimination in America, then at least it initiated a sense of acceptance in their minds and gave them a chance to come together for the same purpose and enjoy together.
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History of Hip Hop Music Genre Music Report
8 pages (2133 words) , Download 1 , Report
Disco began to emerge as a divisive force in the music arena around the same time that hip-hop was beginning to emerge as a musical influence. It is believed that hip-hop emerged as the middle road between the detractors and supporters of disco music. Hip hop was essentially a response to the European beat that was beginning to dominate the dance scene.
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Hildegard Von Bingen Music Coursework
7 pages (1935 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Musicologists and historians of science and religion have revived the interest of this exceptional woman who is frequently referred to as St. Hildegard. However, her vision and music have been thwarted by the musical resemblance of the new age ethereal airs. Her story is of an irresistible spirit who overcame social-cultural, physical, and gender barriers to achieve transcendence.
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Romantic Opera and Musical Theater to Mid 19th Century Music Coursework
7 pages (2027 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The success of romantic opera can be attributed to the competence of composers who used trends in political and social scenes to compose music atoned with romance and fairly-tale, much to the delight of the audience to an extend of governments in Italy and France helping in putting up of opera houses.
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African Influence on American Popular Music Music Term Paper
8 pages (2451 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Understanding how African American musical forms influence American music requires making a distinction that may betray the complex, historical evolution of American music. African music in many ways has altered the basic practices of American pop, but some effects can be considered as positive, keeping an eye on the popularity of the new mixture.
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The Music Fidelity Music Report
7 pages (1837 words) , Download 1 , Report
A study of the fidelity of music aims at finding out whether equipment used in bringing out musical fidelity give the listener a hearing experience that is physically impossible for the human ear. The study seeks to find out if digital audio consumption degrades the quality of music. Musical Fidelity is a process aimed at producing sound closest to the original sound frequency.
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Mexican Music in California Music Research Paper
9 pages (2492 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Chicano music is created by second-generation Mexican immigrants who were born in the USA and spent their lives there. Border states headed by California become homes for many Chicano people. Their relatively young culture is complex in its history and identity. Chicano music reflects the struggle of Chicano people for recognition and respect by the community where they live.
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