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Application of organizational behavior concepts
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research shows that job dissatisfaction among employees leads to high employee turnover.... research also suggests that working on the mental health state of the workforce can be very effective as a happy employee with a positive mind treating the workplace with dignity and managing other projects as if they are assigned typically to him/her hugely influences the rate of “customer satisfaction, loyalty, supply costs, turnover, sick days, project completion, quality and more” (Norris, 2011)....
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How to Achieve Top Search Engine Positioning
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With some research, though, a webmaster can do as well or better without such a service.... Now, exposure is monetarily free while the real cost is spending time in research and in implementation or to write a much larger check amount to someone who can.... The researcher of this analytical essay mainly focuses on the discussion of the topic of search engine optimization and trying to answer the question how to achieve a top position of the website....
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Global Trade And The Opec
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Productive capacity in the oil sector stood still in relation to the rise of worldwide oil demand subsequent to the hefty increases in the 1970s and early 1980s.... Specifically, OPEC's present day capacity is much lower than that of the 1978 levels and despite recent capacity acceleration, upstream investment has been hampered by volatile real prices, considerable excess capacity and political/institutional restrictions. ...
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Operation management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
BUSINESS OPERATIONS Name of the Student: Name of the University: Date: Part 1: Defining “Operations Management” Any study on operation management is incomplete without consideration of seminal research work of Slack (2004) and Slack & Lewis (2008) which have not only defined the operation management from industry perspective but also highlighted types of activities that Operations Managers are required to perform in order to satisfy all the criterion of operation management....
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Japanese art influence on Western culture
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Throughout history, Japanese Art has had a significant influence on Western Culture.... The exposure of Japanese to the economic opportunities in the West, and an influx of European philosophies, and culture into Japan have reversed the otherwise classic isolated Japanese artists.... ... ... ... The debut of Japanese art and civilization in the West led to the coining of the term “Japonism,” which recognizes the influences of the Japanese art in the Western society....
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Knife Crime and Youth Justice - Policy, Policing, Race, Social Status
11 pages (2983 words) , Download 0 , Essay
c, Tenth Report of Session 2008-09 - Report, Together With Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence,House of Commons papers, The Stationer Office ... The paper "Knife Crime and Youth Justice - Policy, Policing, Race, Social Status" highlights that since the infant's brain is molded by its experiences with its caregivers, the caregivers have the responsibility to attune to the infant's signals which is important in the first two years of life....
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Tabloid, Celebrity Internet Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The idea is that tabloid media must cater to the low taste culture of a segment of the population that are not exposed to higher cultural origin - those that prefer “greater literalness” and the emphasis on action, as found in adventure stories, melodrama and violent sports (Rainwater, 2009, 356)....
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Project Management for Security, Facility Managers
10 pages (3052 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Either has the responsibility of managing and securing a building, installation or institution such as hotels, office complexes, resorts, sports arenas, schools, convention centers etc.... facility manager of a sports arena will continually organize and plane for numerous competitions or matches every year....
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Foreign Direct Investment in India and China
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
research has proved that FDI has a direct relation with the ... This essay "Foreign Direct Investment in India and China" is about the two growing economies in Asia that have been frequently making news with regard to the FDI.... Being guided by the commonality of the abundance of human resources, the disparity between these two countries in the inflow of FDI is as huge as the Himalayas....
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A Strategic Business Plan
16 pages (4256 words) , Download 5 , Essay
http://papers.... om/sol3/papers.... lanning through research and performance reports: $450,000 ... ears One to Five: With an inclination towards marketing research and basic reorganisation of the HR base, with regular performance appraisal programs, the returns for the first five years are slated to be $ 5,000,000. ... The Design and Use of Management Control Systems: An Extended Framework for Analysis, Social Science research Network....
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Importance of Maps to GIScience
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
GI System therefore admirably fits in as research on GI Science.... The inter-connections between maps and GIScience and its associated steps in the process and the possible outputs also engaged many research works.... IS may thus be considered as a Management tool and a level for Visual Decision Support for Cartography research.... WEB, MAPS  AND GIS Web has become a common place for users to search and access millions of maps pertaining to almost every research area possible....
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Importance of Maps to GIScience
9 pages (2327 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
GI System therefore admirably fits in as research on GI Science.... The inter-connections between maps and GIScience and its associated steps in the process and the possible outputs also engaged many research works.... IS may thus be considered as a Management tool and a level for Visual Decision Support for Cartography research.... eb has become a common place for users to search and access millions of maps pertaining to almost every research area possible....
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Comparison of 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Guides of Three Schools
9 pages (2715 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Comparison of 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Guides of Three Schools" assets that of the three schools, it was Hillside school that provided the most comprehensive curriculum guide that reflects thorough planning and consideration of the students' needs.... ... ... ... Education is a valuable heritage that significantly contributes to an individual's success in life....
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Comparison Language Arts Curriculum Guides
10 pages (2965 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Comparison Language Arts Curriculum Guides" states that the suggested activities are more constructivist and learner-centered which students may find interesting.... Its approach of using a literature-based curriculum may also be learner-centered, and from there, teachers assess the skills....
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Native American Music Issues
4 pages (1459 words) , Download 2 , Essay
papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.... research on Native American Music Category.... The essay "Native American Music Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in Native American music.... There were roughly five hundred different nations of native peoples during the earliest affirmation of European influx on the coasts of the North American continent....
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Satisfaction among Factory Workers and Cleaners in the UAE
16 pages (4187 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Restate purpose and research question ... he purpose of this research paper is to measure the satisfaction of an unskilled and illiterate migrant worker in the UAE.... The most important research aspects that will be looked into will concern the following questions: ... This will support and give evidence which will help us in answering the above research questions. ... n the same study, in February 2006, human rights association conducted a research and they interviewed about 60 people who were involved in construction works....
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Understanding the Cause and Effect of Failed Responses to Ambulance 999 Calls in London
8 pages (1997 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Understanding the Cause and Effect of Failed Responses to Ambulance 999 Calls in London" is an outstanding example of an essay on management.... London is one of the largest metropolises in the world and at the same time one of the most technologically developed cities regarding infrastructure and also in the health care system....
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International business strategies
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In addition, the firm is regarded as a distinct, clearly defined unit.... Its boundaries are seldom questioned or considered problematical (Axelsson,.... ... ... Critically evaluate this statement in relation to the different forms of international/global alliances which exist within and across industries or organisations with which you are familiar, or which you may have studied. ...
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The Internet Speed and Wi-Fi Coverage at Camps and Dormitory
7 pages (1936 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Internet Speed and Wi-Fi Coverage at Camps and Dormitory'' discusses that the slow internet connection at our camps and dormitory could be caused by various reasons.... Slow internet is often experienced when users do more that 1 thing whilst on the internet.... ... ... ... The paper also comprises a discussion of the various benefits that people in our camps and dormitory will enjoy as a result of the solution....
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The Nature of the Accounting Profession in Mexico, and Mexicos Accounting Principles
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Nature of the Accounting Profession in Mexico, and Mexico's Accounting Principles Mexico's business accounting culture encompasses a variety of reports, professional associations and rules.... Since the country experienced financial crisis in the 1990s (termed the Tequila crisis), its accounting standards now include strict information management, as well as disclosure mechanisms....
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CSR Strategy for Four Seasons Resort
3 pages (855 words) , Download 7 , Essay
For example, Deloitte research rated it among the most recognized participants in Hospitality and philanthropic activities.... The essay "CSR Strategy for Four Seasons Resort" focuses on the critical analysis of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Four Seasons Resort in Canada....
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Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes Towards Social Media
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research aims at specifying the main factors that affect the attitudes of consumers towards marketing through the use of social media.... This research 'Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes Towards Social Media' will begin with the statement that social media is a new phenomenon that has been introduced in this century.... The objective of this research paper is to specify the main factors that affect the attitudes of consumers towards marketing through the use of social media....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
I thank you for taking the time to read and consider my essays.... Success is a universal goal, yet defined differently by every individual.... In my eyes, long term success means recognition as an expert in the field in which I'm passionate.... I recognize that my greatest passion is in the field of investments....
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Knowledge in Everyday Life: Theory and Application
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Knowing How: essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action.... The essay "Knowledge in Everyday Life: Theory and Application" presents the concepts of forming knowledge and dealing with this immeasurable substance.... .... ... ... From the examples given and the discussion that borrows from the philosophical approach to knowledge, I agree to a certain extent that there are two ways in which humankind can produce knowledge that is through passive observation and active experiment....
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GenerAges and Millennials in Adulthood
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Millennials believe that making money will never be more important for them than children and family life (Pew research Center).... Today's society is run on imaginary and mostly on an “operating system” that has not been discussed at length to different generations that come and go....
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Corporate Antipolitics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
United States of America being the largest economy drives the demand even higher.... In response to the thirst of oil in the nation, government sponsored companies have reached various nations.... There has.... ... ... The influx of such multinationals in various parts of the globe has an impact on indigenous communities. ...
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Demystifying Intuition: What it is, What it does, and How it does it
65 pages (16250 words) , Download 12 , Research Paper
“The nature of intuition and its neglect in research on judgment and decision-making”.... Most of these characteristics have been validated in a research program for testing the assumptions in CEST (see reviews in Epstein, 200329.... Contemporary research on Pavlovian conditioning.... This is well illustrated in the research on the ratio-bias (RB) phenomenon, which places the two systems in opposition to each other at the same time....
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Studying the Motivation According to the Gender
9 pages (3037 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper "Studying the Motivation According to the Gender" suggests the research of direction to increase the academic achievement of children by studying their motivation based on their age and gender.... research on gender differences in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has only provided partial support for significant effects.... research has shown that the “study of motivation provides a rich framework for addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our educational system today” (Graham and Taylor 121)....
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Looking at Social Media and the Personality Trait of Individual
10 pages (2932 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Using personality traits of individual's online; research can be done to explain this statement.... Using credible research done in 2005 by survey of social network and some previous personality test research done by McCrae & Costa which has a consistency in their findings (McCrae Robert R.... With regards research studies such as the one carried out by Hampton, Sessions and Goulet, (2011), it's through the resultant findings that we conclude the usefulness of combining the exploration of the digital media usage and personality traits....
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The trade relations between China and the U.S
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Congressional research Paper 7-5700.... U.... .... –China economic ties in the last three decades have shown signs of growth with the countries boosting ties despite significant.... ... ... For instance, In 1979 U.... .... - China trade was $2 billion, which has since grown tremendously to $562 billion in 2013....
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Impact of Media Globalisation on National Identity
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
du/chinapolicy/www/papers/wang_advertising.... [Online] European Journal of Scientific research.... The aim of this essay 'Impact of Media Globalisation on National Identity' is to analyze the benefits and concerns raised by media globalization in the economy of China....
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Mobilising Creativity and Innovation
17 pages (4285 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Among the target areas highlighted by this approach include increased focus on entrepreneurship, improving partnership working and cross-sector innovation, extending the evidence base through focused research and comprehensive impact analysis, enhancing means through which individuals can translate non-formal learning outcomes into the work world, among others.... Lone inventor achievements, though traditionally the result of input from a single genius, innovations and inventions in the modern world, as I have learned from in-depth research and observations, are a result of contributions from different people....
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Business Strategy and Policy: Internal Factor Evaluation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It attributes its great ccess in the footwear and sportswear market from its sponsorship of high profile athletes and sports teams internationally with highly recognized trademarks by the name “just Do It” as well as the Swoosh logo.... Its current logo “swoosh” sign is recognized as the most prestigious logos in the global market, industry as well as on the planet since it is involved with so many sponsorships of sports (Katz 14)....
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Nike Footwear Company Intensive Marketing
4 pages (1041 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They have also high promoted their product through sponsoring various sports activities.... This creates loyalties of their customers especially the celebrated sports personalities who they pay to use their products.... The use of influential sports personalities in promoting their products also reduces their customer's bargaining power (CARBASHO, 2010).... Having sponsored very many sports activities globally, they always gain from such events since they encourage the use of their products....
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Industry Individual
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
However after some intense session with my team and instructors I presented some research papers to my team with end-results building my confidence.... iscourse and research.... As students we are required many times to present scholarly papers by our tutors and professors and this Industry Individual Part Individual Research and Contribution I undertook to write a report about our collective contribution on behalf of the group.... As students we are required many times to present scholarly papers by our tutors and professors and this feat of writing academic documents without confidence and the ability to think critically can be such a disappointing experience....
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The Effect of GATT/WTO on the Formation of Preferential Trading Agreements
5 pages (2429 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
However, the authors have expressed that little research has been done for determining how and due to which reasons the multilateral regime has helped in the conception and formation of PTAs by the members of these organizations themselves.... "The Effect of GATT/WTO on the Formation of Preferential Trading Agreements" paper argues that the performance of the GATT/WTO has not satisfied many nations and the extended time spent in negotiations among members has left many to turn towards other options such as PTAs....
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How Globalisation Complicates the Process of Business Management
8 pages (2240 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The current state of research into the effects and implications of globalisation for business management and profitability is rather scarce.... The main goal of this research is to analyse primary and secondary information in regards to the changes in profitability and business practices as a result of globalisation and internationalisation in the banking sector.... research aims and objectives The main research question is “how globalisation complicates global banking business and yet increases overall profitability for stakeholders and promoters for global banking enterprises”....
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High Dropout of Students in the University
15 pages (4048 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research is an attempt undertaken to understand the reason for the students dropping out of the school.... In conducting an educational research, there are many issues involved.... The student is required to be aware of the education research method in order to conduct a research (Tuckman, 1988).... The research methodologies that are preferred over others are qualitative and quantitative (Tuckman, 1988)....
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Children of Undocumented Immigrants Should Attend College
8 pages (2131 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
n addition to this, it has been evaluated through vivid research and analysis that almost 4.... From the paper "Children of Undocumented Immigrants Should Attend College" it is clear that introduction of DREAM act is surely advantages for all but its negative impact need to control in an effective and tactful way by the managers or leaders of the organizations or nation....
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Thailand as a Historical Country Located in Southeast Asia
10 pages (2708 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(Berger 73) Doctor Sommai did a great research work on controlling the breast cancer in women.... The paper "Thailand as a Historical Country Located in Southeast Asia" tells that Thailand is internationally known for its medical tourism attractions.... Spas are also very famous for tourists because they also provide great entertainment apart from providing post-treatment facilities....
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Hormone Therapy for Endometriosis and Surgical Menopause
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
urther study and research: ... Hormone therapy for endometriosis and surgical menopause INTROUCTION Purpose of the research paper: The purpose of this study is to methodically review the literature in order to critically evaluate the paper describing the risk of pain and disease recurrence among woman with endometriosis who had undergone bilateral sapingoophorectomy (BSO), with and without hysterectomy and subsequently received hormone therapy. ... ignificance of this research paper ...
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The artwork of Gustav Klimt is controversial
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research contained within this paper will support the thesis and provide examples for the reader.... his project will focus on expert and personal research by experiencing the art created by Klimt.... The design of this research will be based on books, and case studies.... The ELP Experimental research Data contains the personal research of the writer of this paper.... All research was conducted from July 13th to August 8th, 2014....
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Reflections on Social Work and Community Development
2 pages (579 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It turned out that Mark has published several papers concerning social work and community development to bring more insights into the field.... The essay "Reflections on Social Work and Community Development" focuses on the critical analysis of the author's reflections on social work and community development....
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An Analysis of Christianity Through the Lens of Toulmins Method of Argumentation
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This analysis will utilize Toulmin's model of claim, ground, warrant, rebuttal, and qualifier to help explain the Christian's responsibility to the environment and how it should be formulated.... The paper will briefly discuss one of the fundamental issues that relates to the current interpretation of environmental protection, conservation, and respect as it exists among certain sectors of Christianity today....
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Toyotas Advertising and Sales Promotion Campaigns
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the research essay 'Toyota's Advertising and Sales Promotion Campaigns' the author provides a comprehensive SWOT analysis for TOYOTA and explains what some of their key success factors have been.... The strengths of Toyota make a formidable mix around the world.... .... ... ... The author claims that the weakness of Toyota lies mainly in its dependence on the automobile segment....
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The Ancient World According to Plato
5 pages (1474 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "The Ancient World According to Plato" seeks to give a critical analysis of the main aspects of Plato's Timaeus, while at the same time explaining the important role of man in Plato's Timaeus.... Explains the analogy between the coming to be of Timaeus' discourse and the coming to be of the cosmos....
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The Primary Roles of Journalism
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 3 , Essay
papers'.... In this context, two key theoretical premises form the basis of research in this area.... A broad-based survey by the politically independent Pew research Centre indicates that the coverage had elicited intense and wide-ranging emotional reactions to the event.... research has provided evidence that in terms of covering events such as terrorist attacks, television news tends to focus on stories about specific acts excluding related historical, economic, or social context....
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Political Economy of Malawi and Its Effects on the Economic Performance
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of this research paper "Political Economy of Malawi and Its Effects on the Economic Performance" explains that Malawi was known as Nyasaland and was inhibited by the Bantu tribes.... The paper will review the literature on the topic and a draft will be drawn out for the methods of the research.... Before the start of the scheme, a research stated that 52.... A research conducted in 2007 shows that the program was successful in implementing in strategies and bringing a large portion of the poor into the mainstream economy....
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Importance of E-Tourism
15 pages (4153 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? (Zhou2004) Here in the research paper the researcher is discussing about the use of technology and their prospects in tourism sector by taking into consideration an American Tourist Company “Trek America.... his research was performed to gather the secondary data regarding E-commerce in tourism industry.... Trek America is the tourist company, taken into consideration for the research.... Tourism is defined as a travel or journey for the sake of recreation, leisure or business purposes....
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Planning as One of the Vital Parts of an Organizations Management
5 pages (1482 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For this research, my chosen process is planning.... Coca-cola company enter into a country after full research about the culture of that country so they change there strategies according to the culture of the country and offer schemes like discount offers on special events like Eid (Pinedo, 2009). ...
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