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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media - Opportunities and Issues - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Business and Social Approaches to Social Media - Opportunities and Issues" states that modern society interacts in a very distinct way, compared to the past (Thielke 2011, p. 48-55). Technological advancement has brought about easier and many ways of interaction…
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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media - Opportunities and Issues
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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media College: Introduction The modern society interacts in a very distinct way, compared to the past (Thielke 2011, p. 48-55). Technological advancement has brought about easier and many ways of interaction. For example, people today do not pass across their messages through writing of letters and arranging for formal meetings. Rather, people use the social media to pass across their messages. These platforms include face book and twitter, among other networks that allow for live chats and discussions through the internet. This is what comprises of the social media (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-7). Social media is defined to as the tools of communication available online that give people a platform to share opinions, views and obtain the resources that they need (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-7). There is use of tools such as texts, audio and visual resources among others. It is also known as social networking. Social media has brought with it innumerable changes in the way people to interact (Simour et al 2011, p. 4-7). The direct way of living and communication is slowly being replaced by virtual communication. Virtual is a word that means being effective, but not in the direct sense of it. The actual subject is represented by someone or something else but in every way represented. For example a person may be presented in the presence of their agent (Ludlow 1996, p. 67-75). The social interactions through the social media bring about virtual interaction. It is clear that expression of one self in the modern day is done through the social networking. The feelings of happiness, disappointments, and excitements, among other feelings, are expressly shared in the social net workings. In the modern day, one can literally receive every sort of information from the social media. Every thing that is of importance to the growth of the community is found in the social networks (Thielke 2011, p 48-55). For example, information on deaths, birth, and peaceful existence of people within the society is found in the social media. One therefore eliminates the need to relate with people directly as it were in the days past. As a matter of concern, whatever was once directly experienced has now shifted to mere representation of the same. Change has been inevitable with the upcoming of social network as far the corporate world is concerned (Ludlow 1996, p. 66-69). For any given person in the business arena, such change must be analyzed in terms of opportunities and threats to the enterprise. The enterprise is faced with the challenge of considering whether the strengths of the companies are enhanced further through social networking. At the same tome, the effect on the weakness of the companies must be considered so that optimality is achieved in the long run. It is therefore important to consider several factors as far as social media is concerned. For one, one must substantiate whether social interaction has shifted from direct forms of communication to virtual communication. It is important to consider the number of people using social networks and how this has affected how people interact. Still, one must consider the advantages and the limitations of the shift caused by the social networks. Lastly, it is important to consider an application of the shift in our day to day life. In this paper we discuss the shift of social life from direct to virtual interaction, with the consideration of the application in businesses. The shift from direct to virtual interaction In the olden times, communication was always direct to a specific individual or place. This meant that people had to arrange for formal meetings to discuss issues of great relevance to them. It was an era when individuality would come in as people communicated. For example, a direct meeting with an individual would enable one know exactly who they are and their views concerning a specific subject would always come out (Simour et al 2011,p. 3-5). In such days, philosophers such as Socrates would argue their cases, voicing out their opinions with precision. Their individuality would always come out in the course of these discussions. Of necessity was an arranged meting to discuss some of those issues and opinions. The Romans, on their part had arranged meetings to discuss political and social matters. They looked forward towards this kind of an arrangement at the end of each day. Major decisions would be discussed before they were carried out in the community (Ludlow 1996, p. 66-73). This therefore meant that people did not value any other means of communication and interaction. However, direct means of communication has been eliminated with the rise of industrialization. More electronic use has been experienced ever since. Still, people do no have time to meet, and more so, the ease of communicating using on line services has lured many people towards such a direction. This has created a virtual community and interactions within the society. Statistics show that at least twenty billion people are connected to the internet (Wellman 1999, p. 75-79). This is further subdivided into the groups of people using social networks in this group. It has been indicated that out of every nine people, at least one of them is connected to face book. Further, these people spend at least seven billion minutes communicating on face book. Still, a large number of people access face book through their mobile phones, approximating to around 250 million. On content, around 30 billion people will share it around the globe. Other networks for example, You Tube and Flikr continue to register a large number of users. At least 400 people use you tube in every month. These people will spend at least 3 billion hours on You Tube every month. Twitter on its part has approximately 1.7 billion users, while Google has around 25 million. All the statistics indicate that a large number of people are using social media. More time is also spent while people interact in the social media, replacing the direct means of interaction with virtual interaction (Wellman 1999, p. 75-80). There are several advantages associated with virtual interactions. For one, a lot more people are able to interact and exchange their views on social matters. This may include the common people who may have been alienated in the times past (Gulia 1998, p 242-247). Direct way of interaction has a way of alienating some groups of people. Sometimes their ideas are shut out on the basis of their class and levels that the society places them in. Virtual interaction will hence provide a platform for the ordinary individuals to express themselves and give their side of story. Some of the ills in the society are minimized greatly through virtual interactions. For example, racism, and gender biases are eliminated greatly through this medium. On the same note, people with disabilities are included in the interactions, without having to reveal their status. Diversity is one aspect that is enhanced in virtual interactions. It is only in such a platform that people are able to meet with differing cultures, races, and the global community at large. This means that people are able to share their views from different angles (Wellman 1999, p. 75-80). A person interacting within the social media gets a broader perspective on life’s issues than in the direct means of communication. The possibility to interact with large groups of people, of all classes enables people to question the governments and scrutinize its actions (Ludlow 1996, p. 70-73). The government is sometimes inaccessible and as such, direct communication is hard to come by. With social media, things are different; especially when the government itself is active in it. At the same time, virtual communications puts into book big corporations, whose activities is of public interest. Questions are raised, while at the same time their success is celebrated by most members of the society. The corporations that take advantage of the platform provided by the social media get to achieve their goals and objectives with ease (Simour et al 2011, p. 4-7). It is very interesting how social media is able to bring in a platform for people to discuss a topic they are all interested in. Sometimes the topics under discussion are not always interesting to everybody in the direct form of communication. But in the social media, things are different. One gets to choose what exactly they want to participate in, and they whole heartedly give their own opinions. The other advantage is that of allowing people to interact at their own convenience (Gulia 1998, p. 243-249). The modern day person has very few minutes to spare for interaction with the society. People today work under tight schedules, and they perform many duties all at the same time. Most forms of communication are known to take time and more resources. The forum created by the social media is that which everybody can interact in times when they are available and within their own affordable resources. More opportunities to meet people, who may make significant impact on an individual’s life, are enhanced through virtual interactions. It may not be possible to meet some people directly unless social media is applied. These same individuals may be exactly what are needed for any organization to grow for an individual to achieve goals and objectives. Anonymity is one thing that credits the use of social media as a means of interaction. Some people may never have the confidence to come out in the public and share their views. This may be because they are shy, sometimes even lack of confidence (Simour et al 2011, p. 4-7). For that person battling low self esteem, social media gives them a chance to interact without having to be seen in the public. At the same time, a person gets to choose who to interact with, and hence may have confidence to share whatever they will. Moderation is another aspect that is achieved through virtual interactions. It may never be possible to bring in balance in the way we communicate, between the extremes, with direct communication. Social media brings a platform to avoid some of the emotional outbursts and biases. Social media is dynamic. Easier and better ways of communication keep arising, if only to enhance more interactions within the society (Ludlow 1996, p. 66-73). No schedules and processes are needed so that communication is enhanced. With social media, the society becomes dynamic. It is with the social media that people are able to store certain information for future reference. For example, one is able to save an email without having to necessary to distort any information. The best thing with this kind of storage is that it can be access every where in the world and at anytime. This enables an individual to understand the real intents of an individual following future development of the conversations. The messages can also be used for research on certain topics. Nevertheless, they are set backs that come with the up coming of social media in our society (Simour et al 2011, p. 4-7). The people who have no knowledge on reading and writing become alienated. In the same line, those who do not know how to use computers and such like electronics used for interactions will be left out in this whole process of communication. This means that it is still possible to discriminate against certain groups of people within the society, for example the illiterate. Still, the disabled people may never be in a position to interact if for example the disability challenges the person from accessing the tools of communication (Jue et al 2009, p. 230-235). In societies that are faced with mass poverty, some of these means of communication seem but a dream to achieve. They can neither access network nor computers in the first place for them to communicate. Therefore, one may conclude that discrimination will be present only that this time it is different. There are heavy costs involved in virtual communication. For a corporate to advertise anything in the social media, they have to pay a huge amount of money. They are left with no choice but to do this with the consideration of stiff competition in the market. Further more, the costs of obtaining computers and networks connections is high in any society. Several assumptions are made by the people communicating using the social media (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). For example the kind of language used in the interaction may be abbreviated broadly. This means that there is an assumption that everybody will be able to understand the meaning of the abbreviations. For example, the use of the abbreviation, BTW to mean, by the way is overly used, with the assumption that everybody can understand its meaning. This will only discriminate people further, sometimes leading them to withdraw from crucial conversations. There is a sense in which social media will tend to make the society get puffed up into their own world, which is not real. Everything seems artificial and not practical. The ideas put across in the social media may never be practical in the real word as it would be with other means of communication (Jue et al 2009, p. 230-235). It is possible that most ideas and opinions in virtual communication may never reflect the real world and life. This means that the society does not grow, and that life’s goals and objectives will not be achieved. Inappropriate information may be easier to spread with virtual communication. For example, the government may not be ready to remain answerable to the public as they ought to (Jue et al 2009, p. 230-235). Hence, they may give wrong information to address a certain issue. This may mean that the society would have achieved more justice if ay all they were able to directly communicate with the government. We live in a society where it is easy to get away with anything so long as no direct form of communication is expected. People’s actions are carried out behind the scenes and explained there, with the help of social media. This is where social media becomes toxic. It poisons the very way we conduct our lives and do business. Despite the advantages that come with the virtual communities, people still want to go back to the era when they would arrange for meeting and discuss life’s issues (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). There is a sense in which people feel isolated. They want to directly the person behind the computer and know them further. Some people would rather go back to the traditional way where formal meetings are arranged prior to interaction. Where there is elimination of direct interaction, people are bound to develop social ills such as alcoholism and use if drugs. It is in direct interactions that people are able to discuss those issues that may grow into such ills. People also get to see how exactly a person is fairing. This means that an individual will not hide some of the issues affecting them in their life. Some of the set backs that have come with the rise of virtual communication are eventually being eliminated (Thielke 2011, p. 48-51). The social media is coming up with ways of ensuring that more people can be included. Modifications have been done to ensure that diverse groups of people are included in the virtual interactions. Application of the Theory Having considered the advantages of virtual interactions, it is important to consider how businesses can fit in this community. Businesses may use this platform to benefit in the achievement of their goals and objectives (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). For one, it provides a chance for people to meet and share business ideas. In particular, one would want to consider the employees in a corporate working in unique positions. Such people have fewer chances of meeting people din the normal settings, who have similar experiences and skills. Social media gives a chance for such likeminded people. Further more, they are able to do this at their own convenience. They may not have time for arranging for formal meetings. Social media therefore open such opportunities of advancement of the business world to a great extent. Feedback from consumers is important for any given corporate. It stands out as one way of evaluating the success of the business (Ludlow 1996, p. 66-73). Companies are also able to improve on their products through the information that they receive from the consumers. Still, it is possible to receive enhanced public relations with the consumers by businesses availing themselves in the social media. They may come out as businesses that are ready to address the issue of the individuals with ease and convenience. This way people will be ready to reach the businesses and when and if problems swill rise as they use their products. Support of the virtual interactions by the business world would go a long way in helping them save a lot of money (Jue et al 2009, p. 230-235). Some of the issues can be discussed in the social media without necessary having to arrange for a meeting with the employees. There are some issues that come up often, and that may never be discussed in general meetings and in the conferences. Some of the businesses find it difficult to support social media due to several reasons. For one, social media is associated with new ideas and technology (Thielke 2011, p. 45-47). Most of the employees may be rigid to adopt such means of communication, and as such businesses will avoid them. The other aspect is that businesses have this perception that social media is not real. To them, it is more of a toy that can be manipulated at anybody’s pleasure. The managers also feel that social media is a form of distraction for the employees. They argue that more time will be used in social media than in accomplishing the allocate tasks. However, training can be done to the employees so that they are all able to access and use the social media. Regulations should also be put in place to ensure that there is no overuse of the medium (Gulia 1998, p. 242-247). Further more, competition from other businesses makes it impossible to continue holding onto the wrong perceptions about social media. With time, it is clear that more businesses are getting to use the benefits from social media and are ready to maximize them in every way possible. Many businesses continue to experience a shift in the way they interact with their consumers (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). It is very important to note that it is easier to make transactions in the social media that in the direct way. People visit websites where goods and services are advertised more often than in shops. It is therefore very important that businesses realize that things have changed. The marketing strategies are developed with consideration that people will most likely visit the online shops than go directly top a mall and buy their products. More often than not, a person may not even know the direction in which a business is located. Yet, these same people do know the corporate that sells it, only that they have not met directly. This shift will mean that products developed are highly customized. People bring forth their specifications and preferences even before a product is placed in the market for sale. Businesses must be ready to listen to the opinion of the customers and deliver the goods as required (Gulia 1998, p. 242-247). We experienced a shift from the times when people were forced to purchase a product that they did not like, only because there was no choice for the individual. Today, consumers make decisions on what they want, even before manufacture and delivery of the product. There are serious consequences for those businesses that chose to ignore the role played by the social media. The large numbers of people who visit the media are so many and diverse. Some of the companies have actually started businesses online, without a given location where they can be traced formally (Gulia 1998, p. 242-247). Their enterprises succeed and grow tremendously in every day of their postings. For example, marketing companies have been known to start from the social media. All that they do is to ensure that they access clients, who may want their products to be sold and pass across the message to the larger population. A certain fee is charged for such services. The marketing companies may not necessarily have to meet their clients in a formal setting. They use this same network to make proposals and hence receiving approval for their activities. Other companies such as the advertising are also taking roots within such media. While people visit websites, several advertising companies will have already posted their products on the pages (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). This indicates that most consumers will be allured into buying their products more than they would, had they not seen this. There is also collaboration between several businesses to ensure that their products are well received within the market. Such companies will only work together in a win-win situation, where each profits in the end. For example, an advertising company may work together with an advertising company to ensure that their information reaches as many people as they could. For those businesses that choose to ignore networking, their sales will obviously be low. People no longer have time to move from one shop to another looking for a good deal (Wellman 1999, p. 75-79). Terms such as window shopping are shifting from the direct and the formal way we were used to. Rather, window shopping is done online. People use social networks to compare prices and the quality of the product from various companies. Therefore, it seems inevitable for businesses to advertise their goods online and reach as many people as they could. It is also very important to consider the social responsibility that the businesses have on the community, social media may provide one platform to do this. For example, a business may use the information that the consumers share on the issues that directly affect them. This information can then be used as a guide for the plan on how to carry out social responsibility in the future (Simour et al 2011, p. 3-5). Generally, the shift from the direct means of interaction to virtual interaction is obviously evident. We cannot continue to ignore that many people have chosen to use this as their medium of communication. In fact, more innovation is expected in the future as afar as social media is concerned. People are bound to rely more and more on the virtual interactions in future. Means and ways interacting are being reduced and limited to the social media. There is an expectation that people will have no time for direct communication and interaction. The results oriented corporate world may push people more into the social media. Every business must therefore be prepared to embrace this change and maximize all the benefits that come with it. Conclusion The society today has shifted its way of interacting, thanks to technology and innovation. It is possible that we may never go back to formal settings and direct ways of interacting. The virtual community may actual be on the verge of growth in every height. It is therefore important to consider the implication so such a community to business and other spheres of life. Wisdom calls for an individual to assess the opportunities that come with such changes. Change may not be comfortable for everybody. However, it may present a chance to achieve life’s goals and objectives. Therefore, it is wise to ensure that very business, individuals and the corporate world maximizes on the best side of the social media References Gulia, W 1998, Net surfers don’t dine alone: virtual communities as communities; communities in the cyber space, Routledge, London. Gupta, S 2006, Encyclopedia of virtual communities and technologies, Idea group. Jue, A., Marr, A & Kassotakis M 2009, Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance, John Wiley and sons, New Jersey Ludlow, P 1996, High Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Martin, E., Welande, G & Ratolon, L 2001, “Consumer interaction in the virtual era: Some Quantitive Insights” Quantitive Market Research, an International Journal, Vol. 4, pp 150-159. Simour, L., Mohamed, S & Abdalla, B 2011, “Networking Identities: Geographies of Interaction and Computer Mediated Communication”, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking Vol. 2 pp 3-9 Thielke, S, 2011, Social Media and Politeness in Virtual Interaction, GRIN Verlag. Wellman, B, 1999, The Network Community: Networks in the Global Village, West View Press, Boulder, Columbia. Read More
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