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Macbeth Study Guide: Characters Analysis: The Three Witches

Characters' Analysis: The Three Witches

By Shakespeare Release Year: 1623

The role of the three witches in the play is centered on leading Macbeth astray. The three witches effectively use false prophesies to lead Macbeth into waywardness. The three witches manage to convince Macbeth that he is immortal and can achieve anything he wants. They seem to be pushing for their own agenda by deceiving Macbeth.

Duncan murders King Duncan, Banquo, and Banquo’s son because of ill advice he receives from the three witches. The exact identity of the three witches is not very apparent in the play but they still manage to play a major role in the plot. It is apparent that the three witches work for Hecate. They have a lot of influence on the fate and actions of other characters yet they remain somewhat invisible. The three witches seem to be enjoying the fact that they can use their schemes to manipulate and destroy the lives of other characters.

The Three Witches - The Weird Sisters

The fact that the three witches remain invisible in the play leads them to be called the weird sisters. They seem to have the power to lead people into temptation and to commit evil against their will. They know the weaknesses of specific characters in the play and seem to use their supernatural powers to manipulate them. Their character is mischievous since they use strange potions, charms, prophecies, and spells to get people to do evil. They have the comical ability to play with people like dolls and get them to do whatever they want.

Despite the fact that their way of doing things seems comical, they manage to pass off as the most controlling and wicked characters in the play based on the fact that they manipulate others to do evil. It is, however, confusing if the witches are genuine or not because some prophecies they make seem to be fulfilled such as when Macbeth was appointed the Thane of Cawdor.

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