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Quality Management and Use of HRM-Style Policies Management Literature review
12 pages (4004 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Quality Management and Use of HRM-Style Policies" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Multiple perspectives can be adopted in the study of the interrelation between HRM and TQM. The two concepts in management have introduced important contributions on how an organization can improve the level of productivity while also enhancing the level of effectiveness.
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Contemporary Issues in Management Management Literature review
12 pages (3411 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Contemporary Issues in Management" is a perfect example of a literature review on management. This essay intends to explain the role of stakeholders with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Lenovo. This essay also deals with Freeman’s stakeholder theory in Lenovo, which addresses the moral as well as values in dealing with the organization, and Mitchell & et. al. stakeholder theory.
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Definition of the Term Corporate Social Responsibility Management Literature review
11 pages (3197 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Definition of the Term Corporate Social Responsibility " is an outstanding example of a management literature review. In the post-Enron saga, integrity and honesty of corporate conduct are always taken seriously. Hsu and Cheng (2012) view the Enron saga as an example of an ultimate crime that involves corporate irresponsibility.
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National Competitiveness Management Literature review
9 pages (2853 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "National Competitiveness" is a great example of a literature review on management. Brazil is among the group of emerging economies and most attractive for investing according to the report released in 2008. It is notable that even during the time of the world economic crisis; the country remained among the most attractive foreign nation for investing compared to many of the other emerging economies.
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The Concept of Leadership and Management Management Literature review
8 pages (2526 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “The Concept of Leadership and Management” is a comprehensive example of a management literature review. The concept of leadership and management differs from each other. Leaders are the persons who can influence an individual or a team of employees to achieve organizational goals.
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How Techniques of Rationalisation Aim to Increase Efficiency and Control in Organisations Management Literature review
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "How Techniques of Rationalisation Aim to Increase Efficiency and Control in Organisations" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Rationalization can be understood as the placement of emotions, values and traditions to motivate behaviors in the society, therefore, replacing the current societal values that motivate their current behaviors through more rational thoughts and values.
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Management: Analyzing the Role of a Leader and Their Motivational Role Management Literature review
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Management: Analyzing the Role of a Leader and Their Motivational Role" is a good example of a literature review on management. Management using the goal approach model emphasizes that an organization should focus its efforts on achieving its general goals and objectives. Organizations usually plan on the activities to be engaged in by the workforce so as to achieve the set objectives.
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Operations vs Corporate Strategy - the Mismatch Management Literature review
7 pages (2076 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Operations vs Corporate Strategy - the Mismatch” is a fascinating example of a management literature review. In theory, an operations strategy, also called the functional strategy, should reflect the decisions adopted at the top of the organization, otherwise known as the corporate strategy(Slack & Lewis, 2100).
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Managing People Management Literature review
12 pages (3258 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Managing People" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. In order to develop and meet the major requirements of an organisation, managers should design an assessment form designed to evaluate employee’s performance regarding their level of understanding and the quality of their work.
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The Effects of Job Evaluation Systems on the Performance of Personnel Management Literature review
29 pages (7974 words) , Literature review
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The paper "The Effects of Job Evaluation Systems on the Performance of Personnel" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Job evaluation is an issue that is very vital for human resource professionals. There are numerous jobs inside an organization and they are graded in terms of their comparative importance.
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Corporate Culture Management Literature review
11 pages (3054 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Corporate Culture" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. With the quick expansion of the economy and technological advancement, individuals from various parts of the globe have been regularly created close connections with one another. The technology has increased communication and connections with people from different cultural diversity and backgrounds.
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Litigation and Management in the UK Fire and Rescue Service Management Literature review
8 pages (2690 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Litigation and Management in the UK Fire and Rescue Service”  is a potent version of the literature review on management. From the excerpt given, an array of issues arise all of which can be linked to both litigation and management. Considering the legal issues, the situation illustrated in the excerpt can result in litigation from two different angles.
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Attributes of a Learning Organization Management Literature review
14 pages (3646 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Attributes of a Learning Organization” is an engrossing example of a literature review on management. The organization is a car dealership where two popular brands of automobiles are being advertised and sold. The organization is generally consisting of sales representatives; accounting staff, HRD, and maintenance where after-sales services are being conducted.
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Organizational Leadership Management Literature review
9 pages (2746 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Organizational Leadership" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management. Proper and effective leadership in organizations has been known to bring about positive outcomes. Menzel and White defined the complexity of organizations, indicating how effective management of strategies, structures, and other complex adaptive systems is crucial for orboutganizational survival.
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Leadership and the Blackhawk Accident Management Literature review
8 pages (2298 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Leadership and the Blackhawk Accident" is a good example of a literature review on management. Leadership refers to a sociological phenomenon or a process involving the intentional exercise of influence exercised by one person over one or more other individuals in an effort to guide activities toward the attainment of some mutual or specific goals.
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Engineering Project Management in Windows Vista Management Literature review
12 pages (3692 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper “Engineering Project Management in Windows Vista”  is an inspiring version of the literature review on management. The paper introduces the need for the use of project management tools in organizations. PRINCE2 methodology of project management is critically looked at while heading. There is also a comparison between the tool and PMBOK.
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The Knowledge Management Reflection Management Literature review
8 pages (2069 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
According to Stuart (2002), a company should identify a strategy that will benefit the majority and performing its mandate while achieving its goals and objectives. Any strategy taken should ensure safety to the majority of people. For example, the company employees have gone through a lot of training on how to handle the knowledge about asbestos.
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The New Aircraft Delivery Project Management Literature review
9 pages (2579 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The New Aircraft Delivery Project" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. The importance of effective project management is vital for the success of any project, both in the short and long run. Project managers play significant roles in creating a cohesive workforce, especially where a large number of stakeholders are involved.
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Promotional Decisions and Poor HRM Enhancement Resolutions Management Literature review
11 pages (2933 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Promotions form crucial functions of human resource management (HRM) owing to the accompanying influence on job satisfaction among workers. Promotion decisions remain a great dilemma for many human resource managers due to the need to ensure fairness and enhancement of efficiency in the workforce.
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Evaluation Model for Organization Change Management Literature review
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Evaluation Model for Organization Change” is a brilliant example of a management literature review. Organizations are inventing different measures of how to stay above their competitors by instituting methods such as upgrading their systems, productivity efficiency, new technology implementation, human capital management, and building cost-cutting tactics.
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Communication Plan for Project Management Management Literature review
6 pages (2047 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Communication Plan for Project Management” is a suited example of a management literature review. A project can be defined as an activity taken to come up with a unique product or result. All projects are temporary in nature in that they have a start and an end (Lester 2013, p.4). This means that the resources and the scope of any project are defined.
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Project Manager's Roles and Core Competencies Management Literature review
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Project Manager's Roles and Core Competencies” is a forceful example of a management literature review. Recent decades have seen interest in project management grow to tremendous levels buoyed by technological advances, globalization, and increased market pressures, lifestyle and preferences changes, besides shortcomings in traditional management practices among other factors.
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The Impact of Collaboration between Firms on Advancing Technology Management Literature review
9 pages (2437 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “The Impact of Collaboration between Firms on Advancing Technology” is a reasonable example of a management literature review. Firms make great strides if they work together in collaboration. The benefits associated with firms that are in collaboration have been analyzed and theories developed. However, the success of the collaboration will depend on the contribution of the players.
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Leadership in the Context of Higher Education Management Literature review
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Leadership in the Context of Higher Education" is a good example of a literature review on management. Leadership is an important aspect in making the higher education system more efficient. Good leadership can be termed as the root to bring positive changes in the education system and prevent it from lagging behind.
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Difference between Management and Leadership Management Literature review
8 pages (2363 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Difference between Management and Leadership” is an original example of a management literature review. If a statistical analysis of publications on management, it is very likely to lead would be the most popular subject. In recent years, the shelves of bookshops selling literature on management filled with new books devoted to leadership as a problem.
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Leading and Managing Change Management Literature review
7 pages (1783 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Leading and Managing Change” is a dramatic example of a management literature review. For long-term success and sustainability, the organizations need to take some practical steps such as accepting, adopting, and implementing changes in their business models. It is the great role of leadership in managing people and making their efforts to be at their best in favor of change implementation.
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Leading in a Changing World Is to Generate Blogs about Leadership in Fashion Industry Management Literature review
15 pages (4635 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Leading in a Changing World Is to Generate Blogs about Leadership in Fashion Industry" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management. As per the opinion of McCleskey (2014), deontological and teleological are considered as the two principles of ethics. The focus of deontological ethics is on duty and it determines the extent to which an action is morally correct.
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Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization Management Literature review
20 pages (4 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization" is a good example of a literature review on management. Organizational change refers to the change in the structure of an organization to cope up with the needs of the situation. It is always associated with a defined objective towards which the company is directed (Tripon and Dodu, 2011).
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Effective Leadership Style for Individual Motivation, Harnessing Group Cohesiveness and Commitment Management Literature review
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Effective Leadership Style for Individual Motivation, Harnessing Group Cohesiveness and Commitment” is a fitting example of a management literature review. Leadership is an essential process that affects the relationship and determines group success, the style of leadership applied influences and shapes an organization.
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The Importance of Ethics in Acquisition Management Management Literature review
15 pages (3735 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “The Importance of Ethics in Acquisition Management” is a controversial example of management literature review. This paper focuses on the importance of Ethics in Acquisition Management. The analysis applies five major ethical theories and shows how they influence the activity in question. Utilitarianism urges an acquisition manager to obtain only those goods that are needed for the company.
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management - Motivation Strategies for Top Management Teams Management Literature review
7 pages (46 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management - Motivation Strategies for Top Management Teams" is a good example of a literature review on management. Entities’ environments are considered to be very complex where their operations are subject to changes occurring in sectors related to competitors, technologies, and consumer desires.
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Project Management Techniques among Medium-Sized Construction Firms in China Management Literature review
16 pages (4049 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Project Management Techniques among Medium-Sized Construction Firms in China” is an affecting example of a management literature review. Project management is essential for the successful implementation of any project. Especially for small-scale family-owned businesses, the effect of successfully carrying out even these projects can be of great significance to the future of any venture.
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Managing a Consultancy Project through Applying proper Methodology Management Literature review
8 pages (2100 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Managing a Consultancy Project through Applying proper Methodology” is an impressive example of a management literature review. The consultancy approach provides a scope to the businesses in the recent years of globalization, to secure future sustainable growth by implementing effective business solutions after analyzing the market structure.
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Understanding and Managing Organization Management Literature review
10 pages (2539 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Understanding and Managing Organization” is a comprehensive example of a management literature review. Flatter organizational structure, generally implies the use of relatively very few layers as compared to other forms of organizational structures. The structure presents a structure majorly based on one layer of management, that is, the chain of command.
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The Arab Cultural Values and Influences on Leadership and Management Practices Management Literature review
8 pages (2088 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “The Arab Cultural Values and Influences on Leadership and Management Practices” is a thrilling example of a management literature review. Many countries do not practice the same management and leadership countries; they share different managerial values due to the different cultural beliefs instilled in them since childhood.
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Spreading a Culture of Innovation Management Literature review
8 pages (2082 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Spreading a Culture of Innovation" is a good example of a literature review on management. Competition has always been stiff but the level of competition in the 21st century has reached heights never seen before. This is a clear indication of the growth and development of human and other resources required to facilitate efficiency and effectiveness in business operations.
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Women in Financial Leadership Management Literature review
11 pages (2765 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Women in Financial Leadership” is a valuable example management literature review. There have been improvements in the number of women who are employed in the main sectors of the economy over at least the last half-century. The number of women who are holding top positions in corporations has also been observed to be promising.
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Negotiating Salary - Satisfying the Needs of Company and Employee Management Literature review
7 pages (1864 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Negotiating Salary - Satisfying the Needs of Company and Employee” is a helpful example management literature review. There are many types of negotiations that will occur throughout the cycles of different forms of business transactions. A crucial point of negotiation within a business is the struggle between employers and employees to come to a mutually satisfying level of salary.
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Leadership and Job Satisfaction Management Literature review
14 pages (3495 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Leadership and Job Satisfaction” is a helpful example of a management literature review. Leadership refers to the position of power and influence that is held by an individual or a group of people in a larger group or an organization. This position provides the leader with an opportunity to exercise influence on both a personal and interpersonal scale.
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Do Innovations Occur Only in the Lab or in Other Functional Area Management Literature review
6 pages (1535 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Do Innovations Occur Only in the Lab or in Other Functional Areas?” is an inspiring example of a management literature review. Innovation occurs only in the lab in biotechs. There is no room for innovation in the marketing, management, or administration of the company. To respond effectively to the assertion that ‘innovation occurs only in the lab in biotechs.
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Organizational Theory, Job Characteristics Theory, Organizational Justice, and Leadership Styles Management Literature review
7 pages (1780 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Organizational Theory, Job Characteristics Theory, Organizational Justice, and Leadership Styles” is an earnest example of a management literature review. Meyer and Allen viewed organizational commitment as affective, continuance, and normative. Affective commitment is the “positive feelings of identification with, attachment to and involvement in the work organization (375)
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The Nature of the Client-Consultant Relationship Management Literature review
9 pages (2388 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Nature of the Client-Consultant Relationship" is a good example of a literature review on management. In an increasingly competitive environment, organizations have been observed to become complex in structure and orientation. Decision-makers have opted to seek varied avenues and approaches in seeking professional assistance to solve problems that were not routinely encountered.
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Public Sector Management Management Literature review
7 pages (1874 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The roles of the managers remain distinguished as they work on ensuring that the public gets the best from them. These roles include; the desire of achieving the goals of the public sector drives the public managers to work as strategists and entrepreneurs, stewards of the public interest, champions of effectiveness, masters of improvement, and public reflective practitioners (Gore, 2013).
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Nonlinear Optimization in Airlines Management Literature review
9 pages (2436 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
To provide the best quality of services and service, airlines depend on optimization-based support systems to make their decisions. These optimization systems provide profitable and tight schedules, set plans, cost-effective fare classes, crew pairings, gate assignments, aircraft routes, maintenance schedules, training programs, food service plans, and baggage handling procedures.
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Maturity Models Management Literature review
13 pages (3407 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Maturity Models” is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Organizations want to develop and implement effective methods and processes for managing their businesses efficiently. The maturity model facilitates the organizations in improving their business operations by developing best management practices.
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Integrated Supply Chain Risk Management via Operational Methods and Financial Instruments Management Literature review
12 pages (3173 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Integrated Supply Chain Risk Management via Operational Methods and Financial Instruments” is a comprehensive example of a management literature review. Boundaries present significant boundaries in the daily operations of any business organization. Mass customization, SKU proliferation, and e-business are all part of the boundaries presenting challenges to the success of business organizations.
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Developing Global Management Competencies Management Literature review
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “ Developing Global Management Competencies” is a relevant example of a management literature review. The Business Intelligence (BI) critical success factors include Finance, IT, Marketing, Human resource, Procurement, Production, and Logistic, Sales, Service. Business intelligence plays a pivotal role in enhancing project planning
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Employment and Society Management Literature review
8 pages (2491 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Employment and Society" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.  According to the Meaning of Work Survey, there are five principal aspects of life – work, family, community, religion and leisure. Respondents asked to rank the five according to their importance to them indicated in the majority that family came first then work second.
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Motivation and Personality Management Literature review
10 pages (3045 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Motivation and Personality" is a perfect example of a literature review on management. Motivation has often been called the core of management. It is a very effective tool in the hands of management to inspire the workforce to perform better. A worker may be immensely capable of performing but he needs to be motivated to go outside his shell and perform his 100%.
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Strategy in the Organization Management Literature review
10 pages (2661 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Strategy in the Organization" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Whittington (2000) approaches corporate strategy from four generic points of view. The first view, the classical approach, is one of the most influential strategic approaches despite being the oldest. It is based on the methods of planning that dominate most of the textbooks on strategic management and related disciplines.
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