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Marketing in Healthcare
11 pages (3587 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Marketing in Healthcare" presents is a nurse supervisor and the Acting Principal Nursing Officer at the Ibn Al –Nafees Hospital in Bahrain.... It is located in the Bahraini capital of Manama and is just one of the only two private hospitals in the country.... ... ... ... Original journal articles of research-based evidence, such as those mentioned in this paper will be reproduced and creatively displayed in conspicuous places inside the acupuncture clinic and outside of the clinic....
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Hepatic Granulomas
8 pages (3356 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Hepatic Granulomas" presents 'hepatic granulomas' that is a medical term used to refer to abnormal small clumps that build up on cells whenever certain physical health disorders such as tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, sarcoidosis occurs.... ... ... ... Hepatic granulomas normally develop together with physical health disorders such as tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, sarcoidosis....
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Recruitment and Selection - Farah Experiences LLC
11 pages (2950 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), vol.... The paper 'Recruitment and Selection - Farah Experiences LLC " is a good example of a human resources case study.... Recruitment and selection are important organisational processes that can offer a basis for a positive outcome based on organisational motivation as well as commitment....
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Analysis of Economic Indicators for 20 Countries
10 pages (3512 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The idea of this paper "Analysis of Economic Indicators for 20 Countries" emerged from the author's interest and fascination in how bank lending rates affect homeownership while remittances, unemployment rate, and capital flow influence the real GDP output of a country.... ... ... ... Economic growth in developed and developing countries has been a subject of debate over the last decade....
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Technology Used by Amazon, Companies Offering Utility Computing
4 pages (1247 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Logic IN Computer Science and.... The paper 'Technology Used by Amazon, Companies Offering Utility Computing' is a meaningful example of an information technology case study.... Amazon uses Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) storage technology for internet data services making web scaling easier for computing by developers....
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Difference in Tuition Fees of the Educational Courses in the Universities
8 pages (2352 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The tuition fees for the international students in the UK humanities in the subjects of humanities, social sciences, clinical subjects, Science and engineering have been provided below which is higher than the students of UK.... The paper "Difference in Tuition Fees of the Educational Courses in the Universities " discusses that the tuition fees of the universities in the developing countries are comparatively lower which attracted the students from the developed countries to pursue education....
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Recognizing Risks and Improving Patient Safety- Mildred Story
12 pages (3954 words) , Download 15 , Case Study
This case study "Recognizing Risks and Improving Patient Safety- Mildred Story" presents risk management that requires the management to develop strategies that are coordinated and relate to a wide variety of organizational aspects that are associated with risks and safety.... ... ... ... Among healthcare professionals, the provision of safe, and high-quality treatment defines the extent to which patients get the best outcome from hospital care....
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The Dishonesty and the Misuse of the Gaunxi Practice
11 pages (3501 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?? Organization Science 15.... ?? Organization Science 9.... It has become an important aspect in the business environment of China and has been a prominent aspect that is seen for driving the success of the business operating in the country.... This study.... ... ...
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Klebsiella Pneumonia
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The bacteria that produce Klebsiella pneumonia Carbapenemases have emerged swiftly as the leading cause of multidrug resistant infection.... The organisms that are capable of harbouring these enzymes are usually capable of hydrolysing a broad beta – lactam spectra that includes those of penicillin, cabapenems, cephalosporin, and monobactam among others....
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Financial Management Analysis - Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer Inc
12 pages (3418 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ohnson & Johnson aims at inspiring and uniting ideas that are related to Science and research.... The success of the company is driven by researches in Science and it has constantly delivered improvement in the existing therapies.... The healthcare industry in the US is dominated by a number of distinct organizations representing the hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, which are generally privately owned....
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Poor Communication between Doctors and Nurses during Patient Hand-Over
10 pages (3127 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Surgical Science, 3, 65-71.... The paper 'Poor Communication between Doctors and Nurses during Patient Hand-Over' is a persuasive variant of a case study on nursing.... Effective communication between doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers is critical during the change in shifts to protect the safety of patients....
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Philip Condit and Boeing 777: Production and Sales Design and Development
5 pages (1619 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
n applied Science that includes the study of industrial arts one can apply toward practical use.... (1986) ‘Summary Report, 1986 DSB Summer Study Commercial Airplane Procurement Practices, 767 Airliner Study' Unpublished report prepared by the Defense Science Board....
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HRM Motivation Theories
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Hershey: Information Science Reference.... The project will clearly illustrate the problems as part of the case study, then analyze it using major theories to solve the problems at.... ... ... The paper "HRM Motivation Theories" is a wonderful example of a case study on human resources....
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The Evolution of Management
7 pages (2048 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This involved the application of Science to estimate each worker's productivity and maximize.... This involved the application of Science to estimate the productivity of each worker and the attempt to maximize that productivity by analyzing situations that workers find themselves in.... The management Science perspective, which emphasized mathematics, statistics, and other quantitative measures, emerged as the dominant paradigm.... Within management Science, the total quality management (TQM) philosophy of W....
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Archaeology Aims
8 pages (2020 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Archaeology thus is a world within its own self and it is better to have a know-how of what this field of Science could contribute to humanity and eventually to Science itself.... ince Science is advancing at a rapid rate and there are related developments within the relevant sub-fields, one could expect to see a lot of miracles to happen in the near future....
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Simultaneous and Sequential Line-up Procedures
6 pages (1999 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Rodriguez and Berry (2012) found that social Science research indicates that the expectations of the law enforcement personnel influence choices made by the witnesses in three key routes.... Eyewitness Science and the Call for Double-Blind Lineup Administration.... Suggestive eyewitness identification procedures and the Supreme Court's reliability test in light of eyewitness Science: 30 Years later....
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Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Omeprazole, Cardiprin, Endone, Coversyl, Lasix, and Other Drugs
12 pages (3361 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 70(10), pp.... The paper 'Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Omeprazole, Cardiprin, Endone, Coversyl, Lasix, and Other Drugs' is a meaningful variant of a case study on nursing.... Probitor 20mg According to the Australian Department of Health [ADH], its generic name is omeprazole 20mg....
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Various Influencing Factors on Human Behavior within a Fire Situation
8 pages (2362 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These include evacuation of the building, fight or control the fire, alert other individuals, and alert the fire department (Introduction to Fire Science Section, 2001).... They consider it as a false alarm and deny the unpleasant situation (Introduction to Fire Science Section, 2001). ... All these elements can render the individual incapacitated or dead depending upon severity (Introduction to Fire Science Section, 2001). ... Oxygen depletion cause by fire situations can affect the human behavior drastically (Introduction to Fire Science Section, 2001)....
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Steven Paul Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Many kinds of organizations now exist to support would-be entrepreneurs, including specialized government agencies, business incubators, Science parks, and some NGOs.... Entrepreneurship received a boost in the formalised creation of so-called incubators and Science parks, where businesses can start at a small scale, share services and space while they grow, and eventually move into space of their own when they have achieved a large enough scale to be viable stand-alone businesses....
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Google Health and the Future of Personal Health Records
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Even though the advancements in Science and technology are visible in every aspect of human life, medical Science seems to be the area in which technology contributed heavily.... Diseases which were uncontrollable in the past are controllable now because of the advancements in....
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Numerous Aspects in Education Fields
28 pages (7628 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
) describes Case study as one of the several ways of doing social Science research.... The paper entitled 'Numerous Aspects in Education Fields' focuses on a descriptive, exploratory, or explanatory analysis of place, event, person, or group.... The term 'case study' further explains as a thorough analysis of the situations either from real life....
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Base Pay and Benefit in Emitares Telecommunications Corporation
7 pages (2097 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The "Base Pay and Benefit in Emitares Telecommunications Corporation" paper assesses the relative advantages and disadvantages of base pay for company Etisalat and the main job analysis method.... The aim of this paper is to research the notion of job satisfaction in the context of HR management....
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Evaluating the Marketing Capability of SMEs
7 pages (2345 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of the Academy of Science, 39, pp.... This case study "Evaluating the Marketing Capability of SMEs" elucidates on the concepts of Entrepreneurial Marketing and the benefits for SMEs.... It would explain the need for benchmarking entrepreneurial marketing capability for SME through marketing audits....
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Behavior Management Plan for Oppositional Defiant Disorder
9 pages (2619 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
(2002), ‘Positive behaviour support: evolution of an applied Science', Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 4 (1), 4–16, 20. ... In "Bеhаviоur Маnаgеmеnt Рlаn for Oppositional Defiant Disorder" paper the author enumerates the various characteristics resident in Nick's disorder: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and entails the completion of the positive behavior management plan template....
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Utilitarianism, Rawl's Theory of Justice and Kantian Deontology
6 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The "Utilitarianism, Rawl's Theory of Justice and Kantian Deontology" paper states that ethics is seen as a Science of conduct and it lays down what is right and what is wrong.... Ethics is largely considered to be the ‘Science of conduct', whereby, what is right is based on the moral principle, the situation at the time, or even upon the individual (Kotler & Lee 2005).... Ethics is seen as Science of conduct and it lays down what is right and what is wrong....
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Innovation in Mobile Communication Industry
17 pages (4776 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
One is social field, which is regarding the art, psychology and organizational Science.... 2 Evidence: House of Lords, Science and Technology Committee.... This case study "Innovation in Mobile Communication Industry" presents the concept of innovation definitions, innovation technologies, and innovative elements of the mobile communication industry....
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Marketing Plan for Victoria's Secret
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The important elements of marketing Victoria's secret is to precisely define the business, identify the goals and serve as the Victoria's secret resume.... Pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, planning precise strategies and cash flow analyses comprises the basic components of a marketing plan Victoria's secret....
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Loss and Grief in Social Work
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Her son, Dex (20 years) had recently been accepted at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Texas at Austin.... In this study, the author attempts to understand grief through a life-changing accident that affects a caregiver.... The case is reviewed from the viewpoint of different authors and its intricacies analyzed, even while an intervention methodology is developed to be administered....
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Service Gaps Model vs Service Profit Chain Model
12 pages (3719 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Marketing Science, 21(3), pp.... The study "Service Gaps Model vs Service Profit Chain Model" critically discusses the ethos and elements of two key models in service marketing (the Service gaps model, and the Service profit chain model), evaluating them within recent research in services marketing....
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Relationship Between Digital Architecture and Digital Fabrication
14 pages (3840 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
om/Science?... This case study "Relationship Between Digital Architecture and Digital Fabrication" puts emphasis on understanding digital design and digital fabrication and exploring the relationship between digital Architecture and digital fabrication.... The world is currently undergoing a digital evolution....
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Ecology of Arabic Language in Southern Saudi Arabia
11 pages (3086 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Ecology of Arabic Language in Southern Saudi Arabia" is a wonderful example of a case study on culture.... In Saudi Arab, Arabic is considered as standard language and other side languages are considered dialects.... ... ... ... (Hazer, Dursun, 2003, 216) History of Arabic Language The first well-known territory to use the Arabic language as an official language is Lakhmid....
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Personality Disorder and Its Link with Female Criminality
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In this paper 'Personality Disorder and Its Link with Female Criminality,' the author attempts to establish the link between personality disorder and female criminality.... Maladjusted personalities with abnormalities in character may be a generalization of neurotic, psychopathic and criminal personalities....
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Language Learning Strategy in Class Diary and Lesson Plan
11 pages (2993 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Jacobs Hyland (2006) observed from the viewpoint of language teachers that integration of curricular should entail a combination of the teaching content such as Science or social studies with the teaching of language like grammar or writing skills.... The suggestion made by Halliday and Christian (2004) is that this approach is meta-analyses in nature such that students benefit in terms of effect on explanation construction skills, knowledge about the nature of Science, motivation and responsibility and metacognitive and reflective skills....
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Accounting Cycle at Rota
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It operates under Qatar Foundation of Education, Science and Community Development as a chartered, non-profit organization.... In this particular firm funds are generated with the support of Qatar Foundation of Education, Science and Community Development but it is then distributed amongst wide scale of educational activities to be hosted in Qatar, Middle East and Asia....
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The Boeing Aircraft and Operations Management
9 pages (2567 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
aking of the Airbus A380: A triumph of Science and engineering: http://www.... The author of the paper "The Boeing Aircraft and Operations Management" argues in a well-organized manner that the story behind the delay of the Boeing aircraft has been long and people have had to contend with disappointing news concerning the release of the airliner....
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Cellular and Molecular Pathology
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Cellular and Molecular Pathology" paper examines a case study in which the MRI scan confirms the presence of a solid mass lesions in the right middle lobe of the liver.... The possible etiology of the lesion might be one of the following: Haemangioma, Adenoma, Liver abscess, Focal nodular hyperplasia....
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Dealing with Stress the Genentech Way
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Case analysis: Dealing with stress the Genentech way Introduction Corporate organizations, in their pursuit for profit as a primary objective, have other interests that may be internally motivated or imposed by external forces.... While internal interest may involve drivers to achieving organizational objectives, legal and social obligations shape an organization's policies that may involves its human resource management....
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Saudi English Second Language Learner
12 pages (3459 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Motivation and attitudes towards learning English: a study of petroleum engineering undergraduates at Hadhramount University of Science and Technology.... Some background information on the learner especially about how he experienced learning English in his home country and how he has gone through ESL in the UK where he's now will be provided in the paper "Saudi English Second Language Learner"....
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Evidence-Based Assessment of ADHD in Children
8 pages (3915 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Evidence-Based Assessment of ADHD in Children" discusses that considering the fact that most children are unable to verbalize their personal behaviour as compared to adults, the use of self-reporting rating scale is not advisable in assessing children for ADHD.... .... ... ... Generally speaking, it is recommended that psychologists should have a direct observation on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder within a natural setting when using assessment method like CPT, BRIEF, DSM-IV factors, Conners' Scales, and/or the behaviour assessment scale for children....
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Leadership and Management Aspects of Teacher Recruitment and Retention
22 pages (6593 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper ''Leadership and Management Aspects of Teacher Recruitment and Retention'' is based on the need to have leadership styles and systems in schools that encourage the teachers to actively participate in the provision of the quality outcomes.... ... ... ... Given the importance of the school leadership in the development of the schools, this research has the objective of determining how leadership and management aspects impact the recruitment, growth and retention of the teachers....
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Creating a Company Business Plan and Strategic Management
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The various marketing products of Fujifilm are ‘electronics products', ‘highly functional materials', ‘medical imaging', ‘life Science', ‘graphic arts', ‘optical devices' and ‘documents'.... The medical systems and life Science products of the company can be sold to emerging markets where high-tech equipments are needed in medical health centers....
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Competitive Advantage and Scarce Resources
9 pages (2707 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(1), pp.... The resources must be valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (Stambaugh, Zhang and DeGroot, 2013).... are resources are valuable in creating a competitive strategy if other competing.... ... ... The paper "Competitive Advantage and Scarce Resources" is a perfect example of a case study on management....
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Schooling and Increasing Instruction of English for Girls in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (2931 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Other public universities that use English as the only medium of instruction include King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and King Fahd University of Petroleum and minerals.... Mathematics and Science achievements predicted by self- concept and subject value among 8th grade Saudi students: Invariance across gender....
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Information Needs for the AIS
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
One of the misinformation in accounting management is that technological change in the manufacturing of services and goods has to be preceded by the respective management accounting change.... Currently, an obvious fact is that many changes in the manufacturing technology in many.... ... ... Typically, for firms to improve their competitive average in the field there has to be an attempt change the manufacturing methods and tools, which would only be possible through technological However, changes in the technology of production in a company may necessarily not need be preceded by a change managing of information systems concerning accounting management....
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Physiology of the Brain in the Manifestation of Alzheimer's, Possible Clinical Treatment and Social Care for the Patient
6 pages (1950 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Physiology of the Brain in the Manifestation of Alzheimer's, Possible Clinical Treatment and Social Care for the Patient' is a convincing example of a case study on nursing.... The patient is a 72-year-old retired occupational nurse referred by her GP because of memory problems.... ... ...
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San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan Activities
4 pages (1176 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan Activities" reviews the trend in the enhancement of the San Bruno HCP.... There has been an influence of political power in the implementation of the plan.... Though the plan has succeeded in saving the endangered species, their populations have been affected....
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Leadership Decision-Making - Mafraq Hospital
14 pages (3577 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From his experience Richard has learned that hospitals cannot work in isolation and that various fields of Science and management must combine together.... UAE has faced substantial development in all its business and social sectors, especially the medical sector and healthcare facilities provided to its citizens....
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Coca-Cola India
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The Centre for Science and Environment, an activist group comprising of engineers, environmentalists, scientists, and journalists attacked coca-cola citing evidence of unsafe products in the company's beverages (Banerjee, 2009).... The coca-cola India has adopted its 6p's: people, portfolio, partners, planet, profit, and profit, which guide the winning mission of the company....
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Comprehensive Case Directions for the Case of Rory
24 pages (6518 words) , Case Study
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The paper "Comprehensive Case Directions for the Case of Rory" presents that Rory is a White male client admitted at the Tulsa County Forensic Inpatient Unit after he was recommended by the county police division following his arrest and subsequent unexpected behavior.... ... ... ... The case of Rory presents the legal hurdle of ascertaining whether he can really benefit from the provisions of the law that grant amnesty to offenders who have problems associating with any of the classes on insanity cushioned from prosecution in law....
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Ethical Dilemmas
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The fact can be evidently witnessed by her decision to convey the unethical behavior after her tuition for masters in Science in the University of Chicago was complete, according to her boyfriend's advice.... The discussion of the paper “Ethical Dilemmas” will focus on the ethical dilemmas faced by Valerie Young, a marketing manager in Wission which is a fragrance company based in Chicago....
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