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Masterpieces of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Personal Statement
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According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art History’s website, the Emperor in question was both a great collector of art and a very talented painter and calligrapher. The painting represented the spirit of the birds, as opposed to rendering the birds in perfect realistic detail. The painting is on silk, and the medium is ink and colour.
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American Beauty Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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This film revolves around the character of Lester, who is a middle-aged family man living with his wife and daughter, Carolyn and Jane, in a suburb. This drama film is the representation of all those problems which are significantly associated with the American Dream, especially for the middle economic class.
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Critical Analysis of the Movies Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Directed by Hugh Hudson, the film can be described as an inspirational, historical drama. Chariots of Fire is set in the early 1900s and tastefully addresses the issue of anti-Semitism. Based on the real-life experiences of two British athletes who participated in the 1924, Paris Olympics, the film begins with the backstory that started in 1919.
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Adaptations of The Pocahontas and Avatar Films in The Story of Pocahontas by Charles Dudley Warner Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The film industry has experienced a massive revolution in the 20th and 21st Centuries. The adoption of real-life and historical occurrences has dominated. These occurrences are presented as fiction hence the film is considered as an adaptation of existent literature. The film breaks down the message and presents the occurrences in a way that the views can easily relate to.
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Art-History- Symbolism in 19th Century Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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In essence, the overriding objective concerning symbolism revolved around a focus on mystical, universal and spiritual idealism that replaced the decadent lifestyle in that period. Symbolist iconography mainly contains various arts as a visionary statement whereby a person looks within himself in order to produce a world of ideas.
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Analysis of the Art Exhibit of Ken Ellis Gathering Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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Visual arts which include paintings and drawings have a big role in society. They encourage people to look at the world through different perspectives. This way, people are able to describe, explore and manipulate ideas creatively. As an artist, it becomes one’s responsibility to ensure continued access to the world of arts.
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Fandom and Identity of Electric Shadows Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
6 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Fans regularly are intrigued by even minor parts of the objects of their fandom and use a critical partition of their opportunity and vigour included with their investment, frequently as a part of an interpersonal organization with specific practices; this is the thing that separates "fannish" (fandom-partnered) fans from those with just an easy premium.
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The Celebration Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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It is quite difficult to come up with realism in both television and film. Realism receives consideration as a choice that is stylistic in nature. It receives notification that there is no point in time that realism will ever be real. It incorporates the use of artifice to reflect and bring out the reality.
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The Movie To Live Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The Great Leap Forward enabled all people to work together for the betterment of the country. We can all agree that China underwent a serious transformation and is among the most developed nations in the world today. Equality can also be seen during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution when Mao declared all chiefs and corrupt government officials as criminals.
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Social versus Individual Fulfillment Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Lung Do’s main issue is that he is looking for the meaning of life and universal truths. He said that religion has not been part of his American education and he cannot understand it (Aronson & Williams, 2008).  He stresses that he wants something more in life than just having a business (Aronson & Williams, 2008).
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Definition of Film Theory Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Hayward (2000, p.127) acknowledges that film indeed popularizes the theory and that Western influences commencing from the nineteen-eighties are responsible for the new trends. This, she adds, has seen otherwise undermined feminine cultures especially in Asian and Black contexts take to embracing the elevation of the female figure in the film.
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Immigration Undercover the Student Visa Scandal Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Underscoring facts and scenes in the documentary helps build and explaining the intensity of the conflict as the reporter explains in the documentary. Highlighting is yet another editing feature that the developers of the documentary use. The developers use different techniques to highlight actions in the documentary.
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Prostitutes in Cinema Only Serves the Male Imagination Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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Many themes and ways to satisfy them have been depicted vastly by the cinema industry around the globe. There have been few themes and metaphors which are a direct by-product of cinema-graphic depictions. For instance like associating attraction and sexuality to slim body types, associating love to a pretty face, gang culture, drugs, prostitution, pornography and etc.
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Nobody Knows Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The author states that the boys’ mother got married elsewhere and abandoned them forcing them to survive on their own. With no parent in their lives, these children start a life journey that nobody really knows. They depend on each other to face and overcome various life challenges as they create and follow their own set of rules.
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The Film Artist and Portrayal of Women in Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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Though it was the very first kind of a horror film he ever produced, most analysts, viewers, and movie industries see him as a horror film master. Most critics are of the view that Hitchcock through his movie the Psycho shows the great violence imposed on women. (Brewer Chad: pp. 35) The movie shows a great sense of power evident n most films. 
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Character Analysis: Raise the Red Lantern by Zhang Yimou Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
6 pages (1802 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Yan’er is the personal maiden to Songlian who also has a great interest in becoming one of the concubines someday. She is a very secretive, daring, and intelligent young girl who employs her tactics to lure her master to bed despite being just a lowly graded servant in the home. She is very ambitious and scheming to manipulate everyone in the home.
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Analysis of The Fast and the Furious Movie Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The setting of the film took place in Canary Island, Los Angeles, Glasgow, and Tokyo (Gilchrist 6). Tokyo was the last set of the film where the famous known action movie star, Jason Statham, claimed to be Shaw’s brother, appeared out of the blues and took down Han, a member of Toretto’s crew (Finke 6).
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The Hurt Locker Movie Analysis Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The film is about the lives of Iraq soldiers who risk in their lives to offer public safety as well as provide the well-being of the society they serve in. The film is an incredibly shocking, touching, and harsh as it reveals the new perspective concerning life. This film was made during the Iraq war.
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Do the Right Thing by Spike Lee Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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According to “Postmodern Blackness” in Bell Hooks, racism portrays blackness as opposing and as having no link with critical thinking. Black power ideologies have recognized these stereotypic perceptions and the black’s marginalization. This has triggered a positive move towards black liberalization.
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Analysis of Vivian Maier's Work Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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The major difference between Vivian Maier and other photographers is that she did not go to any school to learn photography. She did it because she loved taking photographs and her ability to capture various features with high quality was mainly based on her experience. This is not the case with many photographers because they attend classes to obtain knowledge of the various techniques of imagery.
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Conceptual Photography of Aaron Goodman Visual Arts & Film Studies Literature review
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Wind up digital was initially started as a creative retouching house. It owes its background from Aaron's experience as a digital photographer and retouched during his years in operation. Aarons 15 year experience helped him gain the much-needed experience. He has been able to develop including executing various digital projects for more than sixty national magazines.
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The Point of View of War in Atonement Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Higson (2011, p. 227) suggests that in terms of creating and executing war sequences which have a potential to fully demonstrate the extent of the soldiers’ suffering and the ruthless scenario of war, the team of Atonement (2007) has produced a sincere effort which presents a stark contrast from the portrayal of the Tallis household, their lifestyle, and opulence.
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Soylent Green by Richard Fleischer Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The film clearly is based on the occurrence at a particular time in history. Evidently, the film has historical significance since it champions the theme of overpopulation and crime in the city. It is important to note that, these themes are relevant to the current world. Evidently, it is clear that over the years, crime has been on the rise.
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Top Ten Film Literature Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The movie shows that just like what small children used to believe, there truly are monsters in the closets of their bedrooms, especially after dark. The closet door at night leads to the city of Monsters known as Monstropolis that is powered by Scream Heat. This means that they jump out of the closet to scare the children in order to collect their Screams.
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Sexual Harassment as It Is Presented in Oleanna by David Mamet Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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John has realized by now that he is trapped and finds it tough to dissuade her from pressing the sexual harassment charges, he seizes her arms to demand her attention, prevents her from leaving and tries to convince her about his stand. She screams and rushes out of his room and at this juncture the Scene II ends.
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Chen Kaiges Farewell My Concubine Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The film is an effective medium for political socialization, it was successful in communicating the political turmoil and other events that took place during that time to the people of the newer generations. The movie also explains the gender troubles and issues of homosexuality. It blames society for turning a boy into a girl and later humiliating him for being in search of his gender identity.
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Infernal Affairs Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Due to the cinema culture crisis, the film mirrors the industry that created it, the society that spawned it and the global market that embraced it. There was a glimmer in the box-office upon the release of the film in Hong Kong. The film broke records in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan; and in mainland China, it was the biggest opener of the year.
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Gendered Art Critique Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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Horowitz begins chapter 3 by asking the reader whether he/she has ever observed anyone put a lump of clay on a potter's wheel and after that, form a pot out of it. He continues by asking whether we have ever seen a glassblower form a vase simply out of a shapeless and molten matter.
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Children Protection in and from Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
10 pages (2877 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Increasing the protection of children in and from art is important in today’s excessively permissive and liberal environment that significantly blurs the boundaries between life and artistic expression, amid the increasing concerns of child pornography and media reports of pedophilia. Art-based organizations have an obligation to protect children’s rights.
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Once Were Warriors Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The film, Once Were Warriors shows domestic violence in its raw form. The film is well-liked because of the dynamics of domestic violence displayed by a Maori family. Once Were Warriors contains many dynamics or traits of domestic violence such as the cycle of violence, power and control methods, PTSD, male privilege, and battered woman syndrome. 
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Issues in The Thematic Paradigm by Robert Ray Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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It is sometimes difficult to accurately define whether the hero belongs to the first or the second type. So we should mention one more type of American movie heroes – the reluctant hero. Robert Ray says that this type of hero can be defined as the person, who is can agree to be somehow involved in action only on his own terms.
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The Film Eight Men Out Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The movie generally presented the historical event at a more than average level of accuracy, though the story is not easily understandable for a person who has never heard of the scandal. Since the scandal took place a long time ago, the movie would have been better if it offered an understanding of the story before focusing on elements of art and drama.
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Anatomy of Difference: Whale Rider Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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In a society, historical, racial, and cultural perspectives can influence gender roles thereby leading to “othering”, particularly “othering” of females by the males. People who live in the society would be influenced by the above-mentioned historical, racial, and cultural factors, as part of their daily lifestyle and during crucial moments.
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Cave Art, Paintings, and Their Meaning Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
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Some of the most sophisticated cave art and paintings in the world are in France and Spain (Lawson, 2012). There are nearly 150 caves discovered in these regions. Africa also has numbers of caves from South Africa to Namibia. The most captivating and profound of these are in Altamira, Lascaux and the Chauvet cave in France.
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History of Western Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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“Degas and the Ballet - Picturing Movement” is a video that reviews an exhibition on the work of a French artist by the name Edgar Degas. Edgar Degas is described as an artist who was basically obsessed with ballet. The explanation given for this obsession is the fact that ballet enabled him to have a more detailed study on human movement.
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Korean Art of Sculpting Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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Goguryeo was the first among the Three Kingdoms to craft Buddhist images. During this period, Buddhist images and pagodas were considered the main form of sculptors. Buddhas from Goguryeo were sculpted in a way that they had long faces on shaven heads, a characteristic that was a presentation of the rough style of that kingdom.
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The Movie Snatch Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The unexpected dimension occurs when a dog swallows the diamond that most of the stories revolved around. Perhaps the final turning point occurs when Brick Top gets a raw deal and in the way in which the audience receives it. This serves to heighten the impact. The point of view is used thus: initially, the narrative is from the main character.
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Seven Samurai: Warriors and Society Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Chaos is part of humankind. Social order occurs once humanity gets out of chaos. Yet, this social order is intimidated or endangered continuously by evil, troublesome, and disrupting elements usually outside the control of that social order. The peaceful relationship of man with nature is disturbed as well by these elements. 
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The Case of New Indian Cinematography in the Film The Lunchbox Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The Lunchbox is positively accessed by world critics. The review published in The Hollywood Reporter recommends this romantic comedy and describes it as a light and positive film about real people and real-life (Feinberg). According to The Guardian, the film has great success in India and it is positively perceived in the West.
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Jan van Eyck's the Ghent Altarpiece Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
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It is evidently clear from the discussion that produced in 1432, Ghent Altarpiece is housed in Belgium at Saint Bavo Cathedral where it is safely guarded to prevent the large altarpiece from being stolen or destroyed. This research tells that this important artwork has faced many challenges, including being stolen by thieves.
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Ae Fond Kiss Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Both religions have the concept of paradise that one must work for on earth to be worthy of it. Conflicts such as those depicted in Ae Fond Kiss are real and they are challenging. But without working through it, then nothing could ever change. For tolerance to flourish there must be those who are willing to risk it all and be willing to endure because they have noble reasons.
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Wag the Dog with Robert De Niro Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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In the movie "Wag The Dog", Robert De Niro has been presented as one of the most wickedness images of a public relations practitioner ever put on film. His actions in the film are dishonest, manipulative, amoral, sleazy, and outright criminal. He is a ruthless spin doctor who works for the president of the U.S. to help his reelection.
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Analysis of Four Days in September Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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It is quite important to state that during the film, viewers can discretely observe that the country’s youths engaged in antisocial and criminal practices in the revolution with the emphasis that the nation needed the restoration of democracy in order to grow its social, economic, and political environments.
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Exodus - Gods and Kings - Parts Contributing to Composition Unity Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Directed by Ridley Scott and produced by Peter Chernin, “Exodus: Gods and Kings”, is a 2014 epic film inspired by the bible; notable stars featuring in the film include Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, as well as Aaron Paul, and John. The film is a cinematic interpretation of the departure of the Hebrews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
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The Theme of Conflict in the Bubble Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The close relationship between Noam and Ashraf at first makes one almost believe that they could inspire change to the community's Israeli and Palestinian communities as symbols of peace. However, their relationship is already doomed as the awful life of violence envelops them outside Tel Aviv city making their relationship end in tragedy.
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Street Photography - Witness Fleeting Life Moments Visual Arts & Film Studies Speech or Presentation
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 1 , Speech or Presentation
The city is an intriguing mix of elements that are paradoxical in nature. The word evokes images of an urban environment with tall buildings. The city with all its sounds, movements, and emotions acts as a giant canvas that portrays, in the form of still images, the transformation that it has undergone over the years, tells tales about an era long forgotten.
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Camera Movements in Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Report
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The camera movements rightfully increased the intensity of the film. I liked how the cameras followed the characters as they moved from one place to another in the film. The film was shot perfectly shot two major locations. The first location was the open street. The open street scene depicted Rome as an open city.
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Graffiti - Art or Crime in the US Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
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Various styles of graffiti possess different names. The ‘tag’ either takes the form of a person’s or a gang of signature incorporating few letters. The tags are studied for an adequate period and as they are easily recognized and the practice continues after then when they can be sprayed accurately but faster.
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Zero Day and Lonely Boy Documentaries Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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The documentary was produced through the National Film Board of Canada, and it received the Canadian Film Award after emerging the top movie for the 1962 year. The documentary also received a nomination for the BAFTA awards, in the category of the best short film. Zero-Day got the majority of positive reviews and presently has a 68% Rotten Tomatoes approval level.
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The Brazilian Film behind the Sun Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
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Tonho pursuing peace and leaving the home ground gives him the heart to face life from a free side, which ends the feud. Thus, the theme of forgiveness in ending the feud is achieved through the eventual course of the film. Thus, this entire film is selectively developed to success from the core elements related to the tremendous cast and perfect location of the film.   
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