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Time wasting has become an indispensable skill in the modern and fast-paced world. This is an activity for those who wish to protect their brains from unnecessary thinking and conserve physical energy. Research by scientists has shown that each and every person is born with the aptitude to do something less challenging the tasks than we are supposed to be doing. Only a selected few are capable of using their natural propensity to the maximum. The best methodologies for achieving minimum benefit from a maximum amount of time are discussed (Chandra 34).
One of the most effective ways of time-consuming with minimal benefit is sleeping. Regular sleep is beneficial as it rejuvenates one’s energy, but sleeping when one is supposed to be doing something constructive is a time waster. Sleeping through class, on the job or when one is supposed to be performing other noteworthy activities is one of the most useful ways of wasting time.
Another way of wasting time is staring into space. This is an ancient but highly effective way of wasting time. It has been tested, and tried, and has been proven to be working over the years. Staring out the window is a variant of staring into space. One can pretend to be in deep thought about something extremely beneficial when challenged by a colleague, a teacher, or the boss (Chandra 45).
When sleeping is not appropriate due to the activity being done such as operating equipment, daydreaming can substitute it. One can think of absolutely nothing creative apart from forming illusions. One can think of the beach. A person can imagine hearing the sound of waves breaking on the beach while basking in the sun or playing with the sand. It is a highly effective way of wasting time.
Offering to organize a friend’s birthday party is another effective time-wasting activity. This opens up numerous ways of wasting time. One can make the party plans as elaborate as possible with minimal help from other people in planning. One then has a lot of time for researching ideas and prices, purchasing provisions, and making sure everything is in order. This consumes a lot of time hence, it is an effective way of wasting time.
Doodling is another time-wasting activity. This is an unfocused drawing made while a person’s attention is occupied. A new study suggests that idly doodling during dull lectures or meetings helps people retain more information and pay attention. Doodling has been proven to be something that helps keep us on track with a boring task, rather than unnecessary distractions, which are not, beneficial at all (Chandra 65).
Another classic time-wasting activity is volunteering for a training course that is not taxing or going on a field trip. Training for short courses with titles such as safety, health, or first aid is effective since they are basic courses that people undertake, wasting most of their valuable time. One should do some background check on the course to avoid accidental booking of hard training courses which are strenuous.
In conclusion, many people tend to waste time without realizing it. The biggest contributor of wasting time is not having a basic agenda for the day. When one has no agenda, he or she looks for a time-wasting activity to undertake such as the ones’ discussed and this contributes to unproductively (Chandra 71).
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