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In order to honor one’s deepest truth, one must first discover what the truth is and then apply that truth to everyday life (Nelson 30). The life of Edna Pontellier in The Awakening signifies the search, discovery, and application of an individual’s deepest truth. Edna, a wealthy New Orleans housewife, attempts to find the deepest truth about her by conforming to society’s norms.
It is essential to state that over the last several decades, there have been tremendous changes in gender roles with particular reference to education, the workplace, and the family. In contemporary society, more women are now gaining access to higher education than was the case in the 18th and 19th centuries.
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In 1591, when the fable of ‘Posopopoia: Or, Mother Hubbard’s Tale’, in decasyllabic heroic couplets, was published as part of ‘Complaints Containing Sundry Small Poems of the World's Vanity’, Spenser was already a famous poet as his famed ‘Faerie Queene’ had been widely acclaimed the previous year and his ‘Shepheardes Calender’ was so popular that it had gone to four printings.
The poem ‘Mother Hubbard’s Tale’ written by a renowned poet, Mr. Edmund Spenser and published in 1591 is a masterpiece of a satirical fable written in Chaucer’s style. It consists of four tales. The tales are supposedly narrated by an old lady given the name ‘Mother Hubbard’ while the poet plays the role of the audience.
‘The Shepheardes Calender’ is an extended poem by Elizabeth’s poet, Edmund Spenser (circa 1522 – 1599). It is perhaps not as well known as his ‘Faerie Queene,’ but both include praise of the Queen, Elizabeth I. It is written in 1579 and included in the Stationers’ Register of 1591. It was printed only under the name of ‘Immerito’ in the first instance.
It is essential to state that Spenser's epic poem The Faerie Queene (1590-96), is a romance in allegorical form, the primary aim of which was to glorify and praise his monarch, Elizabeth I, then queen of England. It was also presumably designed to enhance Spenser’s place in Elizabethan society, as it proved to do.
Spenser’s allegorical epic poem ‘Faerie Queene’ was a product of its time. Wauchope ( 2005) describes in his introduction to the text of the Gutenberg Project how there was a revival of ideas about chivalry and the rise of new ideas about national identity. The queen was closely linked to both of these.
The onset of anti-Vietnam War movement in the United States began soon after the Vietnam War broke out. Following the war break out, various movements emerged, some anti-war movements advocated for USA’s continued involvement in the Vietnam War whereas some movements opposed the involvement of the USA in the war on grounds that they wanted peace.
Isaac Asimov, an American author, who wrote many popular science fiction books as well as non-fiction books, brought many scientific concepts to the common man in a simple manner. Asimov has been particularly remembered for his approach to bringing together science and technology and human ethics in his works.
Creativity is a rooted aspect within literature and it characterizes the uniqueness with which every artist brings out various aspects of their expertise. Postmodernism has significantly changed the way of thinking of both artists and their audiences creating an environment where everything is possible with art and art has virtually no limits.
John Nicholson has portrayed a great depth of extant scholarship, especially in terms of content mastering. This is indicated in various thematic presentations poems are developed in a way that there is no definite environment of a subject that dominates his poetry. This mastery is present in the degree of familiarity with the field of poetry in all three editions of his poems.
Generally speaking, this paper seeks to critically examine the two editions of Felicia Hemans’ The Domestic Affections and Other Poems in reference to a psychoanalytic literary criticism theory. Psychoanalytic criticism theory will be used as a key literary theory to critically examine Heman’s poems.
Basically, in this article, Sir Phillip Sidney discusses in-depth the significance of poetry. He begins by sharing his experience at the Emperor’s court. While at the emperor’s court, Sidney and his friend Edward Wotton devoted themselves to learning the horsemanship of John Pietro Pugliano. Pugliano praised his faculty as a horseman saying that “Soldiers were the noblest of mankind and horsemen were the noblest of soldiers.”
In this paper, the similarity of the traditional man in Australian literature and in McGahan’s novel praise is critically compared to find out the features of Australian masculine identity that have not been eroded by time. The paper concentrates on and supports McGahan’s portrayal of the Australian man as a man who is afflicted by an identity crisis
Tempted to settle for half—for the loss of meaning and the loss of consequence endemic in the whole complex of personal and social relationships, the American way of living as Miller sees it—the heroes of these plays, no matter how perversely, are still attached to life, still moved by irresistible desires for a name, a significance, a meaning.
Multi-modality and non-verbal expression is often stifled in normal education. This can be attributed to the dominance of written and literal language. Nonetheless, visual or non-written languages are important in making cognitive links that are essential in learning. Art as an example of a multi-modal medium integrates visual and text.
Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets that ever existed in India. He has written poems in various niches. He has tremendous potential in the use of words if he uses them properly. In his poem, he has given it a substance that is fantastic, and this has been done by the incorporation of words that are used properly.
The most prominent act of violence and crime in the novel is the stabbing of Alec by Tess. In the second novel known as “The Long Goodbye” by Raymond Chandler, the author also presents to the reader some evidence of crime and violence. In this novel, there are more acts of violence and crime than in the first novel.
Due to the embedding of social organization on concrete institutions such as the labor market and family which are both related to inequality that can be easily studied, the main focus of past research was on matters relating to labor and work. However, the impact of leisure has not been sufficiently studied (Harker, Richard, et al-123).
The use of picture books creates a holistic and flexible interaction. They are also miniature ecosystems and reemphasize the interdependence of word and image. Unlike an ecosystem, picture books provide complexity and diversity, and organization and take the role of the reader into consideration that separates them from continuum approaches.
Symmetry is a language in which several perspectives of arts and science can be appreciated, expressed, and eventually better explained and understood. Frequently, the authors employ a number of convenient symmetric statures, either as an underlying core or as a descriptive means around which their stories unfold.
In literature, sonnets in English form refer to poetic verses of 14 lines with rhymes arranged into a fixed scheme and divided into three quatrains (4-line stanzas) and a couplet at the end (Burrow, 2002). Shakespeare’s and Milton’s sonnets are among the most popular sonnets worldwide, standing the tests of time by surviving for centuries.
It is now almost one hundred years since the First World War /The Great War began. Hardly anyone who is alive today can remember it, except from the point of view of being a small child. We do of course have official records, grainy bits of film, or stiff, faded photographs. We also have correspondence from those involved, as in Arthur’s ‘Collection of letters from the Front’.
Described as the use of humor or exaggeration in literal works such as novels, plays and films to criticize issues that are controversial and even weighty in society, satire is a vital element of literature that allows the satirist to criticize the ideals and behavior of the society while using wit and humor and in so doing, allowing the audience to question their ideals and behavior in question and change accordingly.
Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus” does not quite fit easily into the usual genres of his plays, combining as it does several theatrical styles. This makes audience reactions more complicated socially and neuroscientifically. It is classed by some as Shakespeare’s first tragedy, and it is also one of his earliest plays.
In the Heart of America is a “poetic anti-war love play written in reaction to the Gulf War of 1991” (Osenlund). Wallace explores links between violence and politics; war and racism, and desire and status or class. She lets her characters try to define themselves in her surrealistic and episodic, non-chronological play.
The United Arab Emirates is located in Arabian Peninsula on the southern end. It is divided into seven countries known as emirates. The most populated emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is Dubai which has about 35.6% of the entire UAE population. The next most populated emirate is Abu Dhabi. That means that most citizens of the UAE live in either Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
Globalization is anchored on the marketplace which on the other hand pivots on choice. The choice of an individual is largely dictated by the culture within which he lives. Confucianism is one of the oldest cultures in China; based on this culture morality is highly emphasized particularly in building a harmonious society that fosters respect and equality.
This text will consider the works of ten texts by writers Monique Witting; June Jordan; Joan Kelly Galdol; Mary Wollstonecraft; Luce Irigaray; Bell Hook; June Jordan; Sandra Glibret & Susan Gubar; Heidi Hartman and Simone de Beauvoir, giving an annotated bibliography. Witting is concerned with gender issues.
It is essential to state that while Cather’s ‘A Lost Lady’ describes the triumph of the new materialistic civilization over the heroism of the past in America, she also laments the waning power of American imperialism. Throughout the narrative, Cather sounds very apologetic with regard to imperialism.
The writers present their works with a characteristically American touch through the fusion of the American Dream, although their presentation of this idea seems to take a different turn from what seems to be the expectation of many, in which the American Dream enhances the happiness of characters basically from wealth possessed and influence enjoyed.
The food choices that consumers make are influenced by different factors. As it is with consumer behaviour, a buyer’s food choices may be affected by among other things, the price of the food item, the packaging or branding of the same, its availability in local retail outlets, and the perceived value or health benefits.
Smoke control is integral to property protection and life safety. During a fire emergency in a high-rise building, smoke control systems improve occupants’ ability to move and maintain tenability in the form of egress. Computer programs and computer-based models have been developed to quantify pollutant transport and airflow in multi-zone buildings.
The Harlem Renaissance has been described as a blossoming which was “ Never dominated by a particular school of thought but rather characterized by intense debate, the movement laid the groundwork for all later African American literature and had an enormous impact on subsequent black literature and consciousness worldwide.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2015).
Apple is a leading electronic and information technology company in the world. It is the most successful company in the industry offering the best high-quality information technology products. Despite its worldwide success, Apple does not operate in a pure monopoly. It offers pricey products for middle and high-income people who comprise a smaller market share in developing countries.
In 1789, Richard Price in his sermon argued that the British people just like the French had the right to dethrone a bad King. Edmund Burke responded to these arguments through his text Reflections on the Revolution in France. He countered Richard’s logical arguments and proclaimed his support for the right of inheriting concerning monarchy in Britain.
Generally speaking, this study underpins such understanding by critically evaluating characters in four stories for the research paper. These stories include which include a Rose by Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, Hands by Sherwood Anderson, Eveline by James Joyce, and Dead men's path by Chinua Achebe.
The tussle between rebellious viewpoints wherein she advocates women’s liberation through proper education that envisages knowledge of political and social scenarios becomes imperative for her to get equal status with her male counterparts. On the other hand, in congruence with the social strictures of marriage and family.
The term ‘erotic’ is never associated with any consistent or stable category because it is always subjected to social traditions and civilizations that are affected by religious beliefs and didactic convictions. The twenty-first century still holds on to the debate that whether the erotic narratives written by men are different from those of women.
Australia got independence in 1901 and a testament to its commitment to its women was the fact that after only a small matter of 2 years i.e. in 1903, it become the first and at the time the only county whereby Caucasian women were allowed the liberty to vote and stand for a position in the parliament.
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We would see how these theories are applied to the interpretation of these literary texts in the Caribbean and most of all the effect of the colonial experience on hybrid writers like Naipaul and Rhys. We do achieve a clear understanding of how the Caribbean theory and literature related to the issues in post-colonial theory.
The term magical realism is a contradiction in terms, a paradox as it seeks to blend in two concepts that exist on the two different spaces of the existential spectrum. The term seems confusing, misleading, and highly unlikely; raises many questions like how anything real is magical or magic at the same time and vice versa.
Dee thinks she knows exactly who Maggie and her mother are, but in reality is too wrapped up in herself to understand anything. Dee always wanted to be different. By connecting with her African roots, she became not only different but special. What she never realized was her mother and Maggie were special too.
The British East India Company was perhaps the most successful chapter in the British Empire's history as it was responsible for the annexation of the Indian subcontinent, which would become the empire's largest source of revenue which is the most significant element of the British Empire. The themes of the literature written in the second half of the nineteenth century varied extensively.
Memories can be defined as the act of thinking and putting much emphasis on the past while trauma is an experience that is depressing in a great way. This work tries to relate memories and depression or torture in the mind using selected literary discourses. The first discourse has titled the dreams of my father and it is a narration by Barrack Obama.
Mr. Bennet saw the words roll down his ticker, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife (Austen 1853).”“What is with your status updates?” he asked his lady inquisitively. “If you knew that to let ad for the Netherfield Park on OLX website is now marked ‘sold’, you would also have investigated Mrs. Long’s tweet; it is now owned by this rich hunk, Bingley.”
According to the Longman Dictionary (2001), racism is defined as unfair treatment of people, or violence against them because they belong to a different race you’re your own. According to the Longman Dictionary (2001), a stereotype can be defined as deciding, usually unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex, or social class.
Jo March’s state can be understood by Beauvoir’s claim that woman is a product of society. She is bound to follow what society orders her to do, her potential is neglected and there are very few opportunities to come her way. Despite, their willingness to take on tougher jobs, they are imprisoned within walls of social stereotypes.
Techniques then are used towards a wider variety to have a clearer picture. The play can have an increased sense of understanding if the environment is created in such a method that it can depict the actual crises during the Scottish era. The play itself is fast running and gives a sense of connection to the audience.
Ann Doughlas in her book “Skyscrapers, airplanes, and fairmindedness (the necessary Angel)” talks about different values in society. About political values, she says that America was positioning itself to be the world’s most influential economy. Thus, urbanization and modernization were seen as important strategies for rising to power.