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Mierle Laderman Ukeles and Maintenance Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Maintenance Art has been shown to belong to the wider category of activist arts through which the artists deliver ideals behind their works of art. This came into being following the need to connect art to more audiences in an attempt to open up spaces where the marginalized members of society could be seen.
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When Father Was Away on Business and Occupation in 26 Frames Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 1 , Essay
When Father was Away on Business and Occupation in 26 Frames have episodes that relate to the political history of Yugoslavia. They both depict the hard times in the history of Yugoslavia. However, one film brought out the struggle between Ustashas and the Communist while another, the struggle by a Communist leader to boost a falling economy.
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Cinematography in Psycho Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The camera techniques used in the film are meant to deceive the viewers, directing their attention where the cinematographer wants them to be. Building the film’s suspense inexorably and slowly towards the end of the film. "Psycho" is a form of catalogue full of cinematic techniques. The filmmakers have the ability of appealing mass emotions. 
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Visual Analysis: Painting of Batista Dossi Titled The Flight into Egypt Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (2115 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The choice of colors in the details reveals the willingness to transfer symbolic meaning from the story itself to the details of its representation. In fact, all features put this artwork in the transit position between early attempts to modify the Medieval plots in Proto-Renaissance and widely acknowledged masterpieces of the High Renaissance.  
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The Growth of Photography in Graphic Arts: from Black-and-White Photography to Modern Photography Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As far as I am concerned, I have learned that the origin and development of photography are symbolic of the human urge to go beyond the limits of the time element. To be specific, photography helps human beings to realize how the past influences human deeds. When one views a photograph, one is able to perceive its historical and cultural importance
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Natalies Life Comparison with Louise and Maria Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
15 pages (3870 words) , Download 1 , Essay
John and Maria’s relationship in West Side Story is a rebellion in itself. The individual rules of the gang state that there should be no relationship, romantic or otherwise, with a rival gang. The Sharks (Whites) look upon the Jets (Puerto Ricans) while the Jets despise the Sharks for looking down upon them and seeing them as inferior.
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The Evolution of Landscape Photography from the Model Presented by Ansel Adams Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The concept has evolved over time with improvements in the quality feature being characteristic of this evolution. Though landscape photography existed almost half a century before Ansel Adams, he remains one of the most recognisable figures of all photography and has been named the spiritual father of American landscape photography. 
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Baroque Style in Brazil Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2245 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Regardless of this absence of contact with an outside world, these nearby individuals came up with their own societies, traditions, running from melody and move to religion and food. There was a little method for protecting this workmanship as the tribes wandered crosswise over Brazil and had little in the method for individual belonging. 
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4 Exhibition Visits Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2081 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I am strongly convinced that I did well while organizing myself as well as my time during the project. I had sufficient time to visit every exhibition and to take notes that would later become the foundation of my project. In addition to that, I always have enough time to make small adjustments that would make my work even better.
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Analysis of Dock by Phyllida Barlow Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2430 words) , Download 1 , Essay
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The Railway by Edouard Manet Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One should remember that the career of Eduard Manet not have lasted more than fourteen to sixteen years at most, given that Romanticism was revolutionary with the choice of themes it pursued. Like other artists who were pursuing apprehension, terror, and horror, Manet brought out modernity ideas in a heavy social perspective (Berret, 2000). 
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Double Gourd-Shaped Ewer Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Background colour complements the ewer even more thus a rhythmic appearance is evident since it appears to be moving in a circular direction. The shape at the bottom enhances the feeling of this movement owing to the fact that it is broader at the bottom. This perfect execution aligns it with its indigenous use. 
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The Art of Boston - Culture, History, and the City Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Archival photographs, selected artwork, documents, and architectural rendering and elements, all of which are included in the installation, characterize the museum. The MFA in Boston is among the largest museums in America. It has more than 450,000 art collections that make it the most comprehensive collection in the United States. 
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The Cinematography of the Movies Troy and Gladiator Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1605 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The cinematography in the movie Gladiator is applied towards evoking emotional reaction on the audience, as a way of keeping the audience still interested in continuing watching the film to the end. The audience is impacted to keep following the story narrated by the film, not through its own volition through suspense, but through the involuntary wish.
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The Migrant Mother Photographs of Dorothea Lange Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Some artists prefer to speak their minds through photography where they have the opportunity to display injustices and elicit emotions and sympathy of the masses. Photography can be defined as the art and science of producing lasting images through the use of light and an image sensor. This process was stared in 1800 by Thomas Wedgwood. 
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Femininity in the Society Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2619 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Femininity is usually perceived as a social construct that encompasses both biologically created and socially defined factors. Feminism can be defined as the collection of ideologies and movements sharing a common goal in defining, establishing and achieving equal economic, political, personal, social rights and cultural for women. 
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Sensualism and Seduction in 18th Century Rococo Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1578 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Observing the artworks of both painters, it may seem they are very similar regarding their style. That often happens, when one of the painters appear to be the pupil of another. They both are deservedly called to be the bright representatives of the Rococo art. They both use tender colors and nice voluptuous nude female bodies.
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The Comparison of the Different Artistic Skills in the Early Ages Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (2139 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are various critical periods such as the development from the scroll to the use of bound books in Europe in the early middle ages. There were various projects such as Charlemagne’s projects to create an art culture in Rome leading to accomplishments of several monastery designs, especially by the Carolingians.
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The Typographic Experiments by Wolfgang Weingart Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Wolfgang Weingart was born in 1941 and initially spent his life in Salem where he began his schooling (Weingart and Wolff 18). Nonetheless, he did not prefer strict learning that was achievement-oriented as preferred to engage in technical handicrafts, where he discovered classical music and drawing. 
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Battle Star Gallactica: The Plan Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
8 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The need to be polite during interaction flows out of the cooperative principle. According to Brown and Levinson, politeness can be understood as the amount of (verbal) work, required to mitigate threats to successful cooperation in interaction2. Goffman (1978) states that a “person tends to conduct himself in such a way so as to maintain both his own face and the face of the other participants"3.
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Tattoos and Society Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2631 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Most people prefer having them in sections of the body that can be seen by the public, while others prefer to keep them secretive. The rate at which tattoos are becoming popular is alarming. As the paper outlines, the increase of tattoos may be a result of influence from celebrities, pop culture, and social networks.
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Accidental Heroes Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2564 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The theme of violating established rules and emerging as a hero at the end is apparently not only common but widely accepted among both filmmakers and moviegoers. The 2005 movie The Island is a futuristic movie set in the year 2019 where a company has perfected the science of human cloning.
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Developing, Supporting, and Sustaining a National Film Industry Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2302 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This inconsistency is evident from the box office results which showed that since 1995, the local box offices taken by homegrown have rarely gone beyond five percent. Ginnane (2009) suggests that the key to the successful film industry and an ample percentage of the Australian box office (minimum of 10%) is the number of titles totaling to more than five million dollars box office every year.
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Representation of North America in the Films of Santiago Alvarez Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Such use of found materials in the production of films is referred to as the nervous montage technique (Chanan 1995, p.118). Santiago Alvarez’s films were found to illustrate the imperfections of the North American continents and its inhabitants. The films exemplify the continent inhabitants’ interactions with those in the said continent and those elsewhere.
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Genre Impact on the Representation of Gender and Sexuality Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2272 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The media has an impact on people’s conception of the issue of gender. The visual media present several role models of both genders that influence people’s mind-set in the issue of sexuality. The media representation of women, for instance, centers on physical beauty and the absence of strong and influential female role models (McCaughey & Neil, 12).
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A Comparative Analysis using Clerks and Titanic Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2665 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Clerks were the brainchild of an American film director and shot primarily on locations such as Atlantic Highlands and New Jersey, USA, this film originated in America. The content of the film as well as aims to give a frank portrayal of American life and demonstrates the ideals of the American independent film. 
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What Impact did the Protestant Reformation have on Visual Arts Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Amongst these changes were the social, geopolitical, and artistic differences that came as a result of the conflict in Europe. During the middle ages, the church used images and art as a way of speaking and teaching its followers. The art that was put in the church altars and windows had particular religious content.
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The Cinematic Element of Suture in the Dick Van Dyke Show episode Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1823 words) , Download 1 , Essay
According to Kaja Silverman in The Subject of Semiotics, the suture is a filming technique that is intended to shoot footage in such a way that the viewer forgets that the camera is even there. In support of this concept, Silverman also discusses that for the suture to have success, there are three tools that must accompany its use.
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Is Journalism in Decline or Being Reinvented in the Digital Age Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2305 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These include surveillance of the environment; correlation of the components of society; and transmission of the social inheritance. Journalists normally are doing the first which is surveillance. They report whatever is happening around the world. Online news sites are available in abundance and the users can get all kinds of information at any time.
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The Boy Who Cried Wolf Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2490 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It could be decorated with grasses, bushes, and trees cut from colored papers or three-dimensional decorations from Styrofoam, depending on the materials available and the budget.) Narrator: There was once a shepherd boy who was sent by his father to look after the sheep. He took along with him a bagful of food and ideas to make his day memorable.
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Objects of Desire: The Nikon FM Camera Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1694 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Nikon is globally recognized for setting new standards in product design and performance. Its unique selling proposition rests in the organization’s commitment to quality, performance, technology, and innovation (Simon, Rudi & Hauschild, 2004, p.14). 
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Nicol dell' Abate & Renaissance Masculine Expression Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Artistic works became a tool for manipulation by oligarchic or despotic rulers. Rivalries exploited independence in cities, as well as generated instability and tension. During the first decades of the sixteenth century, the arts had flourished in all of the principal cities across Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, and the Veneto ("Met Museum").  
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Whity by Rainer Werner Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Until his death, Fassbinder had written a number of movies including Avant-garde, Katzelmacher, The American Soldier, Beware of a Holy Whore, World on a Wire, just to name but a few. It shows how talented the film writer as though he died at an early age of thirty-seven years. The stars in the movie include Ron Randell, Hanna Schygulla, and Katrin Schaake (Itchload 29).
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The Binding and Control of the Female Form within the Masculine Gaze Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2526 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The male artist often chains, restrains or puts in tension the female form in order to assert control. In Hirum Power’s The Greek Slave, a narrative of passivity in chains has been asserted which allowed the work to be acceptable to the public.
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Fan Practices and Masculinity and Femininity Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
11 pages (2943 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The award-winning and critically acclaimed production: “True Blood” is an American series based on the novel series “The Southern Vampire Mysteries”; that details the co-existence of both the Human and Vampire Races in a small imaginary town, in Louisiana State.
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Yasujiro Ozu's Late Spring Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
On the other side, the director does not ignore the influence and consequences of American occupation after World War II. Still, the film provides ample importance to the problems related to marriage and family life in Japanese society.
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Film-making of Some Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1918 words) , Download 1 , Essay
After going through the different elements of the art of filmmaking, it is evident that the elements like historical contexts, themes/ narrative aspects, and stylistic/visual characteristics of the films are examinable for the comparison/ contrast section. 
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The Film Industry Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Initially, before films started to be developed, there were only motion pictures that were basically in the form of carnival novelty but as time passed by the advance from just being mere motion pictures into being films that could be visualized by the respective audience and hence create entertainment to them and more so communicate to them their intended message.
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The Movie Im Number Four Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2077 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The producer should establish a limited liability company to act as the production entity for the movie (Goldberg, 2012 p16). This company will shield the producers from personal liability arising from legal conflicts from the movie, like in the case of ‘I am number four’.    
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In What Ways is Genre portrayed in The Sopranos Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1602 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Tony soprano the psychologically disturbed leader of northern New Jersey arranged crime, observes a scene of Tommy's powers together with his mother in the public enemy” in the episode where the mother of the main character perishes. In addition, a number of other scenes in the soprano borrow words from some famous gangster films.
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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (2022 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Benjamin Button was born as an adult, and, as years passed by, he started growing younger. Ultimately, Benjamin has become a toddler and eventually died. The story revolves around the scenarios and events that occur due to the reverse growth of the film’s lead character Benjamin Button.
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Comedy A Serious Business Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
14 pages (3707 words) , Download 1 , Essay
When we think about comedy we think that it is merely there to make us forget our worries, make us laugh, and prepare us for a delightful future. However, Comedy as truly said in the quote above is a serious business. It is a serious business because unlike a real-life business, comedy has only one agenda to achieve and that is to make people laugh and be merry.
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Semiotics and Archeology Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1661 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Semiotics is used to describe the different signs and phenomena which is also known as descriptive semiotics. It then goes ahead to systemize the signs and phenomena into different theories and models, and this is known as theoretic semiotics and finally tries to apply the knowledge gained to find practical solutions which are known as applied semiotics. 
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Roy Lichtenstein: Stepping Out Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1544 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The two artists differed in fundamental ways. Warhol fetishized archetypical cultural images, such as Campbell’s Soup Can and Marilyn Monroe, in oftentimes-repetitive fashion. Lichtenstein, conversely, implemented cartoon imagery as a means of parodying a number of subject matters.    
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Relief of Mourning Women Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Humans are full of emotions. And it is only common to see them expressed in the art form, in the form of oil painting, stone carving, gold on wood, watercolors, or any form. Sitting in the Brooklyn Museum are the three mourning souls. Grief is the theme of this ancient art piece that entrances and mesmerizes the audience. Suddenly ancient Egyptian culture doesn’t seem that far away in time.
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Gender and Performativity Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2158 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Such texts often are able to understand the insidious ways in which patriarchy as a social system works and are able to look at the performative aspects of gender and how rituals affect the way in which such roles are defined. Socially accepted mannerisms and functions are them critiqued through frameworks of understanding that are at once rebellious and radical.
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Debating Cinema and Space Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
13 pages (3243 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In most cases, certain countries, states, and group of people have made hospitality part of their identified culture to mean that they are highly welcoming to all kinds of strangers who approach them. It is in this context that a number of reviewers have taken the duty of deeply researching how feasible is it for a person or group of persons to tag themselves as social perfectionists because they are highly hospitable.
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Equality, Race and Disability in Films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3558 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It is for this reason that these characters are carefully pinned down by the story writers. Since these characters are individuals showing positivistic as the well negative context of human relations in a society, these characters are merely responsible for communication with other—where other is the philosophical opposite of the same or self. 
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Glamour: Looking and Being Looked at. What makes you feel Glamorous Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The glamour perception is also drawn from the fascination which children are taught to bestow upon princess figures and stories, including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White.  Such perception is often further supported by the Barbie Dolls that they get to play with.  
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Thinking about Surveillance in the City Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2474 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The locations and the imagery referring to surveillance are not site-specific: in many cases, it is easy to replace London with another city. Like every Panopticon, it is an omnipresent allegory. However, the opposition to the regime bears some distinct historical characteristics, at least superficially. And yet, even this opposition is enacted through panopticism.
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