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Byond th Lrning Orgniztion by Jrry Gilly - Essay Example

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The paper "Bеyond thе Lеаrning Orgаnizаtion by Jеrry Gillеy" states that book “Bеyond thе Lеаrning Orgаnizаtion” dеаls with thе importаnt issuе of orgаnizаtionаl lеаrning which is dеfinеd аs thе procеss of orgаnizаtion’s lеаrning powеrfully аnd collеctivеly…
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Byond th Lrning Orgniztion by Jrry Gilly
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"Byond th Lrning Orgniztion" by Jrry W. Gilly Ovr th pst dcd philosophicl shift hs occurrd through ccptnc of th lrning orgniztion. Mny r touting itsmthods, dvntgs, nd bnfits, hving concludd tht th lrning orgniztion is th nswr to orgniztionl chng nd dvlopmnt. Jrry W. Gilly in his book "Byond th Lrning Orgniztion" grs tht lrning is prrquisit to dvlopmnt, nd tht it mks sns to focus on th spcts, principls, nd policis rquird to trnsform trditionl orgniztion into lrning orgniztion. I will furthr giv dtild rviw of his book nd tlk bout som ssntil principls of orgniztionl bhviour. "Byond th Lrning Orgniztion" is th book tht rfrs th importnt knowldg of n orgniztion s n "institution tht lrns powrfully nd collctivly, continully trnsforming itslf to bttr mng nd us knowldg for corport succss, mpowring popl within nd outsid th orgniztion to lrn s thy work nd to utiliz tchnology to mximiz lrning nd production" (p.7). Jrry Gilly provids brod dscription of orgniztionl ctivitis mphsis sustinbl dvlopmnt of its oprtions nd prformnc. Strting from th discussion of trditionl dvlopmntl orgniztions, th uthors furthr trnsfrs to th foundtions of dvlopmntl ldrship, orgniztionl rdinss, humn rsourc potntil, crr dvlopmnt strtgis, dvlopmntl compnstions nd rwrds; furthr gos on discussing th bluprint in ction within n orgniztion, prformnc mngmnt nd grdully coms up with conclusions rgrding th building of dvlopmntl orgniztion. Th trnsformtion from trditionl or lrning orgniztion into dvlopmntl orgniztion is s much philosophicl s prgmtic. In dvlopmntl orgniztions, ldrs philosophiclly rcogniz tht mmbrs of th ntir orgniztion must b involvd in th rliztion of its mission, vision, nd gols for ll to njoy prosprity. Prgmticlly, dvlopmntl orgniztions will not b succssful unlss ldrs, mngrs, suprvisors, nd mploys collctivly blnd thir tlnts towrd chivmnt of strtgic businss gols nd objctivs. Impropr trtmnt nd utiliztion of humn rsourcs inhibits prformnc outputs. Orgniztionl fficincy nd ffctivnss cnnot b chivd without nhncing th skills, xprtis, tlnts, nd intllctul cpitl of ll orgniztionl mmbrs. Crting dvlopmntl orgniztion involvs svn ctivitis criticl to succss: rinvnting th humn rsourc dprtmnt, linking mploy prformnc gols to th orgniztion's strtgic businss gols nd objctivs, dopting n inclusiv pproch to orgniztionl problm solving, incorporting divrsity into th fbric of th orgniztion, mbrcing crr dvlopmnt strtgis, dopting continuous chng philosophy, ovrcoming th slf-dfting bhviors of dysfunctionl orgniztions. Ths stnd-lon strtgis combin to form strong gm pln by which orgniztions cn trnsform thmslvs into dvlopmntl orgniztions. Mjor principls tht mngrs should b wr of whn rfrring to th option of lrning thir orgniztions incorport svrl importnt dimnsions nd chrctristics: Lrning is ccomplishd by orgniztionl systms s whol, lmost s if th orgniztion wr singl brin. Orgniztionl mmbrs rcogniz th criticl importnc of ongoing orgniztion -wid lrning for th orgniztion's currnt nd futur succss. Lrning is continuous, strtgiclly usd procss, intgrtd with nd running prlll to work. Thr is focus on crtivity nd gnrtiv lrning. Systm thinking is fundmntl. Popl hv continuous ccss to informtion nd dt rsourcs tht r importnt to th compny's succss. Th corport climt ncourgs, rwrds, nd cclrts individul nd group lrning. Workrs ntwork in n innovtiv, community-lik mnnr insid nd outsid th orgniztion. Chng is mbrcd, whrs unxpctd surpriss nd vn filur r viwd s opportunitis to lrn. Th lrning orgniztion is gil nd flxibl vryon is drivn by dsir for qulity nd continuous improvmnt. ctivitis r chrctrizd by spirtions, rflctions, nd concptuliztion Wll-dvlopd cor comptncis srv s tking-off points for nw products nd srvics. Th orgniztion cn continuously dpt, rnw, nd rvitliz itslf in rspons to th chnging nvironmnt. To mk th trnsition from th trditionl to th lrning orgniztion, Gilly sys tht businss ldrs must ltr th nvironmnt to support nd ncourg lrning, link lrning to businss oprtions, communict th importnc of th lrning orgniztion, dmonstrt thir commitmnt to lrning, trnsform th orgniztionl cultur to on of continuous lrning nd improvmnt, stblish orgniztion-wid strtgis for lrning, limint orgniztionl burucrcy, ncourg mploy involvmnt, nd mbrc continuous, dptiv, improvmnt-orintd lrning pprochs throughout th orgniztion. Ldrs' prioritis must focus on improving lrning cpcity s wll s ncourging slf-dirctd lrning bhvior for ll mploys. Lrning orgniztions r s concrnd bout mrkt shr, productivity, nd profitbility s th trditionl orgniztion; thy undrstnd tht lrning is th ky to cquiring grtr businss rsults. To covr th topic of dvlopmntl orgniztionl lrning, Gilly provids xmpls of compnis tht follow th principls of lrning byond th orgniztion. For instnc, in Prt Two "Foundtions of Dvlopmntl Orgniztion", uthor givs th xmpl of of succssful orgniztions tht implmntd ths principls. In compnis such s Gnrl lctric, Motorol, nd Lvi Struss, ldrs hv concludd tht mnging, controlling, dircting, nd fcilitting lrning is ky rol of mngmnt. Dvlopmntl orgniztions lik thos in bov utiliz spcific typs of ldrship, ctivitis, philosophy, guiding principls, nd focus. Thir purpos is to nhnc th orgniztion's comptitiv rdinss nd rnwl cpcity. Finlly, th dvlopmntl orgniztion bluprint, consisting of fiv sprt but intrrltd componnts, srvs s plnning tool tht HRD profssionls cn us to chiv th gols of th dvlopmntl orgniztion. Whn it coms to discussing th humn rsourc dprtmnt of compnis in Chptr 6, th uthor dscribs humn prformnc tchnology (HPT) sying tht it is "systmtic procss tht links businss strtgy nd gols nd workrs' bilitis to chiv thm with vrity of intrvntions, including nvironmnt rdsign, lrning nd trining, nd incntiv systm rconfigurtion." Th primry outcom is individul nd orgniztionl prformnc improvmnt. Through cusl nlysis of prformnc problms or businss opportunitis, undrlying cuss r idntifid for which ffctiv solutions cn b gnrtd for ny givn prformnc chllng. Humn prformnc (HP) tchnologists r in th businss of improving prformnc in orgniztions." Lik othr consultnts who hv no dirct uthority ovr orgniztionl chng, HP tchnologists rly on indirct influnc in th form of intrvntions, which my b ny typ of orgniztionl chng, from rltivly smll modifiction of tool, to trining progrm, to compltly nw orgniztionl systm or structur. Chptr 4 criticlly outlins th orgniztionl dvlopmnt, wht is, ctully th min focus of th book. Th procss of orgniztionl dvlopmnt ims to improv firm's prformnc cpcity, growth, nd rnwl cpbility by nhncing ths sm chrctristics in its mploys. Orgniztionl dvlopmnt chllngs mngmnt on both th intrnl nd th xtrnl orgniztionl fronts. Intrnlly, ldrs nd mngrs r forcd to ssss nd rfin ll orgniztionl systms whil fcing mploy dmnds for dhumniztion of th workplc, grtr prticiption in dcision mking, nd mor control of thir work livs. Firms dsirous of volving from th trditionl to th lrning to th dvlopmntl lvls hv nctd msurs to improv th qulity of work lif, orgniztionl cultur, structur, nd work climt n orgniztion's comptitiv rdinss is rvld by how wll its mploys prform. Whn n orgniztion fils to chiv its dsird businss objctivs, mploys my not b prforming dqutly. Gilly dscribs fiv rsons for mploys' filur to prform stisfctorily: indqut job dsign, poor mngril prctics, indqut trining nd dvlopmnt, inpproprit corrctiv strtgis, infficint nd inffctiv compnstion nd rwrd progrms. Grdully th uthor trnsfrs into th following Chptr nd coms to discussing orgniztionl lignmnt. H strsss tht vry orgniztion fcs th prformnc chllng: to dvlop mngmnt systms tht mximiz mploy prformnc whil nhncing thir growth nd dvlopmnt. Succssfully fcing this chllng rquirs orgniztionl dsign, dvlopmnt, nd implmnttion of prformnc lignmnt. Th procss is intndd to improv prformnc cpcity, comptitivnss rdinss, nd rnwl. Th prformnc lignmnt procss ddrsss th prformnc chllng whil simultnously trnsforming th firm from th trditionl to th dvlopmntl. Prformnc lignmnt must incorport n orgniztionwid pproch tht combins th ntir prformnc improvmnt procss into on cohsiv oprting systm. Furthr, orgniztionwid prformnc lignmnt links prformnc to compnstion nd rwrds, to th orgniztion's businss gols nd objctivs, nd to customr nds nd xpcttions. Orgniztionl Lvl On n orgniztionl lvl, prformnc lignmnt consists of svn intrrltd stps: Stp 1: Conducting stkholdr vlutions Stp 2: Improving job dsign Stp 3: stblishing synrgistic rltionships Stp 4: pplying prformnc coching Stp 5: Conducting dvlopmntl vlutions Stp 6: Crting prformnc growth nd dvlopmnt plns Stp 7: Linking compnstion nd rwrds to prformnc growth nd dvlopmnt ch stp works in concrt with th othrs, forging n intgrtiv, comprhnsiv pproch to ddrssing th prformnc chllng. Th prformnc lignmnt procss sprts prformnc mngmnt into two distinct phss. Stps on nd two r th rsponsibility of th orgniztion; stps thr through svn r th rsponsibility of mngrs nd mploys. This modl mbrcs th blif tht mploys r th ky to improving long-trm businss rsults. Bsd on this blif, mploys undrstnd nd lign thir prformnc with th orgniztion's strtgic businss gols nd objctivs. In conclusion, Jrry W. Gilly's book "Byond th Lrning Orgniztion" dls with th importnt issu of orgniztionl lrning which is dfind s th procss of orgniztion's lrning powrfully nd collctivly nd is continully trnsforming itslf to bttr collct, mng, nd us knowldg for corport succss. ll in ll, th book mphsizs tht orgniztionl lrning mpowrs popl within nd outsid th compny to lrn s thy work. Whn w rfr to lrning orgniztions, w r focusing on th wht, nd r dscribing th systms, principls, nd chrctristics of orgniztions tht lrn nd produc s collctiv ntity. Orgniztionl lrning, on th othr hnd, rfrs to how orgniztionl lrning occurs, i.., th skills nd procsss of building nd utilizing knowldg. Bibliogrphy: 1. Gilly, Jrry. (2002). "Byond th lrning orgniztion: crting cultur of continuous growth nd dvlopmnt through stt-of-th-rt humn rsourc prctics". Cmbridg, Mss.: Prsus Books, 2000. Read More
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