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Human Factors: Pilot Ergonomics in Naval Aviation
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
With the fast advancements in Science along with technology, in such fields as nano and bio-technology, it is fascinating to contemplate on what recently discovered issues human factors, as well as ergonomics, will be referred on to resolve. ... ?Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 4(7), 285-305. ...
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The Limitation of Academic Freedom
10 pages (2902 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Additionally, scientific research is likely to boost countries that still lag behind in Science (such as Oman) and is therefore a boon to the whole society.... 2010, “Social sciences in the Arab world,” World Social Science Report, available from http://horizon....
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The Concept of Distance Learning at a University
8 pages (3404 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Alsofyani, “Work in Progress: Developing Arabic Plagiarism Detection Tool for E-Learning Systems”, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology - Spring Conference, 2009. ... Piotrowski, “EduComponents: Experiences in E-Assessment in Computer Science Education”, ITiCSE'06, June 26–28, Bologna, Italy, 2006. ...
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The Medications Used in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
10 pages (3241 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
As the medical Science is going through a vast development, a number of assessment tests have come into existence, which plays a crucial part in the diagnosis at the right time and then management therapy.... The fact that the person's mental health is extremely important to carry out his daily activities makes the medical Science more dedicating towards the cure....
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Improving the Education in University by Using Information and Communications Technology System
12 pages (3892 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
These countries which are highly developed and also those seen as developing very fast, for example Korea, gave first priority to Science and Technology and this was possible because of the set up of their education systems.... ocial Science ... The author of the paper "Improving the Education in University by Using Information and Communications Technology System" presents a descriptive survey was designed to investigate how to improve education at Al-Baha University in Saudi Arabia....
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Research Review on the FDA and the Regulation of Drugs
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The other crucial role that the agency enacts is making sure that the country is secure from various effects like the terrorists attacks targeting health (Subcommittee on Science and Technology.... DA Science and Mission at Risk n.... Subcommittee on Science and Technology.... DA Science and Mission at Risk....
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Watson's Theory of Human Caring, Assessment Tools, and Homeless Young Adults
5 pages (1614 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "Watson's Theory of Human Caring, Assessment Tools, and Homeless Young Adults" discusses the assessment of the patient's condition as the first step in providing health care, and here, nursing assessment tools prove to be indispensable (Chinn, Kramer, & Chin, 2004).... ... ... ...
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The Security of Payments in E-Commerce
8 pages (2865 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
From the paper "The Security of Payments in E-Commerce" it is clear that generally speaking, encryption techniques should be promoted and improved so that relevant information of the customers are not sniffed or extracted by any unauthorized individuals.... ... ... ... E-shopping has become a norm for the modern man; however, the risks involved in e-commerce are often greatly feared....
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Poverty, Child Labor and the Industry Revolution
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Amsterdam, North-Holland: Elsevier Science.... The aim of this paper is to offer a thorough overview of the state of the current empirical literature on why and how children labor and the consequences of their labor.... This survey assessed what people currently know about child labor and discussed some of the ways the data was collected and also analyzed it....
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Media and climategate
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ccording to Seymour, climategate proved to be the starting point of a series of leaks that shook scientists' long held and advocated belief that “the Science is settled”.... In November 2009, while world leaders were gathering in Copenhagen for United Nation's climate conference, substantial amount of secret communication between internationally renowned scientists of Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in University of East Anglia was made public on....
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Anotated Biography
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
They are experiential instructional methods in which there is a momentary suspension of disbelief.... This is when are made to accept a fake situation as real.... The crux of the matter.... ... ... This work will be helpful in the research as it seeks to provide various ways in which simulation can be used in training teachers. ...
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New Technology High Schools
6 pages (1825 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Another study involved the feedbacks from the alumni of the New Tech High Schools; the study concluded that 40% of all New Tech High Schools graduates and 37% of the graduating girls from such schools opt for further education in colleges or work in careers of technological nature, such as Science, computers, mathematical etc....
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Scientist max planck
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Furthermore, it has ruined the entire structure of orthodox mechanics and electrodynamics and creates a new mission for Science that is, looking for a new theoretical foundation for the whole of physics.... Because his efforts contributed radically to the knowledge of atomic and subatomic dynamism, he received in 1918 a Nobel Prize (Weir 2009)....
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The Computer and Information Science Products
4 pages (1194 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
The paper "The Computer and Information Science Products" discusses that products are analyzed and evaluated for their performance and efficiency.... Short Research Paper The computer and information Science products are analyzed and evaluated for their performance and efficiency....
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Tests on ESP
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Realizing that the onslaught of criticism was getting intense, Rhine along with Joseph Gaither Pratt wrote Parapsychology: Frontier Science of Mind (Berger, Arthur, Berger, Joyce, 1991).... Parapsychology Terminology: the term parapsychology is derived from Para meaning ‘alongside' and psychology is as it was, meaning something alongside mainstream psychology (Melton, 1996)....
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Bilingualism Plays an Important Role in Decision-Making
7 pages (1825 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Trends Cognitive Science Journal , 16 (4), 240-250. ... Psychological Science , 23 (11), 1364-1371.... The paper "Bilingualism Plays an Important Role in Decision-Making" describes that the three researches show the effect of bilingualism on the exam outputs.... The researchers prove that bilingual test examinees have enhanced mental capacities compared to the monolingual test examinees....
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Time Management in the Context of College Education
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4.... The author relies on data collected from the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan.... International Journal of Business and Social Science 4.... This research paper "Time Management in the Context of College Education" seeks to discuss time management among traditional students....
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Information Literacy:
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The materials are essential for facilitating an individual's health as well as body's growth and development.... This paper seeks to support the popular claim among media and nutritional professionals.... ... ... The paper establishes the claim from a media article and identifies peer-reviewed articles that support it. ...
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Alkali Flies in Mono Lake
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Earth-Science Reviews v.... The paper "Alkali Flies in Mono Lake" discusses the Mono Lake alkali fly including its habitat, natural existence, and environmental factors that impact on its survival.... Mono Lake is one of the most visible lakes in the state of California, according to Nixon (2012)....
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11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In a detailed paper, Henrix and colleagues (2008) have over viewed the usage of SNS face book in health and Science libraries.... Bulletin of Science, technology and society, Vol.... THE SOCIAL WEB: POPULARITY OF SOCIAL NETWORKS Social networking websites are increasingly becoming popular now days....
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Australian Women Workforce Participation and Childcare from 5 to 12
9 pages (2871 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Action research originates from social psychology and has evolved from natural sciences, psychology, social planning, organizational Science and education (Carlson, Grzywacz & Kacmar, 2010).... The research 'Australian Women Workforce Participation and Childcare from 5 to 12' aims at filling the gap that exists between the Australian research on family issues and works focusing mostly on women....
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Climate Change: Do Human play a part in its Existance
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Climate Science Report.... Science 305 (2004): 367-371.... Over the years, the world has seen a rise in the advocacies for “taking care of the Earth”, as a response to what people term as climate change.... However, alongside these advocacies raised an opposite antagonism, claiming that the concept of “climate change” is just a black propaganda raised by capitalists and similar personalities hoping to cash in on the panic and subsequent responses to the scare of climate change....
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Knowledge Management - KM Readiness
21 pages (6689 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Knowledge Management - KM Readiness " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... Over the past century, business practices have changed radically, witnessing transitions not only in the outbound nature of the enterprises eradicating geographic and socio-economic barriers but also in terms....
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Isaac Newton Is a Great Man
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Isaac Newton Is a Great Man" discusses Sir Isaac Newton who gained popularity all over the world and was respected by many and is referred to as the greatest scientist to ever exist due to the many contributions that he made to Science and mathematics fields.... Newton did not only make contributions to Science and mathematics but also had a profound impact on religion and philosophy and this can be grounds for regarding him as 'the greatest' as will be discussed in this paper....
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Various Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions
12 pages (3360 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In terms of medical sciences, professionalism and professional development that is unique to this profession is exercised for better performance and reliability of schedules that are followed in medical Science.... The paper "Various Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions" tells that it is a disease that exposes individuals to immense psychological, mental and physical disorders....
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Mental Health Disparities in the United States
21 pages (5716 words) , Research Paper
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This research paper "Mental Health Disparities in the United States" aims to identify some of the challenges and opportunities faced in developing a research agenda to address mental health disparities and to increase awareness of the benefit of alternative psychotherapy.... .... ... ... In recent years' literature has reflected increased attention in the disparities in mental health....
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Sex trafficking
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Outline Topic: Sex Trafficking Introduction Definition of sex trafficking Summary introduction of the novel Thousand Pieces of Gold....
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Unconscious Participation At High-Level Of Cognitive Processes
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Such studies opened a new possibility in the Science of the unconscious mind.... The paper is concerned with the existence of unconscious participation at high-level of cognitive processes.... The writer of this paper suggests that unconscious mind shows some promising involvement in high-level thinking processes and it can even activate the prefrontal cortex....
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Mediterranean Diet and Lower Risk for Cardiovascular Morbidity
6 pages (1756 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Bazzarre on behalf of the Nutrition Committee Population Science Committee and Clinical Science Committee of the American Heart Association, it was argued that it is rather challenging to define a Mediterranean diet.... ?? The Nutrition Committee Population Science Committee and Clinical Science Committee of the American Heart Association. ...
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Important Characteristics of the Clinical Instructors in Radiology
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is of utter importance that students in allied health Science to receive excellent clinical instruction.... A paper "Important Characteristics of the Clinical Instructors in Radiology" explores the article on effective radiography on clinical instructor characteristics.... It creates an understanding of the author's arguments taking into consideration to the value....
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Foreign Language Education in China and Multilingual Future
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
In this regard Rong (2008) observes that colleges and universities are required to provide bilingual education in the following subjects: management, finance, political Science, natural sciences and engineering.... This paper argues that this system should be replaced with multilingual education, whereby all minority and major foreign languages are appreciated....
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Global Warming Is Bad
6 pages (1571 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
n their study Khandekar, Murty and Chittibabu state, “Several recent studies have questioned many of the projections of climate change made by the IPCC reports and at present there is an emerging dissenting view of the global warming Science which is at odds with the IPCC view of the cause and consequences of global warming” (1557). ... “The Global Warming Debate: A Review of the State of Science.... ??Environmental Science & Technology, 24....
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Sociology of Religion
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
They were in a manner trying to use Science to prove the existence of God.... This reflects the deeper intellectual debate between Christian religion and Science to wit how humans were created, whether by God (religious argument), by a higher force (intelligent design argument) or by chance (orthodox Science argument).... The issue then is determining what is ‘legitimate Science'.... It is noted, “Pennsylvania courts set a precedent when they concluded that intelligent design creationism is not Science in the 2005 case Kitzmiller v....
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The Abstract and the Physical Realms: A Philosophical Approach in Architecture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper will explore the penetration of the Science of philosophy into the modern world of architecture.... The and the Physical Realms: A Philosophical Approach in Architecture YOUR DEGREE) OR COLLEGE) This paper will explore the penetration of the Science of philosophy into the modern world of architecture....
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Effective Administration and Accountability in Internal Structures
10 pages (2938 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Organization Science.... Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Online First.... The paper "Effective Administration and Accountability in Internal Structures" states that in the future, researchers can uphold research initiatives towards the effectiveness of the organizational development practices in the cycles of new product development....
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Drug Abuse and Social Worker Role
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Due to research on drug abuse, many modern methods of solving the problems of drug abuse are actually Science based (Haggerty & Shapiro, 2013). ... “Science- Based Prevention Through Communities that ... This paper "Drug Abuse and Social Worker Role" discusses drug abuse and the role of a social worker in overcoming the social problem....
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The Abstract and the Physical Realms: A Philosophical Approach in Architecture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper explores the penetration of the Science of philosophy into the modern world of architecture.... his paper will explore the penetration of the Science of philosophy into the modern world of architecture.... It connects the complex branches of philosophy such as ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, epistemology, and logic into the physical nature of architectural pieces and designs....
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Global Warming
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The term global warming is used to denote the elevation in the average temperature of the earth's surface due to several greenhouse gasses (pmm.... asa.... ov 1).... Global warming does not only denote rise in earth's temperature, it even refers to the rise in temperature of the.... ... ... The occurrence of global warming can be traced back to the era of 19th century and a major rise in temperature of the earth as well as the sea can be traced back to the era of 20th as well as 21st century....
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Enron - the Debacle and Lessons Learnt
9 pages (2542 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper "Enron - the Debacle and Lessons Learnt" focuses on the critical analysis of the roots of Enron, its executives, the steps they took to reach the top, what exactly went wrong, and how this wrong was further fueled by an individual's personal quest for gains.... ... ... ... Quoted as the 'Largest bankruptcy filed in US History' by the 7th largest company in the US, Enron is a remarkable lesson to learn in the premise of 'from riches to rags', whereby a company, specifically top management, loses its integrity in 2001, most in part due to personal greed, resulting in the worst energy crisis, billions of dollars in losses....
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The Department of HomeLand Security
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper will focus on the history of the formation of the department of Homeland Security.... This research paper will also address the reasons behind the formation of the department.... In.... ... ... This study will highlight the mission and objectives that govern operations of this department....
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Adapting Instructional Techniques to Meet the Needs of a Multi-Generational Classroom
14 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Mutjaba and Preziosi (2006) write that “Integrating the art and Science of teaching leads to the fact that extraordinary facilitation is situational and requires the art of influencing others as per their level of readiness and skill” (p.... Students Making Sense of Science.... Research In Science Education, 41(2), 283-298....
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A History of Ultrasound Physics and the Properties of the Transducer
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Nature was among the first teachers of Man and the forefathers of Science were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of classes which enriched them with the knowledge of the universe, first-hand and raw.... Nature was among the first teachers of Man and the forefathers of Science were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of classes which enriched them with the knowledge of the universe, first-hand and raw.... This, in close partnership with the introduction of the diode and triode in the world of Science made the production of ultrasound available for underwater sonar detection systems (Nobelprize....
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Substantial Benefits of Breastfeeding
4 pages (1764 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
To seek the truth behind this concern, a significant study researchers conducted published in the journal “Social Science and Medicine” reveals the effect of breastfeeding on children's educational test scores at nine years of age based on an Irish cohort study (McCrory and Layte 1515).... ?? Social Science & Medicine May 2011: 1515-1521....
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Prototype Research Experiment
13 pages (3495 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The paper "Prototype Research Experiment" focuses on the critical analysis of the major conditions and results of a prototype research experiment.... The use of prototypes has in common to arrive at several judgments.... This is known to make work easier.... ... ... ... All that one has to do is to relate the various prototypes to the available data before arriving at a definite conclusion....
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Statistical Critique of an Article
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research will critique an article titled 'Effectiveness of Conflict Management Training for Traffic Police Officers in Hong Kong'.... The major research problem of the study is not clearly stated, but this paper inferred it based on research objectives and hypotheses.... ... ... ... The development of strong conflict management skill is a particular concern for law enforcers because they regularly interact with the public and these interactions are not always pleasant....
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Theoretical Position Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Contrast the basic theoretical positions of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James.... Describe the differences among their perspectives concerning the causes and nature of human psychological functioning.... The twentieth century bears the honor of the contribution of many eminent psychologists and psychoanalysts to the field of psychology and psychoanalysis....
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The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Greenwood encyclopedia of Science fiction and fantasy: themes, works, and wonders.... In the research 'The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power' the author gives information about how nuclear energy is produced.... He chose the topic due to the fact that the energy, in spite of its great benefits and wholesome advantages, is a subject of great controversy....
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Smart Phones Beneficial or Detrimental
16 pages (4843 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to a report published by the London School of Economics and Political Science (2012), it can be observed that in Austria, an adequate number of children, which is around 53% as compared to the average of European population, which is around 34%, are using smart phones for surfing internet and taking the benefits of chat-room conversations.... Furthermore, it is also been observed that around 9% of the children in Austria using smart phones have experienced mistreatment through internet which is also above the average of European children (The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2012)....
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Belief and Religion Debate
17 pages (4920 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This basic tone goes somewhat in unison with Science and its formulations of hypotheses.... Similarly Science is one more form of life.... Defining of God becomes thus a prerequisite, which everybody is aware to involve billions of assumptions and actions apart from experiments and Science.... Only this silence on the part of religions towards sex keeps them in a different plane from that of Science and psychology.... Bidwell, 1999) illuminates the theory of oneness towards which both religions and the Science of Psychology traverse in search of Ultimate Truth....
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Leadership and Motivation
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
As I am having double in Business and Computer Science during graduation hence I got the chance to go through some invaluable research work regarding leadership.... For example, as I am doing double major in Business and Computer Science hence it is expected that will get job in the field of business analytics or system analytics.... I believe that my command over Business subjects and Computer Science will help me to showcase my skills among my team members and help my team members during critical projects....
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