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Paraphrase the Androgynous Fashion
16 pages (4023 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Paraphrase the Androgynous Fashion" learns dress codes, androgyny's fashion, and mod styles of the 1960s, London club as the decadent birthplace of the '80s, the Blitz, Li Yuchun the Handsome: China's Supergirl where most of the music and fashion we know had its roots.... ... ... ... Coco Chanel (Fashion designer), born August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France....
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Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Grameen Bank
7 pages (2648 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Grameen Bank" states that the performance of Grameen Bank has been positive.... The performance measurement systems implemented by the organization have facilitated the success of the non-traditional banking institution.... ... ... ... Control is the process of ensuring that a firm's activities conform to its plan and that its objectives are achieved....
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Professional Development of an Individual
22 pages (5799 words) , Case Study
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This paper "Professional Development of an Individual" tells that having the right skills is essential for an individual's personal and professional development.... Managers, project leaders, and individuals having a leadership position encounter several challenges in executing their roles as leaders....
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The UK Foreign Holiday Market
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "The UK Foreign Holiday Market" it is clear that the changing fashions and preferences in the industry can be difficult to predict, but one area where the UK travel industry can be innovative is in the development of new products to meet changing market needs.... .... ... ... In general, the typical UK foreign tourist is becoming much more experienced....
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Amnesty and Human Rights
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Amnesty has published an article under the title: "Tibet at risk of torture" on march 27 2008.... It shows the recent events in Tibet, a country that is occupied by China for more then 50 years now.... .... ... ... Amnesty International is a broad organisation world wide.... According to the Amnesty International Australia, the organisation is a world wide movement of people campaigning to protect human rights....
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Competitor Analysis of Apple Inc
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This report 'Competitor Analysis of Apple Inc.... is concerned with identifying the competitive environment of Apple Inc.... and understands the core competencies of the firm to compete in market to maintain its position.... The main focus of the company is on the rapid technological advancement....
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Dynamics in the Australian Agricultural Labour Force
6 pages (1789 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Dynamics in the Australian Agricultural Labour Force" is a great example of an agriculture case study.... Although some of the Australian landscapes may give a false impression of a beehive of agricultural productivity that may signify a dominant economic activity.... The fundamental role of agriculture in rural areas are mainly characterised by new settlers who may be having other forms of employment elsewhere....
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Cancer Treatments
6 pages (1576 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Cancer Treatments" presents the adult female, D, who is forty-five years old, single, and currently going through breast cancer treatments.... When first meeting her, you see the light in her eyes has not been diminished by the chemotherapy sessions.... ... ... ... While it may seem like she is weak due to her condition, she is quite an active person who is not letting her diagnosis bring her down....
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Oman Cement Company
6 pages (1619 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Oman Cement Company " tells that Oman Cement Company is a trusted name in the construction industry.... The company employs advanced technology to produce high-quality products.... The company has always dedicated to producing high quality and hence has gained a good reputation.... ... ...
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SABMiller Strategy with Marks and Spencer
6 pages (1727 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"SABMiller Strategy with Marks and Spencer" paper argues that SABMiller focused on mergers and acquisitions in order to become the global brand.... The company had acquired many big brands which lead it to become the second-largest brewer company in the world.... .... ... ... M&S depended on its old rules which did not allow it to introduce new products which led to losing its market share....
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Meme-Tech Network Engineering Project
5 pages (1409 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Meme-Tech Network Engineering Project" critically analyzes and evaluates some of the most successful start-ups in the Australian market to understand why they have succeeded.... Meme.... ech hopes to develop a start-up that helps in the development of start-ups in Australia.... ... ... ...
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Components of an HVAC System
6 pages (1721 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper ''Components of an HVAC System'' tells that HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial and office buildings.... It's used in many sectors from the design of small scale to large scale industries; marine environments where safe and healthy living conditions are regulated concerning temperature....
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Managing Business Relationships - Red Carpet Limited
7 pages (1770 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Managing Business Relationships - Red Carpet Limited " it is clear that if employees at RCL were right about the likelihood of them losing their jobs because they were no longer needed, there were specific steps that Mike and Lee needed to take.... ... ... ... The primary issue in this scenario involves determining if Red Carpet Limited (RCL) can do anything about Computerlink's failure to provide the 24-hour 7 days week support service that was promised by mouth but not by contract....
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Inflation Targeting Analysis
5 pages (1407 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Inflation Targeting Analysis" critically analyzes the main inflation targeting mechanisms implementation based on the case of New Zealand.... Inflation is the unpredictable future crisis in the modern economy which has positive as well as negative impacts on the financial market.... ... ...
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McDonalds Corporation - Separation between Management and Ownership
5 pages (1429 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'McDonald's Corporation - Separation between Management and Ownership" is a great example of a management case study.... Over the last decade, McDonald's has dominated the fast-food industry serving in excess of sixty-eight million customers every day.... McDonald's has more than 35,000 outlets which are distributed to over one hundred and nineteen countries across the globe (McDonald)....
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Treatment Plan for Bulimia Nervosa
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Treatment Plan for Bulimia Nervosa" outlines a treatment plan for Bulimia Nervosa disorder that includes the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy.... Substantial research has been conducted to identify the effective psychological and pharmacologic treatments for Bulimia Nervosa disorder....
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The Legend of Atlantis
5 pages (1344 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
According to legend, the paper "The Legend of Atlantis" tells that there was once a glorious city full of technological wonders and highly enlightened humans that sank suddenly beneath the waves and buried its knowledge forever.... This city was called Atlantis.... ... ... ... They stopped an invasion of their own country as well as freeing Egypt and eventually, every country under the control of the rulers of Atlantis'....
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Industry Analysis: Boom Logistics
5 pages (1578 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Industry Analysis: Boom Logistics" is a perfect example of a business case study.... The company was incorporated in December 2000 as a mode of carrying out future accomplishments.... It was formally an Australian Crane Company before it acquired flourishing private businesses that are currently holding strategic positions in the Australian Crane industry....
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Recitatif & Racial Identities Revisited: Toni Morrison's Recitatif
6 pages (1797 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Recitatif & Racial Identities Revisited: Toni Morrison's Recitatif" discusses Toni Morrison who through the story 'Recitatif,' shows how brittle are the racial relationships and how weak are the processes that hold both the races together.... ... ... ... At the personal levels, all seems to be well, but when the social, economic and other divisive issues come to the fore, racism with its ugly face surfaces and destroy the benevolence in human relationships....
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Role of Oil in America's Power Games and Energy Security
5 pages (1516 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Role of Oil in America's Power Games and Energy Security" examines the role of oil in determining the social, political, and economic history of the United States from 1981 to the present and provides specific evidence to support this discussion from Iraq and the International Oil System....
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Hazardous material managment and HAZMAT teams
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Numerous accidents associated with hazardous materials have been reported across the globe as the world continues to face the threat of accidental or intentional exposure to such materials.... The fatalities experienced in some of the past exposures to poisonous chemicals and.... ... ... Such incidents have triggered the need for hazardous waste management facilities to collude with the various industries and regulators in order to ensure application of Proper management of hazardous materials entails minimization of the risks associated with such materials to the entire society while at the same time avoiding shifting of the risks to other sectors....
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Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
In the paper 'Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice' the author analyses the leadership dilemma being faced by Kathy Simpson, which is related to strategic organizational change in a specific criminal justice setting.... Kathy Simpson is a team leader at Pokemon Correctional Facility.... ... ... ...
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What is a federal grant
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Every funding agency requires that you submit your Mission Statement with your grant proposal.... Mission Statement should include and reflect the outpatient treatment program's commitment to use educational technology to meet our goal goals.... ... ... ... What is a federal grant?... ... ... he first thing that I would do is begin grant research for St....
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Intercultural Business Communication in Australia Country
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this case study entitled "Intercultural Business Communication in Australia Country" touches upon Australian companies business communication.... It is stated that the name Australia comes from a Greek name Australis which means southbound.... .... ... ... Australia was discovered by explorers mid-second millennium....
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Local Problem of McDonalds Company
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Local Problem of McDonalds Company" highlights that price discrimination or charging barbell pricing does not show to be the prominent reason for sales drop.... In fact, discrimination makes up for the losses that the low priced products bring in.... ... ... ... Once the McDonald's customer base gets redeveloped, customers need to be retained and their comeback has to be guaranteed....
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The Significance of Aristotelian Philosophy
6 pages (1654 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This work called "The Significance of Aristotelian Philosophy" focuses on the personality of Greek Philosopher Aristotle, his ideas, beliefs, relation to work, the role in society.... The author outlines that one can most definitely look to Aristotle for a model of how good relationships at work are conducted and maintained....
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Women that Have Brought Revolutions in the Technology
6 pages (1718 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Women that Have Brought Revolutions in the Technology' presents human as unique species were born on this planet.... However, it is interesting to note that it took centuries for the first human to learn to speak and protect himself efficiently from external hazards.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that if we plot this process of development of the humans on a graph, we would find that this growth or development has been happening at a purely exponential rate or increasing rate....
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Police Officer and the Police Community Support Officer
6 pages (1684 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Police Officer and the Police Community Support Officer" examines both a professional and nonprofessional role within a helping profession.... The study analyses how each has developed and provides an analysis of ways in which their working practices areas of accountability differ.... ...
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The Current and Future use of Internet Technologies for LLoyds TSB
6 pages (1732 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study analyzes the Lloyds TSB internet business.... The study includes the recommendation regarding the Web design, E-Marketing, and B2B area and also regarding the Sales and Customer Service.... The study conducts the analysis of the current and future use of Internet Technologies by the Lloyds TSB....
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Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Globalization
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study under the title "Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Globalization" demonstrates Globalization as a process that has been on-going for a long time now.... Dating back centuries ago, the time continues to take more meanings as the world evolves.... ... ... ... It is mentioned that in a general meaning, the term globalization is used to define the process by which the world continues to be converted into a global village....
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Competitive Forces and SWOT Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Competitive forces and SWOT analysis Date: Competitive forces and SWOT analysis The Whole Foods Market is the world's leading natural and organic foods supermarket, and America's first national “Certified Organic” grocer (Steve, 2002: 2).... ... ... ... The first store was opened in Austin, Texas, in 1980, and, as of September 27, 2009, they had 284 stores; 273 of them in U....
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Informed Human Resource Decisions in Apple Incorporation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Informed Human Resource Decisions in Apple Incorporation" discusses that Apple understands that, its strength lies within its skilful employees.... Therefore, retaining these employees is extremely important to organizations.... Their retention depends on the way the organization treats them....
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Kim Jung Eun as the Destiny of North Korea
6 pages (1620 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper presents the history and destiny of North Korea which has been entwined with the family of Kim Il Sung and the most recent declared head of state, Kim Jung Eun is the third in line from the same family that has dominated economic and political affairs of the country.... ... ... ... The new leader of North Korea appears to be following the dictatorial patterns set by his father and grandfather and adhering to the Communist ideology....
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Motivational Theory in the Context of the US Army
5 pages (1336 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Motivational Theory in the Context of the US Army" explains the steps taken by the US military to improve the productivity of army officials and employees, explores the alignment of the Army with the criminal justice system, and why the desired results are not the same as the real ones....
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Characteristic of Murder Scenes in Literature
6 pages (1598 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work "Characteristic of Murder Scenes in Literature" describes two murder scenes, one of which is extracted from Perfume, a novel written by Patrick Süskind, and the other from Thérèse Raquin, one of Emile Zola's most famous literary works.... The author takes into account the similarities of these scenes, the possibilities of characterizing the personalties and also differences....
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Self-Identity is Not a Set of Traits or Obvious Characteristics
6 pages (1623 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper gives detailed information about personal identity.... The personal identity seems to be like a question 'who am I?... The answer to this question might appear to be about personality, i.... .... the kind of person that I am.... But is this all about identity?... .... ... ... An identity that is stable is based on a person's life, actions and influences, which make sense to them....
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Salesforcecom - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Intranet and Portal Development
4 pages (1611 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Salesforcecom - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Intranet and Portal Development" it is clear that taxonomy, an influential core module, provides the sites use of the managerial keywords recognized in additional systems as tags, categories, or metadata.... ... ... ... The Taxonomy module permits one to generate, manage and use those vocabularies....
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Skills Audit and Personal Development Plan
6 pages (1577 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study "Skills Audit and Personal Development Plan" focuses on the analysis of the author's personal skills audit along with the evaluation of his/her personal development plan.... S/he is a Civil Engineering Student and is committed to achieving the best in the course and their future profession....
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Solar Energy as One of the Ways of Reducing Global Warming
5 pages (1370 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Solar Energy as One of the Ways of Reducing Global Warming" presents general information, the advantages, and disadvantages of hydropower, wind energy, and solar energy.... The use of wind, solar and hydropower as a form of energy is the most effective way of reducing global warming.... ...
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FAT32 File System for Computers
5 pages (1378 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'FAT32 File System for Computers' focuses on Mueller that notes that the FAT32 system and NTFS are some of the most common file systems in use today.... FAT was the first to emerge and was later on upgraded to FAT32 to improve its functionality.... ... ... ... It's pointed out that the NTFS file system has been found to the most appropriate for use in desktop computers for workgroups....
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Differences in East and West Berlin and their Effects on Urban Planning
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the "Differences in East and West Berlin and their Effects on Urban Planning" paper argues that there are differences between East and West Berlin that have effects on the citizens, and that causes challenges in urban planning in the city.... .... ... ... The west has higher benefits, for example, low unemployment, high economic growth, and modern architecture; compared to obsolete architecture, high unemployment, and low economic growth in the east....
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Social Media has a Negative Impact on Teenagers
5 pages (1620 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Social Media has a Negative Impact on Teenagers" discusses some of these negative impacts of social media on teenagers.... Teenagers of modern-day have been considered more connected more than any other cohort worldwide.... This has been possible through advances in social media.... ... ...
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The Flat Income Tax in the United States
5 pages (1590 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Flat Income Tax in the United States" describes that one of the biggest complaints about the current system of taxation is its overwhelming complexity.... The myriad forms, schedules, and attachments required to even file the most basic income and expenditures.... ... ... ... In conclusion, a tax system should be designed to be equitable, practical, and serve the important function of raising the necessary revenue....
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Wholesale Marketing Channel
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'Wholesale Marketing Channel' the author discusses a marketing channel for the product to reach the target market.... With the increasing levels of competition in the US market, many companies are opting to use independent retailers.... ... ... ... The author states that unlike in Canada whereby the company was able to use internal sales representatives to distribute products in different parts of the country, the US market requires a different approach....
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Fiscal Policy and Presidential Elections
5 pages (1405 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Fiscal Policy and Presidential Elections" argues in a well-organized manner that after the recession of 1990–91, the economy was slow to recover.... The link between economic performance and reelection success has a long history.... ... ... ... At the time of the 1992 presidential election, the unemployment rate still languished at 7....
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Modern Trends in Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Modern Trends in Aircraft Hydraulic Systems" paper examines some of the latest developments in aircraft hydraulic systems.... The emphasis is on some of the recently released commercial aircraft as they have to meet challenges like carrying the highest number of passengers while saving fuel costs....
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Azez the Wonder Boy - Site's Target Audience and Competitive Analysis
6 pages (1585 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Azez the Wonder Boy - Site's Target Audience and Competitive Analysis" discusses Azez the Wonder Boy that is a website about Azez.... The website shall aim to cover his major achievements and endeavors, his childhood and upbringing, and His future aspirations and intentions.... ... ...
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Heathrow Airport
6 pages (1748 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Heathrow Airport" discusses Heathrow international airport as one of the largest airports in the world with a future possibility of expansion.... Different engineering has been used to come up with long-lasting facilities at the Heathrow airport.... ... ... ... Heathrow airport has offered a better level in allowing all engineering concepts ranging from civil to structural engineering to be applied at the fastest growing international airport....
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Music Therapy
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Music Therapy" discusses songs I enjoy listening to and even dancing to and I thought that the same dynamism and electrifying energy of the hits would get into the gym.... It never was that express.... The playlist consisted of the following songs.... ... ... ... I never had thought it possible to dedicate time just before exercise to consider what it really was that music during exercise did to either boost my workout motivation or make me relax and feel like I would leave the gym....
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Apple Computers
5 pages (1334 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Apple Computers " discusses that total sales of Apple in 2009 were $36.... 4 billion.... The sales grew by 162% in comparison with 2005 and by 12.... % in comparison with the previous year.... The hefty increase in sales in comparison with 2005 is associated with the release of the iPhone....
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