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Leisure is the activities which people undertake at will for the purposes of relaxation, diversion from normal obligations at times at broadening one's knowledge, or for self-development and gains (Banks, 2014, p.143). Several theories have been used by social scientists to understand and explain the concept of leisure.
Gender, race and ethnicity and social class have had an impact on my identity from the perspective of my family setting. I come from a liberal family that advocates equality in most social situations; how I interact with people from different ethnic groups, how I relate with male and female gender and how I compare myself with others who are from different socioeconomic statuses.
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Although the story may not be as ordinary as usual, it is easily relatable. For a family who has a father who killed himself, a mother who has practically stopped living after her husband's demise, a brother who has run away from all the issues of the family and a special brother who has special needs, it certainly is tough to keep such family whole in all aspects when it has been broken for the longest time to start with.
9 pages (2379 words)
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, Research Paper
The state of Alabama outlawed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. This is the reason why Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, along with other leaders in the church, organized the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. The said organization immediately waged a campaign to junk the segregationist ordinances in Birmingham.
It is a very serious matter that calls for attention and proper clarification to discourage the United States as a society.According to scholars, there is no appropriate definition of the Family. The law perceives the Family has no legal status but is determined by the circumstance. The law's role in this matter defines and enforces the individuals' rights as members of the Family.
The concept of the "culture industry" that is explained in the book of Horkheimer and Adorno is not different from the discussed propaganda in the book of Herman and Chomsky. Horkheimer and Adorno stress that mass media create one culture with all industry factors of a substantial economy.
6 pages (1558 words)
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, Book Report/Review
In "Everyday Use”, Alice Walker gives an account of the experiences of two sisters, Dee and Maggie. Dee wants to have the quilts made by her grandmother as art to identify her with her culture. Maggie, on the other hand, wants to have them because she treasures her grandmother very much.
In Japan, there is a growing number of homegrown mafia network called “Yakuza”. Although Yakuza is often being equated with other mafia groups in countries such as China, Vietnam and the Philippine, Yakuza does not live in secret like other mafia groups. It is not illegal to be a member of the Yakuza. They have business offices, business cards and even fan magazines (Adelstein, 2010).
Society and organizations are putting in place prevention and positive practices to manage, curb and stop sexual harassment in the workplace. There have been efforts to comprehend the elements and mechanisms that underpin sexual harassment in workplace settings with the implementation of better policies and practices.
The findings from the two articles are highly reliable because of the data collection methods used, which give high chances of producing accurate information. The data collection method used in the Neighborhood Conditions and Fear of Crime: A Reconsideration of Sex Differences and Women uses a method that gives the researcher a chance to compare data from different sources.
Fuel poverty, in turn, translates into income poverty as the poor have difficulty in acquiring high prices of cleaner fuels. If appropriate measures are implemented in line with the Millennium Development Goals, extending accessibility to electric energy for poor households in India is feasible by 2030.
The differences in customs, traditions, or ideologies categorize human rights within the context of such human distinctions. The position and demographics of any particular state decide the spectrum of rights for the people. From past studies, it can be said that human rights are those associated with people living in a cross-cultural spectrum.
Elucidation of the challenges facing modern youth can be found to call into question more simplistic notions of Youth as essentially a transition from one state to the other. In the biological sense, the progression is inevitable, but casting the journey simply as an inevitable process risks obscuring to researchers the self-discovery that defines the teenage years.
Authority is used to denote the power perceived as legitimate by our social order. Power can be either evil or unjust. When it comes to the corporate world, power is usually displayed as upward or downward. In the case of downward power, the superiors in the company have an influence over the subordinates and vice versa in the case of upwards.
It was in 1838, when Auguste Comte in his book Positive Philosophy, coined the term “sociology” thus making it the youngest branch or field amongst all other recognized social sciences. Over the years, sociology has emerged as a separate and distinct field of study, which only became possible by allowing it to develop a working set of perspectives.
One of the messages from this study is that better highlighting should be placed on expecting and acting in response to prospect crime series. In turn, this will need the improvement and achievement of more thorough as well as incorporated research approaches that can forecast more precisely the extent, and as significantly, the type of potential crime series.
It is extremely unfortunate that third-world countries were compelled to enforce this ideology into their system, but as the research points out countries like Chile faced a lot of violence by Western organizations before the advent of neo-liberal reforms. Argentina was a classic example where the policy turned out to be a massive failure.
Music provides a popular means to approach the youth in the UK, America, E.U., and other countries to educate them on native cultural traditions. The funds generated from music sales and other grants or donations can be used for social programs in indigenous communities that are dedicated to the protection and preservation of heritage.
The use of multimedia multiple outreach devices such as fliers, brochures, a press release sent to news media outlets, posters and recorded testimonials from other members showing the benefits that they have realized after joining this organization. This encourages many elderly people to join after knowing the benefits of this organization.
Different sociological theories interpret a social change in different ways. Structural functionalism is the theory of order and stability; therefore, structural-functionalist societies normally function in a state of equilibrium and peace (Knapp, 1994). However, at times of change family institutions become highly disorganized, and the social consensus on which they build weakens.
9 pages (2599 words)
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, Literature review
The most common theme is the perception that post-modernity is a necessary response to the redundancy of modern era concepts. Thus the common theme indicates that postmodernity is necessary for explaining and understanding current politics, and current conditions generally. Sociological theories in particular are either dead or dying and thus a sociological theory of postmodernity is appropriate.
7 pages (1866 words)
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, Research Paper
It is an appropriate title that could have been modified a little to describe the study accurately. For example, it could have been ‘We are the faces of the successes’. This is because the study mentions numerous successes that have been achieved by various peer parents throughout the child welfare programs.
Marx examines the history of labour and production and its progression. By doing so, Marx realistically points out that capitalism has emerged to demonstrate that the value of commodities is distinct from labour. In fact, Marx points out that labour is often exploited in the pursuit of profits which is often driven by competition.
The fact that not many people have filed cases against sentences made by the Hong Kong court does not mean that they have been fair and just in their rulings, if many people are investigated, they will admit that there has been a lot of leniencies but they can do nothing against that due to limited power and knowledge.
10 pages (2846 words)
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, Literature review
Identity here refers to the feeling of belonging to a larger social group by an individual. Culture defines a person in that; one is able to identify oneself with the beliefs and ideals of a given community (Abimböla, pp.20). These attributes are passed from one generation to another. Language plays a key role as the medium in which these elements are communicated to succeeding generations.
The results further reveal that the level of happiness varies in the three countries whereby respondents from the United Kingdom showed higher odds of being happier than the ones from Spain and Portugal. Suggestions for further analysis are to include interactions between gender and country so as to check how men and women behave in the three counties.
9 pages (2481 words)
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, Research Paper
Consequently, society judges women in the same way that they are portrayed in various media productions. This should not be the case; women should be portrayed in a similar way to men in the media so that the society would be sensitized and know that women just like men should have the same capabilities.
Even sociologists believed that failures of the socialization process were plausible. These failures were viewed as more probable when the structure of the family diverged from what was thought to be most appropriate, namely, a two-parent family wherein one parent focus on waged employment and the other focused on free labor required in the domestic or household domain.
12 pages (3298 words)
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, Literature review
Dyregrov, Plyhn, and Dieserud (2010) note that the church, politicians, health services, and professionals suggest that suicide is affected by the view held by society. They argue that the way suicide is explained and understood in society also leads to creation and upholding the attitudes that the deceased’s bereaved family has towards themselves and how they are taken by others.
Having existed since the nineteenth century, the Sicilian Mafia utilized various methods to ensure that the authorities did not tamper with their activities. The Sicilian Mafia deployed strategies like bribes, murdering their own members, judges, witnesses, lawyers, and politicians to promote their behavioral impunity and immunity.
Glen Miller formed the WPP in North Carolina, in 1980. It grew in number, thanks in large part to the disenfranchisement of youths in the area due to loss of employment to foreigners. The group was involved in various terrorist activities against racial minorities. These included taunts, violence, and even murder.
Inequalities in social and health care can be increased in persons who survive a cancer diagnosis. The treatment and cancer experience, especially in adolescence and childhood may have a consequence that is long term. This can lead to disruption of attainment of education and social functions in academic subjects thus increasing the risk of the disparities of health.
To overcome gender inequalities, parents and the society at large offer much support and encouragement to female children; in so doing the barriers to achievements have been broken thus enhancing success in curbing gender inequality. The cultural practices in society limited the female gender from participating in various activities such as voting and employment before the 20th century.
14 pages (3854 words)
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, Literature review
Although the mayor of London promised to tackle the issue upon taking office in 2008, the problem of homelessness continues to bite in London. The major causes of homelessness in London, according to reports, include high prices of housing, increased migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, as well as the housing shortage.
The most problematic thing in a human relationships can be finding a common language with representatives of cultures or ethnicities that are different from personal. Distinct language, attitudes, backgrounds, and the low degree of mutual understanding between people can become a real obstacle to communication.
19 pages (4934 words)
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, Literature review
Depression is also known as clinical depression, major depressive disorder, or simply major depression. Individuals affected by depression can experience a low mood, which can affect their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings, leading to an aversion to activity. Individuals suffering from fro0m depression may also feel anxious, helpless, hopeless, restless, guilty, or worthless.
The film When Harry Met Sally “is depictive of love in desperation. Harry asserts the claim that no man and woman can be friends without sex coming into play. After several coincidental meetings at the airport and in a bookstore, the two developed a love for each other but this could not materialize into a serious relationship with both Sally and Hurry are engaged.
The focus of user involvement strategies is to constantly devise plans with a view to ensuring optimum involvement of service users. It is concerned with developing policies concerning the best possible manner to optimize and involve ordinary citizens in decision making with regard to public services and welfare policies.
Apart from the economic impacts, there were also cultural impacts due to immigration, with the immigrant population being criticized for not acculturating with the host country. As immigration, as well as migration, happened due to the wish of the individuals to have permanent or even temporary residence, it also impacted the development of infrastructures for residences.
Business people were interested in increasing production in the past; however, they are currently trying to strengthen their marketing activities. Effective marketing campaigns increase consumerism. Purchasing is no more a physical need but a psychological need. Many people have the habit of purchasing certain things not for using it, but for getting social recognition.
Chatterjee himself answers this question by arguing that the record of Governmentality in the universal “South” is wholly distinct as a direct consequence of the essential colonial encounter. In the Western scenario, the history of citizenship moves along from the establishment of civic rights in any civil society to political rights in the wholly developed nation-state.
Debt and issues arising from equity should not be contemporaneous with investments. This may allow firms to issue equity one year in advance to the intended investments. This decision will thus affect the amount of equity or equity that is issued in that current year. This will help us in examining the relative costs of financing alternative change with the investment environment becoming lesser transparent.
When people travel and emigrate they know they will have to adjust and comply with local laws and mores of their new homeland. However, they also want to retain a sense of their identity as people of their old homeland. They do so by retaining elements of their culture which do not conflict sharply with those of their new homeland. Islamic Sharia law is not acceptable to most Americans.
Through diversification, insurance institutions and other social security bodies have expanded. As a result, the sufficiency of family and individuals' income is safe. Notably, the power of provision of such basics needs was at a crossroads before the social amenities came into rescue. Notably was the creation of Employment Insurance policy in 1940 (Raphae 142).
Social factors indicate that women are more burdened by the nature of poverty as it affects disease with men and women both seeing wide disparities in mortality between the rich and the poor. In looking at the nature of health and wellbeing as it is defined by gender differences, the need for more gender centered research emerges as an imperative in the 21st century.
Marx thought of ideology as the outcome of economic determinants whereas according to Weber, it was a view naïve and simplistic. Weber’s sociology is realistic rather than idealistic whereas the sociology of Marx and Durkheim is idealistic instead of realistic. Weber is a non-positivist whereas Marx and Durkheim are positivists.
The Chinese restaurant presents a neat and clean dining place, though the same serves as a symbol of globalization for a sociologist, which presents the Chinese cuisine and culture through it. Moreover, the presence of an Arab woman in a veil represents the Islamic civilization had been in vogue for the last fourteen centuries.
In view of this, it has analyzed the experiences of the victims while still in the war. It has gone ahead to analytically look at the symptoms of the victims of PTSD in the society that they live in as well as how the society views them. Thinkers are very important in the creation of an effective environment for the habitation of both victims and the other members of society. This was also discussed.
13 pages (3590 words)
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, Literature review
The evidence from research indicates that education has an impact on women’s lives, including their fertility as well as the desired number of children. However, various countries reveal differing effects of women’s education on the number of children. In developed countries as in those studied in Europe, it was found that higher education levels tended to increase the number of children.
Language can be truthful or false, it can be intentional or infelicitous, or it can even be happy or unhappy. The meaning behind language has the capacity to be genuine or disingenuous. The disingenuous result of performative utterances as they are performed on the stage or in any fictionalized expression is considered parasitic by John Austin.