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Attitude to People with Intellectual Disability: An Australian Perspective Social science Literature review
7 pages (2031 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The study's hypothesis stated that the Australians, but not Japanese athletes, would show self-serving biases and attribute to causes that are more internal and easily controlled than the causes that attribute losses. This was basically the study's main hypothesis and formed the basis of the study's aims and objectives.
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Effect of Viewing Television on the Children Academic Performance Social science Essay
6 pages (1612 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Effect of Viewing Television on the Children Academic Performance " is an outstanding example of a social science essay. In any society, children will be considered as a big asset apart from showing uniqueness from each other. When a child is educated it is hoped that the education will contribute greatly to the child’s personality development with all the learning experiences.
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Four Main Debates in the Field of Global Strategy Social science Essay
12 pages (3344 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Four Main Debates in the Field of Global Strategy” is a provoking example of the essay on social science. In spite of culture being a critical part of global business research, it fails to be part of the core research underpinning the essence of global strategy. This is because of the tendency of culture to be more micro in comparison to the essence of strategy, which is more macro.
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The Concept of Global Citizenship Social science Essay
7 pages (1862 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Concept of Global Citizenship " is a perfect example of a social science essay. The concept of global citizenship matters a lot to me and the wider society in many ways. My first encounter with the concept of global citizenship during this course threateningly suggested an encounter with a highly complex concept that covers a lot of disciplines.
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Stimulating Demand for Tobacco due to Advertising Social science Literature review
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Stimulating Demand for Tobacco due to Advertising” is a perfect example of a literature review on social science. Most governments use policy as the most preferred attempt to address problems.
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Philosophical Paradigms in Social Research on Organizational Capacity for Change Social science Essay
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Philosophical Paradigms in Social Research on Organizational Capacity for Change” is an actual variant of essay on social science. It is evident that social research on the organizational capacity for change (OCC) is a form of action research that is essential in solving practical problems, enhancing the existing theory, creating an implementation framework in behavioral science.
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Nicholas Cage - Celebrity Social science Literature review
7 pages (2075 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Nicholas Cage - Celebrity" is an outstanding example of a social science literature review. One of America’s most charming and attractive actors of all time is the world-famous Nicolas Cage. Born on January 7th, 1964, in Long Beach, California, USA, this 6’ 1” tall actor is the recipient of an Oscar and a Golden Globe Award.
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Australian Social Policy Social science Essay
11 pages (3042 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Australian Social Policy" is a perfect example of an essay on social science. A reflective journal is a discussion of different topics that gives a person's opinion on the matter after having gone through the subject matter then contemplating about the information (Whited & Trujillo, 2005).
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Views from the Health Sector on Generic Cigarette Packaging Social science Essay
7 pages (2149 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Views from the Health Sector on Generic Cigarette Packaging" is a perfect example of a social science essay. Cigarette smoking has been associated with the development of numerous non-communicable health conditions. Many measures have been put in place by the government to reduce the prevalence of health conditions associated with smoking.
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National Policies and Strategies Social science Essay
7 pages (2134 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “National Policies and Strategies” is a forceful example of the essay on social science. The prevailing conditions within any nation always determine its policies and strategies of growth. Conditions like poverty, health inequalities, social exclusion, and discrimination towards meeting the millennium development goals are some of the key prevalent situations.
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Is Global Society the New Source of Accountability in Global Governance or Composed of Embedded Elites Social science Essay
8 pages (2309 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Is Global Society the New Source of Accountability in Global Governance or Composed of Embedded Elites?” is a dramatic variant of the essay on social science. The global civil society has emerged as a force to reckon with on the global arena in their bid to democratize decision-making processes, protection of human rights, and the provision of essential services to the extremely needy.
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The Back Background and Specific Events Leading up to the Incident Social science Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Back Background and Specific Events Leading up to the Incident Is a wonderful example of a Social Science Essay. Reflecting upon past events is of utmost importance for all the students and professionals as well, since it enables them to develop their communication skills, future performance enhancement, and their conflict resolution skills.  
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Marijuana Abuse in Australia Social science Essay
7 pages (1809 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Marijuana is illegal in Australia as a result of the harm that it causes to the users. It has the potential of causing mental problems as well as some other forms of health complications. The abuse of marijuana usually leads users to other hard drugs. It is reported that about 33.5% of adults above the age of 22 years have smoked marijuana.
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Drug Abuse Action Planning and Key Risks Social science Essay
8 pages (2351 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is essential to state that drugs continue to sweep nations killing approximately 1400 teens annually. Besides, its abuse not only involves the youths but also the adults who in the end succumb to the negative effects associated with drug consumption. However, teens are the most vulnerable to drug abuse.
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Terrorism and International Tourism Social science Essay
11 pages (3011 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Terrorism and International Tourism" is an outstanding example of a social science essay. International tourism is considered one of the most promising industries in the world. This is primarily because it offers employment opportunities to millions of people across the world. The international tourism sector also supports many economies, especially in the developing world.
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Relationship between International Tourism and Terrorism Social science Essay
9 pages (2655 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Relationship between International Tourism and Terrorism" is an outstanding example of a social science essay. The basis of the report is “Terrorism is an enigmatic and compelling phenomenon, and its relationship with tourism is complex and multifaceted” (Baker, 2014). This is a clear indication that the effect of terrorism on international tourism can be very adverse.
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Systems Thinking and Sustainability Challenges Social science Essay
8 pages (2554 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Systems Thinking and Sustainability Challenges" is a great example of an essay on social science. The critical state of an environmental, social, and economic system is reinforced by increasing complexity, uncertainty, and velocity. Despite the trendiness and popularity of the term ‘sustainability’, it has been hard to achieve the required sustainable development in the global arena.
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Systems Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges Social science Essay
7 pages (2240 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Systems Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Sustainability has gained attention from scholars and practitioners and has proven to be an important concept. Sustainability is the adoption and incorporation of environmental and social principles into decision-making processes.
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Are Restorative Justice Principles Universal Social science Essay
9 pages (2591 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Are Restorative Justice Principles Universal?" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Restorative justice is an alternative approach to justice that focuses on the needs of both the offender and the victim as opposed to the need to satisfy the abstract principles of law (need to punish).
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The Realities of Life in Wealthy Society in the UK Social science Essay
8 pages (2296 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Realities of Life in Wealthy Society in the UK" is a good example of a social science essay. The family can be defined as a private enclave that requires protection from the encroachment of the public sphere so as to fulfill its role as a haven of psychic renewal for the breadwinner. The family in society originates as a biological unit.
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A Family Can Be Defined as a Married Heterosexual Couple and Their Children Social science Essay
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'A Family Can Be Defined as a Married Heterosexual Couple and Their Children ' is a wonderful example of a Social Science Essay. This essay critically examines the conflicting developments and views in regard to the family as a basic social unit in the community. In light of this, the paper outlines the perceptions and interpretations of various social sciences disciplines.
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Effect of Globalization to Society Social science Essay
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Effect of Globalization to Society" is a great example of a social science essay. Globalization is a process that involves the cooperation and integration of societies in different parts of the world. This process has a far-fetching reputation due to the effects that came with it. Globalization as an idea has both proponents and opponents.
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Terrorism Attack Schemes in the United States Social science Essay
7 pages (1973 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Terrorism Attack Schemes in the United States ' is a great example of a Social Science Essay. Terrorism in the United States has been one of the greatest security concerns of different administrations that have risen to power over the last many decades. America has often been on the threat of terrorism for a long time, and history has it that the country has suffered huge losses. 
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Globalization and Public Policy Social science Essay
10 pages (2913 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A community has been defined from two different perspectives including the social and biological perspectives. Socially, it has been defined as a group of people living together or interacting in a given space for a given time. Thus, it is referred as a bigger unit than a family or a householder. Cohesiveness among members of the community is one of the key factors making up a community.
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The Effects of Prohibiting Smoking in the Public Places Social science Essay
6 pages (1742 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Effects of Prohibiting Smoking in the Public Places" is a good example of a social science essay. It is a well-documented fact that the smoking of cigarettes in public places imposes health and environmental health risks and, therefore, burdens society in many ways. Through an analysis of the externalities of smoking in public, this paper will explore the consequences that cigarette consumption in public imposes upon society.
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The Emergency Planing Arrangement Social science Essay
9 pages (2601 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Emergency Planning Arrangement" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. An emergency is a circumstance or series of events that threaten or result in serious damage to human welfare, security, or the environment. In the United Kingdom, it is defined under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
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Some Ways in Which Governments and Gambling Operators Might Minimize Harm Social science Essay
8 pages (2254 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Some Ways in Which Governments and Gambling Operators Might Minimize Harm' is a good example of a Social Study Essay. Gambling is wagering of money or something that has value with the aim of primarily getting additional money or something though it is uncertain as Raylu et al. (2002) defined. Mostly it operates in three elements which include a consideration, chance, and prize.
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Causes of the Widened Gap between the Poor and the Rich in India Social science Essay
8 pages (2269 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Causes of the Widened Gap between the Poor and the Rich in India" is an outstanding example of a social science essay. There is a high poverty gap between the rich and the poor in India. These have made India have nearly a third of the estimated world’s poor despite have had very few great billionaires.
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The Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor in China Social science Essay
8 pages (2398 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Widening Gар Bеtwееn Riсh and Рооr in China" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Despite the impressive economic growth, poverty is still a notable and conspicuous feature of the Chinese society. The many years of economic growth in china has produced a large population of rich people.
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Why the Gap Between Rich and Poor Has Widened in China Social science Essay
8 pages (2254 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Why the Gap Between Rich and Poor Has Widened in China" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. China despite being the main exporter of the world’s demands is not yet close to being a developed country. The country faces many problems but the key among these issues is the disparity in the economic levels of its citizens.
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Globalisation and Increased Regional Economic Integration Social science Essay
6 pages (1791 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Globalization and Increased Regional Economic Integration" is an excellent example of an essay on social science. Globalization refers to the extension of various patterns of the tradition of international economic activities towards higher levels and new places in trade, technology, finance, production, information, and investment.
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Australian Health Care Agreements Social science Essay
12 pages (3612 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Australian Health Care Agreements" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Public economics is the study of economic policy. Economic policies can be applied in determining alternative policies and settling on the optimal policy. Developing alternative policies entails theorizing the manner in which economic agents select their actions.
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Various Definitions of Terrorism Social science Essay
9 pages (2471 words) , Download 0 , Essay
States have this capability because there is more focus on effective global counter-terrorism based on policing and intelligence, as well as consideration of values. For instance, the United States continues to strengthen its counterterrorism strategies such as a new strategy based on the “laser focus” approach.
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Human Rights-Based Practice and Community Development Social science Essay
8 pages (2485 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The system installed for tendering the management of detention centers should be gotten rid of, and all the management should go back to the government to allow for better control. All the initial screening of Asylum seekers should also include checking for trauma and torture and giving these individuals priority (Edwards 2011).
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Ethnography of Tasting Australia Event in Adelaide Social science Essay
8 pages (2121 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Also, the room is left for people for enjoying themselves with friends and family without congesting or interrupting the others. My friends and I have interesting conversations and due to my curiosity; I’m always eager to find out what the other people are offering (Fetterman 2010). However, my little realm of existence during such excursions has led me to interact with professionals in the food and drinks industry.
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Journal of Leisure Concepts Social science Essay
8 pages (2339 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Leisure is usually defined or explained as the antithesis of work and according to analysts both leisure and work share an interconnected relationship with each other. Leisure, on a broad perspective simply means enjoying our free time away from work and indulging in activities that not only engage our interests but make it enjoyable. Leisure could be in the form of entertainment, sport, tourism, pursuing a hobby, recreation, or just relaxation.
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Can an Increase in Jobs Pay Change Society and Crime Happening in Todays Life Social science Essay
6 pages (1695 words) , Download 0 , Essay
America is amongst the countries that experience many social problems that affect the wellbeing and the security of its people. Among the social problems that America is grappling with include high crime rates and high rates of unemployment. In order to fight some of these social problems in society, there has been a proposal for an increase in the wage rate in the country.
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The Management of Feral Cats Social science Essay
9 pages (2834 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is believed that cats and men began socializing about 12,000 years ago. This was after man shifted from predominant hunting to settling down for more inclusive farming. The settlement of man led to the establishment of stores of main grain; this led to an invasion by rodents.
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Stopping Mass Shootings in the United States Social science Essay
7 pages (2099 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Gun violence is a serious issue in the United States. Mass shootings, in particular, have become a common phenomenon that worries Americans, according to Beck, Balfe, and Beck (2013). The recent San Bernardino mass shooting that left 16 people dead and 14 others seriously injured are just one of the many incidences involving mass shootings in the country.
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Suicide amongst the Youth Social science Essay
6 pages (1991 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Introduction Suicide, particularly amongst the youth is on the rise in Australia.  Statistics show that in the year 2013, 2522 people died of the suicide of which 22 were youth of ages below 14 years, 148 were between 15 years- 19 years and 200 were between 20 years- 24 years. It is therefore evident that suicide amongst the youth is rampant and is on the rise.
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Neo-Liberal Institutionalism Social science Essay
8 pages (2423 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the world shrinks and becomes a global village with diverse integration of political, social, economic, and even religious and other institutional components has led to much proposing neo-liberal institutionalism around the world. It implies that the state is the key primary actor in fostering international relations.
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Late Modernity Theory and Public Relation Social science Essay
15 pages (4156 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The late modernity theory has been used to describe the increasing status levels of modernity in current societies. Therefore, instead of a post-modern state being achieved, the social theorists called the current trends in modernity the late modernity due to its close linkage to the public relations present in society today.
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Sexual Identity Social science Essay
6 pages (1897 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Butt (2001), sexual identity is closely associated with the perceptions of gender, gender roles, gender bias, and sexual orientation.  The Sexual identity of a person cannot be separated from the social background of an individual according to the social construction theory.  According to Social construction, the institution a person passes through in life shapes the sexual identity of an individual.
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Finance Service for the Poor - Adolescent, Homeless and Housing Social science Essay
7 pages (1998 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Finance Service for the Poor - Adolescent, Homeless, and Housing" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Since time immemorial, society has been having poor people and also the rich at the same time. The rich and stable are advised to help the poor since it is acceptable not only in the eyes of man but also in the eyes of God.
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Social Security and How It Works Social science Essay
8 pages (2292 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Social Security and How It Works” is a pathetic variant of the essay on social science. Originally the term social security was used to describe any curriculum with the intention of helping individuals with inadequate monetary resources. Social Security is one of the most accepted federal programs, yet most people do not know much about it and how it works.
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The Millennium Development Goals of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Social science Essay
9 pages (2306 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Millennium Development Goals of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka" is an excellent example of an essay on social science. The author of the paper states that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) mark a remarkable and effective method of global deployment in achieving vital social priorities worldwide.
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Is Democracy Culture Specific or Universal Social science Essay
10 pages (2851 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Is Democracy Culture Specific or Universal" is a great example of a social science essay. Democracy is one of the most talked-about and discussed topics today. It remains a contentious issue among History scholars and political scientists. While others believe that democracy works only in a specific culture, others hold that it works universally (Shin 2012).
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Economic Development of Bangladesh since 1960 Social science Essay
8 pages (2419 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Economic Development of Bangladesh since 1960" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. The Republic of Bangladesh is one of the lower-middle-income countries in the world. According to the World Bank, countries with GNI per capita of between US $1,026 and 4,036 are considered low middle-income countries.
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Is There a Clash of Civilizations Social science Essay
10 pages (2692 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Is There a Clash of Civilizations" is a great example of a social science essay. Civilization refers to a form of social progress in which societies attain an advanced level of organization and development. Over the years, the universe has been characterized by various forms of civilization. The nature of the civilization that characterizes a particular region largely depends on its cultural practices, religion.
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Is Gambling an Acceptable Form of Leisure Social science Essay
9 pages (2493 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Is Gambling an Acceptable Form of Leisure' is a great example of a Social Science Essay. The issue of whether gambling is a permissible form of leisure has been and remains to be a bone of contention amongst people in the society. In other words, the acceptability or unacceptability of gambling as a form of leisure varies from one individual to the other.
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