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Violence in the Workplace - McDermotts Anger
4 pages (1149 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Violence in the Workplace - McDermotts Anger " states that seminars in the workplace should be held regularly to ensure that the workers are able to identify potential threats and respond professionally.... The workers in the company should be guaranteed safety.... ... ... ... Workplace violence refers to the violent act by a worker against his co-workers that may lead to emotional, physical, and psychological trauma....
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Loan Structuring - David Jones Limited
13 pages (3459 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Loan Structuring - David Jones Limited " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... This financial analysis report was prepared for David Jones Pty Ltd.... who through their Chief Finance officer has requested funding from our Investment firm amounting to $ 500m.... A business analysis tool is critical in deciding whether or not a company or firm deserves to be awarded a credit facility by a bank or investor....
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Cellular Phones and Cancer
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
David Reynard claimed that his wife's fatal brain cancer had been caused by excessive use of her cell phone.... Unfortunately, the lawsuit was dismissed due to.... ... ... This particular lawsuit marked the research into relation between cellular phones and cancer. ... ... ellular phones are deemed harmful since placement of an radiofrequency (rf) electromagnetic radiation source in close proximity with the brain is same as Studies to understand the relation between rf and biological tissue have been conducted since the early 1940's....
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Psychological Treatment of Addiction
7 pages (2029 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This paper "Psychological Treatment of Addiction" presents a case study of Michele, a 36-year-old lady who was recommended by the court for psychological treatment following her involvement in the use, addiction, and intent to distribute heroin and marijuana.... ... ... ... Michele is within the early adulthood period of development and thus the stages of her development are used to provide psychosocial, cognitive, social, and biological perspectives which would have led to her current drug problem and associated behavior....
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Older Adults Community in Bankstown
10 pages (3024 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Older Adults Community in Bankstown" outlines a community as a group of people who have common values which act as identifiers of the group.... A community normally forms a social unit that shares common risks, beliefs, and preferences that are uniquely related to the social unit.... ... ...
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Kirkpatricks Learning and Training Evaluation Theory
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
.... ... ... The paper "Kirkpatrick's Learning and Training Evaluation Theory" is an exceptional example of a case study on education.... The program evaluation model, selected for evaluating the program of proposed violence and sexual abuse prevention for youth to be undertaken in the schools is Kirkpatrick's learning and training evaluation theory....
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Human Resources Management Issues of Labor Dispute between the Owners Ineos and the Workers
9 pages (3327 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Using a business news event no longer ago than April 2013 as a ‘case study' you are required to undertake an analysis of the HRM issues involved, drawing on the theories, models and ideas covered by the two of the following topics : Conceptual models ... ... ??I see trade unions.... ... ... The paper 'Human Resources Management Issues of Labor Dispute between the Owners Ineos and the Workers' is a provoking example of human resources case study....
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Medical Board of Queensland vs Raddatz
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the paper "Medical Board of Queensland vs Raddatz" it is clear that the practitioners need to disclose all the information associated with the risks and benefits of the treatment involving complementary and alternative medicine, which needs to be free of any financial influence.... ... ... ... In this case, a medical practitioner had his medical registration license suspended after the prescription of Mannatech products to patients suffering from a variety of conditions....
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HCM Model Adopted by the Container Store
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'HCM Model Adopted by the Container Store' summarizes HRM practices which help the company's management to involve the employees for better efficiency through various training and development programs.... This model also incorporates fidelity and trust with the co-workers.... ... ... ... The current corporate and business culture has been marked by 'The elimination of many middle-management positions, the vertical and horizontal compression of job assignments, and self-managed work teams draw attention to 'strong' leadership and corporate culture, and the critical role of HRM....
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Outsourcing American Jobs to Foreign Countries
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
While most American families would view outsourcing jobs to foreign countries as a threat to the American family structure, many people believe that this opens up other beneficial doors.... At its core, outsourcing is about efficiency.... It is a way of increasing production while decreasing costs....
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Changes in the Corporate Culture of Rakuten
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Changes in the Corporate Culture of Rakuten" highlights that CEO who is also the founder, Hiroshi Mikitani, should have considered involving the employees in making the decision by giving them a chance to learn about the new policy which was to take effect.... ... ... ... Hiroshi Mikitani equally could have used the opportunity to explain why the company needed to switch to an English only policy....
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Business Law Issue of Peter
6 pages (1727 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the paper "Business Law Issue of Peter " it is clear that Capper (2009) outlines the principle of Promissory Estoppel prevents Sue from changing her decision.... The rule provides that the promisor cannot enforce his or her legal rights to recover his or her balance.... ... ... ... When Sue lend Peter the sum of 25,000 on 2nd April with 12% interest in return which Peter accepted, the agreement formed an executory consideration....
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Analysis Definition of Benchmarking
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay discusses the definition of Benchmarking.... The essay analyses the cases Benchmarking at Xerox and Benchmarking at Ford.... The essay considers business process re-engineering.... Benchmarking seeks to adopt strategies of industry leaders in the search for greater competitive advantage....
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The Increase in the Frequency of Involvement of Ex-Mental Patients in the Criminal Justice System
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'The Increase in the Frequency of Involvement of Ex-Mental Patients in the Criminal Justice System" focuses on the fact that subsequent to the discharge of masses of individuals with an acute mental disorder into communities, police forces encountered offenders with mental illness.... ....
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Multimedia Website Report
9 pages (2554 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This case study "Multimedia Website Report" is about the multimedia website under study is aimed at improving the organization's flexibility and ability to effectively respond to advertising and marketing initiatives in the sense of reduced delivery time and reaching a wider market at a well-managed risk-free atmosphere and highly integrated principles of operation....
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Culture and Crime: The Private Eyes Film
10 pages (2994 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
chwarz, N, Diener, E & Kahneman, D 2003, Well-being: the foundations of hedonic Psychology, Russell Sage Foundation, New York.... "Culture and Crime: The Private Eyes Film" paper explores ways in which films integrate and reveal unconscious myths that are based on public needs.... Therefore, it borrows ideas from The 'Private Eyes' Film in order to clearly demonstrate the effects of crime movies on the human mind....
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Blow the Whistle
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This is a case study illustrating a situation at a workplace that has cause upheavals among employees of Manly Construction Company, due to a harmful substance called asbestos that had been used during the construction of impregnated wallboard and insulation of overhead pipes.... ... ... ... For a well-organized presentation, the study is subdivided into sections discussed below....
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Code of Ethics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'Code of Ethics,' the author looks at humanitarianism, which is taking place by the employer supplying troubled teens, such as this 'waitress with a nose ring'.... However, good business and sanitation principles were violated.... There are ways that this could have been prevented.... ...
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Classroom Management Theories and Styles
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Glasser (1993) states, "Control Theory is a new explanation of how we choose to live our lives: It is actually a new Psychology" (p.... This paper "Classroom Management Theories and Styles" presents classroom management that includes that set of activities that are extremely important not only for creating a proper learning environment in the classroom but also enables the students to express their ideas in a professional way....
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Private Security in Maryland
6 pages (1811 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Private Security in Maryland US Private Security in Maryland US According to existential Psychology, security is one of the most significant needs the human race yearns to acquire.... This paper "Private Security in Maryland" focuses on the development of the security sector, the protection of the well-being of the citizenry, and the promotion of humanity....
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Operations Management - British Airports Authority
22 pages (6184 words) , Case Study
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The study of operations management is a core area to an organisation considering that it provides for an opportunity to present in-depth analysis of the situation as experienced in an organisation.... In the daily operations of an organisation, the realisation of the objectives or.... ... ... The paper 'Operations Management - British Airports Authority " is a great example of a management case study....
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The Outline of the National Curriculum in England
9 pages (2445 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Outline of the National Curriculum in England" highlights that the national curriculum sets the suitable learning challenges that tend to be fairer to every pupil without biasness.... The suitable learning environment creates a learning condition likely to be favorable to all the pupils....
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Financial Statements of a Barber Shop, Tesco Plc. and ASDA Ltd
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Financial Statements of a Barber Shop, Tesco Plc and ASDA Ltd" states that the financial performance analysis of the companies have pointed out that ASDA Ltd.... has been performing well with respect to the solvency of the company.... The overall performance of Tesco Plc is more noteworthy....
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Accounting Principles
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Accounting Principles' is a detailed example of a finance & accounting case study.... Projected Operating income is described as the amount of profit that the company will realize from a business's operations after subtracting operating expenses such as cost of goods sold, wages among others, and depreciation....
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Design Project and Application of Plan, Do, Check and Act Concept for Quality Improvement
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper presents a case study of a semiconductor IC design project and application of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Act) concept for quality improvement, implementation process, monitoring and evaluating the quality improvement, series applying actions to the outcome for necessary improvement.... ... ...
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Steven Paul Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Steven Paul Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft" focuses on the intricacies of international entrepreneurship by analysing the competencies and achievements of two giant figures in the computer industry— Mr Steven Paul Jobs of Apple and Mr Bill Gates of Microsoft.... .... ...
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Statistics of worker fatalities
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the year 2000, it was observed that maximum numbers of worker fatalities were caused due to vehicle crashes in US in comparison with other types of accident which has deliberately attracted a number of organizations to take effectual measures accordingly.... .... ... ... Case Study Introduction In the year 2000, it was observed that maximum numbers of worker fatalities were caused due to vehicle crashes in US in comparison with other types of accident which has deliberately attracted a number of organizations to take effectual measures accordingly....
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Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom
16 pages (4149 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom" describes that governance is defined as a system or authority of management that may include managing organizations or a nation as a whole has nowadays been provided greater importance than earlier times.... ... ... ... Corporate governance can be found to be followed in almost all organizations be it a large organization or a smaller one....
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American International Group Insurance
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
From the paper "American International Group Insurance" it is clear that generally speaking, AIG ran into trouble when financial companies bought a lot of increasingly risky investments such as subprime mortgages and got insured by AIG to cover this risk.... .... ... ... American International Group (AIG) went bankrupt and the US government had to intervene to save it during the financial crunch....
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Mental Disorder and Recovery in Mental Illness
11 pages (2799 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Mental Disorder and Recovery in Mental Illness ' is a dramatic version of a case study on nursing.... Mary is a 41-year-old lady.... She works as an accounts manager at a large company.... She has been married for 18 years with three kids; John, 17, Philip who is 18 and Sarah who is 10....
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The Rise and Fall of Marks and Spencer Clothing Business
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The author of the current case study "The Rise and Fall of Marks and Spencer Clothing Business" highlights that nowadays it is very important for the retailers to be able to leverage the expertise of their buying and merchandising teams to innovate new products.... ... ... ... The retailers should merchandise teams to innovate new markets to present differentiated products with lower margins but higher acceptability from the customers....
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International Management Strategy
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "International Management Strategy" focuses on the fact that it is a fact beyond doubt that AIDS is a disaster to the African continent.... This is considering the fact that more than eighty-three per cent of all AIDS-related deaths are recorded in this vast continent.... .... ... ... South Africa is the most affected nation in sub-Saharan Africa as far as the AIDS epidemic is concerned....
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Corporate Social Responsibility in China
9 pages (2677 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Corporate Social Responsibility in China" focuses on the critical analysis of the main peculiarities of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Chinese companies.... Currently, Corporate Social Responsibility has gained much attention in the business world.... ... ... ... The issue has become so crucial that it has been included in the strategic goals of organizations affecting every aspect of the conduct of business....
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Paradox in Fop Smith's Company
7 pages (1803 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study 'Paradox in Fop Smith's Company' is dedicated to the activities of the Dutch towing company L.... Smit & Co, founded by Dutch naval architect Fop Smith (October 11, 1777 - August 25, 1866) in 1842 and has been part of Smit International since 1923.... ... ... ... This often is a statement or conclusion that seems to be self-contradictory or absurd and often giving conflicting ideas but there would be an element of truth in it....
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HR Leadership in Difficult Times: A Story of Saving Mountain Deer of the Ranch
5 pages (1952 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"HR Leadership in Difficult Times: A Story of Saving Mountain Deer of the Ranch" paper examines the case of Parker and Clara Wilmington who were sitting in their home.... It was afternoon and they were expecting a few guests from Illinois.... These guests were not someone they knew.... ... ... ... The next day, Daniel was having coffee at his office when Caro entered with a complete report on the legal aspect of the situation....
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Genetic Engineering
7 pages (2469 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Genetic Engineering" discusses Genetic Engineering that is defined as the transfer of individual genes between unrelated species by using recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques.... It means that the genes of any living organism can be transferred to another living organism via rDNA techniques....
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The Four Methods in Lincoln Electric
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay describes which of the four methods stated in the textbook did Lincoln Electric use to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors, and how and why did they use these methods to gain an edge over their rivals.... This permeates right through the organization.... ... ... ... The company's compensation policy is based on the single but fallible premise that monetary rewards for high productivity are the only thing that can motivate employees....
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Human Resource Management, Causes of a problem
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
As it appears from the case Haier has had a very successful performance so far and it was due to its unique performance management system that successfully moved from a socialist enterprise to a multinational.... It is ranked as the world's sixth largest market of large kitchen appliances.... ... ...
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My Organization's OH&S System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Psychology And Work.... This case study "My Organization's OH&S System " discusses all the systems of an organization that is essential for its growth but the OH&S system is the backbone.... Until and unless the employees of an organization are safe and fit, the organization cannot be healthy....
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Joint Venture Agreement between Italian Winery and EVOO Bottlers
11 pages (2940 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Joint Venture Agreement between Italian Winery and EVOO Bottlers" states that both Italian Winery and EVOO Bottlers will need to have an outlay of financial resources at the initial stages of establishing the agreement.... In many cases, such agreement is financed by the merging parties....
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Border States Industries Fuels Rapid Growth with ERP
2 pages (573 words) , Download 9 , Case Study
In the paper 'Border States Industries Fuels Rapid Growth with ERP' the author discusses the issue when the Border States Industries Inc.... decided to replace the existing legacy Enterprise Resource Planning with the SAP software modules, they involved the key management in the implementation of the SAP....
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Gillette Companys Marketing Plan
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Gillette Companys Marketing Plan" paper states that Gillette Company continues to be a major player in the market of grooming products for men.... It has a long history in this line of production.... Its success can be attributed to many factors within and without the company.... .... ... ... The key to Gillette products' success is its aggressive campaign....
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Risk Management (article Critique)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper is pertaining to the case study of the integrated management information system (MIS) of University of Mauritius presented by Rodrigues & Govinda (2003).... The components of the MIS are - Human Resources Systems (HRS), Assets & Inventory Systems (AIS), Student Information System (SIS) and Admission & Nominal Roll System (ANS)....
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Performance Analysis
5 pages (1438 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper ''Performance Analysis'' tells that it is the method of evaluating the gaps that exist between the current organization's performance and the set organizational goals.... The organizational performance involves engagement with key stakeholders and to find out whether their needs are met....
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The Convergence of Terrorism and Cyberspace
4 pages (1320 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper entitled 'The Convergence of Terrorism and Cyberspace' presents the fast pace of technological development that has spanned the current century, one is intrigued by the way criminal activities have used technological media to perpetuate havoc.... ... ... ... The emergence and widespread use of the Internet globally have made this medium vulnerable to various threats and acts of violations of both personal and organizational privacy and security....
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Containing Acinetobacter Baumannii
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The aim of the paper 'Containing Acinetobacter Baumannii' is to analyze Acinetobacter baumannii or A.... aumannii, an aerobic type of bacteria resistant to most antibiotics.... It is associated with severe pneumonia and infections of the bloodstream and other parts of the body.... ... ... ... The author explains that due to its resistance to drugs, it causes many deaths in areas where it exists....
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Chernobyl Disaster - Causes and Facts
12 pages (3332 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The following case study "Chernobyl Disaster - Causes and Facts" will analyze this disaster with regards to what led up to the accident, the sequence of events, the main causes/ theories, and the consequences of the accident so as to provide a comprehensive overview of this unfortunate incident.... ....
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Fair and Equitable Treatment - Reality, Mirage or Dream
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper, Fair and Equitable Treatment - Reality, Mirage or Dream, looks at arbitration examples, investment treaties, and specific case studies such as NAFTA, and concludes that the idea of a 'fair and equitable treatment' has not yet been achieved despite proclamations to the contrary.... ... ...
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The Cole v South Tweed Heads Rugby League Football Club
8 pages (2151 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Cole v South Tweed Heads Rugby League Football Club " is an outstanding example of a law case study.... Many are the organizations are liable for patrons in cases where liquor is served....
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Enhancing M-commerce Adoption in Asian Countries
8 pages (2508 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Enhancing M-commerce Adoption in Asian Countries" explores the rapid development of mobile commerce and its adoption in certain Asian countries.... One of the areas in the new wireless economy is the expansion of m-commerce or mobile commerce which involves the use of a hand-held mobile device....
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