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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media - Essay Example

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An essay "Business and Social Approaches to Social Media" reports that the capacity to use different applications and to connect to others with the use of social media is now considered one of the best ways to begin transforming what is available to connect to others…
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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media
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Business and Social Approaches to Social Media Introduction The use of new technologies and platforms is allowing businesses to take a different approach to building their identity. The use of social media is one of the areas where many businesses are now looking to create a specific presence and to work with specific target markets. The capacity to use different applications and to connect to others with the use of social media is now considered one of the best ways to begin transforming what is available to connect to others, advertise business and to build into new tactics to connect to others. Identifying how this particular tool is now being used and identifying the ways that it can work for others that are using the Internet is then creating a different approach to connecting online. Theories of Social Media The use of social media for businesses is one which relates specifically to the ability to connect to others online through specific mediums. The social media platforms consist of areas which users can interact and connect to other like – minded users. The growth of this has led to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and business areas where others can connect. The concept is now known as web 2.0, where interaction and user generated content is providing more applications and alternatives for those that are online. The concept of using these tools is based on the demographics, ability to display a specific message to viewers and the ability to collaborate with business ideas that will attract potential customers to a business (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010). The approach which is now being taken with social media has allowed the main concept to transform the way in which many are approaching business and interactions. When searching through the user generated content, there is the ability to connect to others that are interested in specific ideologies, consumerism and choices. A business can specify demographics, target markets and other concepts that are from a given profile. From this, there is the ability to transfer information and knowledge about the business and to create a connection to customers. This creates a social graph, in which one business connects to potential customers and begins to expand with the specific target markets that are available through the interactions and known interests that are listed on the various online portals (Qualman, 2011). The concept which has been used with approaching target markets has also led to the promotional mix being a model which is followed. This has been built into a hybrid model that is used for communicating with others and for interactions that are able to get specific results with online marketing. Consumer to consumer communications as well as promotions from businesses is the two main focuses of the hybrid promotional mix that is used for user generated content. This occurs with the main promotion, advertisement or page that is listed on a social media site or website. The consumer then has the ability to focus on direct responses by commenting on the promotional tools with engagement. For businesses, this means that the promotions need to have positive responses from consumers while ensuring that the discussions work in favor of the business. The promotional mix that is needed is then based on gaining a sense of control with the promotions that are used for the social media portals (Mangold, Faulds, 2009). The interactions with customers and the way which this is associated with the promotional mix are then leading to the need to put the public relations of a business as the main priority. The amount of control that is a part of user generated content is based on finding a way to build credible forms of marketing and interactions that are online. The use of effective communication, ability to increase exposure and creating a strong presence and brand loyalty are some of the focuses that are a part of using social media online. With this is the need to be a part of the public and to create interactions which will have a strong response from those interested in the technology while changing the way that consumers receive information. Engaging and communicating with users is then one of the ways to ensure that there is a level of control over the promotions while assisting with building of the brand identity (Solis, Breakenridge, 2009). The ability to build brand identity and to create a platform for promotions and user responses is furthered by the concept of the social media ecosystem. This consists of the several platforms that are used for building a business identity, such as You Tube, Facebook or Twitter. Each of these has a set of tools which can be used for controlling the responses of users while allowing the business to get into the spotlight of what is needed to enhance the promotions and control user responses. The main concept that is associated with this is based on the social media landscape, which includes the several approaches to connecting to others as well as an understanding that each of the components is affected by the others in the ecosystem and link together. The data which is available on one can alter into the available information on another social portal. A business is required to connect to the right areas of the ecosystem to ensure that the responses and promotions work in a positive manner (Safko, Brake, 2009). Not only is the ecosystem one which regulates information and links this to several areas. There is also an association with the concept of social media in terms of networking and the Facebook generation. The networking is based on the user power in which the promotional items will either be developed through the boost of networks that are available or will be lost if disapproved by the users. This is furthered by the Facebook generation, which expects to receive information, news and public ideals that are newsworthy on the social portals. Social interactions and ways of connecting with each other have now entered into a virtual realm that is followed by the regulation of information on each of the sites. The communication which is used and the counter – power that is in the networks is then creating a new space which is being used for enhancing and creating different components to the information which is available (Castells, 2007). The concept of networking and the new framework has taken the different businesses, concepts and the promotions available and changed it into an open network. This means that the information available can start from a specific center and connect to other areas with the same information. As this network is passed from one portal to another, user generated content guides the data and whether it receives a positive or negative response. For this to work correctly, personalization, participation and productivity are required for an exchange of ideas and information. Without the correct promotions, there is the inability for the open framework to work effectively and the information which is associated with the profiles receives a negative return or isn’t able to continue to connect to the other components. The concept which is related to this is known as the architecture of participation and is inclusive on building a collective intelligence for the end – user, as opposed to having isolated ideas which are a part of the community (McLoughlin, Lee, 2008). The new dynamic which is being created for collective intelligence and open frameworks is one which requires businesses to think differently about networking and reaching the needs of end users. This includes building a dynamic network which speaks about the company by the amount of interactions, responses and real time performance which is created. As this is done, there is the ability to have similar social concepts as would occur in a physical location. The businesses that are promoting their different site are then able to use the dynamics to show the business to several users as opposed to having the topics or promotions only available through advertisements or specific responses. This is creating a difference in how many are approaching the types of promotions available, specifically because of the ways in which it is advertised through networking of the public, as opposed to targeted messages for consumers (Westlake, 2008). Despite the possibilities of networking online with businesses, are also measures and problems which continue to occur because of the dynamics of being online. The networking allows the consumers to have the level of power that is needed with the promotions and other aspects of being online and connecting to others. Being in this space eliminates the private concepts of interests and concepts which one is associated with. This is furthered with the need to provide different levels of knowledge for consumers and in response to this. The result is that there is a combination of privacy that is needed for users online, as well as different ways in which promotions can overtake the information which is available while changing the amount of privacy available. For most users, there is a debate between the amount of networking and sharing which can be incorporated as well as show this relates to the privacy which is associated with the knowledge given (Alvesson, 2004). Case Study of Business The different theories and approaches which are associated with the social media are furthered by the case studies that show the approach to social media and how this is changing consumer responses. An example of this is Apple, specifically with the product of the iPod which is currently leading several consumers into changing the way that technology works. Apple originally worked as a company which was interested in computer hardware and software, specifically which introduced the Apple Mac as one of the leading brands for technology. The current changes have led to the innovation of the iPod, which consists of a phone combined with a music player and other components in the phone. The accessory is continuing to lead consumers into the iPod as a trend because of the available varieties and accessories which are used for the popular brand (Apple, 2011). The unique aspect of Apple, specifically with the iPod, is to not focus on direct promotions and advertisements which force the user to continue to look at the iPod as a tool which can be used. In the past, Apple has discouraged employee blogging, sued fans for exposing the company to statements which weren’t true and has shut down forums for complaining about a system which didn’t work. The approach to move out of social media; however, is followed by the network and fans which work in favor of the product. The network is known to advertise the capabilities of the iPod and the uses it has. This builds the reputation by using word of mouth advertising, as opposed to working into the social media component of trying to convince others of the product (Fleet, 2011). The concept of allowing social media to work as a network of fans for Apple as the main proponent is helping Apple to build its reputation while taking a secondary approach to the idea of promotions. When the individuals in the social networks are able to talk about the iPod and to exchange information which is necessary to the growth of the company, it helps to build the network. At the same time, the ideology of not exposing the company through blogs, forums and other areas where concepts such as flaming might occur unnecessarily is also helping to keep the level of privacy and control which is needed by a company. An individual which speaks against Apple without a thorough understanding of the company, or as a rival, doesn’t have the ability to change the trends or Apple’s growth, specifically because of their known movement of controlling the social media that is used and the promotions which are online. Another component which is associated with the Apple social media application comes from the incorporation of social media into the iPod. While the company doesn’t use promotion to advertise their products, there are specific applications used in the technology that is available to consumers and which remains ahead of the competition. The use of iTunes, for instance, is now being released in the new iPod in connection with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks. This allows an individual to rate and connect to the different pieces that are on iTunes while reviewing on social sites. For Apple, this means that the iPod will instantly be associated with the social media when an individual is using iTunes through their device. It also means that the connection will allow Apple to continue to gain exposure and remain ahead of competitors for the networking applications that help them to promote without placing advertisements on social media portals (Ostrow, 2009). This particular approach of allowing the product to speak for itself is one which can be incorporated only through the product structure of Apple. However, this is also important for other businesses to note. If a product is worthy of networking and holds standards of quality, then most will network through their social media portals and will advertise the brand through word of mouth. Instead of creating hype by advertising this, iPod users are able to search and see the connection to the portals that can be made. There is then an instant association with the product and the ability to increase the functionality that is used. When there are problems which come up with the different pieces of work, then this is furthered by Apple and the ability to make similar connections by the infrastructure which exists among the network and from the technology which is used. The other brands can use the same approach of allowing the users to network first, showing both brand loyalty and a market which is looking to change the outlook of information available for a product. The concept that Apple has used with the social media networks is based on the user generated content which drives the company reputation forward. The company has been known for several years as the competitor of Microsoft, specifically with the computer applications which are used. More important, the iPod is continuing to grow in numbers and in end – users that are interested in this specific approach as the top gadget for social interactions. The strong reputation which Apple already had was enhanced by users who are interested in Apple and that continue to use the products ahead of other competitors. More important, Apple noted that Dell, Microsoft and other leading brands were using social media. The user generated content that created a response ruined the reputation of many, specifically with individuals who began to post negative comments on the brand items and which didn’t believe in the company name. Instead of Apple exposing this and leading to infringement of privacy, there has been an approach of not allowing the reputation of the brand to be altered by avoiding user generated content, unless it is in response to someone receiving one of the newest and latest models available. By doing this, there is the ability to control the content available while not dominating the promotional mix with only components known for the networking which is available (Pascu, 2008). The concept which is used is based on the understanding of mass consumption and how one trend will continue to carry. While there isn’t a social media marketing plan, there is still an initiative to create responses by using the application of word of mouth advertising. This allows the social media to be used in the way intended without exposing or creating an illegitimate response. More important, there is a sense of control over the PR which is created. For example, when Microsoft released the edition of Windows Vista, many had difficulties with the application. It was known that social media dominated the news with reasons why Vista didn’t work, many which were not applicable to the overall components that were a part of the initiative. From this point, Microsoft has continued to move lower in reputation, specifically because it is known for not producing high quality products. This initiative is one which was led partly by the user generated content of social media and the impact which this had, as well as the inability for Microsoft to control the content. The Apple approach of not creating a mass response that is either positive or negative allows the social interventions to remain stable while allowing the networking of the iPod to continue to be spoken about in blogs, Facebook, user applications and other Web 2.0 areas, some specifically based on the reasons why Apple decides not to approach the social media ideologies (Olson, 2011). Conclusion The concepts of social media and the approaches which have been taken by businesses are leading to new components to promotion and advertising. The opportunities available are based on new ways of advertising, specifically with the understanding of networks and the power of user generated content. However, the approaches with social media are also leading to issues in being exposed and having complexities with initiatives of privacy. The approach of Apple, of only allowing the social media to be based on networks and word of mouth advertising, shows how there needs to be an approach of controlling the user generated content while ensuring that privacy and associations with the company aren’t deferred by the approaches which are often taken with the concept of networking online for business promotions. References Alvesson, Mats. (2004). Knowledge Work and Knowledge Intensive Firms. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Apple. (2011). The Apple iPod. Retrieved from: Catells, Manuel. (2007). “Communication, Power and Counter – Power in the Network Society.” International Journal of Communication (1). Fleet, Dave. (2011). “Why Apple Doesn’t Need Social Media.” Retrieved from: Kaplan, Andreas, Michael Haenlein. (2010). “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media.” Business Horizons 53 (1). Mangold, Glynn, David Faulds. (2009). “Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix.” Business Horizons 52 (4). McLoughlin, Catherine, Mark Lee. (2008). “The Three P’s of Pedagogy for the Networked Society: Personalization, Participation, and Productivity.” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 20 (1). Olson, Penn. (2011). “The Brand that Doesn’t Use Social Media Tops Social Brands List.” The Asian Tech Catalog. Retrieved from: Ostrow, Adam. (2009). “Apple’s Social Media Strategy – I Tunes?” Retrieved from: Pascu, C. (2008). “An Empirical Analysis of the Creation, Use and Adoption of Social Computing Applications.” Institute for Prospective Technological Studies 6 (2). Qualman, Erik. (2011). Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Safko, Lon, David Brake. (2009). The Social Media Bible. New Jersey: Routledge. Solis, Brian, Deirdre Breakenridge. (2009). Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Westlake, EJ. (2008). “Friend Me if You Facebook: Generation Y and Performative Surveillance.” TDR 52 (4). Read More
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