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The Major Characteristic of the Film Noir
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
I think of myself as an essayist, producing essays in novel form or novels in essay form: only instead of writing, I film them.... This paper focuses on the major characteristic of the Film Noir.... The gender issues of the Film Noir films can be understood only within the background of the particular characteristics of the Protagonist which is an anti-hero, an ordinary American male who is sure to be doomed....
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Aspects of Economic Growth, Unemployment and Inflation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author concludes that the aspects of Economic Growth, Unemployment and inflation combined can create a sketch of the economy that can be extremely useful to compare it with itself to asses the performance of the economy over time or to compare it with other similar economies .... ... ... Inflation and Unemployment are related so that in general the planners have to choose between reducing inflation or unemployment at the cost of the other....
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How Urban Tourism Has Benefited Dalston
8 pages (2439 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Conceptualising Cultural Quarters Planning Practice and research 18:4 293-306. ... However, as urban tourism grows, research indicates that many youths are obtaining jobs in the tourism sector, hence the level of unemployment are plummeting.... Considering the many benefits that urban tourism has had on the deprived Dalston, this research, therefore, reccomends that the local authorities in Dalston continue embracing urban tourism as it will help in encumbering the high poverty levels that are thretening to engrave the region; there is a positive correlation between urban tourism and growth of cities....
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The Economic Dragons Threatening Our World
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper outlines what the nation can do to ward off speculation, minimize the potential for inflation and at the same time improve its standing in the world economy.... This case involves a rich East Asian nation with a pegged currency fixed to the US dollar for ten years.... ... ... ... Defining the problem is not as simple as it looks, more so since the case details are mum on crucial information like inflation rates, interest rates, the balance of trade, our buying power and demographic profile, employment and so on....
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Feedback and Student Motivation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper 'Feedback and Student Motivation' will analyze the right feedback of a teacher.... This essentially means that the quality of feedback provided to a student by a teacher is directly proportional to the level of motivation of the student.... ... ... ... The author states that intrinsic motivation is driven by an individual's personal interest in an activity....
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Statement of purpose 4
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I have gone over the program of the school for the course I like to enroll in and I pretty much like it especially practical teaching, research methods in language learning and teaching and the theories of foreign language learning.... I have been a good student, though not excellent enough to claim awards but my involvement to sports could give me some good credits....
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Social and cognitive constructivism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Journal of Educational Computing research, 27, 3, 249-264.... Chicago: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational research Association ... Journal of research on Computing in Education, 33 (2), 162-177 ... research Dialogue in Learning and Instruction, (1), 1, 3-12.... Communication research, 21(4), 460-487....
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The Contrast between Saudi Arabia and the United States
6 pages (1751 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Contrast between Saudi Arabia and the United States" describes that Islam is the chief religion of Saudi Arabia while Christianity in the United States.... There are strong social behaviors in Saudi Arabia that prefer working in groups to working alone.... ... ... ... Saudi Arabia plays a unique role in the Islamic and Arab worlds, as it is the world's principal reserve of oil....
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The economy of Australia
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Australia is a small to mid-sized industrialized nation, with a population of approximately 22 million (90% of which live in urban settings, increasing by on average 1% anually) growing at an average rate of 1.... 48%, fueled almost entirely by a high rate of net migration (CIA).... ... ... ... t has a purchasing power parity GDP of less than one trillion dollars, though its nominal GDP in terms of exchange rate is 1....
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Import and Export Markets in the United Kingdom
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
GEP research Paper 07-13 University of Nottingham.... This essay explores the import and export markets in the United Kingdom.... The UK exports most of its goods to Brazil, India, Russia, and China while most of the imports come from China.... Over the past five years, some of the imports and exports have increased while others have decreased....
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Currency Pressure in East Asia and the Pacific 1990-2013
21 pages (6315 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Currency Pressure in East Asia and the Pacific 1990-2013" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research paper.... The paper "Currency Pressure in East Asia and the Pacific 1990-2013" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research paper....
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Gidget by Frederick Kohner and Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin
5 pages (1776 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Surfer infrastructure also broadened, because potential customers required new boards and other sports equipment.... On the one hand, Gidget mingles with surfers and strives for active development and outdoor sports.... The paper "Gidget by Frederick Kohner and Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin" states that in 1970th it is characterized by larger freedom of sexual relations, higher dynamics of urban life, and lower mortality....
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The Economic Effects of Immigration
8 pages (2380 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Visco (2001), "Trends in Immigration and Economic Consequences", OECD Economics Department Working papers, No.... Retrieved April 25, 2009 from HighBeam research: http://www.... Retrieved April 25, 2009 from HighBeam research: http://www.... The essay "The Economic Effects of Immigration" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the economic effects of immigration....
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Metric Machine Parts and Supplies Corporation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Metric Machine Parts & Supplier Corporation A network problem exists in the Metric Machine Parts Supplier Corporation.... This white paper addresses the problem and proposes the relevant solution.... 1.... Definition of The Business/ Technical Problem Currently, Metric Machine Parts and Supplier Corporation is facing problems in the area of network management and low level of customer satisfaction....
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Marketing communication
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Before going into developing a marketing communication plan for Viejas Outlet Center, let's get a better understanding of what Viejas Outlet Center actually is.... Viejas Outlet Center is one of the country's earliest outlet centers and is situated directly opposite to the.... ... ... Viejas Outlet Center, an award winning retail enterprise, has nearly fifty stores which are there to attract the public towards the center....
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Growing up Hidden and made-up story about best friend who is gay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the research findings, society may exert pressure on an individual by being antagonistic about how one chooses to live their sexual life by trying to dictate how one should live.... This means that scenario, friends, and family play a role in enabling one to live either in hiding or in the open as presented in the two essays....
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Final Project on Maternity Fashion
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
We conducted an exploratory research that targeted women who were pregnant or mothers that had formerly been pregnant.... Moreover, during the research it was observed that women during pregnancy felt clumsy and unattractive.... The essay explores the maternity in fashion....
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International Law and Globalisation
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The menace of such drastically barbaric acts of terrorism makes the news headlines in papers around the globe everyday.... Natural calamities aside, anything and everything that is reported in the papers, television and radio are all a consequence of human activities....
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A Vision of Students Today
1 pages (427 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The assignment "A Vision of Students Today" presents research is on the most important common characteristics of students in today's education system.... From the research, the average class size is always 115.... Some even said how they only read 42 pages for classes in a semester but write 500-page essays on mail....
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Tariffs and Non-Tariffs Barriers
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Tariffs and Non-Tariffs Barriers Name: Institution: Subject: Tutor Date: Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers Business involves the exchange of goods and services.... The exchange process can take place within a nation (local) or across nations (international).... International trade takes place because of the fact that no nation can produce everything that its citizen needs and whatever is produced may be too much for the same country....
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The Role of Expatriates in the International Management
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
We sought papers that reported empirical research, either from the creation of primary data, the utilisation of secondary data, or both.... We also sought papers that had real meaning and relevance in the field of international people management.... Harzing also uncovers the existence of papers on the subject written in German, pointing out that the language difference could explain why they were little known in Anglo-Saxon circles.... Harzing also makes the most of the data to present some related conclusions, and points to supporting evidence from other papers as well....
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Business Globalization
7 pages (2080 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With the growth of the cell phone industry, it has been able to take the advantage of economies of scale by investing more of their retained income in research and development and technological advancements.... Frontiers of globalisation research: theoretical and methodological approaches....
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Nokia as an International Company
8 pages (2108 words) , Download 2 , Essay
om/papers/MetaEdit_in_Nokia.... As per AMR research (2005), Nokia's Supply Chain network was rated as second best- both in size and quality, across different industries worldwide.... The essay "Nokia as an International Company" focuses on the critical analysis of the major peculiarities of Nokia as an international company....
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Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations and Intergovernmental Organizations on Global Governance
8 pages (2024 words) , Download 0 , Essay
International sports ... here has been an increase in the number of world wide sports which have led to increase in world relations.... The object of analysis for the purpose of this paper "Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations and Intergovernmental Organizations on Global Governance" is a non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that is neither part of the central government nor a profit-oriented business....
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The Effects of Globilization
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
n the recent years, a popular word which is always heard on the news, read in the papers and mentioned in conversations is globalization.... his research focused on this truth that the convergence of the accumulation media has some far attainment implications for restricted non western cultures.... According to this research analysis the growth of new international standards for sharing information are making it easier and inexpensive for companies to do business by each other over the Internet....
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Impact of Human-Animal Interaction on Welfare
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research essay 'Impact of Human-Animal Interaction on Welfare' discussed the impact of human-animal interaction on welfare and the role of selective breeding.... The interaction between people and nature caused many problems and changes in nature.... ... ... ... The author states that man became a powerful factor for socio-organized nature, the effectiveness of the impact of which on the environment and the person grows exponentially as the socio-economic development....
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The Research Report for the Teenagers' View on Sex
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
esearch question: The fundamental research questions guiding this study are: "What are the essential views of a teenager regarding sex" "What do such views of a teenager signify with regard to his particular life stage" ... his reflective analysis of the attitudes of teenagers on the question of sex calls for a mixed methodology incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research, aiming at establishing the fundamental views of teenagers....
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Corporate Social Responsibility - PR Fashion or Urgent Need
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Investors now rely on independent research firms to dig out the truth.... ustomer satisfaction A research agenda'.... This responsibility does not remain restricted to activities concerning the environment, or sports or education.... Such initiatives can be found in the field of education, sports, environment and culture.... The society has expectation in unrelated banking fields like health, education, environment and sports but banks such as Eurobank have their values clear....
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History of Junior High Schools in America
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A number of different literature and research is considered for the different claims related to the exhausted and unfinished history and philosophy of junior high schools in the United States.... Further, it is hoped that approaching papers and projects will be beneficial with the study of this paper. ...
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Land Use for a New Sustainable Community
10 pages (2804 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The objective of the research is to use the researched land can be used to meet the requirements as well as the needs of a new community.... The purpose of this research is to come up with the most suitable way of using land effectively to meet the needs of the community.... In order to understand the paper and the research, numerous terms used for the research should be understood as well as their significance to the research....
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New Systems of Education at the University
9 pages (2504 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The cost incurred during the project initiation is normally incurred in the research and audit that is done prior.... As a result, a research was performed and the results guided the proposal that will provide a solution.... The cost incurred during the project initiation is normally incurred in the research and audit that is done prior.... This cost is also incurred as a research .... International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing....
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Issues in Hospitality and Tourism
5 pages (1515 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The human resource management issues and factors in NSD highlight the scope of the NSD research and the factors that could bring in positive changes to management and employee relationships with the management.... ourism and Hospitality research, Volume 5, Number 4, pp....
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Should the UK join the Euro currency
39 pages (9750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Should the UK join the Euro currency" aims to analyse whether the UK should join the Euro currency or not.... A series of possible advantages and negative outcomes are also being presented in order to support the relevant argument.... .... ... ... This essay gives detailed information about the European Union and its currency....
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Human Resource Management, Reflective Report
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The lectures and discussions on Managing Volunteers and the Sport & Event Workforce can best be synthesized with an honest reflection paper.... Indeed, the best way to capture the lessons: both the theories and practical application is to have a personal assessment of the things that we have discussed, connect it with the things that I already know and make a stand. ...
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The Return of Hong Kong to China
6 pages (1829 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition, the history will continue to be of great benefit concerning the information has proved very useful for many academic papers across the world especially in America and Britain.... This was not only the first, but also the largest international sports events in the nation....
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Development proposal for UK Fashion footwear retailer
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this regard, Light Feet Ltd must perform a market research and analysis in order to determine the power that the manufacturers of footwear within the UK have on the retailer who deal in these products.... 750) point out that a company should conduct regular market research so that it is enabled to predict possible future changes in the market so that it would act appropriately and accordingly.... Therefore, Light Feet Ltd must invest in market research so that it becomes aware of the changing trends in the market and as a result employ effective strategies of meeting the dynamic and changing needs of the market....
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Thirsty For A Lovely Aroma
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Lilyana Halevacheva Thirsty for a lovely aroma?... Advertisers use men to reinforce stereotypes associated with men.... “Dune Pour Homme”by Dior is an advertisement of a lonely young man who is stylish, dressed in light colored cloths.... He is kneeled, thinking of something.... ... ... ... We catch a slight smile followed by satisfaction, because he wears a perfume that is shown on his right....
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Competitive Strategy and Innovation
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Later the concept of research, discovery and development came in, followed by patenting, product engineering, pilot testing, full scale manufacturing and then product launch.... This essay discusses the question that arises is that where does innovation begin, how it executed and what are the end results and how one measure does or understand the true value of the innovation at hand, under monetary terms....
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Role of Technology in Communication Process
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
By the end of this research paper, the readers would also understand the social revolution that technology has brought by affecting the conventional communication processes.... After studying the pros and cons of using technology to communicate, this research essay would now focus on understand whether or not world has seen a social revolution due to increased use of technology in communication processes....
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Current US GDP Figures and the Current State of the US Economy
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the financial worth of all the completed goods and services manufactured inside a country's boundary within a definite time period.... It is measured based on the amount of national income within a country's territory.... ... ... ... Current US GDP Figures and the Current State of the US Economy ...
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Children with ADHD and ADHD Symptoms
9 pages (3943 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ADHD is definitely a brain-based disorder and research is in progress to better define the areas and pathways in the brain that are involved. ... It is important to look at the literature or the research that is available.... It is important to look at the literature, or the research that is available.... Even though research shows that non-disabled children show a positive, though lesser, response to stimulants (Rapoport et al....
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Iraq Hydrocarbons Law
5 pages (1423 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Leila Benali, director of Middle East and Africa at Cambridge Energy research Associates said in a phone interview with her, that “even if contracts are awarded, their implementation depends on how the Iraqi situation evolves,” adding that “contracts may not be ratified.... This paper "Iraq Hydrocarbons Law" seeks to highlight the different aspects of Iraq hydrocarbons law and provide a healing answer for the pivotal question: why such an issue has been so controversial and of great public interest inside and outside Iraq....
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The Ethical Standards for Sales
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research has indicated that sales ethics has been a hit with the customers because they obviously would like to make a deal with people who are positive in their demeanor and know how to strike it big with them.... The paper "The Ethical Standards for Sales" highlights that sales ethics is not an oxymoron as some people think of it as such....
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Effects on College Students
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
‘It has been proven that extensive exposure content virtual can stop children from participating in social activities and organized sports (AAP,1992).... It has been observed that performance of the college students largely depend on the curricular and co curricular environment in which the students are attached with....
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Skills for Learning
8 pages (2362 words) , Download 4 , Essay
I will go through different essays and reports and try to formulate my own ideas from what I read, and then seek feedback from my study skills tutor 4.... Resources I will need to help me: Different assignment packages from the departmental library Study skills guides, textbooks and tutorial packages Academic journals containing essays and reports in the college library Access to the computer lab and use of my own PC Different examples of personal schedules from module textbooks Essay – Task 3 Study Skills Techniques Study skills are the academic approaches are used for the purposes of learning (McMillan and Weyers, 2009)....
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Advantages and Disadvantages Of Assistive Technologies
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This source is relevant since it discusses the challenges in the adoption process which are not found in many papers since much of the literature contains the benefits of the usage of the assistive technologies.... du/research/assist/et/notes/goldberg/ethics.... (2011), Effects of assistive technology instruction on increasing motivation and capacity of mathematical problem solving in dyscalculia student, Educational research, Vol.... This source also bases the hypothesis of the research study on the increment in motivation level of the child due to the usage of assistive technologies....
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Opera and Composers in the United States
7 pages (1843 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, Opera finds synopses, biographies of librettists and composers, historical essays and other research as well as other multimedia excerpts.... Jazz composers for example, which happens to be the genre subject in this paper, started way back in the 1960's and up to date the composers still rely on Opera for research work.... The development of new product is done after intensive research and development to allow it to compete with strong artists that have presence in America....
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25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On the other hand, the literature is presented in order to show the existed studies and the research that has been made so far regarding the issue under examination.... At a next level, the problem is approached from a practical aspect through the presentation of a research method that could be helpful to the extraction of results regarding the current situation of the problem as it appears in society.... women and media) trying to highlight any important assumption that would possibly need further research....
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European Union Broadcasting: The Policies and How They have Affected the Level of Success
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The third right and responsibility is that broadcasters should provide access to information that includes major sports and cultural events that are free on television.... This paper discusses a great deal of discussion about the power of competition in order to increase quality and secure the best possible dissemination of information....
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In What Ways Television Audiences Are Active
6 pages (1741 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'In What Ways Television Audiences Are Active' identifies the different ways in which TV audiences are active.... The essay commences with definitions of the word audience, and the concept of active audiences.... It identifies the different ways in which audiences are active.... ... ... ...
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