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Bloom's Taxonomy Literature Coursework
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ly and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generalized by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication, as a guide to belief or action [or argument]" (Scriven & Paul, 2001, p.1).
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Media Review & Book Critique Literature Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
AARP has been working with the National Association of Home Builders to either build or renovate the homes of senior citizens to make them more safe and accessible for the challenges that senior citizens face due to mobility and potential physical limitations. For senior
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Story Literature Book Report/Review
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Seeing the difference between Floyd and him, Carl understands the way destiny sets different courses for each person. The story reveals how the river of life makes dynamic even those who love to be static. The story catches readers’
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The Pearl Maiden by H. Rider Haggard Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Book Report/Review
The story starts off with the reason why Christians are persecuted. Jesus had just been crucified for objecting to the Jewish religion. The author explains the genesis of the hatred between the Christians and the Jews. The actions of Jesus against the Jewish religion led the Pharisees to seek help from the Pontius Pilate.   
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Character Traits of Maggie in Everyday Use Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (559 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
She thinks people will mock her damaged looks. Still, no matter how nervous her personality is, she is kind at heart and dutiful. We know this by the incident in which she hands over the quilts to her elder sister even when her mother snatches them from the latter and hands them over to her as she had already promised.
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Jed Smith Trailblazer of the West by Frank Latham Literature Book Report/Review
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Jed Smith, though young, was full of ambitious and dared at anything in order to pursue and achieve his dreams. The pursuit was not as easy as he could have wished; he faced several obstacles such as hostile Indian tribes, dangerous terrain, and grizzly bears just like the rest of the settlers who were moving to the west.  
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Museum Assignment Paper Language of World Art Literature Admission/Application Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
The first painting to be analyzed is Public Prayer in the Mosque of Amr, Cairo By Jean Leon Gerome painted in 1871. Virgin and child with Saint Anne by Albrecht Dürer’s painted around 1519. This essay will compare the approach of
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Cancer in Connecticut - does CT have a higher than normal cancer rate and are environmental issues to blame Literature Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
icut was ranked to have the most alarming cancer related cases in the whole of the United Stated of America with high rates of breast cancer, urinary bladder cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma leading in that list. Between the period 1970s to 1998, Connecticut has witnessed a
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Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden Literature Essay
2 pages (527 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The poem, on the one hand, demonstrates the anger of the narrator at the lack of time that the father possesses. On the other hand, the father is also looked up to as a role model who works very hard for his child. The reluctance of the child to feel unconditional love for the father is attributed through the poem by Hayden, to the tight schedule of the father even on a Sunday.
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In ‘Godfather Death’ the son has to be given a godfather, and the choice has to be Death, God or the Devil. The father of the child looks at the three choices and settles for Death. According to him, Death was the best choice because it did not
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Those Winter sundays Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the first stanza the poet has used descriptive words to narrate to its reader the scene in which his father would wake up. Using terms like the blue black cold to describe the before dawn cold in which his father used to wake up. Even after working the whole
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The Letter from a Skeptic - Failures of the Author in Detailing His Ideas Literature Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Greg Boyd highlighted a number of letters between his own father and him. Boyd’s father lost faith and gave up on the church after the death of his wife. Over some time, the bitterness, the rage, and the uncertainty had reached a point that when the story begins, he does not know what he considers as truth.  
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The World Trade Center: Film, 9/11, Directed by Jules and Gideon Naudet Literature Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
September 9/11 attack was a learning experience for America and the world at large. The film “Film, 9/11,” Directed by Jules and Gideon Naudet captured some of the moments
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Reading response to poem Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The poet used the analogy of a swimmer right from its title, Not Waving but Drowning, (Smith, 1972). In this title, the reader is
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The Heroes' Challenges in Campbell's Hero's Journey and Clzio's Wandering Star Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Wandering Star by J.M.G. Le Clezio offers a classical example of the journey of a hero who has to undergo overwhelming obstacles in her life. The main characters are Esther and Njema whose stories are told separately but merge as
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Literary Analysis of Short Story Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Therefore, the significant role that she plays cannot be ignored. Mama describes herself as a woman with rough hands resulting from physical labor. She also describes herself as a big-boned woman who wears
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I wandered lonely as a cloud Poem Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The poet expresses his happiness and joy at the vision of the daffodils and he tries to express the beauty of the sight of these flowers in his poem. The poem revolves around the theme of the magnificence of nature and explains the contentment
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Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day Literature Essay
3 pages (937 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A figure of speech is the style of arrangement and use of language that is distinctly different from the literal and actual meanings of words in order to convey additional meanings with dramatic or telling effects. Figures of speech say one thing in terms of something else. The difference between a figure of speech and metaphor and simile are marginal, more or less they belong to the same family.
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Analyzing the Poem My Ex-Husband by Gabrielle Stella Literature Essay
2 pages (665 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One of the reasons why people shun away from poetry is the difficulty of comprehension and due to this; poetry is one of the elite forms of literary art. The main way of appreciating and understanding poetry is in knowing its formal components. These components are the gateway to a reader's mind into the composition of the poet.
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Analysis of Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, Leaves of Grass Publishers by W. Walt Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Winterbourne's remark to Randolph after offering him sugar “Take care you do not hurt your teeth” (Henry, 2) shows care. Winterbourne who also has an American descent offered needed advice to Randolph on partaking vast sugar amounts. He does this without being judgmental on him or his mother for this behavior or lack of teeth.
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Reading and Writing about Poems Literature Essay
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vailing ethno-racial and linguistic discriminations in multicultural social establishments, as the people belonging to divergent linguistic and ethnic groups maintain bias and prejudice. Since the prejudiced behavior observed by the majority racial group creates intricacies and
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Gaiman Neils American Gods Focusing On Existenialism Literature Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
racters Gaiman Neil’s American Gods vividly describes how human beings can be responsible for their actions especially in scenarios where such actions are considered against societal norms. The novel explains significantly how through their ill actions various characters face
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Cinderella analysis, summary ,essay ,outline Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Despite being put through abuse by her family she treated them with kindness and suffered through her servitude patiently. However all things concerned Cinderella can be viewed as a weak role model as far as impressionable
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The Empire Literature Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
For the purpose of comparison, Ajanta Caves in India have been chosen. Difference and similarities among both the type of architecture will be studied
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Virgil: The Ecologues (Penguin classics) Translated by Guy Lee Literature Admission/Application Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Admission/Application Essay
written in strict and precise dactylic hexameter verse, the majority of them being in the form of conversations or dialogues between characters with names such as Tityrus, Meliboeus, Menalcas and Mopsus. The poems are populated on the whole with herdsmen and their imagined
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Cultural Significance of Ralph, Waldo Ellison Literature Admission/Application Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Admission/Application Essay
He had to find an outlet so as to explain how African American culture had been impacted by the wider American culture as a result of the racism of the past. As a result, racism and race
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The Book Some of Us-Chinese Women Growing up in the Mao Era Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The article precisely explores the complex dimensions of issues debated and a necessary intervention that kicks off with a set of dilemmas such as the meaning of having grown up as a woman or a girl in the Mao era, how to understand the seemingly mundane and less clear-cut daily existence of early lives, and how to interpret this era.
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Last assighment Literature Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Aron Ralston had love for outdoors, adventures and extremes which enabled him to learn about the deep plays and realized his self identity. Through his continued interaction with the love of nature, he emerged to identify himself from the failed
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The New Cotton - From Race Chattel Slavery to Race Conviction Slavery Literature Book Report/Review
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The main objective that led to Hicks writing this book was to bring out the idea of the extent of oppression that the black Americans are facing over the years. His writing tries to explain to the young black Americans what the real purpose for the criminal justice is, and what the future holds for them.   
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Reviving Ophelia - Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls Literature Book Report/Review
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The main argument presented by Pipher in this book is that girls choose their friends from the class of people they wish or intend to belong. The issue of association is common among teenagers. Most of them will want to be associated with a certain group of people and this is the major source of most of their problems.
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A commentary on the poem Literature Essay
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His poems span a wide array of concerns, however he has been most recognized for his articulation of regional experience. This essay examines Sherlock’s 1986 poem ‘Dinner Party
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Pamela or Virtue Rewarded Literature Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The novel details the travails of a young maidservant called Pamela. She has to fight off attempts by her master, Mr. B, to take advantage of her for the whole length of the novel. He finally manages to convince her to marry him but this novel is not in any way concerned with the happy ending. Instead, what lies in between is of greatest interest.
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The impacts of the Porfiriato (1876-1911) on the Mexican lower classes Literature Admission/Application Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
In contrast, the authoritarian regime of Diaz only benefited the privileged class. Social disparity was the mark of Porfiriato. The economic success created negative social consequences
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Jewish Museum in Dallas Literature Assignment
2 pages (575 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Jewish Museum in Dallas, Texas is such a kind, and it has played a big role in bringing history to the people, especially of the first and WW2 It was established in the year 1967 and named the Museum of Biblical Art recently in the year 1999. The MBA is an art museum located in Dallas that is dissimilar from any other museum elsewhere in the world. 
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Reading Symbolism: In the short story Literature Book Report/Review
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One of the major symbols used by the author is the “ticktockman”. In this society, man is a slave to time, as the latter controls all the activities of the former. The ticktockman is in charge of ensuring that everyone conforms to the law of the land, in relation
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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Marlow’s explorations showcased the entitled nature of colonialists. This was by pinpointing the way in which colonialists tried to impose their western cultures on African Natives who practiced their own cultural practices. As a result, the Africans’ refusal to abandon their way of life earned them the label of savages.
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Literary Criticism analysis papr Literature Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
On the other hand, the young waiter is impatiently waiting for the old man to finish, so he can go home to his wife who is waiting for him. The older waiter, who has also passed the age, when he can look forward to going home to a wife and family, watches the interaction
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Kafka's burrow interpretation Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
It is interesting to note the time spent by this animal trying to make a secure living place and the actual benefits derived from such efforts do not seem to math. The burrow has a different view of the world. Unlike humans, it can create its own universe
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Washington, DC Monuments and Memorials Literature Assignment
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visiting the museum, I was aware of some of the basics to expect from the museum as far as being able to enter the permanent exhibition to see the history of the Holocaust as well as the artifacts. However, even before traveling to the museum, I was able to read up on some
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Should Literature Book Report/Review
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The students can take many advantages from the book because of the Huck’s values that give a lesson to the students regarding their morality. “Every night now I used to slip ashore towards ten oclock at some little village, and buy ten or fifteen cents
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Terman's Torah Garden Literature Essay
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Terman presses two things together which normally would not go together and is able to arrive at something rarely achieved in poetry; peace coupled with joy, sense of homeland and contentment. Unlike many
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Teenage Life Literature Assignment
2 pages (520 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
With their originality, zest, and fresh perspectives, young people see old things in new ways. Rather than perpetuate the status quo, youth are often more committed to their values and to creating a just future. In school, young people are frequently considered consumers of information rather than producers of new knowledge.
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The Trumpet of Prophecy Literature Book Report/Review
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 The author states that Shelly decides to make a specific reference to the bay Baiae in Italy. He also mentions the sweeping of the nearby city of Italy by the wind as his inspiration for composition of this poem. In his poem, he mentions the abandoned city that was mostly visited by dignitaries such as Napoleon for its glamorous breathtaking view.
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Short questions and multiple choice for ENG literature Literature Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
y, he would be generous and would run out of money sooner and to recover that money he would have to levy taxes on his people, which ultimately defies the purpose of liberality. The biggest flaw in Othello’s character is his lack of trust on his loved ones. He loved Desdemona
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Sundown Bakery Literature Case Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
Similarly, Bruce sought assistance for the 24-hour operation of the bakery through the aid of French-Canadian master baker, Maurice. Thus, while Carol focused on management of general sales distribution and Bruce spent most of his time at the
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Anti-Slavery Fireside Poets Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author states that in the present world their poems may seem Victorian rather than romantic in sensibility perhaps over sentimental/in moralizing tone. These poets were inspired by their lives experiences that in most cases made them more sentimental in their writing, Henry Longfellow for instance both his first and second wife died of a miscarriage.
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Robert Frost Literature Annotated Bibliography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Cox). Robert Frost who was born in 1874 and died in 1963 presented the society with his poetry in the times that everything seemed to be changing. His poems and verses can
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Summary of The Education of Little Tree Written by Forrest Carter Literature Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
. To get the education of the world the boy or Little Tree as he is fondly called by his grandparents is enrolled into the community school but then leaves it as he has to suffer a lot of prejudice and racial discrimination from the people and the children who come at the school. His grandparents earn through the sale of moonshine.
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Three Lives of Mississippi Literature Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
He began interviewing people about the event and the crime circles.   At the end of the story, Huie provided a documentary which dealt in detail the murdered and the prosecutor. His collection was a master piece including all the details about the activists, murderers and all those people who watched the crime and stayed away from it with eye closed.
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The Issue of Modern Slavery Literature Coursework
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Flint made some sexual advances on Linda as they stayed together; this was done a couple of times as they stayed together but she could not give in to his demands. This made her get into an affair with Mr. Sands to relay a message to Dr. Flint that she is still in control of her own life. Linda used to take good care of her children.
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