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Relationship between Human Resources Practices and Organizational Performance
24 pages (6656 words) , Literature review
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The paper 'Relationship between Human Resources Practices and Organizational Performance' is a breathtaking example of human resources literature review.... The paper 'Relationship between Human Resources Practices and Organizational Performance' is a breathtaking example of human resources literature review....
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Consumer Perception and Trust in Electronic-Banking Transactions through Mobile Phone
17 pages (6038 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Consumer Perception and Trust in Electronic-Banking Transactions through Mobile Phone" is about a subsection of e-banking that has gained growing popularity.... The Case of Lloyds TSB Table of Contents Chapter 2: literature Review 3 2.... Conclusion 19 References 20 Chapter 2: literature Review 2.... The literature review lucidly reflect that the customers who use mobile e-banking perceive based on its worth, simplicity, cost effectiveness, reliability, suitability and accessibility....
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Increased GDP and Poverty
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The aim of the paper 'Increased GDP and Poverty' is to discuss poverty that plagues society.... It is evident that poverty continues to be a lingering factor in almost all countries.... Poverty is the state of condition that most nations have continued to suffer.... ... ... ... The author explains that Copenhagen was transformed through increased GDP and poverty....
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Feminism in the Movie Downtown Abbey
1 pages (367 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
From the paper "Feminism in the Movie Downtown Abbey" it is clear that women were significantly underrepresented in media production.... For instance, Women directors, writers, producers and editors only assumed less than a quarter of the employed media production people.... ... ... ... Media is highly gendered with men taking the role of active pleasure looker apart from being media maker while women take up roles in consumer media and acting the role of passive pleasure looker....
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A Consultancy Project for A U.K Organisation: David Ashley Construction Ltd
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This review discusses a consultancy project for A U.... Organisation: David Ashley Construction Ltd.... A holistic approach has to be applied while initiating knowledge management practices in an organization.... The different pillars like people, process and product have to be looked into.... ....
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Systems Approach to Strategic Management
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The present book review "Systems Approach to Strategic Management" is focused on the strategic thinking that aims at exploring and developing the unique opportunities for value creation.... Reportedly, the process of strategic thinking involves creative and proactive dialog.... ... ... ... An effective strategic thinking unlocks opportunities for value creation and challenges the firm's assumption of its value propositions....
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Control Objective for Information and Related Technology
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Control Objective for Information and Related Technology" dwells on the usage of the COBIT framework by organizations.... It is stated that the review enumerates the criteria in order to align the use of information technology (IT) with the goals of the organizations.... .... ... ...
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The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression
12 pages (3235 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The topics and Abstracts were evaluated to examine case studies and literature review concerning the effects of violent video games on aggression.... The author of the paper titled "The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression" seeks to outline the findings of eight peer-reviewed journals based on the effects of violent video games on children and young adolescents' aggression....
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Rightsizing and Its Benefits and Costs to Security
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
he aforementioned principles for implementing rightsizing derived from Becker (2007) are useful for security rightsizing as well and can be considered as among the benefits of rightsizing literature for security management: the ten principles formulated by Becker (2007) for rightsizing firms are also useful for rightsizing security management or the rightsizing of security. ... Similar to point I expressed earlier, I believe that the four principles formulated by Calzone and McReynolds (2008) can be applied to the rightsizing of security and qualify as the benefits of rightsizing or rightsizing literature to the rightsizing of security....
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Analysis of Health Issue Strategy in the Community Using a Primary Health Care Framework
9 pages (2850 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Analysis of Health Issue Strategy in the Community Using a Primary Health Care Framework" is an outstanding example of a health sciences and medicine literature review.... The paper "Analysis of Health Issue Strategy in the Community Using a Primary Health Care Framework" is an outstanding example of a health sciences and medicine literature review....
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Mergers of Auditing Firms
11 pages (3516 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This research seeks to extend prior literature by conducting a pre-/post analysis of audit pricing to determine the impact of audit firm mergers.... The paper "Mergers of Auditing Firms" tells the audit profession has undergone great changes.... The Big Eight was reduced to the Big Six by the merger of Deloitte, Haskins, and Sells with Touche Ross to form Deloitte&Touche, and the merger of Ernst&Whinney with Arthur Young to form Ernst&Young....
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Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent
10 pages (2743 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent" is a perfect example of a sports and recreation literature review.... The paper "Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent" is a perfect example of a sports and recreation literature review.... Sports have become a critical part of society today....
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Students Reading Motivation
14 pages (3728 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
However, the literature review tries to evaluate student reading motivation theories and how these theories were adapted and linked to reading motivation.... literature Review ... However, the literature review tries to evaluate student reading motivation theories and how these theories were adapted and linked to the reading motivation....
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Utilizing Plastic Flooring Tiles to Produce Light Weight Concrete
22 pages (6842 words) , Literature review
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The paper "Utilizing Plastic Flooring Tiles to Produce Light Weight Concrete" states that the partial replacement of plastic floor tiles with coarse aggregate to produce lightweight concrete adds many advantages such as; decreasing the consumed energy.... ... ... ... In each concrete mix, the dry densities decrease for each age of curing, although these densities increase according to time....
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Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
12 pages (3081 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages" discusses that different researchers have different views concerning certain knowledge, values, principles, theories, and concepts.... Different researchers would use different approaches to arrive at a similar conclusion.... ... ... ...
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
9 pages (2301 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
He reviews his first chapter on how the Junto managed to come up with the library system, and how he established his personal work; thus, attaining diffidence and prudence as a person.... This book report/review "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" is about an interesting book that revolves around the life and times of Benjamin Franklin....
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In Asthmatic Children below 18 Years Is Spacer Inhaler More Beneficial Than a Nebulizer
13 pages (5886 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Correspondingly, in the literature discussion section, the author has considerably attempted to represent these three themes in details in accordance with the use of Spacer inhaler and nebulizer.... "In Asthmatic Children below 18 Years Is Spacer Inhaler More Beneficial Than a Nebulizer" paper argues that even tough using a spacer is quite costly for children with asthma, it is found to be much more convenient in use as compared to nebulizers which increases its efficiencies in the treatment....
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A review for "Sally Hogshead on How You Can Unlock Your Natural Ability to Fascinate"
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The main message of the article is that everybody has the natural ability to fascinate others into believing that they are taking full advantage of something.... According to Sally Hogshead, it is always rewarding to get the fascination advantage, both in personal and business.... ... ... Sally says that brand adds value, which can result in a product charging more than the competitor despite the product having the same worth as the competitor's....
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Sources and Consequences of Exchange Rate Viability
33 pages (7637 words) , Literature review
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The paper "Sources and Consequences of Exchange Rate Viability" is a great example of a finance and accounting literature review.... The paper "Sources and Consequences of Exchange Rate Viability" is a great example of a finance and accounting literature review.... The paper "Sources and Consequences of Exchange Rate Viability" is a great example of a finance and accounting literature review....
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HR Leadership and Talent Management as a Strategy to a Motivated Workforce
38 pages (10112 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
Later on, in the literature review, we have further gone into the detailed study of leadership and Talent Management and have also tried to understand the idea behind employee motivation.... The paper 'HR Leadership and Talent Management as a Strategy to a Motivated Workforce' discusses the importance of Leadership and Talent Management in motivating employees....
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Analysis of Five Past Midnight in Bhopal
7 pages (2065 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Khilnani (1999) reviews the history of a united India.... "Analysis of Five Past Midnight in Bhopal" paper analizes this piece of holistic history, an anthropological review of the individuals, and the discrete events behind the Bhopal disaster.... It is an ethnographic work that allows people to see what happened behind the scenes....
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Technological and Economic Factors Affecting Business Environment
9 pages (2607 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It reviews factors including political, economic, social, technological, and legal with reference to the international trade and investment. ... The paper "Technological and Economic Factors Affecting Business Environment " is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Technological and Economic Factors Affecting Business Environment " is an outstanding example of a management literature review....
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Educational Needs of 3rd and 4th Year Medical Students
13 pages (4701 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Educational Needs of 3rd and 4th Year Medical Students" highlights that medical imaging is overlooked in most medical school training.... The classes that offered in imaging are not rigorous – they often do not have tests and are taken on a pass/fail basis.... ... ... ... Rogers feels that imaging education is spotty at the moment and that medical students currently receive 'woefully little formal training in radiology and fewer still....
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Suicide: the Hidden Side of Modernity
12 pages (3298 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Suicide: the Hidden Side of Modernity" sheds some light on societies that embrace suicide as something normal for one to do.... ) notes that in Norway, about 650 people die annually through suicide according to a statistic from Central Bureau of statistics....
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Financial Development and Industrial Growth in China
11 pages (3184 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Financial Development and Industrial Growth in China" provides an empirical investigation of the manufacturing sector.... As a matter of fact, there exists a striking relationship between financial development and industrial growth, taking into account China's manufacturing sector.... ...
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Dendrolight, Engineered Wood Construction Material
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The reporter casts light upon the fact that a new type of engineered wood has made its appearance in the UK market in 2010 called Dendrolight.... The name comes from the Greek name for a tree, 'dendros'.... ... ... ... The product is made in Latvia which is emerging as a major wood industry center in Europe due to the abundant forest cover in the country....
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Different Patterns of Communication in Men and Women
6 pages (1634 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Different Patterns of Communication in Men and Women" discusses the difference in the behavioral pattern of both genders male and female.... Though there are similarities the ratio of differences is greater than that when we talk about the behaviors of males and females....
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Business Accounting
5 pages (1563 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
In addition he also reviews the financial reporting systems of the company to identify and report any weaknesses he may find in the systems.... This work called "Business Accounting" describes the main financial statements prepared by the company, its achievements, possibilities....
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The Movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The focus of this paper is on the story of a captain of a pirates' ship, Jack Sparrow.... A story that portrays adventure, tells about betrayal, love, friendship, and passion, Pirates of the Caribbean is also packed with humor, a characteristic which holds the viewer's attention.... ... ... ... The paper states that the movie is magic that brought an unimaginable story to come to life....
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Pros and Cons of Employment of University Workers on Contract
5 pages (1733 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The management conducts subjective performance appraisals that often give employers an incentive to give poor reviews for cost control purposes.... The paper "Pros and Cons of Employment of University Workers on Contract" is a good example of a literature review on macro and microecoonmics....
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The Racial Hierarchy as the Stratification of Society
6 pages (1566 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
By mid 19th century press reviews said that ethnic origin of people was consumer's primary attraction.... The paper "The Racial Hierarchy as the Stratification of Society" states that when the Britons treated some phenotypically dark-skinned people with dignity they were with some ulterior motives of divide and rule and subdue any chance of uprise among the common men....
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Role of White Standards of Beauty
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Role of White Standards of Beauty" discusses that Geraldine and Claudia are all caught in society's standards, trying hard to reach the so-called beauty norms.... However, the efforts of the characters to confirm or reach those standards seem to bring detrimental effects to their lives....
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House Made of Dawn by Scott Momaday
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
House of Dawn is a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; Authored by Scott Momaday the masterpiece has led to the breakthrough of Native American literature into the main stream.... In June 1945, a young Tano Indian named Abel returns from World War II army service to his home village, Walatowa, in New Mexico's Canon de San Diego, only to discover that he has entered a hell between two cultures....
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Gender Roles and Cultures in Regard to Personality and Self
5 pages (1432 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
From their various reviews, it has been noted with much interest that the issue of culture and personality has been controversial.... The document seeks to do so by reviewing various pieces of academic literature.... This review "Gender Roles and Cultures in Regard to Personality and Self" seeks to prove that culture has a hand on the observable variation of the gender roles that depict different personalities and self-traits....
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U.S History pre-1877
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This movie is about brutal naturalism from Australian filmmaker Bruce Beresford who has tried to touch the tender sensitivities of the human kind, hence exploring the darker spots of human personality.... The movie is a shift from realism to naturalism as depicted by Beresford.... ... ... ... The movie is about the depressing features of nature as sunshine is seen in a very limited manner....
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What is the state of corporate governance in the UK, USA, EU, Australia, Japan and the GCC countries
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Corporate governance, from an overall perspective, can be viewed as an umbrella term, which encompasses various dimensions associated with theories, concepts and activities of the board of directors, their non-executive and executive directors.... ... ... ... Corporate governance, from an overall perspective, can be viewed as an umbrella term, which encompasses various dimensions associated with theories, concepts and activities of the board of directors, their non-executive and executive directors (Cochran and Wartick, 1988)....
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Event Design Applied Theories in a Successful Application
5 pages (1689 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Event Design Applied Theories in a Successful Application" presents the event design concept as fundamental measurements to draw in concluding what works for the project scope initiatives.... The event design study is a classic design to outline a concept of classic designs....
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Media roles in africa changing electoral process edited by cosmas uchenna nwokeafor
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The wise saying goes, ‘Give me one hour of media a day, I'll become the local councilor, give me one day of media coverage, I'll become of the MLA, give me two TV channels for my publicity, I'll become the Member of Parliament, keep at my disposal 5 TV channels, I'll.... ... ... Media roles in Africa Changing Electoral Process by Cosmas Uchenna Nwokeafor contain articles that can be considered as the timely warning to the African countries engaged in the The media plays the decisive role in influencing the thinking process of the citizens in a country and it should be the duty of the media personnel to be responsive to the needs of the people and strive impartially to uphold the democratic values, without fear or favor....
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The book review of The Art of War, The World is Flat, Who Says Elephants Cant Dance
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
School of Business, Writing in the Disciplines (WID) Summer Reading Program Professor Date Introduction Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success, (C.... Dweck, 2006), The Age Of Discontinuity, (P.... Drucker, 1969) and Leading Change (Kotter, 1996: Stages Of Successful Organizational Transformation) are all different books that talk about different things....
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Are Antibiotics Friends or Foes
12 pages (3485 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Are Antibiotics Friends or Foes" presents antibiotics that have contributed to a large extent of easing humanity problems.... ) in their literature indicates that there are over 10, 000 have been identified and their chemical structure established....
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The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
6 pages (1547 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The literature is more interesting as it is effective in touching the minds of readers.... The paper "The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara" highlights that as the war eventually ended and the Union's victory was complete, Chamberlain ordered his men to salute all the surrendering soldiers as a sign of fulfillment of the mission and as a gesture of great honor towards their efficiency....
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Analysis of Freakonomics - A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The critics of literature need not look out for a common theme, because it is not there.... From the paper "Analysis of Freakonomics - A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything" it is clear that the author rakes interesting questions and answers them in an interesting style....
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Challenges of Managing People and Performance
5 pages (1643 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Challenges of Managing People and Performance' is a valuable example of human resources literature review.... The paper 'Challenges of Managing People and Performance' is a valuable example of human resources literature review.... This was evident in the various opinions from various literature materials which seemed to be different....
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Imperial Crisis and Wars of National Liberation
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Imperial Crisis and Wars of National Liberation" presents wars of national liberation.... The term ‘wars of national liberation' has a contested meaning in literature, but in this essay, it will be defined as the use of armed force by peoples to go against the rule and wishes of what they perceive as an oppressive regime (Goerick 71)....
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Economic Tools and Concepts in Sports Drugs
6 pages (1740 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The elasticity of demand for healthcare: a review of the literature and its application to the military health system.... This review "Economic Tools and Concepts in Sports Drugs" examines some of the tools and concepts that can be used in the case of sports drugs.... The review analyses the behavior of customer in case of sports drugs is ambiguous and needs ample research....
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Analysis of The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The literature is more interesting as it is effective in touching the minds of readers.... The author focuses on Michael Shaara's 'The Killer Angels', a historical narrative based on the real-to-life feelings the author hails from the human aspects of the superior cadre involved in the war with a considerably less focus on the effect and the reality of the war....
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The Village and Town Life by Leslie Changs
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Chang was brought up in a town outside New York; she is a graduate of Harvard University major in American History and literature.... Chang was brought up in a town outside New York; she is a graduate of Harvard University major in American History and literature....
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Mentoring Young People Leaving Care Someone for Me by Jasmine Clayden and Mike Stein
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The aim of the research was to make contributions to literature focusing on natural mentoring among high-risk youth (Munson & McMillen, 2009 pp108).... The aim of the research was to make contributions to literature focusing on natural mentoring among high risk youth (Munson & McMillen, 2009 pp108)....
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Empire to Exile: A Jacques Louis' View of Art
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
It also harbors his works which have supporting information and literature. ... In this paper "Empire to Exile: A Jacques Louis' View of Art", the writer will review a book on the great artist Jacques Louis David, and see how the book presents him to the world.... He is described as a neoclassical style type of a French painter, but with time he had to be a revolutionary....
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History of Modern America
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The gap in historical literature that the author seeks to fill is the period between 1960 and 2000.... The book, The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America is one of Ruth Rosen's works.... A feminist herself, Rosen in the book takes to review the women's rights and freedoms movement in America, particularly starting from the 1950s....
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