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The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression - Literature review Example

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The author of the paper titled "The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression" seeks to outline the findings of eight peer-reviewed journals based on the effects of violent video games on children and young adolescents’ aggression…
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The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression
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The Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents Aggression Research indicates that the exposure of violent video games on children has the danger of causing aggressiveness on their behavior. Various authors have confirmed the hypothesis, though there are others who have rejected the opinion. This research seeks to outline the findings of eight peer reviewed journals based on the effects of violent video games on children and young adolescents’ aggression. The research further illustrates the arguments and propositions among different scholars regarding the effects of violent video games on children and teenagers development. Future research regarding violent video gaming has further been outlined. The Effects of Violent Video Games On Children And Adolescents Aggression Following the massive availability and popularity of videos games in market nowadays, there is need to evaluate the effect of the video games especially the violent ones on children’s behavior. In the USA currently, research indicates that a majority of children, teenagers and young adults play video games frequently if not every day. It forms part of their leisure time whereby the average time spent on video games by children and young adolescents is seven hours per week. (Barthalow, Sestir & Davis, 2005). According to Barthalow, Sestir & Davis (2005) young adolescents consume double the time on video games. The video games industry accumulates an annual global sale of $20 billion where it has almost outpaced the movie industry. The growing concern about scholars and policy-makers is the amount of violent content in the leading video games. The violent video games have enhanced graphics while some have explicit language, graphics and stereotypes. The paper seeks to evaluate previous studies on the effects of violent video games on children’s aggression and pro social behavior. Literature review 1.“Video Game Violence Use Among The Vulnerable Populations; The Impact Of Violent Video Games On Delinquency And Bullying Among Children With Clinically Elevated Depression Or Attention Deficit Symptoms” Hypothesis Children with mental conditions are the most vulnerable population to violent video games effects. Methodology Ferguson & Olson (2013) conducted a research consisting of a sample of 377 participants whereby 182 suffered attention deficit problem while 284 suffered depression. The girls were 234 while the boys were 140. The children’s mean age was 12.93 recruited from suburban and urban schools. From the urban school, the ethnicity breakdown was: whites 50%, blacks 43%, Asians 2% and Hispanics 5%. From the suburban school, the breakdown was: whites 90%, blacks 4%, Asians 4% and Hispanic 1% 9 (Ferguson & Olson, 2013). Ferguson & Olson (2013) adopted the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) to measure the children’s exposure to video games. The children were to list 5 games that they played frequently over the past 6 months and the duration they had spent playing. The study used 16 likert questions regarding to physical and general aggression. Findings Ferguson & Olson (2013) stated the children from the sample were very conversant with the violent video games where the boys had dominance exposure to the games. The findings further provided that the violent video games had neither aggressive nor delinquent outcomes on the children. It also outlined that there were no bullying traits among the children. Ferguson & Olson Conclusion Ferguson & Olson (2013) argued that the study did not support their hypothesis and hence, exposure to violent video games among mental children had no effect on their aggression. 2.“The Effects Of Violent Video Game Habits On Adolescent Hostility: Aggressive Behaviors And School Performance” Hypothesis a)Violent video games exposure in children is positively related to trait hostility. b)Violent video games exposure is positively related to aggression in natural settings and physical fights. Methodology Gentile et al (2004) conducted a research on a sample of 496 8th grade pupils from 4 Midwestern schools. There breakdown was 61 pupils from urban private school, 350 from 2 suburban public schools and 196 from a rural public school. Their mean age was 14 years where 52% were male while 48% were female. 82% of the respondents were Caucasian. Procedure In Gentile et al (2004) the responding classes were selected randomly whereby the participants were to fill an anonymous survey collected through descriptive data regarding their knowledge and attitudes on video games; their names, the amountof violence they would want and their playing frequency. The participants were also supposed to record their level of aggression using a 7 point likert scale. They were further asked to indicate how often they engaged into fights. Findings Gentile et al (2004) revealed that the 8th and 9th graders spent 9 hours per week on video games. The boys spent more time than girls; 13hrs and 5hrs respectively. Majority indicated they would want extreme violence on the games. 62% indicated their 3 favorite video games contained violence while 37% were above the average violence level. 23% had arguments with teachers almost daily or weekly and 34% got into fights over the past year. Conclusion According to Gentile et al (2004) the hypothesis was confirmed. Their aggression was related to 3 violent measures: the level of violence they would want in video games, the additional violence they would want in the video-games and the type of video games they are exposed to. The children who liked violent video games were frequently engaged in physical fights and teacher arguments. 3.“Longitudinal Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggression In Japan And The United States” Objective To assess if frequent exposure to violent video games increases aggression among U.S. and Japan children and adolescents. Methodology Participants were from three population samples: 364 U.S. 9-12 year’s children (3rd, 4th, 5th graders), 181 Japanese 12-15 year olds and 1050 Japanese 13-18 (Anderson et al, 2008). The study was based on how frequent they played violent video games, the time they spent on the games and their physical aggression within the past months. The U.S respondents were to list 3 of their favorite violent games and to rate the level of violent content. The younger Japanese respondents were to list 5 of their favorite violent games. The participants were to further list their favorite game genre. The assessment of aggression was done by self report measure (Anderson et al, 2008). Findings According to Anderson et al (2008) the study recorded minimal differences between the samples whereby despite different longitudinal differences, the results provided a positive correlation between violent video games, and physical aggression among them. Conclusion Longitudinal differences and ethnicities have minimal effect on violent gaming preferences. Anderson et al (2008) illustrate that the U.S and Japanese sample both have a significant correlation with violent gaming. Their responses confirm the relevance of violent video games on children and adolescents irrespective their of age group. 4.“M-Rated Video Games And Aggressive Or Problem Behavior Among Young Adolescents , Applied Developmental Science.” Hypothesis Children who played violent video games more often have a high chance of engaging into fights, may be bullies or victim of bullies themselves. Methodology The study involved 1,254 7th and 8th graders of Pennsylvania and South Carolina middle schools who filled self administered surveys during their English class (Olson et al, 2009).The suburban Pennsylvania school had 90% whites, 4% blacks, 4% Asians and 1% Hispanics. In the urban South Carolina school; 50% were whites, 43% blacks, 5% Hispanics and 2% Asians. Data was collected by way of questions which contained their game preferences, amount of time spent playing and their motivational factor. There were also questions on attitudes and experiences regarding their aggression and conflicts level (Olson et al, 2009). Findings Olson et al (2009) confirms the M rated games formed a great impact on their bullying and physical aggressions. 45% of the study indicated that the children had a higher chance of engaging into physical bullying. 25% of the study indicated that the children had a higher probability of engaging into physical aggression. In boys the M rated games predicted more aggression than the girls. Violent games indicated higher chances of engaging in physical fights than non violent. The “E” rated games had little impact on their physical aggression (Olson et al, 2009). Conclusion Olson et al (2009) concludes the adult violent games have a significant impact on children’s aggression and pro social behavior. The results also indicate children value M rated violent games than the ‘E’ rated ones based on their action pack. 5.“The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggression: A Meta Analysis” Objectives 1.To provide a cumulative standard of effect size from different studies. 2.To evaluate consistent differences in graphic violent games in the effect size. 3.To evaluate time duration effect on effect size. 4.To test the relationship between subjects age and effect size. Methodology Study selection and coding A search from the periods of between January 1975 to July 2000 was undertaken using bound indexes, Communication and Psychological abstracts as data bases (Sherry, 2001). The topics and Abstracts were evaluated to examine case studies and literature review concerning the effects of violent video games on aggression. The search arrived at 25 case studies where effect size could be estimated and calculated. Coding was studied through certain characteristics: their research design, study description, stimuli description, sample characteristics and results (Sherry, 2001). Findings By combination of the 25 result studies, two variables showed significant results. Sherry (2001) adds the meta analysis suggested there was a relationship between video gaming and aggression which is however smaller than that of television. On the graphic violence measure; games that contained both violent human characters and fantasy had bigger effect sizes than sports related games (Sherry, 2001). On playing time, the effect size had no relation with the playing time. Conlusion Sherry (2001) outlines that indeed violent video games have a negative impact on children aggression and behavior. Children prefer virtual games that have violent graphics content. However, television has a huge impact on children’s aggression and pro social behavior than violent video games. 6.“The Role Of Violent Media Preference In Cumulative Developmental Risk For Violence And General Aggression.” Objective The investigate the role of violent media in contribution of cumulative antisocial behavior. Methodology Based on Boxer et al (2008) the study involved 820 participants sampled from adolescents in high school. The female were 430 representing 51.6%, and their ethnicity was 45.9%. The male were 390 representing 48.4%. The incarcerated delinquents were 390 representing 26.4%. Their mean age was 15.55. Data was collected through mailed surveys and telephone interviews. The respondents were to list three of their favorite video games during their childhood (Boxer et al, 2008). The respondents were to give a flashback during their childhood period. They were to illustrate the violent content in them on a 5 point rating scale. The survey also contained questions on their conduct problems, physical and general aggression. Findings Boxer et al (2008) indicates there was direct relationship between childhood and middle hood violent video games exposure and general and violent behavior. From the data, violent video games have been linked to causing aggressive behaviors among the children. Conclusion Boxer et al (2008) validate that childhood and current video game preferences has changed dismally changed. The favorite violent games have an increasing impact on their aggression and violent behavior. It was confirmed based on their guardians, parents and teachers information. 7.“Violent Video Games, Delinquency And Youth Violence: New Evidence” Hypothesis To examine the relationship between exposure to violent video games on adolescents delinquencies in correctional facility. Methodology The research involved 227 adolescent youths from a private nonprofit juvenile facility in Western Pennsylvania (Delisi et al, 2013). The sample was obtained through a nonprobability sampling method on a ratio of 1 male 1 female. Data collection from the male facility was conducted on June 2009 to August 2009. The age criterion was between 14 to 18 year olds. Data collection at the girls facility occurred between October 2009 to February 2010. Boys were 126 in number (55%) while girls were 101 in number (45%). The whites were 22.6% while the non-whites were 77.4%. The sample was involved in antisocial conducts like delinquency and serious violence like gang fighting and attacking others. 38% were brought at the facility at age 13, while 18% at age 12. Data was collected through structured one on one interviews by CASI techniques. Delinquent and serious violence were measured using the Self Report of Delinquency (SRD). Participants were asked to mention three of their favorite games and the frequency of playing using a 4 point scale. An attitudinal measure on violent games was conducted by the measurement of their level of enjoyment of the game and its characters (Delisi et al, 2013). Findings Delisi et al (2013) noted that violent video gaming or preference to the violent virtual gaming is linked to delinquencies and violence among the sample. The cross sectional study indicated that the exposure of violent video games is an ingredient to delinquent and criminal behaviors among the juveniles. Conclusion Delisi et al (2013) conclude violent video games have a psychological effect on adolescent delinquencies. The research was based on cross sectional study and therefore, longitudinal design could provide more insight on the influence of violent games on children’s aggression. Violent video games necessitate one of the factors that lead to aggression and delinquency in youths. 8.“Effect Of Video Games On Children’s Aggressive Behavior And Pro-Social Behavior: A Panel Study With Elementary School Students.” Objective To undertake a panel study in order to assess whether violent video games causes increase in aggression and a decrease in pro social behavior. Methodology The study conducted two studies. In the first study, it included 900 participants while in the second, in the second, 903 (Ihori et al, 2007). The study surveyed Japanese fifth graders randomly sampled from 8 public elementary schools. That is, 4 from regions and 4 from large cities. After analyzation, responses from 780 participants were included from the second survey. This was 396 female and 384 male. Measurement was conducted by gaming duration and frequency within the recent month. The research instrument measured: scene relevance in their daily lives, their preferred game genres and their recent aggressive or pro social behavior (Ihori et al, 2007). Findings Within a week, boys played violent video games for a frequency of 4 days while girls spent 2 days. During weekdays, boys spent 1 hour gaming while girls spent less than 1 hour. Based on Ihori et al (2007) in the first and second survey, boys were more exposed to violent scenes and insignificantly on pro social scenes. In the second survey, girls were more exposed to the sexual scenes. In the game genre, the respondents preferred non-violent games more in the first and second survey. Conclusion Ihori et al (2007) argue that video games had minimal effect on children’s aggressive behavior. The study noted that the video games further decreased pro social behavior. Therefore, the findings disagreed with the hypothesis. This was perceived may be to be attributed by the developers’ restrictions. Conclusion/ Discussion Based on the findings of the 8 articles, violent video games have a significant impact on children and adolescents aggression and pro social behavior. Based on the findings, 6 out of 8 articles support that violent video gaming has a negative impact on aggression and social behavior among children and adolescents. Only 2 are of contrary opinions which confirm that indeed violent virtual games are harmful to children and adolescents behavioral attitudes. Violent gaming has a contributing factor to children aggression. However, the meta analysis points out that time duration on violent video games has negative influence on children’s aggression (Sherry, 2001). In Olson et al (2009) violent games provided a distinct feature between children and adolescents gaming and aggression behaviors. The results outlined that M rated violent games had a stronger effect for girls as compared to boys. Boxer et al (2008) focused on the effects of violent games on violent adolescents and anti social adolescents. The research provided a new insight on the relation between childhood violent gaming and adolescent aggression. The results provided frequent violent gaming has a negative outcome on children and adolescents behavior. In the research, violent virtual gaming has been linked to increase in aggression in habitual players as compared to nonviolent players. Both the individualistic cultures like the U.S. and collectivistic culture like Japan, have the same impact on violent video games. It therefore illustrates negative powerful influence of violent games (Anderson et al, 2008). According to Delisi et al (2012) violent video gaming among children and adolescent is directly related to aggression but it is unknown to juvenile and correctional samples. However, the study reported that some of the juvenile delinquents have direct relationship to violent video playing. This was measured based on their self reports and delinquents history. Implications/ Future Research The study noted that although meta analysis can be a beneficial tool in population estimation trends and sizes, it is however difficult to evaluate causal relationships among variables in a study. The use of sub-analyses and small studies can pose the challenge of probability. In this regard, there can be a minimal effect by violent video games as compared to television violence. Therefore, there should be a further research to shed light on the tow variables. More cross-sectional design research need to undertaken in order to critically understand the role performed by violent video games in causing violence and aggression risks. The violent video games can pose an insignificant effect on aggressive behavior. This is due to lack of tangible video game evidence and anti social outcomes caused by violent virtual gaming. Based on the studies, there is evidence that violent virtual gaming has the some benefits on violence victims. This is because it minimizes their pain and suffering based on their experiences. However, over attraction to violent characters and actions has the danger of corroding children’s and adolescents psychology. There is lack of longitudinal research which progressively examines delinquents periodically so as to evaluate how violent video games and among other factors, affect their subsequent behaviors. Lastly, frequent violent gaming among the young children and adolescents should be controlled to minimize cases of pro-social behaviors presently and in the future. Short term effects include aggressive behaviors and pro cognition. Long term effects constitute violence desensitization and stereotyping. However, there is little research on whether violent video games have adverse effects on the female gender. References Furguson, C. & Olson, C., (2013). Video Game Violence Use Among Vulnerable Populations:The Impact of Violent Games on Delinquency and Bullying Among Children with Clinically Elevated Depression or Attention Deficit Symptoms. Youth violence, 9986, 1-10. Gentile et al, (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviours, and school performance. Journal of adolescence, 27, 5-22. Akira et al, (2008). Longitudinal effects of violent video games on aggression in Japan and the united states. Pediatrics, 122, 1067-1072. Olson et al, 2009. M-Rated Video Games and Aggressive or Problem Behaviour Among Young Adolescents. Applied developmental science, 13(4), 188-198. Sherry, J.,(2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression: a meta analysis. human communication research, 27(3), 409-431. Boxer et al, (2008). The Role of Violent Media Preference in Cumulative Developmental Risk for Violence and General Aggression. Youth adolescent Delisi et al, (2012). Violent Video Games, Delinquency, and Youth Violence: New Evidence. Youth violence and juvenile justice, 11(2), 132-142. Ihori et al, (2007). Effect of Video Games on Children’s Aggressive Behaviour and Pro-social Behavior: A Panel Study with Elementary School Students. Studies in simulation and gaming, 11,170-176. Read More
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