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Abstract aesthetic standards Literature Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ABSTRACT AESTHETIC STANDARDS Overview of the Statement There is an old saying that goes that, do not judge a book by its cover. It could perhaps be on the basis of this good old saying that George Orwell made his statement that “abstract aesthetic standards are all bunkum and… a book is only a “good” book if it preaches the right sermon” (Hooks, 2001).
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Analysis of The Novel As I Lay Dying Written by William Faulkner Literature Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Throughout the opening scenes of his novel, William Faulkner uses different objects to portray the traits of different characters. It can only be seen that he achieves the goal of guiding his audience in understanding the underlying themes of the novel through objects as significant as the peeled off chips and the glazing flanks of wooden panel
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Sacrifice and Self-Awareness in Marjane Satrapis The Complete Persepolis Literature Essay
5 pages (1407 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the graphic novel, Satrapi introduces readers to the turbulent times of Iran during, before, and after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War while articulating her life during those times. Relatively, Satrapi combines the elements of Biographical and Bildungsroman literary genres to illustrate the historical context of the story, as well as her moral and psychological development.
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Discuss the idea of good and evil in John Milton and Alexander Pope Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The perspectives of good highlighted in the texts are in form of light, spirit, reason and man while Evil is represented as darkness, matter, body, passion or woman (Logan, Greenblatt and Lewalski). According to John Milton in his Areopagitica, he states that the idea of good and evil was conceived at the same time and they grew up together.
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The Absence of Honor in War Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Through the story and the poems, death in war is portrayed as something brutal and gory, and that people who die from it are merely “washed out” like dirt or dead animals. The pride and honor that soldiers show are merely a façade to cover up for the fear and instinct to run and hide. Truly, all wars end in death and no dead ends in honor. 
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Cathedral Story by (Raymond Carver) Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While young, he used to work with his father in sawmills in California. His mother worked as a waiter. Later on, Carver did other odd jobs since he married while 19 and had to support his family (Sklenicka 4-6; 21). In his studies, Carver concentrated on creative writing.
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The Poems - Death and old age Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay gives a detailed information about the "Death and old age". The poet is the addresser of the poem by conjoining the adverse emotions of wait and getting prepared oneself to face the death. The poet is explaining the characteristics of old age when the body of an individual is getting weakened and is no more able to perform the tasks.
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The Role Museums Played and Are Playing with Regard to the Idea of Collective and Cultural Memory Literature Essay
11 pages (3097 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper will explore how two forms of memory have contributed to the spread of cultural and collective memory. In addition, the paper will examine how the ideas of cultural and collective memory have changed over time. The paper begins with an explanation of the meanings of both cultural and collective memory and proceeds to tell the differences between these two forms of memory.
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The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The Souls of Black Folk” by W. E. B. Du Bois. It is correct to make the claim that the author of this text rejects European and western influences on his culture. It is important to note that the author, W. E. B. Du Bois, is an African American who has written a book about African Americans.
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Women in Greek Myths Literature Essay
3 pages (830 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Guilt has been indicated to be inherent in Uranus, and in turn, suffering is bound to happen in life. The myth, therefore, explains the advent of life as the major cause of suffering, as Aphrodite who is the goddess of physical love is born from Uranus, who was earlier thrown into the sea (Diel 93).
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The African Child by Camara Laye Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 19 , Essay
Since the story starts from Laye’s childhood and continues into his maturation and adulthood, the work can be classified as a bildungsroman – the story of growing up. But the focus is not solely on one individual, as Laye fleshes out in detail the dynamics of several key relationships through his life.
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Liberal Theme in Matthew Arnolds and Marjane Satrapis Poetry Literature Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
His poem is mainly melancholic and portrays the poet’s somber feelings about how man will be negatively affected by his disregard of the basic tenets of the Christian religion. In Matthew Arnold’s society, the industrial revolution was already starting to bring different effects to society by re-defining the functions of social classes.
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Discovering the Roots of William Blakes Complexity as a Literary Genius Literature Research Paper
4 pages (1135 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Matthews’s analysis of Blake’s interpretation of Paine is especially fascinating and enlightening, illustrating a superb control of this intellectual domain. To demonstrate the influence of several modern political and religious treatises on the creations of Blake, Matthews explores a number of Blake’s poems of this era.
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The Yellow Wallpaper Literature Literature review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Literature review
The author states that the first point that is interesting to regard is the character, John. John is both the narrator’s husband and her doctor. By making him both, Gilman gives readers the opportunity to interpret him as the quintessential evil figure of the story. Upon further consideration, however, a reader can deduce that John is not entirely evil.
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White Man's Burden Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
European imperialism of the last few centuries were heavily centered on the perceived moral responsibility of its leaders toward other supposedly backward regions of the world Also referred to as the White Man's Burden,this notion of cultural,religious,scientific and administrative superiority over far-off civilizations had led to several negative consequences.
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Book War with the Newts by Karel Capek Summary Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Severity of the unrestrained madness of humanity that can lead it into abyss – this is perhaps the most important and vivid message that made War with the Newts not an ordinary science fiction book, but a timeless monument to humanistic literature of the 20th century. The heroes of his fiction pamphlet are newts.
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William Ernest Henley's exclusion from the Literary Canon Literature Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Student name: Professor Name: Course name: Date: William Ernest Henley's exclusion from the Literary Canon William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) is one of the distinguished poets and critics of later part of nineteenth century, who has left indelible imprints of his literary talent on English Literature through his dexterous critical analysis and wonderful creative writing.
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Religious Theme in Flannery O'Connor's Literature Essay
10 pages (2687 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What O'Connor is conveying through this story in regard to religion, is that we have to accept the good with the bad in God's universe, and further, that all of us embody the qualities of both 'good' and 'evil'. Finally, it will be argued that the difference between the Misfit and the Grandmother, is that she believes in miracles and he doesn't.
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Analysis of Sonny's Blues Story Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The moment of illumination happened when he (the narrator) finally heard the jazz music as played on the bandstand at the bar and realized that it can be a liberating experience for anyone who feels sad, depressed and beaten. It can be uplifting to listen to jazz music and this just shows that good music has a universal appeal. 
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Best American Short Stories Literature Essay
6 pages (1518 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Here, it will be attempted to compare and contrast Kerouac’s protagonist and Exley’s protagonist, from the respective works of “On the Road” and “A Fan’s Notes”; parse the idea that modern fiction avoids thematic didacticism; define success in relation to Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”, and discuss the character of Sal Paradise in “On the Road.”
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Olaudah Equiano and Uncle Tom's Cabin on the View of Slavery in the United States Literature Research Paper
7 pages (1929 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This period of slavery was a very crucial era, the impact of this slavery can still be seen today. During that period two books were written which greatly helped in changing the perspective of people regarding slavery. The first one is written by the African American himself known as The Interesting Narrative of the life Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa which was published in Britain in 1789.
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The Power of Religion in the film The Crucible Literature Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To put the film “The Crucible” in proper perspective, it is important to note that the film was actually inspired by an actual event that happened in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. It was the Salem Witchcraft Trial of 1692 which precipitated the end of Witchcraft Trial in America.
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Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Literature Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A characteristic of the absurdist theatre is the lack of proper communication which is evident in this play as well with the presence of many sentences that do not seem to be making a lot of sense.
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Neurosis - Gendered Diagnosis with Patriarchal Causes Literature Essay
9 pages (2576 words) , Download 2 , Essay
After marriage and giving birth, Charlotte Perkins Gilman suffered from depression and turned to the famous neurologist S. Weir Mitchell for a cure. Her experience as a patient provided the primary content for her well-known short story The Yellow Wallpaper. Jane, the narrator of The Yellow Wallpaper, went through the same “rest cure.”
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Colonialism versus Modernity Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Most countries, in their current state, are products of colonial systems and the themes of independence that passed on from earlier generations. This always becomes the beginning of a failure process for a particular country in terms of its social and political aspects. The people borrow identities from these systems.
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Nora Character in Henrik Ibsens Immortal Play A Dolls House Literature Essay
7 pages (1996 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nora is also vain, as she states, several times, that she is pretty.  She is silly and frivolous, living, apparently, only to dance and party and entertain.  Yet, at the end of the play, Nora apparently has an epiphany, and a glorious,  independent, grounded feminist emerges from Nora at the end of the play.
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A Number of Homeric Values and Themes in the Story of Agamemnon Literature Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Agamemnon and Odysseus take a lot of time in the war, and no word is sent home of the war ending any time soon or them returning home. Other men who want to marry them go on with their seduction. Agamemnon’s wife Clytemnestra gets tired of waiting and believes that her husband may never come back, and she gets a lover by the name Aegisthus.
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Film Analysis: The Wizard of Oz Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1801 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The invention of information communication technology in the world ignited the production of top-notch films through the use of modern tools and applications. Films are visual and audio-produced pictures. In ancient times, films were viewed in designated film halls but nowadays individuals view them in the comfort of their homes, thanks to innovations in technology.
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Dog's Death by John Updike Literature Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The family is almost always enthusiastic to fight, or hearten the dying to fight, against death, even in the face of sureness. In Dog Death by John Updike, the puppy attempts to hide from view so she can die in serenity; however the family rushes her to the vet to fight against death for her.
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Othello Act-III, Scene-III Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Scene-III of Act-III holds a great significance as the fulfilment of Iago’s evil plan to take a revenge on Othello takes place here. We see how Othello, under Iago’s influence, waters the plant of jealousy and wins the title of tragic hero because of his inner weakness, how it is further unintentionally nurtured by Desdemona’s innocent gestures, how Emilia supports her husband’s plan and finally how it leads to deadly consequences.
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The Road and The American Experience Literature Book Report/Review
5 pages (1467 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
From the paper, subsequent to the Second World War America struggled so much with communism. The youth lacked guidance hence the word ‘Beat’. The term beat referred to the young generation in the 1940s and 1950s, and attempts they made to find an inner meaning to life and a sense of belonging (Kerouac, 2007).
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Literary Analysis of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Literature Essay
6 pages (1529 words) , Download 4 , Essay
“The Kite Runner” is a novel that unveils the traditions, history, and sociopolitical situations in Afghanistan over a varied period. Narrated in the first person, the author illustrates the life and the tradition of the Afghan people, the challenges that they have faced, and the politics that have shaken the fabric of the Afghan community.
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Literary Analysis Using James Joyces' Araby Literature Research Paper
5 pages (1362 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
His publication by the name of ‘Portrait of the Artist’ gained him fame in the year 1916. He became a literary celebrity after he perfected his stream of- consciousness with Ulysses. Landmark's legal decisions were made on obscenity through the explicit content, which he presented through his prose. He suffered eye ailments all his life. In 1941, he died.
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Their Eyes were Watching God Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As far as her personality was concerned, what she had a personal capability to overcome was the stereotype associated with her gender as a female. Therefore, Janie wore overall despite the fact that it was not associated with females at the time. But she grew up and was due for marriage, Janie somehow traded off these prides of individualism that she bore and started succumbing to discrimination and maltreatment.
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'The World is a Beautiful Place' by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is a poem which shows the irony of living the human life, some being happy with their lot in life while others remain sad due to their poverty as well as the tragic events that happen in their lives. Ferlinghetti uses this poem to display the true nature of human life, that nothing is ever permanent.
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Analyzing Poems from Messages Left Behind Literature Assignment
5 pages (1317 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The poet talks about how his friends love life and nature and how they would have wanted him to enjoy his remaining life as they would have wanted him to because life is a gift bestowed upon us by God. Nature with all its fragrances and embellishments is out there for us to ponder upon it and enjoy it. We should live life whatever we have to its best.
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William Shakespeares Use of Character Voices: Much Ado about Nothing and Othello Literature Essay
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The expansive array of criticism that has been constructed on Shakespeare’s works speaks to the great reach of his texts. Even as there is a great disparity between these genres, there is additionally the recognition that a number of techniques Shakespeare implements are thematic throughout his works.
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Religious Symbolism, and Perseverance in The Old Man and The Sea Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The theme of survival is popular among world-renowned fiction writers because human life is the unending fight to survive in hard conditions. Within the scenario of the fiction genre, most of the works by Ernest Hemingway are autobiographical because he believed in adventure and survival. The novel is interconnected with the author’s interest in fishing.
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The Slavery in Latin America Before the 20th Century Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The four past centuries that followed the exploration saw many immigrants from Africa brought to America. But, most significantly, the earliest Black immigrants before those from Africa were the natives of Spain and Portugal. This is reflected in the records of black slavery present in ‘Vasco Nunuz Balboa’ manuscripts during the Pacific Ocean sighting in 1513.
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A Raisin in the Sun Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The major weaknesses of this study are concentrated on the play “A Raisin in the Sun” that has attained elevated popularity from 1959. This play traces its geographical setting within the USA. There are diverse characters in this piece of art. They interact and act to attain the objective of educating and entertaining the audience.
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Manchester city affects to british economy Literature Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Given that, the transfer scheme has been regarded as an abnormality inside the employment relationship. Indeed, football governing body and national associations have always safeguarded the structure as a socially attractive apparatus, essential for sustaining the general health of the sport.
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Critical Analysis of Marcus Brutus in Julius Caesar Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It is impossible to ignore the other side of the picture which is presented by the author through Brutus’s actions i.e. human lust for power. Regardless of Brutus’s assertion that he killed Caesar because he loved his country more yet, it is observed that he was also driven by negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred for his best friend’s imminent rule.
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The Distinction Between Tourist and Traveler in The Sheltering Sky Literature Essay
4 pages (1100 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A journey meant to release the tension existing in their marital life, and possibly bring back the long-lost passion for intimacy between the couple. The couple, Port and Kit, takes a voyage to North Africa, so that they can change the experiences in their home environment, and possibly get an opportunity to bond and revive their love life once again.
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The Portrayal of Women in Susan Glaspell's Jury of Her Peers Literature Essay
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 5 , Essay
In contradiction to the male investigators’ judgment that women are good for nothing, their female assistants quite successfully discover the clues and motive behind the murder of John Wright. Eventually, they develop a moral ground in order to support the suspect Minnie Wright whom they found to be the victim of male oppression in John household
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Consider Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia Literature Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the paper Hamlet did not gave much importance to Ophelia even if he had feelings for her.  There are a lot of things that contributed to this.  The most obvious is that Hamlet was an angry man and his character only revolved with the plotting and scheming and his never ending desire to want Claudius dead to avenge his father.  
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Heart of Darkness the Apocalipse now Literature Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There has been an age old debate pertaining to the fact that reading a book is always better than watching a film and vice verse. Linda Costanzo Cahir in her book entitled, “Literature Into Film: Theory and Practical Approaches” argues that, “A movie based on a literary source is often seen as a secondary work and, consequently, of secondary value”
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Analysis of The Odyssey by Homer Literature Essay
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 4 , Essay
A good piece of literature dwells on the facts of real life. Real-life or the life that people experience is written inform of books so that people can relate to them. From the social lives of people to the cultural and political lives of people, they are all portrayed in the pieces of kinds of literature that are written all over the world.
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A Midsummer Night's Dream: A Blend of Masculine and Feminine Literature Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This is one kingdom, according to Hunter (1). The other kingdom is the feminine kingdom, which is the magical kingdom that hearkens to Titania's rule or Queen Mab's rule. This kingdom is not just feminine, but also represents occulted power and the unconscious mind – a dreamworld.
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Reading and interpretation Literature Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A volley of human emotions and values evolve out in the plays of Shakespeare, but the plays of Shakespeare are universal. They are relative to every human being beyond any particular bindings of age, sex, society or time. Nevertheless, the sonnets of Shakespeare also compete equally with his plays and launch themselves into a realm which makes them ephemeral despite the fact that the sonnets of Shakespeare are extremely personal at most places.
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Pale Fire by Nabokov and Watchmen by Alan Moore Literature Essay
8 pages (2155 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The novel was presented in 999 lines on a poem known as ‘pale Fire’ and it is an antecedent to post-modernism (Nabokov 42). It is a foreword and lengthy commentary, which disrupts the reader because the author forces the reader to move back and forth during the reading process. The author employed unique elements because of the tendency to expose the changeability and vulnerability of pre-recorded texts.
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