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Blue Jasmine is a Comedy-Drama Film - Essay Example

The focus of the paper "Blue Jasmine is a Comedy-Drama Film" is on "Blue jasmine", incorporating three communication concepts, earning, budget, non-verbal communication, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, communication skills and elements.
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Blue Jasmine is a Comedy-Drama Film
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Lecturer: Blue Jasmine Introduction Blue jasmine is a comedy-drama film produced in and directed by Woody Allen. The storyrevolves around Jasmine who falls into homelessness and poverty. There are relationship issues as Hal cheats on Jasmine. It is later revealed that all alone, what Jasmine thought Hal was, was actually not the case. He was a fraudster. They two divorce in such of a better life. Jasmines life goes from bad to good and back to bad again. In the film, there are numerous communication skills and elements applied. They include non-verbal communication, interpersonal communication, and intrapersonal communication among several others. All these are used to spice up the film and they actually do exactly that. The film was a hit as earning $95 from a little budget of $18. This is remarkable. Non-verbal communication There has been large use of non-verbal communication throughout the film. These are messages sent by an individual without necessary talking or writing. There has been large use of artifacts. A good example is when Jasmine goes for a date with Dwight; she is dressed for the occasion (Denby para: 5). The way she is dressed here is different from how she dresses while in the house. Artifacts are very important. In some areas, wearing complete black means one is attending a funeral. It is hence very important to dress in accordance to place one is and also in accordance to the occasion. Dressing gives the impression of the other. If poorly dressed, then the conclusion would be that that individual is alone and does not own a mirror too. Chronomics are also used in the film. This refers to time management. Different cultures have different chronomics. Some people are very punctual while others do not care at all. In some areas, it is punishable by law if one is late. Haptics are also largely used. This is the sense of touch. The film has a lot of haptics in it. Jasmine is married and hence they touch constantly with the husband. When she is employed by a dentist, the dentist tries to force himself on her but she quits. Hal cheats on her wife and here there is use of haptics. In life, this is a great tool to apply especially one wants something. It is very appealing. A mix of sweet words and haptics definitely bring good communication. proxemics can also be seen. This comes especially in couples. When things are good between them, they stay very close. When things go bad, the distance between them enlarges. This can be seen between jasmine and Dwight. People who are in love keep a close distant while those who are in poor relations keep a large distance. Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication is the ability to communicate among a group of people or between two individuals. It is important in solving conflicts and also bolstering relations. Different scholars have come up with different theories that try to explain the interpersonal communication. Among the theories include uncertainty reduction theory, relational dialectics theory, social penetration theory and social exchange theory among many others. Many has been said but whether a relationship lasts or ends, it depends on the effectiveness of an individual or a couple to communicate. There numerous relationships throughout the film. There blood relationship, friendship and love. All these relationship involve interpersonal communication. When jasmine is left homeless, she goes to her sister place. Here she is welcomed and one can see that clearly, this is a blood relationship. There is a lot of relationship development in the film. The first is between Hal and Jasmine. The relationship develops slowly and one can read the sign from far. Other relationships are difficult to form. This is especially when one is forcing him or herself on another partner. A good example is when the dentist tries to have a relationship with Jasmine. He is given a bad reception and never a chance. Finally, development of a relationship does not take place because of mistakes by the dentist (Blue Jasmine 7). He should have used other options. The best relationship development is that between Jasmine and Dwight. It develops gradually and for once, Jasmine seems happy. She was happy despite her knowing that she had lied to her partner. The development continues to a level where now Dwight decides to buy her a ring. The development of this relationship brings delight in the film. Relationships are normally hard to develop and maintain. However, when people manage to do so, they end up making a happy couple or friends. Relationship termination is also a common thing in life. Today, there are as many divorces as there are weeding. Terminating a relationship has become very easy. Married couples and friends alike easily terminate the relationship they both have. In the film Jasmine blue there are a lot of relationship terminations. Hal and Jasmine terminate their relationship shortly after Jasmine realizes that her husband is a fraudster. He was also a cheat because he also could cheat on her husband. The result of the relationship termination is the death of Hal. Although Hal had brought this upon himself, being in a relationship had made him better and avoided being caught. There is also another break up. This is between Jasmine and Dwight. Initially, the two had fallen so much in love. However, their love had been built on lies (Denby para: 5). When this was finally out, Dwight could not take any longer. This culminated in Jasmine being left at the roadside to find herself a way to her house. Another break up comes when the dentist and Jasmine call the business relationship they had quits. This was brought out by the dentist forcing himself on her. Intrapersonal communication This is a form of communication where an individual speaks to him or herself. It is found to be very important by some individuals. Others find it insane. An individual may be forced to speak to himself because of various reasons. Some of them include psychological pressure among many others. It takes different forms starting from those that an individual talks to himself loudly to those where the individual mummers a few word. In the film Jasmine Blue, intrapersonal is seen the most memorable is when the film comes to an end. Jasmine who throughout the movie undergoes a lot of betrayal, poor treatment and also is not respected enough; she is seen in deep thoughts of how to mend her troubled life. She is homeless, and gradually becomes poor. She is seen talking to herself in a bid to come up with a solution to her life. Work cited BLUE JASMINE (12A)". Warner Bros. British Board of Film Classification. August 23, 2013. Retrieved August 23, 2013. Denby, David (July 29, 2013). "Timely Projects". The New Yorker. Retrieved September 7, 2013. Read More
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