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Social and a Cultural Phenomenon of the Musical Hair - Case Study Example

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As the paper "Social and a Cultural Phenomenon of the Musical Hair" outlines, the influence of music is passing the intended message. Hair music created a remarkable genre that people throw inspiration from. The composition indicates the perspective of the composer on the need to embrace the new culture of music…
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The Musical Hair Hair is not just musical but more of social and a cultural phenomenon. The assertion of the musical class emphasizes freedom, cry against the political class, and fulfillment of life. Hair displayed in the late 1960s indicates a new start of a sober generation of young Americans. The inception of music “hair” defined a new genre of the music. The new ground of musical theatre helped define the “rock music’ by adopting different controversial topics. Ideally, the movement used a racially motivated cast. Galt MacDermot produced the music for “Hair” in which Gerome Ragni and James Rado wrote the lyrics. The American tribal love rock music displayed a new set of products that excited the sexual and hippie counterculture in the late 1960s. Ideally, the music presents become appealing to the anti-Vietnam War peace movement. Music profanity displays the use of sexuality, illegal drugs, nude scenes, and American flag reverences to create controversy and comment. Hair is all about group hippies referred as “tribe” the core purpose was to fight against the conscription during the Vietnam War. Both Gerome and James wrote the Hair in late 1964s. They performed other music like Hang Down Your Head and Die and then begun working together. The relationship created reflected their musical part. Rado indicated that their friendship was passionate in which they created it through creativity via writing. The drama was included in the script to make the music enjoyable and remarkable. The premiering of Hair in 1967 was sensational given the growing counterculture movement that had put theatre in the national spotlight (Maxwell, 1969). The issue, therefore, brought up concern on civil disobedience, alienation, and youthful defiance. Ideally, the challenges still resonate today. The characterization helped develop the various themes that were championed by the movement. Claude, Berger his friend and their common roommate Sheila among other tribe friends struggled to fit into the new demands as the surrounding was harsh and did not favor their existence. Their dream was to exist in a peaceful and beautiful world, but instead, it was a catastrophic scenario. Somehow they survived the ordeal given their unity and perseverance. The draft set was meant to make Claude chose between his friends and parents by conforming to the societal demands. This was difficult as the ideals Claude shared with friends were meaningful but had to pick a side to ensure the draft is drawn or accepted (MacDermot, 2015). Further understanding of Hair requires the knowledge of historical imagination. Arguably, hair brings forth the spirit of the 1960s concerning the continuous mass protests she forged to have the Vietnamese war ended. According to Charles Marowitz, the 1968 production without the Vietnam War, American objection would not have been attained. This is more of a critic than support for peaceful coexistence. The scenario allowed the culture to penetrate to the current generation on hatred. The hippy tribe as Claude joined was focused on creating a new culture. The foundation head of creating pop culture became the free-loving group. Claude being born by uptight parents wanted to join the real world and achieve the military induction as dictated by the parents, but instead, he chooses a free world. The genetic orthodoxy made Claude fail to dodge the draft before him. This as a fatal ending as he ended up being militarized and died points a useless sacrifice to go to war. The lyrics on the “Manchester England” song indicate the vivid turn of events (Smart & Horn, 1994). The belief in God comes forth as the Claude describes himself. Claude had to pretend to be Fellini to survive the war, but sadly this does not occur. In American, the struggle was to ensure there is no political interference from the outside. This can be attached to the current challenges the Trump administration is facing with other countries; for example, border wall strains U.S relations with Mexico. Attention was set to follow and create an orderly American history. Vietnam War was affecting American as the instability affected the operations of the military and business between the two countries. He was lamenting as to why life could be “Why is life dreary, Answer my weary query” (Warfield, n.d.). The melody facts follow the pop culture theme on raisings awareness and highlighting the feelings of the narrator. Equally, the sodomy lyrics highlight the commitment of the actors in telling the truth and forging for the rights of other people. The searing that the truth shall be told: "nothing but the truth” conforms to the usual cliché used in the court of law when a witness or accused persons is taking a stand (Warfield, n.d.). God is also in the contents as the lyrics include a simple but short prayer. The composer even questions God regarding terrain terms. Notably, they depict the social evil that is controversial like “Masturbation can be fun Join the holy orgy, Kama Sutra Everyone! “. The Donna lyrics are specific on the narration of a story on a virgin sixteen-year-old girl. The narrator falls in love with the girl and takes time to look for her. He even went to India to search for the love of his life (Warfield, n.d.). The quality of music depicts the different characters in the Hair music. The characters represent the issues happening in the modern world. For example, Claude is challenged by the parents to follow their ideologies hence losing his identity. He is part of the tribe movement but is torn between being obedient to his parent and following his believes. The lyrics are similar to other works done by philosophers that called for human freedom, for example, Rudolf Steiner (Maxwell, 1969). He argued that certain principles must be fulfilled for a human being to be regarded as free. It focuses on account of a relationship between perception and knowledge. The reliability of using critical thinking help gain the desired knowledge is justified. Just like Kant, human freedom is a fulfillment of self and enjoying autonomy. The tribe lyrics consider the moral law. This way, Kant emphases on respect is due to the obedience and commitment to comply with the set principles (MacDermot, 2015). The composer perception followed the outlaid guideline in setting music theatre that has been celebrated to date. The diversity he adopted includes music that expressed free love, observing drug craze, antiwar rebellions, and call for freedom. The rise of “Hair” saw it win various awards including the Grammy award (MacDermot, 2015). The cultural phenomenon grew further as the original cast was expounded. The utilization of the modern music element gave the original Broadway casts when they started the recording. The rhyme and sounds emanate from the Nashville, Liverpool, New Delhi, and New Orleans. The pulse created is still wired to today's music industry. Until his death, the composer Mr. McDermott was an accomplished pianist, versatile composers and played the instruments to capture the jazz music and create liturgical music (Maxwell, 1969). Despite other predominant shows at the time, Hair overcame the 19 other productions and emerged to be the most performed music. The data from 1969 song shows that Hair reached top 1 to 4 on the Billboard Top 40. As time passed by, the dynamics of the Hair indicted the “dawning of the age of Aquarius” that was life-changing and proof to be a remarkable experience. As can be witnessed in the modern music industry, the attachment of Hair songs shows the depth of music influence in the world. The shows offer freedom to the listeners and views to embrace the essence of having fun in life (MacDermot, 2015). The music with the multiethnic influences let to the stabilization of hip hop sampling. This way, those around has repurposed his composition, for example, Run D.M.C, Busta Rhymes, and MF Doom. Revelation by fans shows how the performances of Hair back in 1969 created an electric current between the audience and stage. Although it is morally dubious to enjoy such socks as fellatio and sodomy, the historic breakthrough of Hair is unforgettable (Warfield, n.d.). Conclusively, it is critical to note the influence of music is passing the intended message. Hair music created a remarkable genre that people throw inspiration from. The composition indicates the perspective of the composer on the need to embrace the new culture of music. The creation of cultural and social phenomenal makes Hair music to be desired by many. Following the storyline used, the conception of the tribe allows the imagination of the listeners to counter the cultural values that are followed by the mass audience, instead of following the chosen ideologies and principles. References MacDermot, G. (2015). Hair the Musical (PVG). Wise Publications. Maxwell, J. M. (1969). Hair. Book and Lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado. Music by Galt MacDermot. Theology Today, 26(2), 216-218. doi:10.1177/004057366902600222 Smart, J., & Horn, B. L. (1994). The Age of "Hair": Evolution and Impact of Broadway's First Rock Musical. Theatre Journal, 46(1), 149. doi:10.2307/3208978 Warfield, S. (n.d.). From Hair to Rent: is ‘rock’ a four-letter word on Broadway? The Cambridge Companion to the Musical, 235-249. doi:10.1017/ccol9780521862387.014 Read More
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