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To Find the Recidivism Rate Among Parolees - Essay Example

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The research will focus on recidivism and the recidivism rate among parolees, especially the reasons and the factors which influence the process of increasing criminal activities and other anti-social actions. The proposed study is to analyze the term ‘recidivism'…
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To Find the Recidivism Rate Among Parolees
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Introduction: The research will focus on recidivism and the recidivism rate among parolees, especially the reasons and the factors which influence the process of increasing criminal activities and other anti-social actions. The proposed study is to analyze the term ‘recidivism’, what causes for the recidivism, what are the reasons behind it and its impact upon the social structure of the society are pointed out. “Recidivism is usually thought of as a falling back which reverses progress, and is sometimes also called backsliding for that reason.” (Smith, 2009). Here the term ‘recidivism’ stands for the falling back to criminal behavior and a coming back to crimes. There are many reasons the people repeat the same crimes. The individual’s environment, social relations, economic and religious backgrounds and rehabilitation process are the major factors promoting the growth of recidivism the society never ready to accept offenders after their release. The authority fails to give sufficient job vacancies and most of the cases rehabilitation process could not reach the proposed level. The proposed research will seek to establish the current relationship between the current rate of recidivism and various reasons which help recidivism. The major factors which motivate recidivism are drug addiction, lack of education, lack of employment, and discrimination (racial and economic). Most of the cases the ex- offenders return to the negative environment that they left. Therefore they forced by entering anti- social activities. Even the best intentioned convicts face devastating challenges when they return their communities. Through the words of Edward Kennedy one can easily find the state of recidivism in the United States. He says “State prisons are operating at full capacity and sometimes as much as 14 percent above capacity, and Federal prisons are 34 percent above capacity. In 2005, prison populations in 14 States rose at least 5 percent. Recidivism and inadequate reentry programs add to the problem. Over 600,000 prisoners are released each year, but two-thirds of them are arrested again within 3 years.” (Kennedy, 2007). The given statement rightly comments about how the rate of recidivism follows a frequent growth in America. When an ex- prisoner re enter to the prison Americans pay a price, the community forced to take social and financial responsibility. If the recidivism rate among the parolees increase, then it will be difficult for government and other governmental bodies to lessen it. As it is viewed that the recidivism rate is growing up, the study needs much care and focus on the proposed topic, that is, “Recidivism rate among the Parolees.” Aims and Objectives: The aim of the proposed research is to explore the factors between the occurrence of recidivism and the rate and mortifying causes of recidivism in Present society. The paper will consider whether concerns over increasing rate of recidivism are real and whether the social and communal reasons mortify the process of recidivism. The core aspects of the research will critically analyze the term recidivism and the rate of recidivism in America and how it affect American society. The research will seek to address the following questions to help explain the impact it has had on the contemporary society. 1. What is the current state of recidivism in the United State? Does it create problems in American society? 2. Recidivism: is it really a problem? Or the current criminal judiciary system mortifying the problem? 3. What are the underlying causes in relation to the increasing rate of recidivism? 4. Has there been a change in the levels of recidivism in recent years? What is the modern concern about recidivism? Research methodology: The research paper will base on a secondary type of research to complete the study. The paper will be qualitative in type as the subject enquiry is extremely debatable. The problem to be explored would therefore employ within the library gaining information from sources which have already considerably researched in a same context. Here have been collecting number of newspaper articles, online journals and general literature help tom gain a focus and evaluate evidence as develop the research. Some of the data to be analyzed will be qualitative as it will be used to check the different hypothesis concerning recidivism, various causes and the growing rate of recidivism. It will include the report of Bureau of Justice Statistics, report by New Jersey Department of Corrections, and the survey report by New Jersey State Parole Board. The analysis of data sets will particularly focus on current rate of recidivism among paroles and common attitudes towards it. It is indented to carry out a small content analysis through out the research which would be observing the media, mainly newspaper articles and journals. Other research will come from academic books, online journals and press releases. It will be specially look at the following books as they are more relevant in to this research. (Bartol &Bartol, Anne, 2008). (Champion, 1993). Literature Review: The literature review covers some of the literatures in connection with recidivism, offence among the adolescence, the effect of recidivism, a psychological approach of the offenders of crime. Recidivism generally refers to the repetition of a behavior and it is usually used in a negative sense. It can more clearly be defined as the repetition of a socially unacceptable or morally questionable behavior despite punishment or training to discourage the behavior. Allen R. Beck’s book, ‘Recidivism: A Fruit Salad Concept in the Criminal Justice World’ rightly comments about the term ‘recidivism’. This book analyses different factors like psychology of crime and victimization, and psychology as applied to criminal and civil courts. The book also deals with criminal behavior, forensic psychology, and psychology and law-the book highlights how forensic psychology has contributed to the understanding of criminal behavior and crime prevention. Here he says: “Failure,” on the other hand, is a broad term that often encompasses both relapse into criminal behavior and the exhibition of non-criminal behavior that is unacceptable in correctional programs. (Bartol, Curt & Bartol, 2008). “Measuring offender risk” by Dean J. Champion is a book that analyses the different methods adopted by the local, state and federal authorities to handle the adult and the young offenders. The book also deals with the words of criminologists, penologists, and law enforcement personnel about optimizing institutional classifications and parole board decisions. In his book Dean J. Champion has observed different offenders and how the justice system makes critical decisions about offender risks and needs. When he evaluated the role of government and other factors in improving the conditions of offenders he has reviewed that there “Needs assessment devices are instruments that measure an offenders personal/ social skills, health well-being and emotional stability, educational level and vocational strengths and weaknesses, alcohol/drug dependencies, mental ability, and other relevant factors, and which highlight those areas for which services are available and could or should be provided.” (Champion, 1993,p.19). The different perspectives of preventing crimes and the recidivism in America and Japan have been dealt in the book “Preventing Crime in America and Japan: A Comparative Study” by Robert Y. Thornton, Katsuya Endo. This book clearly illustrates the crime rates in America and in Japan and focuses on the fact that the crime rate in America is greater than Japan. It points to the threat of crime and suggests different methods to prevent crime which appears in different forms in the modern world. Most of the cases the ex- prisoners fail to regenerate their life after releasing. Lack of employment facilities, financial support and other social disadvantages are force them to re enter anti- social activities. Essex and Camden counties present challenges to adults and juveniles attempting to successfully reenter society from prison, especially with regard to finding or preparing oneself for employment and supporting oneself financially. The residents of Essex and Camden counties, and particularly those of the cities of Newark and Camden, face many economic and social disadvantages compared to many other parts of the state. (Travis, et al). A report submitted by Bureau of Justice Statistics says :”67.5% of the released prisoners were re arrested within the three year period. Of the total, 49.9% were convicted of a new crime and 25.4% were sentenced to prison for a new crime. By the end of three years, 51.8% of the group was back in prison because of a new sentence or a violation of their old centence.” (Needham & Shipp, 2003, p.275-281). The journal article, “The Prediction of Recidivism among Federally Sentenced Offenders: A Re-Validation of the SIR Scale” analyses various risks involved in the releasing of the offenders. The assessment of offender risk is a real problem to the authorities, particularly in program allotting and in promoting safe release of offenders. In order to lessen the risks, Objective offender risk assessment instruments have been introduced in countries like Canada. “One such instrument is the Statistical Information on Recidivism (SIR) scale. The SIR scale was developed in the early 1970s and the present study reports on a re-validation along with an examination of the scales ability to predict violent recidivism.” (Canadian Journal of Criminology, Vol.38, 1996.) This offender risk management makes suitable packages for different offenders in accordance with their behavior. This risk management should be aimed at the offenders, considering their physical, mental relaxation, human resource allocation, and the restriction of liberty while they are in parole. Higher risk offenders should be treated with intensive treatment services and the low risk offenders should be with less monitoring and supervision from the staff, individuals and from others. Though the application of the risk management varies in the case different offenders, it should be executed carefully as it may lead the offender to commit other crimes. In countries like Canada, parole is allowed for all the sentenced offenders and there are some parole bodies to control the parole. (Bonta et al, 1996). Recidivism is seen equally among the adults and in the adolescence. When an adolescent is into a crime, it is difficult for him to come back easily to his former life and he will have the tendency to follow the crimes later on his life. Most of the studies about the adolescents show that they are bewitched with the sudden luxuries and splendor of life and are tended to repeat the crimes. The book, “Adolescent Psychiatry” by Lois Flaherty, Flaherty, Michael rightly points to this factor and it is a study about child psychology which lights to the real nature of adolescents who are misled to the ways of crime. Some of them will be able to come back to life after some psychological treatments but even then there remains the possibility for turning to the ways of crime. This book also focuses on an analysis of sex crimes of the adolescence, and the evaluation and treatment of the boys who have been sexually abused by the clergy. When analysing the recidivism rates, one can see that it is increasing. To prove it the authors have adopted the words of Quency when he says, “Despite concerns that sex offences have among the highest recidivism rates relative to other violent crimes, a small group of adult offenders are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and the course of offending varies based on the nature of the offence” so one cannot fully say that recidivism grows up only because of the influence of the adults but there are some other facts leading it. (Flaherty, Flaherty & Michael, 2004). The various literatures mentioned above will take conclusions after the discussion and analysis and may reach in the conclusion that whether the recidivism rate is a threat to American or other societies. It will also attempt to reach the findings that adults are the real causes for the crimes and they make the young offenders. Discussion and Analysis: The discussion and analysis attempted here is based on the above literature review. It is focused on the studies that whether the rate of recidivism among parolees is an increasing state. Which are the factors that exert their influence in it? The discussion mainly based on the question, Does the rate of recidivism among paroles is follows a growing status? On the basis of the literature review one can easily find that the rate of recidivism among the paroles is high in the United States. The review points out that there are 67.5% of ex- prisoners were rearrested and 25.4% returned to prison with a new sentence. The increasing rate of recidivism among paroles affects the American community. Majority of cases the ex-prisoners fail to regenerate their former life and society never ready to accept them as a normal citizen and consider them as outsiders. Lack of employment facilities, financial stability, and social disadvantages are the mortifying factors in this case. The journal article named A Portrait of Prisoner Reentry in New Jersey reveals the harmful condition of American states in case of the growing rate of recidivism among paroles. Present Criminal judiciary system fails to ensure to provide proper rehabilitation measures for the ex-prisoners. There is an indirect influence on the part of Judiciary towards growing recidivism. The residents of Essex and Camden counties face the harmful effect of recidivism. In most of the countries recidivism rate are increasing and the persons those who are released from prisons after their punishment, are again tended to come back to prisons by doing another crime or by doing a crime of the same kind that he once did. A report of the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. government states that the recidivism rate of state prisoners is growing up during the years 1994 to 2002. The report was based on 272,111 inmates from prisons in 15 states in 1994(see appendix-1). The given report shows the percentage of ‘rearrested’, ‘reconvicted’ and the number of the ‘returned prisoners with a new sentence’. From the table is clear that 29.9% of the released prisoners were rearrested for repeating crimes within the short period of six months. But the percentage of the reconvicted was somewhat lesser than the rearrested and it marked 10.6%. There are some who returned to prison with a new sentence and their percentage constitutes to 5.0% within the first six months. When it comes to the following years, one can see that there is a gradual or an almost growth in the percentage in all the three levels. The table rightly shows that after one year 44.1% were rearrested, marking to an extent double of the six months percentage. The percentage of the reconvicted has increased to double by marking 21.5% from 10.6%. 10.4% has returned to prisons just after one year of their release. There is gradual increase in the recidivism rate when it completes two years. There one can see the percentages of recidivism after the completion of two years as 59.2% in the ‘rearrested’ category, 36.4% in ‘reconvicted’ and 18.8% in ‘returned to prison with a new sentence’ after the committing a crime either of the same type he had committed or an entirely new one. A deep analysis of the table reveals that after three years nearly 67.5% were rearrested and reconvicted and 25.4% were returned to prison with a now sentence. After the analysis of the report, one is understood that recidivism rate is increasing and majority of the persons come back to prisons after they are being released and either rearrested, reconvicted or returned to prisons, showing the tendency to repeat the crimes. Appendix-1 (Grace, 2009). From the above analysis one can see that the recidivism rate is increasing. The tendency to repeat the crimes is mostly seen among the parolees who may either escape after doing the crime or is arrested and punished. The crime rate among the parolees increase with various reasons and the reasons include the lack of regular parole supervision, incarcerated pending hearing, the escaping mentality of the criminals, etc. The Parole Population by Supervision Status, 2003 promoted by UI analysis of NJ State Parole Board Data (appendix- 2) illustrates the parole supervision rates in a pie-diagram. The diagram shows that the regular parole supervision is 47% in 2003. It shows that there is not the proper facility to have a regular parole supervision which may the culprits to escape and repeating crimes. Among the parolees 19% of them find out alternative sanctions/residential. If the parolee is escaped to another state, it is makes difficult to find them out because there is only 6% supervision out-of-state. Another reason that leads to the escape of the parolees is the incarcerated pending hearing and it comes up to 7%. The fine deducted from the parolees for not reporting in time is 9%. But the notable thing in it is the percentage of the missing/contact lost and their percentage is 12%. These missing people are tended to follow their criminal behavior or recidivism. Appendix-2 Different analysis show that each and every year many culprits are released before completing the actual period of their imprisonment. It may be because of considering their good behavior in the jail. But the same persons when they are released from the prisons are tended to follow their old criminal behavior and it again leads them to prisons. The tendency to repeat the crimes are mostly seen in the released inmates and a study of the Urban Institute Analysis of NJ DOC data (appendix-3) shows the Age Distribution of Released Inmates in 2002. The study shows that prisoners under the age limit 20 to 29 are mostly released as inmates and they come approximately to 40%. Those who are under 30 and 39, stand just below it with the percentage of 37% approximately. But when the age grows the number of released inmates also lessen 20%, among the age group 40-49, 4% among 50-59 age group, 1% above 60 years old and a minimal number under 20 years of old. Appendix-3 Conclusions: To conclude one can infer that recidivism rate among the parolees are growing up and government and other agencies consider it difficult to lessen or to eliminate it. There are many factors that lead to the recidivism. When one is released from prison, he feels difficulty to co-operate with the existing social situations or the society will not agree him as a person who has all the moral rights to live in. it may be only one among the reasons for turning them to follow the criminal behavior. But the most important reasons include their own decisions and the temptations of the others to select the dark way of crimes. The other factors like the thought of the sudden luxuries force them to follow the same. Above all, as they have experienced the imprisonment, they know of the punishment and the loop holes of the law. Various studies included in the research point out that the parolees either escape or committing another crimes. They return to prisons as rearrested, reconvicted or returned to prison with a new sentence. After the studies the researcher is understood that recidivism rate among the parolees is higher than the rate of crimes committed by the released prisoners after their punishment. From the provided data is clear that within three years 67.5% parolees are rearrested, 46.9% are reconvicted and 25.4% return to prison with a new sentence (see Appendix-1)the existing parole supervision is insufficient to find out the escaped parolees and it provides them to commit the crimes without much fear. It is also inferred from the research that the tendency of recidivism is mostly seen among the prisoners of 20-40 age group by showing that recidivism rate is growing up, though there are attempts to eliminate it. Recommendations: After the research, the researcher has been reached in the following recommendations regarding the elimination of recidivism rate among the parolees. There should be enough supervision to watch the parolees to find out that whether they are attempting other crimes. Paroles should be allowed only for the deserved and there should not exert any other influence. There should make amendments in the constitution to punish the rearrested parolee, after committing or repeating the same crimes. The mentality of the people should be changed regarding the released prisoners and they should be assured of their moral rights. In the case of youngsters committing crimes, they should be given some kind of psychological treatments to take them away from recidivism. References Smith, S. E. (2009). What is recidivism. Wise Geek. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Bartol, Curt R., & Bartol, Anne M. (2008). Current perspectives in forensic psychology and criminal behavior. 2nd Edition, Sage Publications. Bartol, Curt. R., & Bartol, Anne. M. (2008). Psychology and criminal behavior. 2nd Edition, Sage Publications. Bonta, James., Harman, William G., Hann, Robert G., & Cormier; Robert B. (1996). The Prediction of Recidivism Among Federally Sentenced Offenders: A Re-Validation Of The SIR Scale. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 38. Champion, Dean J. (1993). Measuring offender risk: A criminal justice sourcebook, Greenwood Publishing Group. Flaherty, Lois., Flaherty., & Michael. (2004). Adolescent psychiatry: Annals of the American society for adolescent psychiatry, Routledge. Grace, Francie. (2009). Recidivism rate of prisoners. Public Agenda. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Kennedy, Edward. (2007). Recidivism reduction and second change act. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Needham, Allyn., & Shipp, Shannon. (2003). The impact of recidivism on protecting future earnings for individuals with a history of correctional supervision. Journal of Forensic Economics, 16 (3), 275-281. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Thornton, Robert. Y., & Endo, Katsuya. (1992). Preventing crime in America and Japan: A comparative study current perspectives in forensic, M.E. Sharpe. Travis, Jeremy., et al. A portrait of prisoner re-entry in New Jersey. Read More
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