Dicussion Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words. https://studentshare.org/sociology/1886731-dicussion
Dicussion Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words. https://studentshare.org/sociology/1886731-dicussion.
Symbolic boundaries are present in the social environment of every individual from different classes. Considering the symbolic boundaries that I have witnessed around me include religious thinking that creates a distinction between classes the profane and sacred (Callaghan, 1994).
In addition, the most common symbolic boundary that tends to impact the social lives of people is the pattern of achieving knowledge. Not all groups within society are considered to be curious. Therefore, groups that share a similar thirst for gaining knowledge merge themselves into one category. This is evident within my social boundary as well because I pursue a higher degree (Callaghan, 1994).
Symbolic boundaries are in no way similar to that social boundaries.
Through the above analysis, it can be well asserted that symbolic boundaries remain a very evident aspect of our lives. We are fully surrounded by thoughts and categories that make us stay in a group with an identity.