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According to Carroll (2009) gender role socialization refers to "culturally defined behaviors that are seen as appropriate for males and females including the attitudes, personality traits, emotions, and even postures and body language that are considered fundamental to being male or female in a culture" (pp. 94). In general, it refers to a process whereby children are taught what it means to belong to particular gender by assigning them particular roles and teaching them appropriate behavior rules befitting their respective genders.
This paper on “Socialization, gender beliefs and behaviors, and self-concept” aims to discuss various key issues related to the impact of gender beliefs, and socialization process on an individual's self concept, in various cultures. For the purpose of this paper, a comparison is made between the gender roles of women in two diverse cultures i.e., the Amish culture and the Arab (Islamic) culture. Gender roles in the Amish Culture: Women in Amish communities are assigned distinct responsibilities of looking after their families and households.
They are required to partake in activities which are essentially defined as 'feminine' in nature such as tending to cattle, gardening, cooking meals, and caring for children. The Amish women usually bear many children and are required to tend to their physical and emotional well-being, thus primarily confining them to the domestic spaces, while the men are viewed as the sole breadwinners. Although the women in Amish communities do work and are seen in various professions such as teachers, or as farm hands, or even as businesswomen, their roles are strictly secondary to that of the males and the gender differences are apparent in all their job roles.
The male members are the key driving force in the external environment and play a central role all activities outside of the domestic sphere. The gender roles of women in the Amish culture are derived from their religious beliefs. According to the interpretations of their religious scriptures, the submissive roles of women in the families is justified since and women are required to support their husbands, while husbands in turn are required to love their wives, as "Christ loved the church and gave himself for it (Esphesians 5:25) (Stevick, 2007: pp 50).
Furthermore, according to the Amish culture, “it is one of Satan's lies to make us think that a career outside the home would be more fulfilling, than a life devoted to homemaking" (Kraybill et al., 2010: pp. 118) Gender roles in the Arab culture: Most of the Arab countries are highly patriarchal in nature; hence the gender roles are defined accordingly, whereby women are expected to perform traditional roles of looking after their households and hold a secondary position to men. The girls in Arab culture have various responsibilities towards the male members of their households, including their fathers, brothers or husbands (McGoldrick, Giordano, Garcia-Preto, 2005).
The definition of what it is to be a male or a female are strictly adhered to and
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