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Industry Information on park users perceptions and attitudes towards public exercise settings
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This review will restrict itself to peer-reviewed journals published after 2005 from various discipline areas including health, behavioral nutrition, preventive medicine, social Science as well as physical fitness and sports.... This review will restrict itself to peer reviewed journals published after 2005 from various discipline areas including health, behavioural nutrition, preventive medicine, social Science as well as physical fitness and sports. ... Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 1793–1812. ...
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Decision Support Systems in Medicine
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It accordingly touches on all basic and applied fields in biomedical Science and is closely tied to modern information technologies, notably in the areas of computing and communication (medical computer Science)"  [Stanford Medical Informatics].... The paper analyzes the core concepts of the basis of technology assisting medicine....
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Transformational Leadership During Group Work Assignments
6 pages (2145 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Transformational Leadership During Group Work Assignments" examines the transformational leadership style by the attribute that is deemed to it.... The research involved ten respondents, and they were asked to fill out a 10 questions questionnaire.... .... ... ... Transformational leadership is characterized by the existence of a relationship between a leader and his followers, normally it is the inspiration that the followers get from the leader that inspires them to do more than they would ordinarily do....
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Race in Ancient Egypt
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
RACE IN ANCIENT EGYPT Shreef Mostafa Dr.... Maher Archaeology The Ancient Egyptians began living in Egypt many thousands of years ago.... The ancient Egypt during the pre-dynastic period was united as one country.... This is demonstrated by the Osiris-Isis Legends myths.... ... ... ... The ancient Egypt is signified by the period when the Northern and Southern Egypt unified before the invasion of the Greek....
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Medical Treatment of Seriously Disabled Newborns
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Much of increase of disabled newborns is due to the significant advances in medical Science, such that babies born with severe abnormalities that would ordinarily have died not long after birth are able to be given life-saving treatment.... Much of this is due, in part, to the significant advances in medical Science, such that babies born with severe abnormalities that would ordinarily have died not long after birth, are able to be given life saving treatment....
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Social Structural Theories, Social Disorganization Theory and Cultural Deviance Theory
10 pages (2658 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
At the beginning of the study, the communities using the program and the control community were at the same level in use of the intervention by the approach based on Science.... At the end of three years of strict implementation of the intervention, the leaders in the Communities That Care communities revealed a report of a high adoption of the prevention using the Science based approach save for the control communities.... Technology is responsible for advancing evidence search such as forensic Science, evidences involving DNA, system investigation of blood samples and microscopic hair....
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Gender Based Violence, Police Behavior and the Court System
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Gender-Based Violence, Police Behavior, and the Court System" paper evaluates the notion of how crime is gendered.... Furthermore, the paper analyzes how gender influences a better understanding of various theoretical lenses and the implications of the notion to the dimension and scope of criminology....
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Antidepressants and Counseling for Treatment of Depression
26 pages (9229 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
The paper "Antidepressants and Counseling for Treatment of Depression" discusses that in comparison to the billions the pharmaceutical industry spends annually on marketing antidepressants, the counseling profession spends virtually nothing on promoting counseling services .... ... ... Antidepressants are generally considered to be the standard treatment....
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The Continuum From Legitimacy to Fraud
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper 'The Continuum From Legitimacy to Fraud' is useful in understanding the research framework and discussing worldviews as it relates to Earnings management: the continuum form legitimacy to fraud.... The main Research methods include quantitative and qualitative approaches methods....
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Female Objectification in Contemporary Films from Different Origins
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Instructor Date Female Objectification in Contemporary Films from Different Origins Female objectification refers to the depiction of women in terms of physical objects that men should look at and then act upon (Lindner, Stacey and Florian 222).... ... ... ... The historical perspective of human nature presents all human beings as being either subjects or objects....
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The Principles of Islamic Finance: the Primary Source of Global Finance
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper seeks to analyse the elements of the international financial crisis which has engulfed the world over the past 3 years and ask whether the core principles of Islamic finance have sheltered the Islamic finance industry from the worst of this crisis.... ... ... ... Examining the core causes of the crisis, how it developed and the key players such as rating agencies and subprime lenders, the paper suggest that elements of Islamic finance have prevented many of the negative repercussions that have swept through the Western financial industry....
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Future of Nanotechnology
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Na chnology Na chnology Na chnology is one of the advanced Science frontiers.... Development of this robovac has been highly appreciated as it has made carpet cleaning, floor mopping very easy, and convenient (Popular Science 1980).... (Pages 164 – 173) Popular Science.... Popular Science....
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Purse and Value of Survisry Leadership Prtis
29 pages (7316 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Purроse and Value of Suреrvisоry Leadership Prасtiсеs" is a wonderful example of a report on education.... The term 'supervision' is often used in different settings to refer to a process where a senior member of a profession evaluates.... ... ... ... In some contexts, supervision is considered to be a process that enables individuals to meet their goals in order to ultimately meet the goals of the agency (Delano and Shah, 2009)....
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Assisting the Employees' Replacement Process
20 pages (6659 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Human Resource Management (HRM): Dulebohn et al defined human resources management as the branch of organisational Science that deals with the employment relationship, along with the decisions, actions, and issues that relate to these relations (1995; p.... Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(3), 459-484.... Santa Rosa: California Informing Science Press....
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Lead Paint and Crime
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction Lead is a chemical substance that is highly poisonous, and which has the capacity to cause health and behavioral problems especially in growing children.... Exposure to Lead can occur in various ways, which include and not limited to inhalation and ingestion.... ... ... ... Paints manufactured before 1978 are considered to be a major source of Lead poisoning in the US (MedlinePlus, 2012)....
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Lean Manufacturing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In present days, organizations are experiencing lower productivity, high costs, excessive inventory and poor working environment in their production facilities.... To increase the outcome while enhancing the productivity has become an increasingly tough challenge for organizations.... ... ... This has put manufacturing processes in high stress to survive in the international competition....
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Marketing Strategy of Vodafone
14 pages (4500 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.... Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (1): 128-137 ... Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (1): 24-30 ... Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (1): 67-85 ...
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Subjective Well Being - Road to a Happy Life
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Happiness: The Science of Subjective Well-Being.... om/modules/happiness-the-Science-of-subjective-well-being ... The Science of subjective well-being.... The purpose of the paper "Subjective Well Being - Road to a Happy Life" is to assess the importance of the subjective well-being of an individual and the various factors that are linked to this subjective well-being....
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Importance of Innovation and Knowledge Management for Organizations
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Current market is extremely different from that in the past because of globalization and rapid advancements in Science and technology.... From the paper "Importance of Innovation and Knowledge Management for Organizations" it is clear that innovation and knowledge management have the ability to make or break an organization....
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The Relationship between Athletes and Performance-Enhancing Drugs or Steroids
8 pages (2218 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 5 (2006): 182-193.... The paper "The Relationship between Athletes and Performance-Enhancing Drugs or Steroids" states that anabolic steroids are most commonly used by boxers, weightlifters, and football players who fail to realize that steroid use hinders bone growth among many other potential health risks....
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Assessing Bilingual Education in Nunavut; Has Mother Tongue Instruction Decolonized Our Minds
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Primarily education would be a venue for teaching social values, transmitting cultural information, and developing art, Science and literature.... This paper aims to assess whether the aims of such reforms have been achieved, to note any unintended consequences of the policy and to assess the potential of future reform policy....
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Foreign Market Entry Strategies and Operations of International Retailing Industry
13 pages (3930 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This work "Foreign Market Entry Strategies and Operations of International Retailing Industry" describes the foreign market entry strategies and operation of the international retailing industry.... From this work, it is clear about the functions and key variables that have contributed sufficiently to the path of expansion towards internationalization....
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Management Accounting - Johnson and Kaplans Relevance Lost
11 pages (3182 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
(1995) ‘Design and Natural Science in Information Technology (IT)'.... This present paper is a research paper that looks at the criticisms, which were made by Johnson and Kaplan (1987) in regards to management accounting/ control systems.... In particular, the criticism stated that the MA systems had lost their relevance since they were “too late,....
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Increasing Concern of How Alcohol Affects the Rate of Interpersonal Violence and Its Impact on Biologis
5 pages (1568 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? LIVE Science.... As the paper "Increasing Concern of How Alcohol Affects the Rate of Interpersonal Violence and Its Impact on Biologis" tells, alcoholism is regarded as a genetic disease that impacts different individuals in different ways contingent upon their case history and transmitted genetic blueprints....
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Leadership & Organizational Behavior
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Canadian Social Science 2 (4), pp.... In the paper 'Leadership & Organizational Behavior' the author analyzes the role of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) in the current business context.... The responsibilities of CFOs have significantly risen due to many factors and economic conditions in the modern day context....
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Multivariate Techniques Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Multivariate Techniques: Factor Analysis Learning Institution Abstract Company W is a recent acquisition of WidgeCorp, a snack food company.... Because of the acquisition, WidgeCorp has attained the pole position in the snack food industry.... For WidgeCorp to reap the full benefits of the acquisition, it needs to integrate it management techniques with its acquisition, Company W....
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Choosing Between Wants and Needs
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Searchers were prone either to be unmarried or separated and have a tendency to buy products or services related to Science fiction.... A paper "Choosing Between Wants and Needs" reports that ideas, concerns, and endeavors show how consumers face the difficulty of reaching an appropriate decision....
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The Role of Grandparents in the World
6 pages (1748 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "The Role of Grandparents in the World" it is clear that the role of grandparents in most parts of the world has slowly but steadily been shifting.... Instead of them simply being grandparents, they have reversed their roles to act as parents.... ... ... ... The dramatic shift of roles is the increasing number of young, unmarried teen mothers, the HIV and AIDS pandemic which has wiped out most young parents leaving the children orphaned, the increasing number of divorce cases, child abuse, drugs, and substance abuse to the extent of parents neglecting their children and even incarceration of the parents....
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Extent to Which Social Network Network Affect Academic Perfomance
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These websites are now being looked at by various social Science investigators and a growing number of educational commentators are attracted more and more in the learning Face book, Twitter, and other social networking services, given that their possible blow on society.... Name Instructor Task Date Extent to Which Social Network Affect Academic Performance Introduction Social networking is presently being utilized on a regular basis by many people....
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Performance Evaluations
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Administrative Science Quarterly 40(3), pp: 495-523.... The following paper is being carried out to identify the methods of dealing with such issues and thus implementing the results obtained from the research phase in the organization facing the issue of performance evaluation.... ...
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Gun Violence: Psychology of Errant Behavior
6 pages (1851 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Skinner to the interdisciplinary Science of behavioral pharmacology.... The paper "Gun Violence: Psychology of Errant Behavior" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues of gun violence as a social problem, which is a product of behavior maladjustment.... There has been a recent phenomenon of gun violence in the United States....
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Pregnant Women with HIV Infections in South Africa
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Journal of Cognitive Psychology in Relation to Medical Science, 7(35), 16- 17.... Journal of Cognitive Psychology in Relation to Medical Science, 7(35), 16- 17.... This essay examines different points of view provided in the articles concerning the issue of HIV in women....
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Improving Media Literacy in Lower Education
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
American Political Science Review, 87, (1993): 672-685.... International Political Science Review 11.... This essay talks about influence of media in lower education.... Literacy refers to an individual's ability to read, write and comprehend certain information....
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Online and Face-to-Face Learning
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
? On-line education in a management Science course: Effectiveness and performance factors.... Scholars have identified for decades the inadequacies of the faculty- positioned classroom, nonetheless it has become hard to break free from the pattern.... Whether the schoolroom instructor uses discussions, lectures, small group activities, role-playing, or else any other method, it is conversely, the instructor overseeing the show....
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The Evidence of a Cybercrime Incident
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Digital forensic model based on Malaysian investigation process: IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.... The paper "The Evidence of a Cybercrime Incident" describes that the second software device that I will use is Helix.... The reason is, that this software has more than 35 tools for incidence response, as well as forensic analysis, such as devices for wiping data from disks like the one sent by Rader....
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An Evaluation of the Teacher Certification Process
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For example, during the first year of their studies students are required to take fundamental courses in English, Science, math, and history, or sometimes categorized as the general education courses.... Running Head: AN EVALIATION OF THE TEACHER CERTIFICATION An Evaluation of the Teacher Certification Process Client's Name xx March 2011 There are actually various options or routes available for those individuals who aspire to become a teacher....
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Using Encoders to Measure the Speed, Rotation, and Direction of the 4-Wheel Robot
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This research paper "Using Encoders to Measure the Speed, Rotation, and Direction of the 4-Wheel Robot" presents robotics as a Science that combines engineering design, manufacture and applications, and restructuring.... The aspects of this Science major are programming, mechanics, and electronics.... obotics is a Science that combines engineering design, manufacture and applications and restructuring.... The aspects of this Science major are programming, mechanics, and electronics....
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The Argument from Different Sides about the Existence of God
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Though Science and technology have progressed a lot there are still fair percentages of people that believe in the existence of God.... As per Richard, it is getting clearer to modern Science that the universe was fine tuned to create human life.... Though Science and technology has progressed a lot but there are still fair percentages of people that believe in the existence of God....
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Evaluation of Agricultural Green Revolution
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
here is a need to explore the role of Science and technology in the coming decades to improve the quantity, quality and availability of food for all of the world's population.... The paper "Evaluation of Agricultural Green Revolution" discusses the concept of the Green Revolution, its benefits, and the risks of these technological changes....
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Effective Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease
14 pages (3540 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Today Alzheimer's is one of the most exciting areas of medical Science, with researchers reporting real progress toward effective treatments.... "If the vaccine blocks the amyloid deposition and arrests the progress of the disease, then we have a preventative therapy for Alzheimer's," says Bill Thies, head of Science and medicine at the US Alzheimer's Association.... More futuristic, but no longer in the province of Science fiction, is the prospect of implanting healthy neurones to repair brains already damaged by Alzheimer's....
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How to Outsmart Alzheimer's
14 pages (3539 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Today Alzheimers is one of the most exciting areas of medical Science, with researchers reporting real progress toward effective treatments.... "If the vaccine blocks the amyloid deposition and arrests the progress of the disease, then we have a preventative therapy for Alzheimers," says Bill Thies, head of Science and medicine at the US Alzheimers Association.... ore futuristic, but no longer in the province of Science fiction, is the prospect of implanting healthy neurones to repair brains already damaged by Alzheimers....
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Brand positioning and focus
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Moreover, with the advancement in the field of Science and technology, now the consumers are more aware of variety of offerings for same product.... We are living in the global economy where it is becoming a growing trend that every firm is competition with all other firms performing same business, no matter where they physically reside....
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Personal, Business, and Economic Applications of Technology
12 pages (3833 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Review of Science and Technology in Society: From Biotechnology to the Internet.... Science Scope, 20(1), 40–41.... This research paper identifies personal, business, and economic applications of technology citing specific examples and how they can be used reasonably to limit adverse side effects of technology use such as illegal online transactions facilitated by fast broadband connections....
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Relationship Between the Perceived Role of E-commerce Privacy Seal and the Perceived Customer Trust
14 pages (4131 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
rust has received considerable attention in the business and social Science literature.... (1998), “Straining for shared meaning in organization Science: Problems of trust and distrust”, Academy of Management Review, vol.... (1999), “Information privacy concern, procedural fairness, and impersonal trust: an empirical investigation”, Organization Science, Vol....
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Year 2012: Fact or Fiction
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Be it the much debated appearance of planet Nibiru or the threat of the solar flares, Science has answers stemming from the inexhaustible research that various scientists from all over the world have been conducting over the ages.... But then, Science has its own explanations about the subject.... In the language of Science, if something is not established due to the lack of concrete evidence, scientists tend to express their doubts while maintaining their objectivity....
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Banking Crisis
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
?? Christian Science Monitor.... The Federal Reserve sets the nation's monetary policy to promote the objectives of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.... (Federal Reserve System.... In a country's economy the factors like inflation, interest rates and employment are interdependent....
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Internalized Stigma in Patients with Mental Illness
7 pages (2533 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The aim of the paper 'Internalized Stigma in Patients with Mental Illness' was to analysis the internalized stigma in patients with serious mental health in Australia and single out the ingredients that contribute to internalized stigma among different sociological populations.... ... ... ... The data used was collected from a total of 20 clinical patients (10males, 10 females) based on questionnaires they completed....
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The Impacts of Online Retail Shopping on the Footfall in Retail Shops and Sales
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The Impacts of Online Retail Shopping on the Footfall in Retail Shops and Sales" aimed to reveal the associations between online retail shopping and the footfall in retail shops and sales using a sample of adult respondents using the internet in a Metropolitan center.... ... ... ... The survey employed an ordinal scale to represent the respondents' propensity to traditional in-store shopping ranging from 0 (no visits per month) to 3 (more than once a week)....
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Extensible Business Reporting Language Technology in Accounting Information System
10 pages (2981 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
 Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE) 42.... ?? In Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), International Conference on Science 4.... "Extensible Business Reporting Language Technology in Accounting Information System" paper provides an overview of the characteristics of XBRL and also its advantageous impacts on accounting information systems....
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Racism and Mental Health: Psychiatric Diagnosis
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Thanks to advances in Science, there has been hoped that such 'psychological dysfunctions' can be easily linked to abnormalities experienced by an individual's biological functions.... This research study 'Racism and Mental Health: Psychiatric Diagnosis' shall be a literature review that would discuss the factors associated with a patient's cultural background and how it is used to influence psychiatric diagnoses in health institutions....
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