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PROJECT 1- DERIVING MEANING Visual Arts & Film Studies Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Deriving meaning Deriving meaning form an art Figure Reference art: Relief caving from the Kandarya Mahedeva temple Khajurao India on page 177 The strategies in deriving meaning Formal analysis Elements in this picture comprise images of people
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Art and Human Values Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (289 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Key among the issues include the elimination of the boundaries between life and art, ethics of robotics, aesthetic-engineering, embodied and virtual spectatorship, and the accountabilities of the artist regarding the art of monsters and machines. Causey presents that Kac’s works show relatedness to practices of both installation and conceptual art of the twentieth century (76).
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The Image of Caspar David Friedrich Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
2 pages (629 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Friedrich’s oil painting evokes a feeling of loneliness and darkness. The genre of the painting is that of death. When it comes to ranking the hierarchy of genres there are some things to remember first. During the 18th-century high-ranking art genre were artworks based on the effort of the artists to render the art in a way that showed universal essence and not merely by copying other artworks.
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Naturalism in Streetcar Named Desire Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (466 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The Streetcar Named Desire is set at the New Orleans apartment of Stella and Stanley—it is ‘raffish’ for the playwright, dingy and uncomfortable for Blanche DuBois (Stella’s visiting sister), cozy and comfortable for Stella; and it is named ‘Elysian Fields’ which signifies beauty and divinity. The conflict of perspectives is well established in the opening scene itself.
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Mystery of the Lost Red Paint People Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (323 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The film follows scientists from where archaeologists unearth prehistoric stone burial mounds in Labrador to France, Denmark, England, and the north of Norway where colossal stones bear witness to relations among seafaring cultures across vast distances. It can be classified as an archaeological detective film.
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More Humor Writing from the New Yorker Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
While intricate shootings took place in Gare du Nod, the author had firsthand experience in observing all of them. Later on, he is requested to accompany again to write a script for additional characters in the movie without the assurance of timely payment. Eventually, the scriptwriter is the last one to attain his rightful wages after 5 months later from the successful film display.
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Kael on Roger and Me Visual Arts & Film Studies Article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
Kael argues that Mr. Moore has the guilt of manipulating historical events sequences as well as compressing them with the intent of political and emotional impression. Kael affirms that the film is misleading and biased in its setup and characterization. For instance, Mr. Moore altered the sequence of political events that actually happened long back in history.
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Mythologies by Roland Barthes Visual Arts & Film Studies Book Report/Review
1 pages (276 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Roland Barthes discusses how the power of myth works, penetrates through different barriers and harms an individual. The book reflects how myriad myths could be potentially devastating for people who believe in them. It is evident from the material in the book that the mythical appeal and the stories associated with different things enthralls people deeply influenced and interested Barthes.
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Honey Boo Boo and Hillbillies Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper states that one of the most attractive features of the image constructed by the Boo Boo’s family is that the hillbilly perceives poverty as their own choice – Michelle Dean states this to make Americans watching the show comfortable with laughing at the behavior and life of this class.
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Personal Interaction with Objects Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
When considering the state of one’s mind towards the perception of things especially objects, we examine the environment where an individual is living. Perception is different from reality and this is the reason why people do not perceive things in the same manner. Space is a 3-dimensional phenomenon in which objects derive their position and directions (Altman & Low, 1992).
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Metal Guru Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines by Anthony Lane Visual Arts & Film Studies Article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The primary audience of the work is the directors, scriptwriters, actors, and production houses who are part of such movies. The idea of filmmaking itself is at stake. If more and more movies are made like terminator 3 wherein the concept remains the same but the treatment is expensive and fancy, the audience will stop watching such movies.
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Works of Shahzia Sikander Visual Arts & Film Studies Case Study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This technique leads the eye to shift its focus from one layer to the next and back again, as it follows lines, forms, or shadows.  The male face in the middle of the drawing, for example, has a very clear head shape and brow line, but as the cheek line descends from the eye, it transforms into the outline of an arm belonging to another, much smaller scale figure to the right.
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Mon Oncle Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (405 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The author of the paper states that M. Hulot's Holiday exhibited an adorable character, yet one with no backstory; Hulot was as much a riddle to the audience as he was to different vacationers in the first Hulot film—both viewed his tricks from a remote place and attempted to comprehend this odd, yet completely adorable character.
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Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera by Sabbeth Carol Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (347 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
When Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera met, Diego had become a giant in Mexican art. Diego encouraged Khalo so much in developing her painting career. He too encouraged her to look at herself art itself. As her husband’s student, Frida had access to art material, knowledge of art as well as connections to assist her in her art interest.  
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Art History the Mourning of Christ by Giotto Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
At the beginning of the fourteenth century, Giotto created his masterpiece “The mourning of Christ” which can be seen in Padua museum. The foreground of painting presents five figures near the body of a dead Christ. Three women hold Christ and over the ground. The most caressing figure is the Virgin. She embraces a dead body of her son tenderly. 
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The Evolution Of The Individual In Hitchcocks Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
As the paper highlights, in The Wrong Man, Hitchcock portrayed the helplessness of the individual being overwhelmed and disrupted by authority and poverty. By the end of the fifties, though, Hitchcock seemed less interested in social commentary. He took a similar story of false identity in North By Northwest and made a film that was much more lighthearted. 
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A Brief Profile Analysis of an Immigrant by the Name Chulryong Seo Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He notes several differences between his home country North Korea and America. The culture of living in the United States is much different and better than the one in North Korea.  Being a student of Computer Information and Technology, Chulryong fancies electronic gadgets like phones which were not allowed in North Korea.   
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Critical Analysis of Pleasantville Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author describes Jennifer who was an outgoing girl whose life was based on boys and sex. She loved being popular and the attention that came with it. Her lifestyle made it difficult for her to experience change from black and white to color. Jennifer wondered why she was still black and white despite the fact that she always had sex
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Hitchcock and Herrmann: A Tale of Two Maestros Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
A good relationship between a film director and composer is absolutely necessary to develop a meaningful movie which can deliver a message or can portray different social incident which in turn helps immensely to develop an advanced society with the broader mindset. Director of any movie creates a complete vision through which a film is ultimately realized.
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The Film Miss Presentation and Mistreated Women Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The documentary shows how the media has been keen to represent women in a negative way. Jennifer Siebel shows that only 3 % of women hold clout positions in telecommunication, entertainment, publishing and advertising (Jennifer Siebel Newsom). This indicates gender bias.
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The Art of Watching Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper states that time and again in the history of cinema, the chemistry of success has eluded the most talented of filmmakers and producers. It’s been seen an umpteen number of times that films that had promised sensational performances fell flat on their faces upon release.
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American Society and Culture in Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In other words, the course in question provides the students with the tool that will allow the former to understand the messages that have been sent by the cinema as well as develop a correct understanding of the role of movies in the American life and their impact on it.
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Shakespeare in Love Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This research will begin with the statement that Shakespeare in Love is a comedy that was directed by John Madden in 1998. The film explores the real life of William Shakespeare in a fictional context during the time he was writing Romeo and Juliet. The film explores a number of Shakespearean themes and provides a generally insightful look into a hypothetical late 16th century Europe.
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Charles Chaplin's City Lights Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
This research tells that “City Lights” is a silent, black and white movie produced in 1931. It is an extraordinary film difficult to resist watching once the play button has been pressed despite it being a silent movie. This silent movie was released right after the advent of talkies in early 1931.
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PI Darren Aronofsky 1998 Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper will discuss question number one of the instructions stated that is a central theme that suggests looking at the ‘face of God’ can only be done by verbalizing a string of numbers. A central theme in the film which discusses the face of God is the theme of Kabbalah. Kabbalah refers to an esoteric discipline, method or school of thought.
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The Remake of the Horror Movie Texas Chainsaw Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The favorite aspect of watching a horror movie especially on the weekends is always to have some good times. The first step to watching and enjoy an upcoming horror movie trailer on the internet is to kick the convention with a slew. This will make one catch an early train go into the city. These trailers are always important as they show the Fango cons.
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The Comparison of Conrad Josephs Heart of Darkness and Ford Coppola Apocalypse Now Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Conversely, Conrad's literal piece depicts his main character Charles Marlow's journey through Congo's treacherous terrain and encounter with barbaric natives while heading towards the central station where the infamous Mr Kurtz was stationed. Coppola retains the name Kurtz, as used by Conrad to refer to his novel’s main antagonist character. 
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Henry Hill in Film of Goodfellas Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Goodfellas was a 1990 film that depicted a difference in the way criminals are viewed in the movies. Prior to the film and specifically in the 1960s, gangsters did not meet any sympathy from the audience as the audience held that they deserved all wrong that they met because of the chaos they brought in the society.
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A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Essay
The author concludes that it is a proof of Rowan Atkinson’s comic genius and his sense of commercial acumen, that such a bold and unusual genre of humor would find approval.  Even after two decades, the show continues to grow its fan base and assume a legendary status.  Mr. Bean is today a household name in Britain and across the world
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The Trouble with Scotland Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom!" So resounds the voice of William Wallace as he attempts to rally his Scottish rebels for the first pitched battle of the movie. He was not 7 feet tall, nor was he able to consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and lightning from his rectum.
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Should Art Galleries or Museums or Heritage Sites Avoid Controversy or Not Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As the discussion highlights, the British Museum refuses to grant Egypt’s request to return the Egypt artifacts. The Our Lady controversy resulted in threats to the artist’s life, rallies to close the exhibit and terminating the museum management officers. Controversies can be avoided by implementing several strategies. 
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Analysis of the Film Reader Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that symbolism which is used in some portions of this film to augment the direct dialogues and the direct messages being expressed by the scenes.  Foremost among these symbols is the generation gap between Hanna and Michael which seems to emulate the parallelism between Germany’s past and present conditions
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White New Brutality Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Paul Gormley used several films in order to express the developments associated with the American cinemas during the 1990s. According to Gormley, the new-brutality films had established connections between white cultural dependence on American-African and African-American culture. 
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The Ancient Art and Its Forms Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This discussion talks that the Christian era began during the ancient times and is believed to have continued evolving until the modern times. The most striking features of this period include monuments produced by Indians, Egyptians, Romans and many other groups. We shall concentrate on two striking monuments like the Minoan Snake Goddess and Totem Pole.
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Stress in Pushing Tin Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Case Study
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In the film Pushing Tin, its cast includes Cusack, John, who acts as Falzone Nick, Thornton Billy Bob, who plays the character of Russell, Cate Blanchett as Connie Falzone among a list of other actors who are also involved in the film. The film is directed by Newell Mike in which the film’s release date was 1999 in the USA (Linson 107).
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Experimental Film and Video Since the 1960s Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chantal Akerman has a great name in the feminist filmmaking. The viewer finds himself giving completely to the film, as he gets involved in the film with open eyes and an open mind, too. According to Gwendolyn Audrey Foster: To label Akerman's work ‘minimalist’ or ‘structuralist’ or ‘feminist’ is to miss most of what she is about.
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Movie Analysis: I Am Sam Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Connection and autonomy is the second feature that occurs while Lucy is celebrating her birthday party. In this scene, we clearly see that Lucy craves independence; she wants to run away from her father since he embarrassed her. On the other hand, Lucy wants to be close to her father.
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Art and the British Empire Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Visual arts refer to forms created in a way that they can be viewed. They include drawings, portraits, sculptures, printmaking, designs, photographs, films, videos, e\architecture and others (Barringer, Quilley & Fordham 2007). Today, visual arts include fine arts, decorative arts, and crafts.
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What Makes for a Good Cut Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that based on the film “The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing”, there are several things that have to be considered to make a film a good cut. One thing is that it should be realistic. The scene should show the audience that what they are seeing is real, and the expected response is that they have to believe that it is real.
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The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and Mira Nair Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
She writes about the problems faced by these people when adapting to the new world, new traditions, new culture, so completely opposite of what they were used to being in their homeland. Keeping along with this pattern, The Namesake has similar issues even though it has its own share of twists and turns. 
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Madonna and Child by Duccio di Buoninsegna Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author states that a physical description of this painting shows that it is a gold and tapestry on wood painting. The painting has been framed on a rectangular frame whose ends are also golden. The paintings charred ends show that it is quite old and also shows that its condition can easily be worsened if not taken care of in a proper way.
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Nazi Leadership Pictured in the Black Book Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Black book is a Dutch World War II film of 2006, which is co-written and directed by Paul Verhoeven. The film is based on a few true events and characters, which involve a young Jewish lady from the Netherlands who becomes a spy in resistance in the period of the World War II after a tragedy, befell her during an encounter with the Nazis.
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Societys Fascination with Reality TV Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The term “reality” associated with a TV program itself suggests that the events transpiring on the television screen may be true and based on actual life events. This may be one of the prime reasons society is fascinated by such programs because they appear to offer glimpses of reality and truth.
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Wong Kar Wai and Fashion: An Analysis of Three Films and the Motifs and Themes Represented Visual Arts & Film Studies Article
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
By examining each of the films and seeking to draw a level of inference with respect to the way in which fashion is utilized as a mechanism for separating the lead characters and their actions from those of others, the analysis seeks to represent a further level of understanding concerning a much overlooked aspect of Wong Kar Wai’s work and artistry
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Benefits and Challenges Associated with Visuals Available Today Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the essay states that in respect of the copyright laws, the general public should keep in mind to ask permission from the owner of the photos before using these online available photos or taking photos of another person. Doing so will protect journalists from preventable court cases.
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Fast-talking Dames In The Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This relationship is cut short when Adam appears with a gun made of licorices less known to them its fake. The couple is scared and Amanda justifies her situation that results in Adam being the winner of the scenario of the just concluded case had the same situation. Thus female notion is highly mocked in this case.
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The Role of Women in Science Fiction Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the first novel which raises some interesting questions about gender and the idea of masculinity is also the novel which deals directly with the idea of androgyny. While we know that stories about titans, giants, and dragons can easily be considered as fiction, we also know that legends are often based on facts.
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The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Essay
The author states that there are certain elements of the art and at the same time principles of design that shows this art is one. A strong interpretation of mine on this art has a lot to do with the use of object Salvador Dali used as a focal point to his art and to its artwork using different elements of art and design.
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Film Art - History of Film or World Cinema Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
No matter what the medium or the genre of Film Art; people almost always relate something to the content of the film. But what the general public doesn’t realize is the fact that there is so much that goes into the making of a film. People only see the end result which is merely the projection, the essence of a mammoth work.  
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Ansel Adams Individual Work Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ansel’s mother’s family was from Baltimore and there they had a business that was very successful. His family was from New England after they moved from North Ireland. Adam’s paternal grandfather made a prosperous business which later his father ran although his father’s interest was more in science rather than business.
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