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We can see that the wife in the story has complicated emotions. She loves her husband, but at the same time expects her husband to be protective of her. She is content with her life but at this point in life, she feels that her husband has not met her expectations. A part of her favors the idea of non-violence but another part denies this explanation.
‘Horse latitude’, a contemporary poem by Paul Muldoon is a critique of the Iraq war (Muldoon, 2006). He (2006, p.42) wrote, “ every point was a point of no return, for those who had signed the covenant in blood” which represented equally well the dead millions of Iraq and the young American soldiers who lost their lives.
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The first element is a memory. The poem is developed through an economy of words, starting with one line and ending abruptly with the next. The message, however, can be examined for a lot of elemental variations on themes on the issue of the memory. The first line shows the dog turning back, his bark coming from a stationary place.
These motifs could be recurring throughout the work and could be placed aptly. Starting from any physical objects to designs, paintings, figures, etc., motifs could take a different form. The novel, The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, written by Peter Handke, is about a former goalkeeper of a football team and his life after he is ejected from a game for foul play.
It is still important to attempt to describe Tao and have some value rather than to have no value at all. Thus it is more useful to render partial and limited understanding than to have no understanding at all. It can be considered that Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching with descriptions that have some merit rather than have it has no meaning at all.
The men only recover their control in sex over their wives only when Spartan and Athenians are reconciled. The gender balance is not permanently uneven and therefore, women like Lysistrata will go back to their place. This play can make us think that this particular war that took control could change history, but in the end, it is not possible.
On the other hand, disloyalty concerns acting in a way to contravene set conditions and people, go against their efforts, and will. Doing something that you know the other person would not like and opposing him or her in all his or her endeavors. William Shakespeare exposes the theme of loyalty and disloyalty in an attempt to develop the plot of his play Hamlet and to a considerable extent display the natural traits of his characters.
Apparently, the novel seems to be an adventure story that retells the thrilled voyage of the ever itinerant sailor named Ishmael. He voyages a ship named Pequod. It is a whale-ship. The ship is controlled by Captain Ahab who has a different intention in this voyage of taking retribution from the white sperm whale named Moby Dick.
It will explicate the validity of the quote by relating it to Amy Tan’s story, “Fish Cheeks. The paper will show that in certain circumstances, Douglas’ quote is not applicable, using a couple of generalized examples. George Orwell’s story, “Shooting the Element,” will be subsequently used to first superficially establish the frailty of Douglas’ argument.
O’Conner had a deep sense of humor which she often used in her writing and based it on the perceptions of her characters and the actual great fate that they end up into. But most of her stories reveal her intelligence and vigilance to some of those issues of the society that have often been hidden from the people.
His story amazes the reader and fills a crucial void in contemporary literature on the challenges that Sierra Leone’s rival views through the lens of a child. Additionally, whereas childhood soldier is not the main Sierra Leone children, it is imperative to analyze the meaning and implications of the story to freedom fighters of today.
“Eighty Yard Run” by Irwin Shaw is a story about Christian Darling who is recollecting his age-old memory of college days when he was a famous football player. The story is about a man who lost his past glory as a football player who could not adjust to the changing ways of society and relationships. Darling is a tragic character and is living in his past memory of school days.
The reason behind Wade's loss was that one of his opponents revealed all the facts about John. This opponent also had solid evidence of John getting involved in a mass killing that happened in the Vietnamese village of Thuan Yen also referred to as My Lai. In this massacre, John is found responsible for the deaths of two people.
The author states that ancient human figurines discovered at archaeological sites had always intrigued him and the sight of the elaborate statues conjured up images of ancient Greek city-states. Such was the feeling as he viewed the beautiful sculptures from the past while being in the present; he was taken back in an ancient Greek environment.
Yet another vital reason that makes Laila take the decision is her motherhood. She has a daughter Aziza, from Tariq. This baby is an important reason for comfort and happiness in her life and it is the safety of this baby that has made her agree to marry Rasheed. Laila is afraid how Rasheed will treat Aziza in future, especially when he doubts the paternity of the girl.
The poem Howl was written by Allen Ginsberg in 1955. It was published as a piece of his 1956 poetry collection called Howl and Other Poems. The poem reached fame by becoming part of the ‘Beat Generation’ that included other authors and poets like William S. Burroughs, Herbert Huncke, John Clellon Holmes, Jack Kerouac, etc. in it.
It is getting warmer and warmer. The sun wakes up from its winter dreams and generously pours its light on people below. It nurtures trees and makes little green grass grow faster. It makes everything alive again; even people become more alive than they used to be during cold days of fall and winter.
The author employs postmodern techniques to depict the human races as different kinds of animals. Spielgman connects the story of the terrible historical occurrence of the Holocaust and a Jewish American struggle to spearhead his own understanding of the brutal persecution of the Jews by the Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler during the Second World War.
The position of men was domineering while women were considered as those engaged in mere trifles. The very title of Glaspell`s story helps to understand all the aspects of a woman`s position at once. The perception of a woman as only a part of a man is what deludes a man. Therefore, there is no decent place for a woman in society.
By analyzing a short section of the play i.e. the first act, we can find many different examples of such dramatic storytelling which add to the value of the play and the pleasure derived from it. It would be best if an examination is made of the play scene by scene so as to clarify the impact on the audience and the importance of the scene to the whole play.
According to the essay, the play narrates how an apparently helpless but cherished wife matures in a few days and awakes to the realization that she alone is responsible for her life and well-being. She then breaks free of the barriers to her freedom; namely, her husband, her deceased father, the ill-obtained funding from Krogstad to become independent.
This is the case in his historic play “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” in which the character Brutus emerges as the tragic hero. While the play is primarily focused upon the assassination of Julius Caesar, the action revolves mostly around Caesar’s close friend and advisor, Brutus. Brutus’ close relationship with Caesar is emphasized throughout the play.
Dave tries to overcome the reality of things and his repeated fire can very well be seen in this connection. The realization of the setting that has caused damage to his wishes, socio-economic marginalization, and the lack of independence makes Dave change his own setting with optimistic thoughts about the next day.
The novel Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert, and the play “A Doll‘s House“, by Henrik Ibsen, both contain female characters that are viewed as being powerless and sacrificial for a number of reasons. In Madame Bovary, Emma Bovary commits suicide by drinking arsenic because of this role that she has been forced into. At the time, she was very much in debt, due to her constant borrowing of money.
The romance between Hermia and Lysander is shown to be young love, full of its uncertainties and susceptible to sudden change. The love between Titania and Oberon, though aged and presumably mellowed, has degenerated into a general long-term struggle over trivial matters underlain by a deep-seated affection and jealousy for the other’s attention.
The main difference between the two plays is in the tone of the ending. In Salesman, we are left with a bleak view, with no hope of Willy’s sons escaping the legacy that their father provided for them. They will never be successful themselves, and they are likely to pass these adjusted attitudes upon their children if they do eventually have them
Madame Bovary does not belong in aristocratic society but she wants to become a part of it because she believes that it will make her happy. She is clearly depressed about the life she was living at the beginning of this novel and wants to find a way to escape the boredom. The results, however, are not what she had been hoping for.
The said line that had been quoted in the work by Beckett can be a representation of the perception of the writer and characters on the affairs of the human race thus, they are considered to be expressing responsibility. This can mean that when one is in grief thus some other people are happy in turn.
One of the short stories in the anthology is “Death by Landscape.” The story revolves around Lois, a widowed mother with a childhood experience that she looks back with fear and uneasiness. Her art collection that she displayed in her new apartment shows landscapes that made her remember her camp experience during her childhood.
Having been so publicly questioned, Creon then finds it impossible to listen to his lead advisors' wiser counsel on the political front or his son and Antigone’s fiancé on the emotional front. In confronting his son, Creon insists men of his age should not need to be governed by men of his son’s age and therefore refuses to listen on pride of age.
If I defined literacy in my own words it would be anything written down in a recognized pattern of alphabet and words. Mandarin, English, Spanish, French, and many other languages have their own words written in different manners. English, Spanish, and French have the same alphabet, but different words represent the same thing.
Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet sometime between 1594 and 1596 reflecting through his characters and action the Elizabethan values and traditions of England while focusing on the story of a young couple in Verona. In this way, he also incorporates some of the values that were understood in his time to have been important to people of an even earlier time.
In terms of characterization, the protagonist of A Raisin in the Sun is Walter Lee Younger and the protagonist of Othello is King Othello himself. It should be noted that the major characters of the two plays shared something in common and this was in the color of their skins as they were both dark-skinned.
When his perfume was used for selfish reasons—to control and manipulate people, it serves no joy, but when he intentionally doused the perfume to himself so that the people would desire him and eat him, the perfume ultimately benefitted society as they have become more civil after the event and life became more cordial, more ‘humane.’
In Ireland censorship of literary works after independence was a means to protect the Catholic Church from criticism by dissidents such as Joyce, Behan, Edna, Kate, Sigmund and Margaret among other writers, who were publishing books and novels that contradicted the church on matters of sexuality, pornography and reproduction.
Many pieces of war literature tend to express a sense of truth, anger, and hatred. As one reads, war writing, there is a creation of unique images in the mind. Works of writers such as Tim O’Brien and Wilfred Owen reach out to readers in the way that the writer has chosen images and words used in the writing.
It is noteworthy that most of these horror, fantastic stories involving supernatural forces more often represent the dark side of human nature. This paper explores this literature by focusing on three short stories to determine the significance of literature in illuminating humanity's shadowy plane.
Due to the unfortunate incident, they, along with their mother, had to move to a smaller house. In spite of the destitution, both brothers went on to study law at the University of Marburg. During their years at the University of Marburg, the Grimm brothers thought of making folk stories as their career and embarked on the journey that led them to fame.
Everybody wears a mask. We tend to be an amalgamation of different versions of ourselves that vary in different situations, time and in front of different people. It is an inherent attribute of a person to be multi-dimensional in a sense that we cannot truly be monotonous or at least not without being boring.
The local, meaning the brain, is the main tool upon which art builds itself. I find this sentence to be very true as The Inward Morning’s author was extremely precise in noting that every artist uses their brain to come up with ideas. An artist’s influence, in reality, comes from his or her mind (Bugbee 33).
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that oftentimes the differentials that exist between the under-developed world and our own society are so stark that they make it difficult to realize or gain an understanding into the ways in which such realities define the lives of so many millions around the globe.
The story reflects that anything that is in excess is always harmful. The main character in the story is Connie. She is portrayed as having surplus self-confidence. This confidence led to a deceiving sense of security and a poor reputation. She had a bad choice; she did pretty well in impressing boys with her appearance and beauty (Oates, 17).
The theme of love has had a long history even among the immortals and has been a source of conflict. The quest for love is in Aphrodite’s purpose in seeking Zeus. It is challenging at times to ascertain who the speaker in the poem is though it is safe to assume that, for the poem Hymn to Aphrodite, Sappho is the speaker.
Salman Rushdie is regarded as one of the most famous authors of the Indian Diaspora. He established his settlement in England where he rose to fame via his book, Midnight’s Children. Rushdie uses magical realism, a narrative style, which entailed the use of myth and fantasy blending with real life.
Old Nestor advises him frequently because he needs counsel. Agamemnon often allows his tense emotions to govern critical and major decisions. For example, despite Nestor advising him severely against taking Achilles’ slave girl, he goes ahead and takes her. This leads to numerous deaths. Compared to Achilles, Agamemnon is a bad leader.
Citizens should possess high expectations of their leaders during wartime struggles because leaders may be ineffective in making critical decisions. The two stories manifest that arrogance during decision-making on wars bears disastrous decisions. Both of the stories reveal that pride is a major factor that influences leaders’ decisions.
All the texts display various thematic scenes that boost love, death, and sexuality. It all narrows down to the strength, geniuses, and time that the characters used to develop their feelings for each other and their commitment to the relationship. The authors clearly bring out these themes and suggest that for love to exist.
Stephen Heath expresses in his works that many African novels of fiction define realism. However, he proceeds to question what a realist novel is? This is besides exploring what Realism entails within realist novels. According to him, realistic entails a way of essential fictions that defines the general picture perceived by others as realistic.
It has been debated by critics whether or not the narrator is a woman. Some critiques argue that the narrator must have been one of the former lovers of Emily Grierson or some boy who could remember Mr. Grierson with his whip in the hand. Some hold the stand that the narrator could have been the town’s gossip that leads to the breaking down of the door.
Analysts such as Layfield, Muller, and Thomas have described the different levels of abuse of power by the president depicted by Collins as has been described above. Such outstanding illustrations of the abuse of power exhibited in the book only prove that it is one of the main themes that Collins sought to address.