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ADHD and Criminal Behavior
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature review that this researcher did for this paper seemed to also show that ADHD was a contributing factor to other problems for these children.... Their study also indicated through their review of the literature that there is evidence that children who are diagnosed with ADHD more often have problems with substance abuse, contact with the police, escalating behavior problems and anti-social behavior as they enter into adolescence and adulthood (p....
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Glocalization and the New Indian Middle Class by Andrews
8 pages (2080 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review Part One literature Review Cho, Younghan, Charles Leary and Steven J.... This literature review will focus on the impact of glocalization of sports in Asian region.... ho, Leary & Jackson use literature review method to show that their argument makes sense....
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Business Diversity Defined
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The author of the present literature review "Business Diversity Defined" highlights that the current need of today to spread globally for organizations have increased the attention given to the concept of business diversity.... The Business Case for Diversity literature Review literature Review The current need of today to spread globally for organizations have increased the attention given to the concept of business diversity.... The literature about the business case of diversity provides substantial reasons for that....
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Challenging Behaviours in People with Learning Disabilities
11 pages (3899 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature review on challenging behaviours in people with learning disabilities literature review on challenging behaviours in people with learning disabilities ... sing the Rolfe model, the researcher conducted a literature review on challenging behaviors in adults with learning disabilities on three main articles mentioned above.... Doing a literature Review In Health And Social Care: A Practical Guide.... How to do a Systematic literature Review in Nursing....
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Innovation about Electronic Cigarette
15 pages (4003 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Innovation about Electronic Cigarette" is a good example of a literature review on technology.... The paper "The Innovation about Electronic Cigarette" is a good example of a literature review on technology.... This essay will present a literature review on the innovation of electronic cigarettes and the impact it has made on modern life.... The literature review will further compare the electronic cigarette with the conventional cigarette and justify that the innovation is having a negative impact on modern life. ...
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Gregory of Tours History of the Franks
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Historia Francorum or History of the Franks by Saint Gregory of Tours (c.... 538 - 594), the Gallo-Roman historian and Bishop of Tours, is one of the salient historical records which tells about the transition from period Roman to the Medieval age and about the institution of one of the Germanic kingdoms....
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The Effect of Economic Crisis on the Marketing Strategy of Volkswagen in Asian Market
6 pages (1866 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
iterature Review: The literature review would try to shed light on the various factors relevant to the present research study.... All relevant literature dealing with the impact of global financial crisis on the automotive industry in general and a special note on its impact on the automotive industry in Vietnam's automotive sector have been included. ... The research objectives have been defined and in order to support them, a comprehensive literature review has been conducted to explain the facts in this research....
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HRM in Private Enterprises
9 pages (2353 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature review of a research paper provides guidance in the formation of theoretical and conceptual framework required for the study.... The literature review provides the backdrop for the research work and shows further avenues for conducting research.... he conceptual framework pertaining to a research work is inclusive of three broad things; the problem to be addressed, the literature review and the purpose of research....
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Maitland and Mulligan Manual Therapies for Cervical Spine Disorders
6 pages (2141 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
There is not much literature pertaining to randomized studies which compare and contrast the applications and outcomes of these techniques in cervical spine disorders.... This is evident in the literature review by Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al (2006) in which the researchers evaluated the methodological quality of various randomized controlled trials that were published with regard to manual therapies of diseases of the cervical spine.... In this research article, literature review and critical analysis of the application of these manual therapies on patients with cervical spine disorders will be done for evidence based management of cervical spine dysfunction patients....
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An Investigation into Healthy Options at Fast Foods Outlets
6 pages (1986 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This section will review the literature on healthy eating and fast food outlets as well as present the problem, research objective and justification.... his section will review literature on health eating and fast food outlets as well as present the problem, research objective and justification.... his chapter will review literature on healthy eating, comparison of healthy options against other menu options in the fast food outlets and comparison of the popularity of healthy options compared to other options in fast food outlets' menu....
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How Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrisons Have Coped with Recession
5 pages (1626 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "How Tesco, Sainsbury's, and Morrison's Have Coped with Recession" analyzes the works that have been done previously on this topic.... In the literature review part, I will analyze the companies' performance in the last five years.... How Tesco, Sainsbury's and Morrison's have coped with Recession Due literature review Introduction Supermarket is one of the recent concepts in UK.... The literature review part is based on academic journals, articles, books and reports written on grocery supermarket retailers....
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Economical Development of China
6 pages (1905 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Economical Development of China" is about the opening of the economy by the Chinese government, which was done to encourage foreign companies to open franchises in China, as well as to establish joint ventures with Chinese companies.... conomical Development of China literature Review Contents Economical Development of China literature Review Contents 2 literature Review 3 Reference 8 Bibliography 9 literature Review China is one of the fastest growing developing countries in the world....
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Work-Related Stress as a Major Cause of Illness and Absenteeism of the Employees
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Chapter 2 literature Review for Research Project Carrie Hall Concordia St.... Paul literature Review The researchers Cole and Kleiner d in their study that absenteeism became a very vital problem among the employees.... his literature review highlighted the views and opinions of different authors regarding stress....
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Forgiveness among Married Adults
5 pages (1481 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
literature review In the literature review, the researchers discussed how the concept of forgiveness has expanded from a religious one to more of a relationship construct in Psychology and Theology.... Generally, the results were consistent and related to the points covered in the literature review and introduction....
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International Relations between the USA and Russia
5 pages (1376 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In this literature review the focus is on the international relations between United States of America and Russia. ... eview of the literature ... n summary, this literature review has focused on the international relations between United States of America and Russia....
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Is Eurozone sustainable for the UK to join
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In addition, it will also be beneficial for the tourists as well as the tourism industry.... The Eurozone or the euro area can be defined as the union of countries in Europe who have decided to adopt the euro as their as a common and only currency.... This economic and monetary union currently has seventeen member countries....
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Racism within the Retail Sector in the UK
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
In this literature review, various works of literature on racism in the retail industry of the United Kingdom shall be critically reviewed.... Summary of literature Review It was established that racism should not be looked at only from the point of colour of a person's skin but also from an inter-nation differentiations that exists among people who may be of the same skin colour....
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Organizational Behavior - Alcoa and Alumina Limited
6 pages (1718 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
unning Head: literature Review on Organizational Behavior literature Review on Organizational Behavior [Institute's literature Review on Organizational Behavior It is obvious for human nature to get scared after knowing that there is a danger across all over the area....
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The Financial Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in Emergency Rooms
8 pages (4375 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
CHAPTER 2: literature REVIEW Introduction This chapter focuses on literature relevant to the costs associated with immigrant who utilize the hospitalemergency rooms as primary care treatment.... he following section will concentrate on the literature review in six states with major undocumented immigrant's population.... This research conducted a literature review to identify existing studies on the financial impact of undocumented immigrants in emergency health services....
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Jessie Daniels book White Lies: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in White Supremacist Discourse
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Daniels makes sincere efforts and exhibits good analytical skills of the literature related to white supremacist organizations.... She is not worried much about the ignorant and harmless radicals who manage such organizations and publish literature full of racial venom against the blacks....
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Terms & Conditions May Apply Movie Critique
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
Terms and Conditions May Apply, is a documentary directed by Cullen Hoback in a bid to expose what the American government and some countries of Europe have been doing in the bid promote security through an increased surveillance internet and mobile phone users.... The director.... ... ... The documentary reveals how the intelligence units have compelled companies such as Facebook, Google and yahoo to allow them to spy on all the “Terms and Conditions May Apply” Analysis Terms and Conditions May Apply, is a documentary directed by CullenHoback in a bid to expose what the American government and some countries of Europe have been doing in the bid promote security through an increased surveillance internet and mobile phone users....
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The Influence of Brand Personality on Consumers: Singapore Airlines
15 pages (5149 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper begins by examining the marketing literature on brands, brand personality and consumer purchase behaviour.... Drawing from the literature, a hybrid of Aaker (1996) model of big five dimensions of brand personality and Assael (1987) model of consumer buying behaviours was developed.... More importantly, the association generated is supported in the literature by Aaker (1997, p.... One type of explanatory framework that has dominated the consumer behaviour literature is the hierarchy-of-effects models where consumer involvement and cognitive, affective and conative aspects of message processing have been studied extensively (de Pelsmacker et al....
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Neck Pain and Disability Scale
9 pages (2760 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This paper is a literature review of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale which includes an evaluation of its validity and reliability in the measurement of neck pain within a population.... 1405), research literature concur that Neck Pain and Disability Scale is a reliable and valid method of measuring neck pain both for clinical reasons and research.... In general, research literature agrees that NPAD is a reliable measurement tool that is sensitive to all aspects of the patient's neck pain....
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Inquiry-Based Learning
16 pages (4495 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Inquiry-Based Learning" focuses on inquiry-based learning which is one of the most appropriate approaches to teaching and learning which engages the students in the knowledge-creation process.... Despite this mode teaching being into existence for all these years and the fact that most literature tries to approve it as seen in the examples of (Weaver, 1989; Alford, 1998; Lee, 2004; and Bateman, 1990) the inquiry-based learning literature has not been well covered regardless of its long history....
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The Aboriginal People of England by Evans Gillian
2 pages (720 words) , Download 24 , Literature review
The paper "The Aboriginal People of England by Evans Gillian" states that the article relates very well with the issues discussed in the lecture in class.... The class lecture discussed many important factors that affect the interrelations between people in society.... ... ... ... The article 'The aboriginal people of England': The culture of class politics in contemporary Britain' is a research article that was written by Evans Gillian....
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Most Effective Pain Management Strategy for Older Adults with Dementia
9 pages (3156 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper 'Моst Еffесtivе Раin Mаnаgеmеnt Strаtеgy for Оldеr Adults with Dеmеntiа' is a forceful version of literature review on nursing.... The paper 'Моst Еffесtivе Раin Mаnаgеmеnt Strаtеgy for Оldеr Adults with Dеmеntiа' is a forceful version of literature review on nursing.... äyrinen, K, Saranto, K, & Nykänen, P 2008, “definition, structure, content, use and impacts of electronic health records: a review of the research literature”, International journal of medical informatics, 77(5), p....
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Sundance Film Festival
8 pages (2087 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The movie received good reviews from the audience as well as the critics because of its beautifully captured romantic story and expression of the desire of the humans in constant search for love and compassion.... The author of this paper "Sundance Film Festival" examines the movies, which were presented at the Sundance Film Festival....
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The Benefits to the Mother Are Related to the Breastfeeding of Infants
10 pages (2864 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
She has published several articles/reviews on breastfeeding among them “Breastfeeding and Women's Health (1998)” and “A Well-Kept Secret - Breastfeeding's Benefits to Mothers (2001).... umerous studies and supportive literature certainly contends that breastfeeding is by far beneficial for the mother as well.... By comparing breast milk to formula rather than comparing the process of breastfeeding to bottle feeding, both medical literature and parent education literature minimize the importance of breastfeeding to the health the mother (1998, p....
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Wind Effect in Combustion Process
13 pages (4040 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In the literature, a green light has been given on the behavior of compartment fires looking at the influence of wind on heat release rate and mass flow rate.... n this section there is presentation of a review of relevant literature on theories, past research papers and discourses on the manner in which compartment fire will behave under the influence of wind.... With a thematic approach being taken, the literature review presentation is put into sections whose design is to give a framework on the level of knowledge at different areas of compartment fires and the behavior exhibited on subjection to wind....
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How White Lies can Be Good for Your Marriage
9 pages (2610 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Running Head: HONEY, I LOVE YOU SO, I NEED TO LIE A LITTLE BIT Honey, I Love You So, I Need to Lie a Little Bit: A literature Review Discussing How White Lies Can Be Good For Your Marraige ... In translating this idea to a more academic realm, this literature review is going to analyze research on the importance of trust and communication in an interpersonal relationship.... The aim of this literature analysis is to determine if the practice of telling white lies can lead to more serious transgressions of trust within a relationship....
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Acceptance of Learning Management System
11 pages (2757 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Acceptance of Learning Management System" has four chapters with the first chapter providing an introduction to LMS, Saudi Arabia, and the status of women in the universities in the kingdom.... The second chapter contains a detailed review of existing literature.... The second chapter contains a detailed review of existing literature while the third chapter provides a succinct explanation of the research methodology adopted for use in the research....
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Critical Perspective in Curriculum Leadership
16 pages (4502 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Critical Perspective in Curriculum Leadership" explores relevant literature on the initiative of quality teaching and learning in our institutions.... his paper will review recent literature conforming to the national initiative of promoting quality educational curriculum with schools.... Many scholars have embraced literature to support and fulfil the needs of girls so as to embrace equality when accessing education....
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Human resources and employment rights
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Human resources and employment rights Table of Contents Introduction 3 literature Review 3 References 6 Introduction It is important for the global organizations to maintain effective workforce and healthy work environment in order to increase the productivity of the organization.... literature Review Several global organizations face significant challenges due to the regulation on unfair employee dismissal....
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Chandler's Model of Integrated Managerial Enterprise - Evidence from Other Countries
10 pages (2878 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Chandler's Model of Integrated Managerial Enterprise - Evidence from Other Countries' is a persuasive example of a management literature review.... The paper 'Chandler's Model of Integrated Managerial Enterprise - Evidence from Other Countries' is a persuasive example of a management literature review.... The analytical structure of the essay is based on theories about relevant literature.... The reasons for variation, if any, will be discussed in details in light of the existing literature....
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Age and Its Effects on Second Language Acquisition
12 pages (3393 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This research paper reviews the recent research findings related to the effect of age on acquisition of any second language in general and English as a second language in particular for immigrants and new comers to the United States.... The existing body of literature is subjective with respect to which of the two competing views applies partly because of the fact that similar predictions are made by both hypotheses; “L2 learners are assumed to have a high proportion of non-target like structures at the initial stage, and to become better as proficiency increases - either because they have achieved a target like representation, or because they have perfected compensatory strategies” (Schmid, 2011)....
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The Perception of Offensive Advertising
10 pages (3323 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The perception of offensive advertising: A British study literature Review The history of advertising is one of ever-constant change and development (Pincas & Loieau, 2008).... This literature review will present current research and theories on offensive advertisements in a critical and objective manner, highlighting strengths and limitations of evidence in this area. ... Thus, in this literature review, offensive products and services are those that do not conform to social or ethical norms, such as, cigarettes or condoms for example....
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Public Perceptions about Youth Crime and Young Offenders
9 pages (2821 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
"Public Perceptions about Youth Crime and Young Offenders" paper analyzes existing literature on public perceptions about youth crime and young offenders with a view to establishing how this perception can be improved.... Running header: literature review ... review of literature ... This literature review is aimed at analyzing existing literature on public perceptions about youth crime and young offenders with a view to establishing how this perception can be improved....
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Treatment of Head Lice in Children
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review 'Treatment of Head Lice in Children' summarizes recommendations given in the specialized literature for the treatment of pediculosis.... Еhere has been excellent literature pertaining to the treatment of this problem; resistance to treatment, side-effects of treatment and introduction of new drugs prompts review of the literature.... literature pertaining to research and information about treatments of head lice in children was searched from relevant databases like PUBMED, MEDLINE, etc....
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The Wife of His Youth
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Instructor Institution Date Book review- The Wife of His Youth The Wife of His Youth is a classical piece of literature written by Charles W.... This essay aims at analyzing the story to determine its significance in literature.... Book review- The Wife of His Youth The Wife of His Youth is a ical piece of literature written by Charles W.... This essay aims at analyzing the story to determine its significance in literature.... ?? The Norton Anthology: American literature....
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Customer Satisfaction with the Police
11 pages (3095 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
literature Review………………………………………………………………………5 ... This paper seeks to establish the available literature on the concept of customer satisfaction with the police and the public sector management, changes and reform.... The paper shall also review literature on citizen satisfaction on police services especially in the rapidly changing public sector environment.... he review aims to pick the most potent ideas about customer satisfaction with the police and the management in the public sector by simply looking at the literature that has dealt with these themes and then highlighting them....
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Australia's Indigenous Population Lags Behind in Education
10 pages (3180 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
t is showed in literature review that the cultural mismatch between education based on school environment and that based on home environment is what causes the Indigenous Australians to lag behind.... rom the literature review a research question that is developed is: ... rakouer, J 2015, literature review relating to the current context and discourse on Indigenous cultural awareness in the teaching space: Critical pedagogies and improving Indigenous learning outcomes through cultural responsiveness....
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Amalgam against Composite Core in Endodontically Treated Molar Teeth
14 pages (3943 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This research entails reviewing the various literature associated with differences that can be witnessed in the amalgam material and the composite core in molar teeth that are treated endodontically.... Various literature has been reviewed to provide an overview of the endodontic treatment of the molar teeth and amalgam restorations of the molar teeth.... his research entails reviewing the various literature associated with differences that can be witnessed in the amalgam material and the composite core in molar teeth that are treated endodontically....
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Areas That Need Improvement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Having proficient skills in the searching online journals will enable me to effectively carry out extensive literature searches.... I would review a wider range of literature and improve on the critique and application of concepts.... aving proficient skills in searching online journals will enable me to effectively carry out extensive literature searches....
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Parents with learning disabilities and child protection
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The Department of Health defines learning disabilities as, “A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence); with a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning); which started before.... ... ... The percentage of adults that have learning disabilities and are becoming parents is increasing....
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The Role of Women in Sport: the Approaches and Methods in Women Rugby Players
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review focuses on the particular issues experienced by women rugby players in Wales at the present time.... his literature review focuses on the particular issues experienced by women rugby players in Wales at the present time.... Finally in the conclusion there is a brief summary of the main points of the literature review with some preliminary conclusions from the literature reviewed, and an enumeration of the areas which still remain to be explored further. ...
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Is the New Policy of Housing Cap Better off for People With Mental Health Problems
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Is the New Policy of Housing Cap Better off for People With Mental Health Problems" should examine the overall relationship between mental health and housing issues, the lack of affordable housing in the United Kingdom and the housing benefit cap.... The literature on this subject is clear on two fronts – that overcrowding, and living in substandard housing, lead to enhanced stress....
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Importance of Health Literacy in a Diverse Healthcare Environment
7 pages (2431 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
fm/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?... The paper "Importance of Health Literacy in a Diverse Healthcare Environment" states that the inability to provide culturally appropriate care and education, which mainly stems from a lack of cultural competence, is the key reason why some cultures have better health outcomes than others....
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An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Dispute
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review 3 ... literature Review ... ith the aim of successful completion of the study by ascertaining the research objectives, a literature review has been conducted by considering varied articles relevant to the subject matter of the study.... In this regard, in order to reach into a valid conclusion, the section of literature review is divided into three parts....
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The impact of London congestion charge,an economic view
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
These have all given various different results within the literature, although these are partly dependent on the methodologies used and the time periods examined.... In fact, there are a huge amount of environmental effects which may in turn have positive effects on the economy, tourism and retail sales within the area (Leape, 2006)....
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Relevance of Current UK IT Law as Applied to Cloud Computing
3 pages (1061 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
his, therefore, confirms that despite the great steps that have been taken in the UK to manage cloud computing through legislation, there are still notable shortcomings as pointed out in the above literature review and which if improved would increase the performance of the legal framework in the management of cloud computing....
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