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World War One Poetry: Rupert Brookes The Soldier and Wilfred Owens Mental Cases Literature Essay
7 pages (2079 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A great deal of the emotion of war up to World War I has been learned through the words and expressions of poets who experienced it first-hand. During the First World War, there were no movie cameras to capture the action as it happened and no television film crews to enter the fields following the battle and capture images of the true carnage that had taken place.
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Robinson Crusoe Analysis Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1747 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The word Robinson Crusoe became synonymous to the word “castaway”, which was used as a metaphor for anyone who was being or doing something alone. The word “Man Friday” referred to a personal assistant, servant, or even a companion. This novel has stood the test of time and never fails to enthrall its reader. Daniel Defoe died in 1731 at his lodgings in Ropemaker’s Alley in Moorfields after leaving for the world a wonderful literary legacy.
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Story of Three Generations of Twentieth Century China Literature Literature review
14 pages (3721 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Autobiographical notes based on the critical examination of her society draw a vivid picture of the socio-political background of her motherland Peoples Republic of China in a comprehensive and analytical way. Her famous novel under the title "Wild Swans" portrays the real picture of the Chinese political parties and their movements.
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The Play Dantons Death Literature Literature review
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Werner Herzog, the writer and director of the movie Aguirre: The Wrath of God combined objectively historical and fictional events. He weaved the entire plot of the story on the fascination brought about by the adventures of the conquistadores in South America for the fulfillment of a selfish purpose, to exploit the riches of the fabled lands.
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Social Issue Related to Literature Literature Essay
7 pages (1850 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Family and friends can become antagonistic towards the victim. The movie “North Country” depicted the father and friends of Josey being unsupportive of her. Her attempts to rally support at the labor union were not met with success. Many of her coworkers also did not support her for fear of losing their jobs.
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Antigone from Creon's Perspective Literature Essay
8 pages (2044 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Antigone’s faith is not altogether rational, but it is powerful and vital and stays in the present. Creon wants his sort of rule to be more rational, but unfortunately, it also comes off as being iron-fisted or the result of too much structure. “He is obviously not entirely good or just, and he does make mistakes.
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Jane's Encounters with the Natural and Supernatural Worlds in Jane Eyre Literature Essay
6 pages (1607 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Successive use of supernatural and natural elements, remote locations, dark secrets, and mysteries are considered as the most important elements of Gothic novels. The character of Jane and Rochester in Jane Eyre constitutes the background of suspense and fear and they represent the mysterious and intricate histories of families.
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Maya Angelou: Civil Rights Activist, Poet, and Educator Literature Essay
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Angelou inspires others because of her ability to talk to all types of people and because of her elegance. Angelou presents a stately and educated presence, yet she is warm and welcoming. Today, she remains an icon in American history and she is one of the most beloved women in the world. All of this came from a little girl who was traumatized when she was a child, but who did not let the trauma stop her.
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Eye-Openers by Ana Lydia Vega Literature Literature review
12 pages (3234 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The third story further mirrors the superstitious nature of the Puerto Ricans, the bias for lighter skin people and prejudice against dark-toned skin. It also highlights the conflict between the men on board, especially the man from Guayama and the other woman passenger. The story revolves around a moneyed woman and his son who fell in love with a dark-skinned woman.
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The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1679 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Thomas Friedman is a persuasive writer who makes a very strong case supported by numerous examples, anecdotes and data. His travels around the world have made him an insightful and incisive journalist. He specializes in foreign affairs and the impact of the foreign policies on the rest of the world and in turn the impact of the attitudes of the world towards the US.
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Father-Son Relationship in Night by Elie Wiesel Literature Essay
11 pages (2815 words) , Download 1 , Essay
When reading the book "Night" readers have to question how anyone could have survived such an ordeal. This is not a book that can be read quickly or easily because it is very detailed as to what happened in the various concentration camps. The story is of courage, love, disillusionment, and finally acceptance of a fate that took many people to their death.
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Poems by Julia Ward Howe and William Shakespear Literature Book Report/Review
8 pages (2123 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Julia Ward Howe wrote the poem “Battle Hymn of the Republic” in November 1861 in a flash of inspiration during the American Civil War. Shakespeare wrote the sonnet ‘When forty winters shall besiege thy brow’ keeping in mind the fact that youth fades away and is overshadowed by grey lines. This poem represents the poet’s plea to a young man to get married.
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Good to Great by Jim Collin Literature Literature review
13 pages (3324 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In the chapter “The Flywheel and the Doom Loop”, Collins explains why good to great companies rarely have a single defining moment in which they make a transition from one way of conducting business to another.  He compares the process to a flywheel, in which successive pushes cause the wheel to turn in ever-increasing rotations without additional effort.
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Anything goes Ode: Intimations of Mortality-William Wordsworth Literature Book Report/Review
12 pages (3235 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
He sees the beneficial influence of Nature in each and every object. According to him, perfect evolution of the human being is possible by his dynamic surrender to the benevolent powers of Nature. Things all around, whether small or big, are of equal importance, if one understands the balancing factors in Nature, in their proper perspective.
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The Representation of Landscape in King Solomon's Mines Literature Report
15 pages (4084 words) , Download 1 , Report
The relative absence of females has been very distinctly marked in King Solomon’s mines when the narrator Allan Quarter main points out in the opening chapter that he can safely say that “there is no petticoat in the entire history. “  There are of course two females, Foulest and Gigolo, but the latter was very aged and could not be married.
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The French Mathematician by Tom Petsinis Literature Book Report/Review
7 pages (1837 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
There is much that aspiring teachers can learn from the writing style of author Petsinis. An exposure to the high-quality writing style of Petsinis is a valuable experience.  One element that they would absorb from such an exercise is understanding the importance of keeping audience attention. Good teachers happen to be those who manage to gain the attention of the class right through the lecture. 
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The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Uncle Toms Cabin Literature Literature review
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Fundamentally, the racist view in America is to be studied historically with Stowe, even as she represents the white abolitionist sentiment, for it is from the shared views on race that dominated America at the time that the institution arises and perpetuates itself in inhumanity. Through this, the novel is opened up to Stowe’s own racial stereotypes by the way she presents Uncle Tom.
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HG Wells and The War of the Worlds Literature Essay
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Just as militarily weaker humans have been subjugated and conquered by invading armies from stronger groups, so did the humans face terrible suffering at the hands of the invading Martians. In fact, the human ‘victory’ did not come through anything that the humans created but rather that which had been created by nature. 
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Client Last Name Literature Case Study
9 pages (2330 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The biggest secret he holds is a secret the tears him apart but also sets him on a journey to discover the memory of his father.  His biggest obstacle is the one that faces everyone - that of communication.  In times of grief, communication is the first casualty. 
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The Millenial Novel Caucasia Literature Book Report/Review
7 pages (1951 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Millennial novels like ‘Caucasia’ seem to resurrect the notion of a new and spectacular life. The description of racial passing by Senna has emerged from seeming oblivion not to delve into past issues. In novels such as ‘Caucasia’, the theory of racial identity is not some outdated phenomenon, but rather a challenge of the strength of racial passing in posing a contest to the endurance of human identity and formation.
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A Fictional Analysis of Alice Walkers Everyday Use Literature Essay
9 pages (2406 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Elaine Showalter (1986) observes, “In contemporary writing, the quilt stands for a vanished past experience to which we have a troubled and ambivalent cultural relationship.” (228).  The quilts over which Wangero and her mother bicker, represent a heritage more personal than the intellectual daughter realizes.
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Shakespeare's Women Compared/Contrasted with Wilde's Women Literature Essay
7 pages (2076 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The passive male who waits for things to happen is clearly evident in both plays since Antonio is the passive male figure for the Merchant of Venice. On the other hand, women such as Portia and Jessica as well as Gwendolen and Cecily become powerful players in a social setup which traditionally did not allow women to have any power at all.
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Virginia Woolfs Modernist Writing Literature Essay
8 pages (2182 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The years during which Woolf lived were chaotic times politically and socially.  World War I (1914-1918) had shaken the world to its roots, introducing numerous new concepts in the social order, technology, modern urban issues, and new ways of looking at the world.  Nearly all of Europe was devastated during the First World War. 
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Jane Eyre: Conduct Manual Literature Assignment
19 pages (4900 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Life switched from being primarily dictated by the land one owned to a social structure based on commerce and manufacturing (Greenblatt, 2005).  In this switch, there was a great deal of social upheaval as people living in these changing times began to question the status quo. 
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Analysis of Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man Literature Essay
7 pages (1977 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Whatever faults the book is accused of would diminish as the great meanings of it unfurl one by one to its readers, no matter which community of nationality they belong to. There is no other novel that has simply conveyed an abundance of meanings just through its title and then by the narrative that stays as close as possible to it. 
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Analysis of Willaim Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth Literature Essay
14 pages (3663 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The audience can apply the advice to their life since the advice is made up of many different axioms which were very popular and well known in those times. He asks him to keep tried and tested friends close to his heart and not let them go. He tells him to listen to everyone but not talk to everyone and keep his judgments to himself.
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Shakespeare: Unrealistic is Profound Literature Essay
15 pages (4021 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A large part of the plot is devoted to a trick played on Malvolio in which he is given to think that the lady of the house is trying to woo him with hints and signs of her love. The reality in this situation is simple since Malvolio is led to believe that such a social mismatch might be possible indeed.
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Crusoe as a Reflection of Defoes Beliefs Literature Coursework
6 pages (1661 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Any work of art is a reflection of the artist’s thoughts. Postmodernist theories try to separate the work of art from the artist and emphasize the role of the readers. According to the postmodernist thinkers, readers play a significant role in decoding the text and it is the readers who actually give meaning to it.
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Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare Literature Book Report/Review
8 pages (2228 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Love is not only magical but is also dreamful. As suggested by the very title of the play, dreams become a significant thematic scheme of the play. The love juice is applied mostly when the characters are sleeping and they wake up dreamful into the wrong reality, leading to all the magically bizarre mishaps in the forest. Characters talk about dreams throughout the play. 
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The Language of Paradox by Sherman Alexie Literature Essay
7 pages (1819 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Poetic language reconciles opposites, according to Coleridge and this is a perfect example of paradox. According to Cleanth Brooks, “paradox is the language appropriate and inevitable to poetry”, as he explains it in his seminal essays on literary theory and criticism “The Language of Paradox” in his “Well Wrought Urn”. Paradox is used to present contradictions, irony and highlight the implications in a situation, relationship, themes, and so on.
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Comparative Analysis of A Chekhov and J Oates Stories Literature Book Report/Review
10 pages (2697 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Based on this story, Joyce Carol Oates wrote a book named “Lady with the Pet Dog” which is based on the 1970s and occurs in a place called Nantucket. Both books have similar plots or storylines where we find the lead pair getting involved in an affair outside their marriages, and both stories end where the chief protagonists seemingly find true love.
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On the amtrak from Boston to New York City Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Onboard the train was a white woman and another individual with a Native American background. The woman conversed with the other passengers about the history of the city as they passed landmarks in the city that depicted the Native American culture.
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The Necklace and The Gift of the Magi Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The two stories are mainly about two married couples. The two families could not afford whatever they wanted. In Henry’s work, the two partners struggled to save the little that they had to buy Christmas presents for each other.
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The Major Themes of Mckays Poetry Literature Coursework
7 pages (1852 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The pervading sense of sadness is not the only emotion he expresses however, as evidenced in his poem “If We Must Die.” Here, he encourages his fellow black men to fight back against the system that has condemned them to such a miserable life. This anger is partially fueled by his outsider perception of what has occurred.
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Eragon and Harry: The Responsibility of Fate Literature Essay
7 pages (1836 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Both Eragon and Harry have a choice to accept or deny those destinies. Both will travel the life-changing road as outlined by Joseph Campbell in his theoretical discussions of the hero myth. Harry and Eragon will struggle with the duality of good and evil, overcoming the power of that conflict and fulfilling their potential. 
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How Do I Love Thee and La Belle Dame Sans Merci Literature Assignment
6 pages (1573 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Enjambment is used even here but unlike the case of Browning’s poem, the syntax is not awkward in nature. He uses the conventional ballad structure to narrate the incident. Various metaphors have been significantly used in the poem especially in phrases like “fever dew” and “anguish moist” (Frost, 243).
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Text and Image Interactions in Hybrid Narratives Literature Essay
7 pages (1961 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These narratives are powerful visual storytelling mediums in helping visual thinkers to explore the subject and interpret matters ranging from historical to fantastical matter in diverse ways with no restrictions. The use of symbolism, allegory, metaphors, and simile makes the reader dig much deeper as compared to traditional books or narratives.
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Critical Analysis of Stephen G Millers Ancient Greek Athletics Literature Essay
7 pages (1860 words) , Download 1 , Essay
He fails, however, to make many interesting or original points that cannot be found more thoroughly developed and explored in other texts, meaning that someone with an already existing knowledge of Greek sport may come away from this text somewhat disappointed.  The work makes its points well, but the points would perhaps be better if they were more original and insightful.
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Key Theological Themes of the Passages Literature Assignment
10 pages (2858 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The elementary difference was that Paul was able to perceive Christ as the savior of men and God as the lover of all men whereas the crowd who persecuted him merely recognized God’s love as exclusive to the Jews. They were egoistic in their belief because they wanted to confine the preaching and messages of God to themselves.
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Analysis of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Literature Essay
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Postscript however would suggest another perspective assuming that the old wealthy man appearing as one of the New York Corporation audiences is really Ichabod Crane, as his description seems to fit the character. Now old, but wealthy and worthy of respect and deference, Crane would, in this sense, seemed triumphant in the end.
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Quentins Divided Self in William Faulkners The Sound and the Fury Literature Essay
6 pages (1680 words) , Download 1 , Essay
When his father, Mr. Compson cannot even provide fatherly guidance, Quentin feels all the more depressed when he realizes that his father does not even care about the Southern code and was indifferent to the disgrace Caddy's conduct has brought on the family. These realizations pushed him down the abyss of despair that eventually ends in suicide. 
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Early Chapters of Genesis Literature Literature review
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The Bible was not written for scholars alone, however, but to meet the spiritual needs of all people. These passages from Genesis are often seen just as a description, perhaps wrong, of the creation process. However, if they are considered as being a consideration of the relationship between God and his creation and in particular with mankind, then a whole new dimension emerges.
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Theme of Racism in Samuel Selvons The Lonely Londoners Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1680 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Samuel Selvon, a Trinidadian by birth, grew up in a multiracial, multicultural society. His powerful sense of displacement and feelings has found its way in a subtle form into his fiction. The Lonely Londoners, the first novel of his Moses trilogy has been given recognition as a landmark in the literature. It has been treated successfully with a narrative in Caribbean English. 
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Feminism in Toni Morrison's Love Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1700 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
It should be noted that Heed and Christine were intimate friends in childhood. However, the vengeance that emerged between them as they grew up is firmly rooted in their relationship with Cosey. Christine was eight months older than her Heed, and had been sent away after Cosey’s marriage with Heed, “throbbing with girl flesh made sexy”.
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Food as Trope in the Works of Nora Keller and Jhumpa Lahiri Literature Essay
9 pages (2518 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Jhumpa Lahiri’s A Temporary Matter and When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine involve the stories of a couple that slowly drifted apart after a tragedy struck them and a family left behind in a war-torn country. Nora Keller’s Fox Girl, on the other hand, tells a story set in post-war Korea where two schoolgirls are caught in the harsh realities of life while growing up in America Town.
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Revenge is a wild kind of justice - Francis Bacon, 'Of Revenge' Literature Article
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 1 , Article
Analysing the themes of Elizabethan plays a reader can easily find that revenge is a selfish villain with numerous motives that promotes violence in most of the Elizabethan revenge plays. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet are widely established examples of revenge plays. The term revenge and vengeance are important tools for revealing human instinct.
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The Garden of Love by William Blake and Home-Thoughts from Abroad by Robert Browning Literature Essay
10 pages (2736 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Garden of Love by William Blake and Home-Thoughts from Abroad by Robert Browning are two very different poems; yet, they contain certain similarities.  William Blake belonged to the poetic era known as the Romantic period.  While Robert Browning wrote during the Victorian era.  These two poetic eras held many different background events, both social and political which influenced the poetry of those times.
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Suspension of Disbelief Literature Essay
8 pages (2303 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The three pieces are rendered through a variety of styles and with various literary devices in order to construct worlds that suit the purposes of their universes. Both Pirandello and Shakespeare create two worlds in which to balance their ‘story’ so that they can challenge their audience to think on more than one level. For Rowling, the challenge was to create a single world in which all of the events in Harry’s life could seem plausible.
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The Concept of Children and War Literature Essay
8 pages (2472 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The concept of war and fighting is one that Beah shows in his memoir, Long Way Gone. The encounters of the civil war and fighting as a child show how this impacted his life psychologically, emotionally and mentally.  Learning to fight and to win wars, building strength to the bloodshed and implying the personal reactions are all noted as a part of the details which are recounted in the book. 
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The Civil War Literature Book Report/Review
8 pages (2253 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Rawley’s arguments regarding Bleeding Kansas are used as a basis from which to highlight the extent to which race has played a role in shaping American politics. Rawley’s book not only re-evaluates commonly accepted theory on Bleeding Kansas and the Civil War by highlighting the importance of race; it goes further than existing literature in this area by going beyond a mere narration of events.
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