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Addiction is a brain disease
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Addiction is everywhere.... ut not everyone has it.... t is because of this nature of addiction that behavioral and biological perspectives come into team work in the hope of revealing the truth behind this problem.... ... ... ... Addiction is brain disease Introduction Addiction is everywhere.... However, not everyone has it which means that it can be considered a deviation from the norm....
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Process and site design techniques
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper discusses the process and site design techniques.... The page design techniques have also been explained.... Two websites have been critically analyzed for process, site design and page design.... he outcome of this analysis is provided in this paper.... .... ... ... The positive and negative aspects of the first and second generation websites have been observed and described....
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Socialization, Gender Beliefs and Behaviors, and Self-concept
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Socialization, Gender Beliefs and Behaviors, and Self-concept “.... ... ... ocialization gives us the tools to fill our evolutionary roles.... They are our building blocks”.... Warren Farrell Individuals are a product of the socialization process.... The way we behave and act, is a reflection of the society's perception of gender roles, and the consequence is a community which is shaped, structured and molded in different roles, as that particular culture / community deems fit....
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Continuum of Legal Formality
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper considers the differences between the formal and informal procedure of resolving legal issues are very significant.... With both procedures having their strengths and weaknesses it is difficult to choose the suitable legal front to choose.... ... ... ... We live in a community and society where legal formality is very important....
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Latino Culture
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The term “Latino” is generally used for those people living in America, whose origins are from numerous countries including Mexico, Spain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Cuba and others.... On the other hand, the term “Hispanic” refers only to the people from.... ... ... The largest number of Latinos in the United States come from Latin America in central and south America, with their numbers increasing rapidly from 1990 to 2000....
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Pacific Islands Culture
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The Pacific Ocean, covering one-thirds of the world's surface has over 25,000 islands, but the term Pacific Islands refers to the 7,500 islands in tropical and sub-tropical areas away from the Pacific Rim.... Only a little more than 10% of these islands are populated.... Lal &.... ... ... e (2000, p....
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Electric Power Usage
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper explores to quantify the amount of energy likely to be consumed in an average household and the ultimate cost thereof.... It ultimately compares the amount of the energy used vis.... ... ... Having known the number of households that are in demand of the electric power, this paper can be useful for the federal government to plan for power consumption....
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Discourse Community Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of this paper aims at analyzing the common verbal and the written methods conventionally used by mothers in society.... The author of the paper further identifies the common abbreviations, jargon, and language used when the mothers get angry.... .... ... ... The ability to analyze the various discourse community is crucial in understanding the behavior and ensuring proper communication is achieved....
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Measures to Neutralize the Consequences of the Hurricane Katrina
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This report provides the measures taken by the medical staff, the government and other authorities to neutralize the results of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.... Many doctors faced a choice - to save themselves or victims of the disaster.... The government urgently solved the fuel shortage problem and so on....
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Medicare Approved Accreditation Agency
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The medical sector is a crucial to societies around the world and hence there is the need for proper maintenance of quality and standards in the industry.... In order to ensure that healthcare institutions and agencies maintain quality in service provision, various standards and.... ... ... Healthcare organizations and agencies are required to comply with the established standards and processes and to do so, they can choose to be certified or accredited by governmental and Medicare and Medicaid Accreditation Organizations Number Due Introduction The medical sector is a crucial to societies around the world and hence there is the need for proper maintenance of quality and standards in the industry....
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Perception of French Intellectual
2 pages (867 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Perception of French Intellectual" focuses on the critical analysis of the philosophical work as universal as well as rational exploration of truths and principles of human existence.... Such principles are diverse ranging from the concepts of realities, values, reasoning.... ... ... ... Concerning Simone Beauvoir and Jean Sartre's philosophical works, great realism emerged in France and other parts of the world in light of the existentialism and feminism approaches to life....
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Public Relations to Make Known any New Information
2 pages (694 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Public Relations to Make Known any New Information" discusses that public relations shall be used to make known any new information concerning CarPlay.... This shall be done in the form of press releases where news about the company or the product will be released to the public.... ... ...
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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
6 pages (1695 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture" presents that the aim of the study is 'to describe the ways in which patients taking antihypertensive drug balance reservations against reasons for taking them' (Benson and Britten 2007, p.... 1).... ... ... ... In conclusion, overall, the work of Benson and Britten (2007) is an excellent work on qualitative research....
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The Hotel Catering and Tourism Industry
8 pages (2448 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research paper "The Hotel Catering and Tourism Industry" states that the Hotel industry is one of the most thriving businesses in the world.... According to a study conducted by the International Labour Office, the global hotel industry is expected to grow from its present value.... .... ... ...
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Mentall illness and violent crimes
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The findings from the research conducted in the university indicate that cases of mental illness have been on the increase between the years 2003 and 2007.... This is evident from the statistics shown where the number of students with mental illness increased from around 19,000 to.... ... ... The statistics also indicate that more females than male have the psychological distress....
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Cultural diversity in Connecticut
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Student's Full Name: Professor's Name: Cultural Diversity (Connecticut) 14 October 2013 Introduction Connecticut was once populated by the Algonquian Native-American tribe but it was first settled by the Dutch at the junction of the Connecticut and Park Rivers during the early part of the seventeenth century....
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Adult Learning Assumptions
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Knowles established six assumptions in adult learning.... hile all of the assumptions are significant to adult learning,this paper identifies and support self-concept,experience,and motivation to learn assumptions as the most right to the type of learning.... ... ... ... Abstract Knowles established six assumptions in adult learning....
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CEO's and Foreign Policy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper is a response to CEOs and Foreign Policy (Prestowitz, 2003).... This author's words and phrases sound important, but when I considered more deeply what his words mean, I came to understand that he has a talent for taking things out of context, mismatching analogies, and over-generalizing....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Communauto: A brief Introduction Communauto, a Montreal-based car-sharing organization in Quebec, Canada serves as an established organization since 1994.... It is functional mainly in four cities of Quebec.... Communauto calls itself a social and an environmental enterprise.... ... ... ... Its goal is to bring an economic and expedient ownership of vehicle to its customers on low rate, no personal expenses like fuel-costs, parking space, maintenance etc....
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Van Gogh and Braque
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper compares two pictures of famous painters "The Church at Auvers" by Van Gogh with Braque's "Woman with a Guitar".... ... ... ... This paper compares two pictures of famous painters "The Church at Auvers" by Van Gogh with Braque's "Woman with a Guitar".... Vincent van Gogh is a post-impressionism artist who first practiced the impressionist styles of using bright colors as reflected in nature....
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Equity of Opportunity, Class Cleavages, the Role of the State, and Globalization
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Date Child Poverty and Guaranteed Income in Canada 1.... Subject In this paper, I will examine key issues around Child Poverty in Canada and will argue for a guaranteed annual wage to be implemented for all Canadians, as a way to address the problem of Child Poverty and its effects.... ... ... ... Canada is one of the richest nations in the world, yet it is ranked extremely low, by comparison with other developed nations, for child well-being, in spite of the Canadian government's UN Convention ratification in 1991....
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Entertainment Business: Miramax
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Entertainment Business: Miramax The purpose of this paper is to provide further insight into the inner workings of Miramax Films and will provide a sort of current snapshot of the organization.... The format that this paper will utilize is to first highlight a key learning concept of the company and then provide a critical response based on relevant literature....
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CinnZeo Strategic Expansion Plan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
BUSI 4362: Strategic Management Introduction to CinnZeo's Strategic Plan For Entry into Hail City (Saudi Arabia) Name of the Writer Name of the Institution Should CinnZeo Expand in Saudi Arabia or Not?... Introduction Picture this!... You are driving or strolling along the streets of Hail City when a new and exciting smell assails your senses....
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Using Force Against Civilians in Time of Civil Unrest
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Using Force against Civilians in Time of Civil Unrest Position Paper ... ivil unrests have been a common phenomenon since time immemorial.... Over the years, unrests continue to be experienced, with varying magnitudes and causes been evident.... ... ... ... This means that the causes of civil unrests today may not necessarily match those of the past....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The company has thousands of coffee shops distributed all over the world.... Most of the coffee shops are located in U.... and U.... .... For every cup of coffee sold by Starbucks, there are underlying costs to the environment.... It is.... ... ... ore important to make an evaluation of the processes and materials used to get the coffee on the table with an aim of determining with certainty the amount of environmental impact of these coffee shops. ...
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Environmental Campaign in South Carolina
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
For example, a relaxation of the rules that regulated Fraking means necessary elements such as water resources are in danger of pollution.... In addition, global warming threatens marine life for many local species, such as.... ... ... The environmental campaign in South Carolina seeks to increase knowledge about the adverse effects of degradation and gather support for measures that are friendly to the environment....
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Competitive Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The world is highly concerned with the issues of preserving the natural biosphere, obesity and related deceases, as well as healthy way of life.... Vegetarian cafes and restaurants may become a perfect.... ... ... Therefore, the key aim of the paper is to study the competitive information associated with the vegetarian fast food concept promotion and development. ...
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Final exam study sheet
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Quote one (unreliable narrator)-“So I take phosphates or phosphites—whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to “work” until I am well again.... Personally, I disagree with their ideas .... .... .... ?? ... ... xplanation-In this quote....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Aldehyde is any organic compounds class where the carbon atom shares a double bond with another oxygen atom, one bond with a group/ single atom or one bond with any hydrogen atom (Lewis, 2007).... The double bond existing between the oxygen and carbon is a primary characteristic of.... ... ... Most of the aldehydes feature a pleasant odour....
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The Customer Views on Whiskey and Alcohol
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper "The Customer Views on Whiskey and Alcohol" aims at researching for Walkers Shortbread the customer views on whiskey and alcohol flavored products.... A research methodology has been set out and a detailed report has been created which provides the target markets and data collection method....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This is because of the role and function it plays in a research undertaking.... According to Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo (2012), one of the main functions of this board is to ensure that the.... ... ... The board consists of experts who analyze and understand the basic ethical issues concerning the proposed research....
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Economic of the Airline Industry
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Economic of the Airline Industry" states that if an airline company is to survive and prosper, its management must understand the implications that environmental forces have for strategic opportunities and threats.... The paper looks at the nature of competition of the low airline industry....
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Muslim culture perspective
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Islam is more than a religion, as it is a lifestyle it is covered and guided by the four pillars of Islam which are, prayers(salat), witness(shahada), Alms(zakat), fasting (the sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj).... ... ... ... They form the most important bit of the Islamic culture.... Respect to humankind is what is encouraged by the culture as the word Islam means peace and submission in Arabic....
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Propaganda methods that Bush uses in his speech on Iraqi threat and fact checking his speech
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper makes an effort to evaluate the speech given by President Bush on the basis of facts that were revealed by the popular media houses of the nation.... The paper reveals the how things were staged to justify Bush's military action against Iraq.... .... ... ... The paper shows how cunningly and craftily things and situations were staged to justify the actions....
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Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Nature and Prevention
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Money Laundering is an evil which is increasingly being fought worldwide with the efforts having been heightened following the September 11, 2001 attack.... This is because of the presumed association that money laundering has with terrorism activities.... .... ... ... Dicken observes that this connection results in global problems which portend serious impact on security besides negatively affecting the world economy as it dilutes and compromises financial systems and their stability....
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Environmental Impacts of Dams
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper discusses the environmental impacts of dams.... Dams are an integral part of human civilization and its progress.... Long before knowledge about hydrology and civil engineering were introduced and became instrumental to the construction and operation of large dams.... ... ... ... With the advancement of industries and technologies as well as knowledge relevant to dam building, the growth of dam development was inevitable and rapid, especially from the 1950's and onwards; presently, dams obstruct and alter about 60% of major river basins throughout the world....
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Conservation Policies of Biodiversity
10 pages (2218 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The "Conservation Policies of Biodiversity" paper provides an overview of the recent literature proposal concerning the institutional environment, the framework of policies, and the economic tools used for the analysis of environmental and biodiversity conservation policies.... ... ... ... Concerns on the current climate changes and global warming in the US and other countries the world over has led to efforts by the government policymakers to propose environmental conservation policies aimed at providing a remedy for the looming hazards that may result from environmental degradation....
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Comparison of the writing style of Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper contains the writing style of the writers of eighteenth century- Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.... This gives a brief comparison of the writing style of Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.... This paper is completed as a term paper for the course 'Prose from Swift to Burke' .... ... ...
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The Impact of Natural Disasters in the USA
9 pages (2513 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of the following paper "The Impact of Natural Disasters in the USA" will attempt to discuss any possible economic effects of flooding on Cass County and draw conclusions after analyzing the latest available information and facts.... .... ... ... This paper is an attempt to highlight the impact of natural disasters specifically on Cass County of North Dakota state....
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Analysis of Three Pop Culture Songs
8 pages (2146 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"Analysis of Three Pop Culture Songs" paper explores sweet home Alabama (SHA) which was produced with a strong message to ensure the eradication of racism and slavery in various states.... It recognized the imperativeness of building coherent societies, which embrace quality values in life.... ... ...
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Directors Duty According to the Corporations Act
10 pages (2589 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Directors' Duty According to the Corporations Act" paper describes the director's duties hence determining if the directors of the company breached their duties.... There is also a case where the company's secretary, signed a business contract without the company's directors' knowledge and authority....
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Emergency Plastic Surgery Patient Management
3 pages (881 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The management of emergencies in plastic surgery proves to be a big problem and that delay in their treatment proves to be traumatic and time consuming.... In this regard, a research was done to study the delays in the management of emergency patients and their possible causes.... ... ... ... This is a research had two projects where the two test involved recording the length of time taken during fasting for the patients to be taken to the definitive The paper "Emergency Plastic Surgery Patient Management" is a good example of a literature review on nursing....
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Motivational Practices in Dubai, the UK, the US
8 pages (2675 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Motivational Practices in Dubai, the UK, the US" is a wonderful example of a research paper on management.... Employee motivation is regarded as the most significant concept in human resource management and organizational behavior as it increases organizational effectiveness and is also known as the predictor of job satisfaction....
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Comparing the Terms Transnational and Globalization
25 pages (5766 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Comparing the Terms Transnational and Globalization" states that nations will continue to be in existence as they are still preferred settings for a high percentage of people to organize themselves on behalf of the protection of economic production, territory, group identity and property....
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Popularity of Collegiate Women in Rugby in America
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Femininity is associated with physical weakness and minimal violence.... ?Females, even at the work place, are offered light jobs that require little physical strength.... ?Being labeled as “lady-like” is a compliment that most women strive for.... ?Most women would like to remain.... ... ...  Ladies are viewed as passive....
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Stock Market Analysis of Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia
16 pages (4140 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of the "Stock Market Analysis of Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia" paper examines market efficiency, the Random walk Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the Runs test for randomness which was articulated to find out the market analysis of the three GCC countries.... ... ... ... The analytic thinking discloses that the indicant returns of the three markets do not abide by a normal distribution litigated....
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Decision Making - Brainstorming, Delphi Technique, Rationality or Behaviourism
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Decision Making - Brainstorming, Delphi Technique, Rationality or Behaviourism" states that the effectiveness of decisions is governed by the experience and capability of individuals involved in the process.... It is the individual that is most important in every decision-making jobs.... ...
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Lavoisier: Life, Contributions, and the French Revolution
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Lavoisier: Life, Contributions, and the French Revolution" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the life, contributions, and the French Revolution of Antoine Lavoisier, the founder of one of the most important components of our planet.... ... ... ... He is also responsible for making it synonymous with water....
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Health care system
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Health Care Issues Name:  Institution:       Health Care Issues 1 Explain the influence of lobbyists, consumer groups, and other stakeholders in the US legislative procedures.... To help you do this, select a regulation that was passes recently, note the purpose behind the legislation, and identify the stakeholders both for and against the legislation....
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Trace evidence
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
“Microanalysis today generally deals with samples in the milligram or microgram size ranges” (Kubic and Petraco, 2003, p.... 251).... Not many years.... ... ... Trace analysis may be defined as the quantitative or qualitative analysis of a sample's ultraminor elements.... Dr.... Edmond Locard has made immense “He put the analysis of handwriting on a firmer footing, systematized the analysis of the dust in the clothes of suspects, invented a modified method of analyzing blood stains, and invented poroscopy, whereby the pores in the papillary ridges of fingerprints are used as a means of identification” (Stauffer, n....
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