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Decline of the Role of Prisons Law Essay
15 pages (3987 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In a community, people interact and share many things, and in that process, they tend to do things that may be beneficial to themselves and others. Differences in resource allocation and other factors may force people to engage in acts that are against society’s norms as well as the law. Such acts are harmful and in some instances, people lose their lives and property.
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Comparison of Disclosure Requirements in Saudi Arabia and the USA Law Research Paper
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Disclosure itself serves as a fundamental instrument of securities market activity, as it affects the market and conduct of its participants. Disclosures imply that the public should be informed of any investment decisions, while the undermining of this confidence leads to the collapse of the securities market harming the national economy for a very long period of time.
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How the UK and Spain Apply the ECHR within Their Own Legal Systems Law Essay
12 pages (3509 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a continental pact derived from within the Council of Europe, coined in Strasbourg in 1949 in the first post-war efforts to unite Europe. Among the states that ratified ECHR were UK and Spain. In particular, the UK consented to the right of individuals to push a case to Strasbourg as well as the jurisdiction of ECtHR in 1966.
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What Is the ICC and Why Is the US Opposed to It Law Essay
20 pages (5447 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Although there had been a need for it for quite some time, The International Criminal Court (ICC) did not come into existence until July 17, 1998, with the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.  (Schabas, 2007, p.9)  The Court however did not come to a functional stage, which required the acquiring the necessary signatures from 60 different nations throughout the world, until finally in July of 2002.
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Clinical Negligence in UK Hospitals Law Assignment
21 pages (4840 words) , Assignment
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Neglect of patients in hospitals mainly involves neglecting patients and hence not offering them with the desired healthcare to meet the needs of the patients. Considering the case of hospitals in UK, this has created significant issues and concern for the government, with more and more cases of neglect being covered by the media.
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Unfettered Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies Law Assignment
16 pages (4060 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The increase in the population of third-party collaborators such as gamete donors (both men and women who are willing to donate their sperm and egg respectively), as well as women who are willing to serve as gestational carriers to aid in the conception process, is a positive indicator of widespread acceptance of the service. 
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The Problem with Ethics in the Criminal Justice System Law Research Paper
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In actuality, the emergence of ethical dilemmas which is triggered by the discretion that is provided to individual actors as a part of the criminal justice model may prompt disagreements regarding decision-making processes and negatively impact the achievement of fair outcomes for the parties involved.
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Private International Law: Lex Mercatoria Law Case Study
19 pages (4657 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Various scholars hold diverse views regarding the historical origin of ‘lex mercatoria. A section of scholars holds the view that the origin of the ‘lex mercatoria’ is attributed to the Roman ‘ius gentium’- a body of rules that guided the trade relations involving Roman citizens and foreign traders.
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Public International Trade Law Law Essay
15 pages (3901 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Care should be exercised during the process of enforcing the ban on GM food products, because the inappropriate establishment of the ban can make other member states to sue it and to set retaliatory trade policies against it. In conclusion, the country will be violating GATT 1947 and the commitments of WTO by introducing the prohibition
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Technology in Criminal Justice Management Law Research Paper
12 pages (3449 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Although the operating costs of criminal justice agencies might have increased, the success of their activities justifies the costs. Sometimes technical errors and network breakdowns slow information flow but this is insignificant compared to the success that modern systems have brought in the management and operations of criminal justice agencies.
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How Equity Crowdfunding in Ontario Will Allow the Economy to Prosper Law Essay
11 pages (2971 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The investors are the early adopters and in any business, the role of early adopters cannot be overstated, they will spread the word at no cost and allows their networks to be used in popularizing the products, in addition, they will become loyal customers as long as the startup is in operations not to mention influence their friends and associates
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Police Procedures in Saudi Arabia Law Case Study
13 pages (3510 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Every nation suffers from numerous kinds of challenges and problems that include poverty, epidemics (diseases), war, internal riots, corruption, and crimes. Out of all these problems, criminal activities are considered as one of the most important challenges as it can damage the country’s infrastructure indirectly.
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An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of Victim Support Law Case Study
15 pages (4003 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Penal theory or criminal justice has not transformed adequately to make room for such rights or changes to the process. Sentencing ideologies remain concentrated on offenders—courts penalize with the intention to rehabilitate, incapacitate, deter, or make retribution, not to benefit the victim or to create closure.  
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Relationship between the Arbitral Tribunal and Third Parties Law Essay
18 pages (5079 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Arbitration is perceived as an alternative system of resolving disputes given the fact that it does not have recourse to the domestic law courts; the disputing parties normally experience a resolution of their disputes via the intervention of a third party. The decision that is made by a third party is deemed to be enforceable in the court of law; it is as well binding to the disputing parties.
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The English Legal System and the Supreme Court Law Essay
10 pages (2545 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Legal reform or law reform can be considered as the procedure of examining and monitoring laws, and implementing and advocating changes in a specific legal system in order to enhance justice. Law commissions and law reform bodies are intimately related to each other. These organizations are developed to facilitate legal reform or law reform.
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Ten Desirable Skills for Police Officers and Police Managers Law Research Paper
11 pages (3410 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Policing is one of the most challenging careers. The role that police officers perform is so demanding that it poses a lot of pressure on them. They are required to possess various skills because their work situation subjects them to following traffic offenders and capturing criminals. These duties require police officers to withstand pressure and make rational decisions in urgent situations.
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Land Registration Act 2002 Law Essay
10 pages (3103 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Law is an important part of contemporary society. Civil society cannot exist without the persistence of a legal framework. Law has certainly made different societies problem-free and peaceful. Under the realm of different Acts, enforcement law is one such act, which protects and prevents society from crimes.
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Picture Framing Business and Short Answer Questions Law Assignment
10 pages (2937 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A Partnership can be dissolved in a variety of manners determining what is contained in the Partnership Agreement. If it is entered into for a fixed period, it is dissolved at the expiration of this period; if entered into to conduct a particular venture, it is dissolved on the realization of that venture.
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Contemporary Issues in Criminal Investigation Law Essay
16 pages (4478 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A criminal investigation is an important discipline in law enforcement. This is crucial for offering solutions to crime at different levels, including the local and state levels. A criminal investigation is thus, a practice, which involves a systematic observation or inquiry into a crime, and might involve the recording of evidence.
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Law Practice Management Law Essay
8 pages (1944 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Representation shall entail actual representation of the clientele in contentious and non-contentious matters, either through litigation in court or through alternative dispute resolution. This group shall comprise those whose rights under the computer law have been violated, or those facing cases of violating the same. 
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The Decision in Pratt And Morgan Focusing on Its Key Legal and Organisational Implications Law Essay
16 pages (4571 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Lord Steyn, the abuses by prison officers, together with the systematic denial of exercise and the crowded conditions to which the prisoners were subjected all amounted to cruel and inhuman treatment and punishment. In the meantime, the mere conditions to which the prisoners were subjected to exacerbates the delay. 
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The Case of Mr. Malchance Who Died in a Medical Facility Law Case Study
12 pages (3243 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In secondary claims, she can sue the hospital for gross negligence in preparing for the foreseeable events in the emergency room and the lack of a standby life-resuscitating device. Finally, as part of the secondary claims, she can sue the manufacturers of LifePak1 for the malfunctioning of their device in resuscitating her husband.
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The Constitution of the US, Issues of Homeland Security, and the Global War on Terror Law Essay
19 pages (5760 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is my opinion that the most powerful branch of the government is the executive. Since the event of 9/11, there have been activities specifically about war powers and anti-terrorism that were decided and implemented mainly by the executive branch of the government. This was done largely without the permission of Congress. 
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How the Judges Made Their Rulings in Respect of Secondary Victims Suffering From Psychiatric Illness Law Case Study
10 pages (2626 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In the 1996 case of Vernon v Bosley (No 1), it was maintained that sudden shock was partially responsible for the plaintiff’s psychiatric damage and because grief also played a crucial role, it could not stop a claim. The plaintiff had watched his children drown in a vehicle that was negligent/carelessly driven by their baby sitter.  
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The Appropriate Channels to Seek Any Compensation for Loss of Job Law Assignment
15 pages (3801 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There is no question about it the United Kingdom has taken a key role in the war against terror. On the global side, the yeoman services of Sir Jeremy Green stock, the Permanent Representative of Britain and the Chairperson of the Committee on Counter-Terrorism in the United Nations contributed a lot to address the mammoth issue of terrorism.
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A Critical Legal Review of the Concept of Stop-And-Frisk Law Research Paper
11 pages (2689 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In the United States, numerous individuals have complained about police brutality. Other minority groups complain that the police target them unfairly. This is often justified by the police as being necessary because the police need to use statistics and other indicators to identify potential wrongdoers and apprehend them before they do any harm. 
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Reasons Why It Is Desirable to Encourage Charities Advocacy and Campaigning Role Law Essay
10 pages (2822 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The involvement of non-profit organizations such as charities will increase the possibility of unethical practices like corruption within the political parties. Moreover, the charities receiving grants from the government may also seek more funds in exchange for political campaigning for the particular political party. 
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Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility for Businesses, Communities, and Drivers Law Coursework
10 pages (2816 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
About communities, CSR helps in their development using encouraging businesses to commit to environmentally and socially friendly practices. And lastly, about the drivers, especially the government and economic regulators, CSR initiatives influence their ties with businesses and the extent of regulatory policy they enforce. 
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The Impact of the Hague-Visby Rules about Duties of a Carrier Law Essay
15 pages (3645 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Under her, the types of agents seem to be rather restricted, since article 4bis (2) offers that independent contractors are not included and since the ambit of application of the HvR is restricted to the period between the starting point of the loading and completion of delivery of the cargo from the carrier at the discharge port.    
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Property Law: Repossession Law Assignment
18 pages (3508 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The law also provides for obligations of the parties to a contract in the matters concerning land and other immovable properties. It was Ben’s responsibility to carefully read the provisions of the mortgage papers before signing them. Where the defense of undue influence cannot be applied the court should let such a transaction stand.
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How Terrorist Threats Have Impacted on the Doctrine of Self-Defence since September 11 Law Essay
16 pages (4014 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Articles 2 (4) and 51 shape the basis of the Charter regime directing the use of force. The resort to armed force remains outlawed as per international law, except in cases where the UN Security Council awards permission, or in cases where Article 51 sanctions the utilization of force as a means of self-defense.
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Plea Bargains and Their Effects on Society and the Court Systems Law Research Paper
15 pages (3981 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Plea bargaining does benefit defense lawyers and prosecutors who do not have to bear the burden of cumbersome trial outcomes. It also keeps the judicial system moving by prosecuting more cases. However, these benefits come at the public’s expense. Efficient courts operate under the premise of guilty until proven otherwise. 
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Accountability in the European Union Law Essay
12 pages (3188 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The EU also ensures accountability in Europol through the European Court of Auditors (ECA) which scrutinizes and reports on its financial accounts. The ECA is the organ that provides the budgetary authority that legalizes and regularizes the financial transactions carried out by Europol and publishes them in the Official Journal of the EU.
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Employer Liability in Relation to Employees Injury Under Common Law and Statute Law Coursework
12 pages (3358 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
As opposed to partnerships, companies are more complicated and expensive to form. Company formation involves administrative expenses and complex legal and tax requirements. For instance, a company must file articles of association and must obtain local and state licenses and business permits to operate(Campbell, 1994). 
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Backround and Development of Miranda Riights Law Research Paper
10 pages (2552 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
After thirteen years, the Supreme Court decided on Miranda rights, when the case of Davis was presented addressed the major question that was triggered in the protection of the forth amendment in the Miranda and Edward case. Davis was a U.S. Navy who was arrested for killing a fellow office in a pool game (Brezina, 2011).
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Bankruptcy Code Chapters Law Term Paper
11 pages (2858 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Bankruptcy defines a legal condition of an entity or person that cannot service the debts that one owes to his/her creditors. In a majority of jurisdictions, bankruptcies get ordered through court orders, frequently stated by the debtor. The key objectives of bankruptcy law are public protection as well as assisting the debtor.
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European Union Law Hypothetical Situation Law Essay
11 pages (2854 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Council of ministers adopted Directive 2000/78/EC on 27 November 2000. In this Directive, Article 1 made the discrimination of persons illegal based inter alia, disability, and age. Article 3 allows member states of the EU to prohibit the application of the Directive to the armed forces in cases where it is related to disability and age. 
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Investigative Failures: Murder of Stephanie Crowe and Murder of Edward McMillan Law Assignment
11 pages (2996 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
England promised one of his friends to meet her, but he canceled his meeting an hour later on 15th December, but according to his friend, he was not upset or depressed and he previously also broke promises of meeting. England’s girlfriend Stephanie Rollins negated any involvement of England in Berry’s disappearance.     
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Analysis of the Case Concerning Employees Safety and Harassment Law Assignment
12 pages (3300 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It is to be affirmed that under The Prevention of Harassment Act, the plaintiff i.e. Elizabeth can duly comment about the level of psychological insecurity that she is likely to face due to the comments passed by her senior partner Robert. The employee has been facing similar instances in several other situations.  
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The Benefits and Limits of the Ideal Type Approach for the Study of Law in Contemporary Societies Law Research Paper
10 pages (2466 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The ideal type is associated with Max Weber who argued that both an objective and a subjective, but, more detailed approach to legal studies was preferable. This approach captures a more robust and complex ‘reality,’ and although unrealistic, helps us to identify and segregate the diverse parts that exist in practice and institutionally. 
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Rules Concerned with the Drafting and Enforcement of Retention Clauses, Guarantees, and Indemnities Law Coursework
8 pages (2336 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In the commercial sale of goods contracts there arise situations where the seller may need to repossess his goods if the buyer defaults on payment. Under English law, businesses are free to make the sale of goods contract and include any terms they may deem necessary as long as those terms are within the confines of the law. 
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Purpose and Role of the Annual General Meeting and Whether AGM Fulfils the Role Law Assignment
11 pages (2682 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The new law will improve on efficiency and regulation aspects surrounding corporate operations and subsequent inclusion of effectiveness in the audit process. Effective auditing is critical for ensuring and affirming transparency in a corporate setting. This is a critical aspect within the operations of any given corporate sector.    
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Criticism and Justification of the Telecommunications Act 2015 Law Research Paper
11 pages (2649 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In response to growing security threats and as required by law, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security drafts necessary reforms to counter-terrorism. As such, they have been mandated to come up with preferred legislative frameworks that address Australian citizens' needs and provide technical detail to service providers.
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Law Relating to Payment and Trade Finance Law Essay
11 pages (2964 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Day in and out, efforts are being made by international bodies such as the World Trade Organisation, World Tourism Organisation, and Food and Agriculture Organisation among others to make transnational trade and cross-border trade as flexible as possible. Even among stakeholders on various continents, there are such attempts to make the flow of goods and services across borders as easy as possible.
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Using of Wiretap in Law Enforcement Law Research Paper
12 pages (3324 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
National security and law enforcement agencies use telephone wiretaps and dialed number recording systems in collecting investigative legal and intelligence evidence. These systems are prone to unilateral and simple countermeasures that permit wiretap targets to prevent call audio from inaccurate dialed digits or recordings.
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The Current Law in England and Wales, Its Deficiencies and the Future Law Essay
22 pages (5548 words) , Essay
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For identifying the deficiencies of easements, first, an evaluation can be made on the basis of the basic four requirements on which easements are built. The first characteristic pertains to dominant and servient tenements. As per the rule, it is required that an easement is connected with two pieces of land and the dominant tenement needs to be attached to the easement.
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Human Rights in Latin America Law Essay
17 pages (4216 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Generally speaking, a man as a social animal has deviated from his course of living from other animals and has built up certain norms and regulations which are dedicated to delivering an environment where a man can sustain it in a proper manner. Human beings possess significant interests and so they possess rights.
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Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia Law Assignment
15 pages (4284 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia came into existence on January 1, 1901. The constitution was framed by many framers among which Mr. Alfred Deakin, the second Prime Minister of Australia played a crucial role as one of the framers of the constitution (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012).
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The Effect of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Policies on Future Recidivism Law Research Paper
14 pages (3891 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The effect of mandatory minimum sentencing policies on future recidivism. It sought to explain the effects that the minimum sentencing policies that are mandatory are likely to have on the future that is their impact on the convicts going back to committing the same crimes that they committed before the punishments are administered.
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Mental Illness Treatment in a Correctional Setting Law Term Paper
10 pages (2803 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
One of the most widespread personality disorders among prisoners is borderline personality disorder (BPS). Borderline personality disorder, as defined by DSM-IV, is characterized by “patterns of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins in early adulthood” (Dobbert, 2007, 65).
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