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Read the instruction Formal science & Physical science Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
For parts of every year, one range of the Earth takes vitality that is more straightforward from daylight. This time of year is summer. After six months, when the Earth has moved to the inverse side of its circle, and the
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The Rare Earth Theory Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (408 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main reason for the destruction is the use of resources. The resources are used in different forms just like the trees being used for making papers. In the process, the resources are made to be scarce becoming rare species. More people’s voice tends to protect the environment and stop people from destroying natural resources.
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Hubble Introduced the Standard Ruler Assumption Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (281 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The cosmology continuing the Shapley-Curtis Debate was about the universe creating controversy among astronomers and the entire universe. This had a special study of the Milky Way where two astronomers namely Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis. Harlow Shapley believed that the universe is quite large having around 300,000 years.
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Introduce the telescope Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The computerized object locator has more than 14000 celestial objects stored in its database. The object locator thus allows the user to select an object from its database
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Score Normalisation in Voice Biometrics Formal science & Physical science Term Paper
8 pages (2468 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that score normalization techniques are used to transform a system’s output scores reducing misalignments, caused due to speaker-dependent or independent factors, such as test data conditions, training conditions, etc., in score distributions in different speaker models.
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Astronomy assignment Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 14 , Essay
Planets circles have to a great degree little contrast between the significant and minor tomahawks of the ovals (Moltz, 2014). In regards to Copernican model, Galileo found that earth was not the center of all things. He also found that Venus showed a complete
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Calculating the Radial Velocity Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (485 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The age of the earth and the formation of various specular objects is the point of contention among scientists for many centuries. However, there are features and theories which strongly suggest that the earth is at least a million years old: One of the theories tested is the calculation of the rate at which salt is delivered to the ocean.
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Article Astronomers Measure Precise Distance to Controversial Star Cluster Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The astronomers also observe the parallax to measure the distance of the stellar (Croswell, 2014). This is a small movement that is exhibited by a star every year since observers often look at it in another perspective when
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The Use of Elementary Trigonometry and Geometric Measurement Formal science & Physical science Lab Report
2 pages (574 words) , Download 4 , Lab Report
Astronomical experiments predict apparent distances and sizes of objects in the sky because most of the estimations are based on trigonometric and geometric measurements. This justifies the fact that every experiment would give a varied observation from previous experiments reported in the literature that followed a similar protocol.
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Death and birth of stars Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This gas may collide with other particles turning their velocities very hot. Spiraling into a strong gravitational field, the gas become even hotter and hence emits X-rays in the black hole vicinity. 2.  The supernova rates indicate that about three supernovas
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The Relationship of the Earth, Moon and Sun as the Moon Orbits the Earth Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (312 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In which case, the complete cycle through the phases called lunar month gives the synodic month, always around 29 days. The lab report studied these phenomena to realize the moon’s position in relation to the other two. The moon was observed and a dark part was shaded to show how the moon would look at each point from the Earth.
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Theory of the Existence of Water Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (533 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the theory of the existence of water, the volcano produces the water forming asteroid and meteoroids. With the activities that occur in the volcano that is the first theory, the earth experienced the cooling that made the elements cool. The elements are then exposed to the atmosphere creating a combination of droplets. To the theory, water is known to be the foundation on the earth’s surface.
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Read about an astronomy topic in an astronomy magazine Formal science & Physical science Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The last time America had a total eclipse was back in 2011 (Sky & Telescope 44). Alan MacRobert outlines five stages that occur before a total lunar eclipse happens (Sky & Telescope 45).
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North Circumpolar Motion of Stars Formal science & Physical science Lab Report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Lab Report
This was with keenness to avoid poor observation as indicated by Figure 2. After setting up the entire experiment and choosing
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Light and Telescopes and Gravity Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Visible light travels in a vacuum at a speed of 299, 792, 458 m/s (about 186, 282 miles per second) and also has other distinguishing characteristics such as direction of propagation, polarization, intensity,
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Two Views of the Universe: Galileo Galilei Formal science & Physical science Assignment
5 pages (1595 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
The author states that the heart of Catholicism was at the Vatican in Rome, Italy and was an all-powerful entity. Galileo was as brave as he was intelligent to have proved the Biblical account of the Universe incorrect in a published book. Galileo made important contributions in astronomy, physics, maths and philosophy.
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Banded Iron Formation Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A typical banded iron formation consisted of a repeated thin layer and black iron oxide. The iron oxides commonly found in the banded iron formation are hematite and magnetite. Banded layers containing a huge amount of iron ores were deposited over three billion years ago. Some of the areas with surmountable deposits include Pilbara areas of Western Australia and Minnesota regions.
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Answer the question Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
rgues that the universe has a spherical shape; and Large-Scale Structure which is for the opinion that the average density of matter in the universe stands at approximately 30% of its total critical density. 4. The formation of galaxies either occurs through a bottom-up or
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Cosmology Is a Branch of Science Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (613 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Simpler explanations can indicate that the age of the Earth is millions of years. This is through being open-minded and studying the nature of rocks; for example the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is composed of rocks that are more than three thousand feet; and the rocks, which are layered horizontally, have distinct colors.
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Energy Storage and Release Through the Solar Activity Cycle Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
4 pages (1130 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The orbit and the moon will not be affected since the gravitating bodies work as point masses at the center of gravity, and that would not change. Moreover, the Earth’s heat would increase due to the increase of pressure and density that would eventually make the Earth a hard place to live, and, therefore, all living organisms would die.
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Experiment #1 North Circumpolar Motion of Stars Formal science & Physical science Lab Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Lab Report
The apparent motion of the star takes the west direction. Although the first two hours reported slight movement from the original location, the third observation was quite evident to have moved to the west of hemisphere as previously described
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Brightest Stars in the Sky for Parallax Measurements Formal science & Physical science Assignment
2 pages (608 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The angles for GL2441 is 0.35 and GL171.1 is 0.05. GL171.1 - The measuring scale is smaller and thus gives a smaller margin of error. In addition, the distance AB is smaller than in the case of GL244. Light from bright stars is not easily distorted by background light from other stars thus leading to more accurate readings for parallax.
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Astronomy fifth assignment Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This new theory is known as the "Rare Earth Theory" (by Ward and Brownlee). Do some research on this new theory and identify what the key components of this theory are that suggests planets like the Earth are much rarer than we think they are. 2. A dramatic new view
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The Concept of Black Holes Formal science & Physical science Essay
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A clock closer to the black hole will tick slower in comparison to a clock at a greater distance from the black hole. Although a black hole soaks up every particle as soon as a particle comes near the black hole, it decelerates and takes a huge amount of time to get into the hole, which is the reverse of what happens at the earth when some force soaks up particles.
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Science report in Media vs. Scholarly Sources Formal science & Physical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Scientific studies indicate that the distance from the sun to the earth affects the occurrence of the seasons. This has been the contest between various media reports and academic/scholarly journals. Various scientific reports have been provided
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Atmospheric Circulation on Venus Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Radar imaging exclusively obtained information regarding topography. The principal atmospheric gases are nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Other chemical compounds are available just in trace amounts. The existence of an atmosphere in Venus was first hypothesized by
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Explore your favorite object Formal science & Physical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The zoom level of glucose, however, identifies different components of glucose, and depicts them in different colors. Even though the colors may be imaginary, the photo identifies distinguishable elements of glucose, which is not
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Internal Resistance of a Battery Formal science & Physical science Lab Report
4 pages (1159 words) , Download 23 , Lab Report
In general, the objectives of the experiment were achieved. This is in view of the fact that the internal resistance of the battery was obtained as 0.0005 Ohms. The error on the internal resistance could be attributed to potential experimental errors that are pointed out elsewhere in this lab report.
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Arbitration Opinion & Award Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 17 , Essay
Kevin being union steward saw that it was unfair and sought to seek justice from the arbitrator. According to to the hospital Kevin had done an offense and was supposed to receive the
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The Velocity of a Galaxy Formal science & Physical science Assignment
2 pages (599 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The world was molten many years ago. It took some years for the earth to cool and pass through the process of conduction and radiation. With respect to the laws of thermodynamics, the earth has around 24 to 40 million years. The amount of salt in the oceans also shows that it must have taken them time for the salt evaporation process to occur.
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Astronomy 123 Homework Assignment Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
All the zero age main sequence stars start at the same luminosity given temperature. 2. Andromeda galaxy as spiral nebula and Andromeda galaxy with spiral were all small bodies that were part of the
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Bimodal Distribution Formal science & Physical science Personal Statement
1 pages (248 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
In my previous responses, I have asserted that research practitioners with little or no formal educational background on statistical methods could possibly not encounter other forms of data distribution except for the normal distribution. Skewed distribution patterns were deemed to be exceptions to the rule; yet, potentially possible.
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Homework Assignment: Measuring stellar brightnesses and stellar colors with virtual simulators Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Exterior temperature of the underlying star is determined precisely by assessing the prevailing colors of the light it emits. Observation of the spectrum discloses the existing temperature of the prevailing
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Why the Atlantic Ocean Getting Bigger Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
9 pages (2379 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There have been recent suggestions that the ocean floor of the Atlantic Ocean is spreading. The flour is spreading at a rate of five centimeters per annum. When the sea floor expands, it can cause all types of destruction on the various edges of the tectonic plate of the earth. The different havoc caused can cause earthquakes, coastal flooding as well as volcanic eruptions.
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Structure Properties and Treatment of Steels Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Steel under different heat treatment processes are as follows: Slow cooled (i.e Normalized) The final structure 0.6 % plain carbon steel which is normalized is a combination of pearlite and pre-eutectide ferrite; Fast cooled in oil - the final structure of 0.6 % plain carbon steel after oil quenching would be like a pile of straw structure.
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Astronomy 123 Homework Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Each of these provides an elaborate argument for its existence. There is a very big difference between the top-down and bottom-up processes in the formation of galaxies and other structures. In top-down, the galaxies are formed when the dark matter becomes the
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Planetarium summary Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The guide was categorical to mention the planetarium as among the biggest in the world. After a quick survey, we were settled at the point where we viewed the stars. The tour guide showed us several stars that are clearly visible from the ground. We were able to
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Experiment #5 The Planets and Their Orbits: Size and Scale Formal science & Physical science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first type of planets is the Asteroidan, which involves planets with a radius ranging between 0 and 0.03 (Aguilar 46). The second category is the Mercurian, which have a radius between 0.03 and 0.7. The third category involves the Subterran type of planet with
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Not everybody loved the Apollo space program Formal science & Physical science Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Before making the decision known to the public, extensive research and studies were involved coupled with a tremendous expenditure to ensure the realization of the goal by 1969
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Use of the Drake Equation Formal science & Physical science Assignment
3 pages (224 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
We wouldn’t be talking about the sustainability of the earth if we hadn’t destroyed it with impunity in the first place. It takes selflessness, ethics, and morals for one to conserve the environment. Instead, we as a race are greedy, selfish, arrogant, and short-sighted. It is for this reason that I believe we do not have the right qualities to be watchmen of our environment.
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Astronomy 123 Homework Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The high energy, which went into the explosion, leads to the production of a supernova remnant. The initial expanding shell contains the outer parts of the exploding star, which move at high speeds of approximately 2000
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Fly Deep into the Space Formal science & Physical science Essay
7 pages (2014 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The interpretation of this is that the star has two hundred and sixty-five times the amount of the ‘star stuff’ inside the sun. The discovery of the blue hyperactive giant star went way out of the accepted laws of science. The weight was twice as much as the weight that had been thought to be a possible weight for a star.
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Astronomy Major Assignment Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The explosion of a supernova lasts for a short duration approximated at around 100 seconds. The explosion of the supernova results into remnants of neutron stars or black holes. The
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The Notion of Astronomical Spectroscopy Formal science & Physical science Research Paper
6 pages (1754 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Gratings can be designed to concentrate most of the incident intensity into a particular order, by a process called “blazing”. This is a process where the grooves of a grating are cut so that the reflecting surfaces are at a certain angle, the blaze angle. About 90% of the incident light is diffracted preferentially into the first order.
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Basics of Molecular Beam Epitaxy Formal science & Physical science Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
It can be concluded from the paper that Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) is a very advanced method of thin film deposition on the atomic scale and very useful for novel device fabrication. This is a state of art deposition process as on date and it requires many advanced technologies to make an MBE system.  
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Exploring the Universe Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Essay
From this paper, it is clear that images taken by telescopes from leading observatories and space agencies are proof of the magnificence that is the universe. Admitting that the cosmos make up a marvelous spectacle shows my change in the perception of reality in relation to my role in it. I found the data that assisted in the exploration of the universe.
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The Milky Way Formal science & Physical science Essay
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Milky Way currently contains approximately 200 billion stars and more than enough dust and gas to make billions more. More than half of the stars found in the Milky Way are older than our sun which is 4.5 billion years old. Common stars found in the Milky Way are the red dwarfs that are about a tenth of the sun's mass.
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Astronomy123 assignment 4 Formal science & Physical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the latest appearances is the Scorpius which happened in the last 2000 years. For the people they first saw the Supernova which happened in the year 1604. There have been appearances that have not been clearly stated and it makes the galaxy to be
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Importance of Sound Speed Formal science & Physical science Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Water temperature in the summer decreases in deep water, so the sound wave bends in the direction of the sea bottom. In this situation, sonar can't detect a submarine if it is at a shallower depth. Water temperature in winter increases in deep water, so the sound wave bends in the direction of the sea surface. 
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Studying the Milky Way in the Early 1900s Formal science & Physical science Assignment
1 pages (450 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The galaxy was huge and he estimated it to be 300000 light-years in diameter (Melia 27). Further, for him, the sun never was in the center, and the spiral nebulae were clouds found in the Milky Way. In support of his opinion on the size of the Milky Way, Shapley referred to the globular cluster star he had observed.
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