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Conflict in Family - Coursework Example

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The paper "Conflict in Family" tells us about different views or beliefs that clash. Sometimes conflict can occur when people misunderstand each other and jump to the wrong conclusion. Issues of conflict that are not resolved peacefully can lead to arguments and resentment…
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Conflict in Family
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Economic stress in Smith's family could lead to an area of family conflict. The conflict would manifest itself in arguments between Smith and his wife, Ray. The couple could argue about the way to pay rent, health insurance, and quality education for the three kids. Smith may look down on his kids as the source of his financial troubles. Benokraitis argues that unemployed workers tend to blame their problems on the expensive education system and increased tax burdens (p.372). The three children may blame their parents for the lack of accessories that other kids have in school and the neighborhood. The family would have dealt with increasing costs of living if Smith’s wife has an extra income. The family could suffer from profound stress and clinical problems (Skolnick 359).

Coping with Stress

Smith’s family can cope with stress due to the tough economic situation by asking for professional support. Professional support would direct them to counseling services and financial planners that can help the family take over the financial situation. The strategy would not only help the Smith family roll out ways of generating income but also reduce the unnecessary expenses that can boost their budget. Affordable Care Act can also offer a remedy for health insurance dilemmas. The health of the family is essential and could be accessed through affordable insurance coverage in the Act. The act would enable Smith to cut tax burdens, increase education chances for his children, and enjoy regulated health spending. Smith would be a shield from expensive insurance policies covering the family at in the current situation.

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