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To Live (1994) is a Chinese movie directed by Zhang Yimou in 1994, starring Ge You, Gong Li among others. It is set in the background of the political unrest in China in 1940 – 1970. This film is based on a novel titled Huózhe by Yu Hua. (James 1994). The movie starts off with the drunken protagonist (Xu Fugui) gambling away his family fortunes in a local pub in 1940.
The paper will be very much exclusive to the male since it will envisage mush on the roles that the women played in the shaping of the world of creativity and to be in specific the arts in the society. Women were therefore very key persons incoming of the various designs that are of much beauty today.
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One of the fundamental issues depicted in art is class. As much art is a part of a society so is class. Society is divided into class and it affects the functioning and character of the visual arts. Different classes in society have different interests and art has different values depending on which class standpoint it is approached.
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, Book Report/Review
Although it was Frank’s first play, it was also unique to the world in that its content was entirely different from what the world was used to in that it was considered highly provocative at that instant in time. The play had to wait for fifteen years before it could be staged owing to its controversial nature.
Such a relatively small painting would have been meant to be viewed from fairly close proximity, rather than from a distance as in a very large alter piece. In an earlier life, Bellini has worked as a conservator for the many works of art in the Doge’s palace. This would have exposed him to many great works of art from a variety of artists, differing in their time, style, and materials.
His skill in art has made him one of the most recognized, talented, and sought after portrait artist. Most corporate, private and public art collections exhibit Schuchard’s artworks. The artist was in 1984 the artist in residence in the Evansville museums from which I visited and came into contact with some of his art pieces.
However, he wanted to accomplish the requirements of his social and mental life by using a new form of art. This new art style used was Surrealism, which enabled Salvador Dali to express all of his erogenous desires. At the same time, it enabled him to change the way the universe viewed art. In 1928, Salvador sought to change his life after he met with the Surrealists in Paris.
Such movies normally depict some of the actions portrayed by King Arthur of Britain. Although many people do not believe in the ever existence of king, Arthur, the movies are normally a success considering how many people purchase them the moment they are released to the public. Some of the movies derived from KingArthur’s quest for the Holy Grail include Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monty Python and the HolyGrailand The Fisher King.
Magi explains challenges affecting publishers and editors across the world. Jill Magi doubts whether her poetry will be read even though she feels that writing poems are her duty and privilege. It is clear, according to Davis that poetry reproduction is rampant, and Magi is one of the artists experiencing reproduction issues.
In China, art, or rather painting has always had a rigid way of being done, and that is by ink. However, in the last three decades, some artists from china have decided to challenge and modify traditional Chinese art by sabotaging their sources. There is a major exhibition in contemporary china done by the metropolitan museum of art.
In summing, one can see that the artwork amplifies the scope of surrealism by projecting the human figures in the artwork. Still, the artist cunningly utilizes his artwork to share his unique views on the drastic effect of tourism on aboriginal groups. To be specific, some images in the artwork are symbolic of aggressiveness and invasion.
Emphasis is the use of elements of art in such a way that one part of the design catches the attention of the viewer more than the other parts of the work of art. The emphasis on Rubens’ masterpiece is made on the right-hand side of the painting. The soldier holds the child high up above all other characters in the painting.
Jean-Michel Basquiat used his art to highlight the plight of the blacks during the 1980s, while Wangechi Mutu highlights the plight of the African woman in modern society. In their individual paintings, Basquiat uses a male figure to display the conceptions of Blacks while Mutu utilizes a heroine figure to highlight the plight of women.
By addressing emotive issues around her environment, Neshat develops a perspective that enables her to put her emotions into photography and video as an Iranian who immigrants to the US at the age of 17. Her personal life experiences from Iran have influenced a touch on Islamic and Iranian society issues.
The paintings present similar attributes such as the materials used in addition to the techniques but differ in some such as the presentation offered by the framing and other finer details included in the compositions. However, their biggest similarity is that they are unique dominant works which can be defined as interesting masterpieces.
The play is based on the story of a Danish Prince named Hamlet whose uncle kills his father and takes the throne. This play has been analyzed extensively by different authors. As a result, many themes of the play have been put forward. Different authors have come up with what they believe to the main theme(s) of the play.
The advertisement aims at persuading people to join the navy and it offers them opportunities to join the navy and learn new things as well as see new things in the Navy. The offer indicates that people will enjoy ample shore leaves for inland sights. The advertisement assures its targeted populace that they will visit exotic places as well as get good jobs.
During the internship period, I was able to gain a deeper appreciation for photo editing. The entire process of editing in photography is aimed at developing an image with a far better impact than the original one. Editing achieves in the photograph, what the camera was not able to capture during shooting, especially due to shooting constraints.
With prominent creations coming down straight from the rawness of the black and white era, musicals have always been a favourite amongst Hollywood movie goers. The sheer pleasure of spending a part of the day at a Hollywood musical always attracts a good number of viewers even if the story or direction is weak.
No one can deny that technological development plays a special role in the life of any nation. In an era of the rapid development of new information technologies cultural business is a very successful enterprise. Of course, only competitive businesses can survive in the modern information market and make a profit.
Projecting himself in different images and styles is Gauguin’s style of art. He also goes the extra mile in sculpturing his own self, as well as, a range of materials. The inscriptions in his paintings brought about a strong link between words and images. They suggest the disappearing culture of writing and images. Moreover, he used inscriptions to emphasize his idea of Paradise Lost.
The film as Muir further cites, handles the plot wonderfully, with different portrayals showcasing the prevailing social contexts of the Edwardian Venice setting. As part of the larger Jewish community in Venice, Shylock is discriminated against by the Christian majority; aptly dressed in drab clothing that is symbolic of the ghetto-life the Jews are placed in (64).
Downey was persistent in efforts and determination to achieve this role. Of course, his effort ultimately, earned him the role and he proved himself the best choice, in fact, he is scheduled to reprise the role of Sherlock Holmes and but, also, recently agreed to a $100 million dollar salary for next two instalments in the “Iron Man” franchise (Scott 1).
Commodification is likely the most common form of dehumanization that takes place in the film. Commodification creates commercial acceptability. One of the complaints that come from Avant guard filmmakers is that their work has been commoditized by the mainstreaming of the concepts on which they first began to defy the commercialized film industry.
It gave people a sense of belonging and form a special bond with each other, which would have been otherwise impossible or a bit difficult if ICT is not readily available widely as it is today. In our modern lifestyle, people hardly have time for each other and engage in face-to-face meetings due to time, space, and geography constraints. The demands on our lives have made it imperative to use ICT media like Facebook, Twitter, cellular phones, text messages, instant messaging, and Skype to keep up with each other and inform the events in our lives.
The name of Alfred Hitchcock is a legend; his horror films impressed people and inspired other directors to work in the sphere of horror. This famous director worked in the era of changes when silent movies adapted to sound, black & white shots became colored and filming techniques advanced to the Hollywood level.
Carol’s performance during her stay at Wrenwood is also very believable. For example, Carol manages to play the role of a deluded person when she writes to her family telling them that she is doing much better, yet she appears to have gotten worse. During her birthday speech, Carol is barely coherent and her body looks fragile and worn out.
Super Size Me is a documentary film by Morgan Spurlock that passes the message of the dangers of fast food to health. Spurlock got the inspiration to create this documentary after he came across a case of two girls that were suing McDonald’s as the cause of their obesity, but the court found no proof of any relationship between their obesity and poor health and the foods at McDonald’s.
Photographs have for a long time been used to communicate with people. Photographs have been used to pass a message across since 1825 when the photography was invented (Gross 3). Since then, the use of photographs for communication has gained popularity among artists. In fact, it is often said that a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
Notable tragic drama forms in Greek theatres were staged over 2,500 years ago and included works of outstanding writers such as Sophocles and Aeschylus (Barnes 45). Tragedy then transcended its ancient origins to feature in other western art scenes and civilizations such as Roman, Elizabethan, and Shakespearian works in the Middle Ages.
The industrial revolution that took place between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries led to major developments in the world. These developments made life easier and they increased the average per capita income of individuals. The discovery of steam power was the major change that made work easier in agriculture, manufacturing, and mining.
Photography books constitute a rather interesting kind of artistic expression that allows the readers to focus entirely on images. This may be a rather suitable approach when the author is not willing to convey a message in words but wants the audience to use their own imagination in order to try to decipher the original message of the work of art
Birth of Venus is a valued portrait that is typical of Renaissance era. The first glance of this image can be deceitful, and one might fail to perceive some of its aspects. For instance, motion of objects in this painting may make the roses inconspicuous. Visibility of the roses is realized upon a keen analysis of this portrait (Jordanova, 25).
Modern Art refers to Art that was produced between 1860 and 1970. This kind of Art rejected the traditionally accepted forms and emphasized individualism, where there is a natural representation of the visual world. Examples of Art include paintings, sculptures, graphic arts, and architecture. This era has improved styles of Art and varied movements in the various forms of art.
In some cases, the term “graphic design” is applied interchangeably with communication design and visual communication because of the numerous skills involved. Graphic designers employ different methods in the process of creating and combining words, images, and symbols. A combination of the three creates a visual representation of messages.
Photography is becoming more and more popular, and a camera appears to be a trivial tool in every household. Domestic photography has become a compulsory element of every special occasion making photography trivial, using its documentary possibilities.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Book Report/Review
According to the report, the director of the video terms the forces as a wake-up call for all governments and business partners to be aware of the trends taking place for them not to be left behind. In the video, Friedman urges people to be ready for technological changes. He explains that the world is moving faster due to advanced technology.
Alone in the frontal area in a tremendous purge plain, the two laborers tackle a stupendous quality, in spite of the little size of the canvas. Their appearances are left in shadow, while the light underlines their motions and carriage. The canvas communicates a profound feeling of reflection and Millet goes past the tale to the original.
This generation situates cinematic and cultural experience in a more expansive context as opposed to how traditional-nation based histories usually explore. Beginning with the emergence of French new wave in theatres across the globe, a series of new waves and cinemas incited an explosion and a revolution of world cinema.
In the bust, the sculptor has resorted to soft and light chisel work with much polishing and paintwork. In contrast, the face of Senwosret III does show a much harder, disciplined and controlled chisel work, using rather a hard and limiting medium, with no intention of endowing the sculpture with any kind of hue or rich tonality.
A large portion of this week’s lecture was about Martin Scorsese, and from Boxcar Bertha in 1972 to Mean Streets in 1973 to Goodfellas we see a kind of evolution in the artistry of Scorsese, and in a way also a kind of exposition of an extraordinary talent that was unique and already in full flower even at that early age.
The significance appropriated on the cultural importance in filmed content differs from that of the sociology theorists, who have been overly apprehensive with content to the point that it generates effects. The world continues to witness different transformations in the industry with genres specific to the market demands being created every day.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the three pictures were made in three different places reflecting on the diversified use of art and different art forms within a particular domain as well as culture reflecting on the different use of colors and other artistic views to withheld the heritage of different art forms and genres.
Musical films are entertaining bodies of work that integrate song and dance into the narrative of the story. Such numbers usually enhance the plot and develop the characters of the film, but there are also times when it simply serves as a breather or a break from the verbalizations of the narratives.
Set in the sprawling neighborhood of Shanghai along the Suzhou River, “Suzhou River” is a film about a love relationship between a videographer and Meimei, a mermaid-costume dancer (Lou, 2000). Their relationship is complicated because Meimei is being followed by Mardar, a man who is convinced that she is his former girlfriend.
The costumes, language, a country that produced the film as much as the plot itself, actors, and locations are British. This allows me to name it national from all the perspectives, and to analyze and feel this movie deeply one must take into consideration English history and the greatness of some people like Sir Thomas More who helped to build it.
The cartoon displays the inspiration behind the art creation, problems the artist faced as well as depicting some characters of different personality in the political or social system. Cartoon fans voted the Der Fuehrers as the greatest cartoon in America because of the following socially, politically and artistically inspirations.
While the methods used in meeting this noble goal are not ethical, the primary theme is that a category of people was disinterested while another suffered in abject poverty. Additionally, the local law enforcement is bent in arresting and even killing the leaders of this group with little regard of the motives of its actions.
The department is well equipped with the required equipment for the practical part of the course. The course outline is well organized with the notes given in a well-organized manner. The assessment of the students is well managed and organized in a way that we feel motivated. Reading materials are readily available, and students easy access to them.
The video is a relevant source in the development of the research paper because it highlights how Native American musicians are using music to bring about change in their society. Through music, the different artists promote certain agenda that is dear to the society. Examples of such artists include Inez Jasper, who is making a positive change in society using their music (MTV).